Section of Extension & Social Sciences
Mission Statement
  1. Technology assessment, demonstrations, capacity-building programmes and documentation of farmers’ innovations and Indigenous Technical Knowledge (ITKs) in tropical tuber crops to enhance farmers’ yield and income.
  2. Develop models for nutrition-sensitive agriculture to combat malnutrition in tropical tuber crops, promote sustainable entrepreneurship through technological and business interventions and empower women with targeted gender analysis initiatives.
  3. Impact assessment, value chain analysis, AI based smart farming technologies and leverage big data, statistical and bioinformatics tools to improve productivity of tropical tuber crops.
    Dr. J. SreekumarPrincipal Scientist & Head
    Dr. Sheela ImmanuelPrincipal Scientist
    Dr. V.S. Santhosh MithraPrincipal Scientist
    Dr. P. Sethuraman SivakumarPrincipal Scientist
    Dr. D. JaganathanSenior Scientist
    Dr. P. PrakashScientist
    V.S. SreekumarAssistant Chief Technical Officer
    T. Manikandan NairTechnician
    Sneha S.S.Technician
    Aswin Raj PSkilled Support Staff

    1. On-farm testing and frontline demonstrations to evaluate the location-specific applicability and for showcasing the production potential of  tuber crop technologies in farmers' fields.

    2. Capacity building of farmers, extension personnel and other stakeholders by updating their knowledge and skills in advanced tuber crop        technologies.

    3. Farm advisories and effective use of media to promote tuber crop varieties and technologies among farmers and stakeholders.

    4. Gender analysis to empower women in tuber crops farming.


    5.Impact assessment and value chain analysis of tuber crops for strengthening tuber crops sector.

    6. ICT and smart farming technologies

    • A System and a Method for Automated Fertigation of Crops (SMAFC): it is a device for fertigation of crops for precise and automated application of nutrients and water to crops to reduce yield gaps and optimize crop yield potential as per the advisory of e-Crop

    • IoT device: Electronic Crop (e-Crop) is an AI enabled IoT device that simulates crop growth in response to weather and soil parameters and generates agro-advisory that is sent to the farmer’s mobile by SMS.

    • Crop growth simulation models: EFYSIM- an elephant foot yam growth model, SPOTCOMS- sweet potato growth model; SIMCAS-a cassava growth model; MADHURAM-the world's first sweet potato growth model. 

    • Decision Support System: Sree Visakham cassava expert system; Tuber crops online marketing system, OUSHADHAM for disease and pest diagnostic system for tuber crops, Cassava protector, Tuber Information Cafe, CASSNUM 1.1 for nutrient management of cassava.

    • Mobile Apps: Krishi Krithya for e-Crop based smart farming; Variety Finding Tool (VFT) cassava and VFT taro; TuberGuru App for information of tropical tuber crops; Sree Poshini for site specific nutrient management based fertilizer recommendations.

    • Database/Information system: TUBERTECH on the ICAR-CTCRI technologies; TUBERHELP on information system of tuber crops. 

    • Developed web based early warning system for mealy bug, Sree Visakham cassava expert system 

    7.Enhancing tuber crops research and development through big data analytics, statistical and bioinformatics tools.

    • A web application was developed for carrying out basic statistical data analysis and data visualization specifically tailored for Agricultural Research, Agrianalytics@R can be accessed at

    • Developed an Interactive database of genomic variations in cassava, CasGVD. Genomic variations (SNPs and INDELs) compiled from whole genome analysis of two genotypes, Sree Kaveri and 9S-127. The integrative genome viewer (IGV) was integrated with the genomic variant database, which helps in chromosomal location wise retrieval of genomic variants in cassava.

    • Methodology developed for comparative and functional genomics analysis and reconstructed the starch biosynthesis and carotenoid biosynthesis pathways in cassava.

    • Developed an R-package for computing Soil Quality Index (SQI) by integrating ANOVA, Principal Component Analysis and computation of SQI.

    • Machine learning models were developed for the prediction of plant pathogen protein-protein interaction for colocasia-Phytophthora interaction using the protein sequence information on plant and pathogen. An interactive web application for prediction of interacting proteins using RShiny was developed which can select the protein features and the methods for prediction of plant host pathogen interaction.

    • MetaQTL associated with cassava mosaic disease resistance and cassava brown streak disease resistance were identified using meta-analysis of Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) in cassava for biotic stress resistance.

    • An R tool was developed for identifying optimal number of clusters, clustering using K means, hierarchical clustering, computing intra and inter cluster distances at optimal number of clusters.

    • SAS macro has been developed in SAS which can be used along with PROC glm for attaching superscripted alphabets to interaction means in factorial experiments.

    • An interactive web-based gene network development tool, RIntGeneNet was developed using R, which facilitates the construction of gene regulatory networks from microarray gene expression data.

    • Developed database of SNPs and miRNAs in cassava and elephant foot yam

    • A web based interactive database of tuber crops statistics has been developed using ‘R environment for statistical computing’ and Shiny package.

    • Developed a new method based on correlated mutation analysis, RMRCM, for predicting protein-protein interaction using regularized multinomial regression. R-code for implementation of the new method RMRCM is available via


    • Museum: Showcases the tuber crops technologies, products, and publications for the benefit of farmers and other stakeholders.
    • ITMU:  Facilitates technology transfer, contract research and consultancy services of the Institute.
    • Agri Business Incubator: Provides technology, skill upgradation and incubation for entrepreneurship using technological advancements in tropical tuber crops in production of quality planting materials, eco-friendly farming, smart farming and nutrition & health.
    • Statistics and Bioinformatics Lab: The lab is equipped with Linux and Windows workstation, 6 standalone terminals and 8 TB network assisted storage to assist High Performance Computing. The Lab is installed with commercial software packages like SAS, DNASTAR, BioBam (Blast2GO) and other open-source software for statistical and bioinformatics applications. The lab supports genomic research by providing access to analytical expertise and state-of-the-art computational infrastructure in genome and proteomic analysis, transcriptome analysis, molecular modelling and bigdata analytics.
    • Agricultural Knowledge Management Unit: Agricultural Knowledge Management Unit (AKMU) caters to meet the ICT needs of the Institute by providing and maintaining the Internet, Email, Video Conferencing and other computer related facilities.  The ICAR-CTCRI website and social media platforms of the Institute are maintained and updated by AKMU.  It is a nodal point of National Knowledge Network of India (NKN) for effective sharing of scientific resources. 

    Technical/Extension folder

    Sl No.




    1Field Demonstration of Smart FarmingEnglishV. S. Santhosh Mithra
    2Electronic crop (e-crop):a device which communicates for cropsEnglishV. S. Santhosh Mithra
    3Improved technologies of Chinese potatoEnglishSivakumar, P.S., Jaganathan, D
    4Improved Technologies of Chinese PotatoTamilSivakumar, P.S., Jaganathan, D
    5Tuber crops rainbow diet Sivakumar, P. S.
    6Eight incredible benefits of biofortified sweet potato. Sivakumar, P.S
    7Farmer participatory demonstrations of improved technologies of tropical tuber crops -  A success story 



    Jaganathan, D., Sheela Immanuel,
    8 Price forecasting of sweet potato in India: Application of
    artificial neural network model
      Prakash P, D. Jaganathan
    9Smart Farming with Electronic Crop (e-Crop) V. S. Santhosh Mithra
    Technical Bulletin
    1Production and processing technology for tuber crops, Feed the Future India Triangular Training programme Sivakumar, P.S
    2Model Training Course on Tuber Crops Technology Commercialization and Entrepreneurship Development. Sivakumar, P.S. and Sheela Immanuel
    3 Business Planning for New Agro-Technology Enterprises Sivakumar, P.S
    4E-Networking of AICRP Tuber Crops A user manual V. S.Santhosh Mithra
    5Sweet potato
    value chain assessment in India: Strategies and policy implications
     Prakash P
    livelihood assessment of tuber crops growers in India
      Sheela Immanuel
    7Taste the special: Arrowroot ladoo Sivakumar, P.S
    8Growing Orange-Fleshed Sweet Potato - A Field Guide Sivakumar, PS
    9TANUVAS & amp   Sivakumar, P.S
    10Commercializable Technologies from ICAR-
    MalayalamSivakumar, P.S
    11Commercializable Technologies from ICAR-
    EnglishSivakumar, P.S
    12Training Manual on Innovative Extension Approaches for
    Horticultural Crops with Special Reference to Tuber Crops
     Sivakumar, P.S
    13 Reinventing the tubers: Collaborative interventions for transforming tuber crops in North Eastern Hill States Sivakumar, P.S
    14Entrepreneurship Development through Production of Quality
    Planting Materials of Tuber Crops
      Sivakumar, P. S
    15 Business planning for Agro-technology enterprises Sivakumar, P. S
    16Training Manual on Making a rainbow: Production and utilisation of anti-oxidant rich
    sweet potato varieties
     Sivakumar, P. S
    17Intellectual Property valuation of Agricultural Technologies Sivakumar, P. S
    18 Traditional Tuber Crops Food of North Eastern India Sivakumar, P. S
    19CTCRI Rooting Ahead to North-Eastern Hill India Sivakumar, P. S
    1.Agrotechniques of tropical tuber crops (Tamil 2 nd
    TamilJaganathan, D
    2.Agrotechniques of tropical tuber
    TamilJaganathan, D





    Our Projects
    Mega Project 8: Developing methodologies and tools for assessment and transfer of tuber crops technologies
    Institute Code : HORTCTCRISIL 202001601472    Project Leader : Dr. Sheela Immanuel
    1Project 1: Technological interventions and documentation of farmers’ innovations including ITKs in tropical tuber cropsDr. D. Jaganathan
    2Project 2: Upscaling tuber crops technologies for promoting food and nutritional securityDr. P. Sethuraman Sivakumar
    3Project 3: Mapping of women’s empowerment in tuber crops cultivation for engendering research and developmentDr. Sheela Immanuel
    4Project 4: Impact assessment of technologies of tropical tuber cropsDr. P. Prakash
    5Project 5: Development of intelligent smart technologies for tuber cropsDr.V.S. Santhosh Mithra
    6Project 6: Generation and application of statistical and bioinformatics tools for tuber crops research and developmentDr.J. Sreekumar
    Externally Aided Projects
    Sl.NoProject TitlePrincipal InvestigatorCo-PIs
    1IP & TM scheme: National Agricultural Innovation Fund (NAIF) component I: Innovation FundP. Sethuraman SivakumarSheela Immanuel , R. Muthuraj, P. Prakash
    2IP & TM Scheme: National Agricultural Innovation Fund (NAIF) Component II: Incubation FundP. Sethuraman SivakumarSheela Immanuel , M. Nedunchezhiyan, M.S. Sajeev, Saravanan Raju , R. Muthuraj, P. Prakash, T. Krishnakumar, Satellite Incubation ,Centre Team: C. Sharmila Bharathi, Head, KVK, Kallakurichi; Thirunavukarasu D., SMS, KVK, Kallakurichi; Ashok Chhetri, Assistant Professor, MTTC & VTC, College of Fisheries, Lembucherra, Tripura
    3Development of smart solutions for managing biotic and abiotic stresses in cassava, sweet potato and taro through artificial intelligenceV.S. Santhosh MithraG. Byju, T. Makeshkumar, M.S. Sajeev, E.R. Harish
    4Soil health management in coconut based cropping systems involving tuber crops for enhanced yield and incomeD. JaganathanG. Byju, G. Suja