Division of Crop Protection
Mission Statement

Development of plant protection technologies for tuber crops is the mandate of this division. Research on various diseases and pests affecting tuber crops is the major activity. The areas affected by different pests and diseases are visited by the experts of the division, and the methods to solve the problems are recommended and demonstrated for the benefit of the farmers. Biotechnological approaches for managing important viral diseases like cassava mosaic disease is one of the major research works going on here. The division has developed biopesticides from cassava leaves, and it is being sold to farmers at a very nominal rate.

    Dr.T. MakeshkumarPrincipal Scientist & Head
    Dr. M.L. JeevaPrincipal Scientist
    Dr. S.S.VeenaPrincipal Scientist
    Dr. E.R. HarishSenior Scientist
    Dr. B. G. SangeethaSenior Scientist
    Dr. S. KarthikeyanSenior Technical Assistant
    Mr. T.M. ShinilSenior Technician
    Mrs. P. VidhyaSkilled Support Staff


    • Basic and molecular techniques for the identification and characterization of pests and diseases
    • Tools/ Protocols for early diagnosis of diseases of tuber crops
    • Integrated and organic management strategies for pest and diseases
    • Technologies for production of bioformulations from crop residues
    • Protocol for production of virus free plants of tropical tuber crops
    • Identified sources of resistance for pests and diseases of tropical tuber crops
    • Biotechnological interventions in pest and disease management
    • DNA barcoding of insect pests
    • Identified antimicrobial molecules from endosymbiotic bacteria associated with nematodes
    • Multipronged rhizospheric and endophytic bioagents for pathogen suppression and growth promotion

    Technological Products

    Bioformulations - Nanma, Menma, Shreya

    Biocapsules - Trichoderma asperellum, Bacillus sp (Rhizospheric & Endophytic)

    Sree Pragathi - Trichoderma powder formulation

    Dasheen mosaic virus ELISAkit

    • Molecular plant pathology lab
    • Disease diagnostic lab
    • Microbiology lab
    • Virus elimination lab
    • Plant pathology lab
    • Plant virology lab
    • Transgenic lab
    • Biotechnology lab
    • Entomology lab
    • Nematology lab
    • Biopesticides lab
    Our Projects
    Mega Project 5: Development of innovative technologies for the intensification of pest management in tuber crops through biorational approaches
    Institute Code :  HORTCTCRISIL 202001301469   Project Leader :  Dr.E.R. Harish
    1Project 1: Management of important pests and documentation of emerging pests in tuber cropsDr.E.R. Harish
    2Project 2: Characterization of sweet potato weevil (Cylas formicarius (Fabricius)) resistance genes in sweet potato and related Ipomoea spp.Dr. Sangeetha B.G.
    3Project 3: Screening of newer molecules and bio-control agents for the management of nematodes in tuber cropsDr. H. Kesava Kumar
    Mega Project 6:  Development and refinement of integrated disease management and forecasting system for improved tuber crop production
    Institute Code :  HORTCTCRISIL 202001401470                Project Leader : Dr. M. L. Jeeva
    1Project 1: Emerging fungal diseases and management strategies for major diseases of aroidsDr. S. S. Veena
    2Project 2: Fungal pathogens and disease management in cassava and yamsDr. M. L. Jeeva
    3Project 3: Virus and phytoplasma diseases of tropical tuber crops and their managementDr.H. Kesavkumar


    Project 4: Mass production and effective utilization of bioagents to manage fungal diseases of tuber cropsDr. R. Arutselvan
    Externally Aided Projects
    Sl.NoProject TitlePrincipal InvestigatorCo-PIs
    1ICAR-CRP on Vaccines & Diagnostics: Development and application of diagnostics to viruses infecting tropical tuber crops (Cassava, elephant foot yam, sweet potato and yams)Dr. T. Makesh KumarM.L. Jeeva ,R. Arutselvan,R. Muthuraj
    2Establishment of mass production unit of bioagents for ecofriendly disease management in vegetable crops of OdishaR. ArutselvanK. Laxminarayana, Kalidas Pati, V.B.S. Chauhan, K. Hanume Gowda, M. Nedunchezhiyan