Research on tropical tuber crops is the primary mandate of ICAR-CTCRI. Each division ICAR-CTCRI concentrate its research programmes on separate aspects of tuber crops. Crop improvement division focus its activities on collection germplasm of different tuber crops from different parts of the world and conserving it in field gene bank as well as in vitro. 

Development of new varieties of tuber crops with higher yield and other attributes suitable for industrial applications as well as for food purpose is another important activity of this division. Crop production division is engaged in developing new agro techniques for tropical tuber crops in different agro climatic regions. 

Crop protection division develop strategies and products for managing pests and diseases affecting tropical tuber crops. Crop utilization division concentrates its activities on value addition and post harvest processing of tropical tuber crops. Section of Extension and social sciences is involved in transferring the technologies developed by ICAR-CTCRI to its clienteles.