Dr. D. Jaganathan
Senior Scientist
Section of Extension & Social Sciences
Farmers’ participatory research, Sustainable livelihood assessment, Participatory technology transfer, Human resource management, Documentation of farmers’ innovations/ITKs
Head Quarters
Total publications
Number of Research papers: Twenty Three, Number of Books/Book chapters : Fourteen, Number of Technical Bulletins/ Training Manuals : Twenty one

    Innovation system analysis, Gender mainstreaming, Socio-economic impact assessment

    1. Jaganathan, D., Padmanabhan, V. B., Bhaskaran, C., Chandru, A. and Johnson, B.
    2009. Adoption of organic farming practices in vegetable cultivation in
    Thiruvananthapuram district. Indian Journal of Extension Education 45 (1 &2): 21-24
    2. Jaganathan, D., Ram Bahal and Padaria, R. N. 2009. Comparative analysis of profile
    characteristics of organic and inorganic farmers. Pusa Agri Science 32: 83-86
    3. Jaganathan, D and Ram Bahal (2010.) Reaping success with Organic Farming.
    Agricultural Extension Review (July-Sept, 2010), 22(3):26-28.
    4. Chandru, A., Vijayaragavan, K. and Jaganathan, D. 2011. Satisfaction and
    Constraints in Accessing Services of Soya Choupal. A Case of Madhya Pradesh.
    Indian Journal of Extension Education. 47(1&2): 45 - 49.
    5. Jaganathan, D., Ram Bahal and Padaria, R. N. 2010. Reasons for Practicing and Not
    Practicing Organic Farming as Perceived by Organic and Inorganic Farmers. Indian
    Journal of Extension Education. 46 (3&4): 1- 6. (Printed in 2011)
    6. Jaganathan, D. and Ram Bahal. 2010. Reaping success with Organic Farming.
    Agricultural Extension Review. 22(3): 26 - 28. (Printed in 2011)
    7. Jaganathan, D., Padmanabhan, V. B., Bhaskaran, C., Chandru A. and Lenin. V.
    2009. Attitude of Vegetable Growers towards Organic FarmingPractices. Indian
    Journal of Extension Education. 45 (3&4): 63-67. (Printed in 2011)
    8. Jaganathan, D., Ram Bahal, Roy Burman, R. and Lenin, V. 2012. Knowledge level
    of farmers on organic farming in Tamil Nadu. Indian Res. J. Ext. Edu. 12 (3): 70-73
    9. Jose, C. T., Jayasekhar, S., Muralidhran, K., Chandran, K. P. and Jaganathan, D.
    2012. A robust estimate for location in experiments with plantation crops. Journal of
    Plantation Crops. 40(2): 132-134
    10. Chandran, K. P., Jose, C. T., Jayasekhar, S., Jaganathan, D., Muralidharan, K. and
    Thamban, C. (2015). Yield estimation in cocoa with partial harvest data. Journal of
    Plantation Crops. 43 (1) 23-28
    11. Jaganathan, D. and Nagaraja, N. R. 2015. Perception of farmers about arecanut
    based multispecies cropping system. Indian Research Journal of Extension
    Education.15(2): 49-54.
    12. Jaganathan, D., Thamban, C., Jose, C.T., Jayasekhar, S., Chandran, K.P. and
    Muralidharan, K. 2015. Analysis of organic farming practices in cocoa in India.
    Journal of Plantation Crops 43(2): 131 -138.

    13. Jayasekhar S, Chandran, K.P, Jaganathan, D. 2015. Inevitability of a Revamped
    Innovation System for Inclusive Growth: Evidence from Plantation Crops Sector in
    India. Agricultural Economics Research Review, 28(conference issue), 292.
    14. Jaganathan, D. 2016. Analysis of organic farming practices in arecanut in south
    India. Journal of Community Mobilization and Sustainable Development, 11(2): 206-
    15. Thamban, C., Subramanian, P. Jayasekhar, S., Jaganathan, D. and Muralidharan, K.
    2016. Group approach for enhancing profitability of small holders through technology
    integration–Reflections from coconut farming. Journal of Plantation Crops
    16. Jayasekhar, S., Chandran, K.P., Thamban, C. Jaganathan, D. and Muralidharan, K.
    2016. Analyzing the trade competitiveness of Indian coconut sector in the
    liberalization regime. Journal of Plantation Crops 44(2):147-152.
    17. Prakash, P., Jaganathan, D., Sivakumar, P. S., Sheela Immanuel, Prabhat Kishore
    and Pramod Kumar. 2018. Does APMC market increase farmers income? Evidence
    from value chain analysis of sweet potato in Karnataka, Indian Journal of
    Agricultural Economics, 73(3):342-357. (NAAS rating: 5.15)
    18. Prakash P., Prabhat Kishore, Jaganathan, D., Sheela Immanuel and Sivakumar, P.S.
    2018. The status, performance and impact of sweet potato cultivation on farming
    communities of Odisha, India, International Conference, July 28-August 2, 2018,
    Vancouver, British Columbia 277216, International Association of Agricultural
    Economists. pp 1-12
    19. Sheela Immanuel, Jaganathan, D., Sivakumar, P.S., Muthuraj, R. and Prakash, P.
    2019. Livelihood assessment of cassava and paddy growing farmers in Tamil Nadu: A
    Comparative Analysis. Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Biosciences 7 (4): 90-98
    20. Jaganathan, D., Sheela Immanuel, Sanket J More, Sethuraman Sivakumar, P. 2019.
    Assessment of livelihood capitals of sweet potato and paddy growers in Karnataka.
    Indian Research Journal of Extension Education 19 (4): 43-48
    21. Sheela Immanuel, Jaganathan, D., Koundinya, A. V. V., Prakash, P., Sivakumar, P.
    S., Kesava Kumar, H. and Muthuraj, R. 2020. Mapping of Livelihood Capitals for
    Technological Interventions in Elephant Foot Yam and Banana Cultivation in Andhra
    Pradesh. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences 9 (8):
    22. Prakash, P., Jaganathan, D., Sheela Immanuel and Sivakumar, P.S. 2020. Analysis
    of global and national scenario of tuber crops production: Trends and prospects.
    Indian Journal of Economics and Development 16 (4): 500-510

    23. Jaganathan, D., Sheela Immanuel, Prakash, P. and Sivakumar, P. S. 2020.
    Sustainable livelihood assessment of taro and paddy growers in Nayagarh district of
    Odisha. Journal of Community Mobilization and Sustainable Development. 15 (3):

    1. Elain Apshara, S., Jaganathan, D. and Balasimha, D. 2011. Proceedings of seminar
    on Strategies for Enhancing Productivity of Cocoa, 28-29 January 2011, CPCRI
    Regional Station, Vittal, Karnataka, 196 p.
    2. George V Thomas., Jaganathan, D., Nagaraja, N. R., Ananda, K. S., Ravi Bhat,

    Vinayaka Hegde, Rajkumar, Hebbar, K. B. and Thamban, C. 2014. Research-farmer-
    extension interface on coconut and arecanut- An effective strategy for bridging the

    knowledge gap. CPCRI, Kasaragod, 69 p.
    3. Thamban, C., Jaganathan, D, Jayasekhar S, Chandran, K.P., and Chowdappa, P
    (Eds.) 2016. Harvesting wisdom of coconut growers. ICAR-CPCRI, Kasaragod,
    Kerala, 204 p. (ISBN 13-978-81-932263-0-8).
    4. Byju, G., Sanket J More and Jaganathan, D. 2020. Proceedings of the International
    Webinar on Harnessing the Potential of Tropical Tuber Crops under Changing
    Climate, 27 October 2020, ICAR-CTCRI, Thiruvananthapuram, 110 p.


    Book chapters
    1. Jaganathan, D., Jose, C.T. and Thamban, C. 2011. Transfer of technology
    programmes of CPCRI for cocoa development. In Proceedings of Seminar on
    Strategies for enhancing productivity of cocoa. 28-29 January 2011, CPCRI Regional
    Station, Vittal, Karnataka. 183-186 pp.
    2. Jose, C.T., Jaganathan, D. and Muralidharan, K. 2011. Yield variability pattern in
    cocoa. In Proceedings of Seminar on Strategies for enhancing productivity of cocoa.
    28-29 January 2011, CPCRI Regional Station, Vittal, Karnataka. 162-164 pp.
    3. Jaganathan, D., Jayasekhar, S., Aparna Veluru and Chowdappa, P. 2016. Success
    stories of coconut growers in Andhra Pradesh. In. Thamban, C., Jaganathan, D,
    Jayasekhar S, Chandran, K.P., and Chowdappa, P (Eds.) 2016. Harvesting Wisdom of
    Coconut Growers. ICAR-CPCRI, Kasaragod, Kerala, pp 116-139.
    4. Jaganathan, D., Thamban, C., Jayasekhar, S., Jose, C.T., Krishnakumar, V.,
    Anithakumari, P. and Chandran, K.P. 2017. Organic farming practices in palms and
    cocoa: Field level scenario and future strategies. In. Organic farming in Plantation
    crops. ( Krishnakumar, V and Chowdappa, P. Eds.), Daya Publishing House, New
    Delhi, pp. 305- 316

    5. Jayasekhar, S., Thamban, C., Chandran, K. P. and Jaganathan, D. 2017. Transition
    towards Organic farming: Policies, problems and prospects. In. Organic farming in
    Plantation crops. (Krishnakumar, V and Chowdappa, P. Eds.), Daya Publishing
    House, New Delhi, pp. 333-340
    6. Annamalai, S. J. K., Keshava Bhat, S., Senthilkumar, T, Ravindra Naik, Jaganathan,
    D and Mathew, A.C. 2016. Arecanut and Cocoa. In Mechanization in Plantation
    Crops. (Mathew, A.C., Manikantan, M. R. and Chowdappa, P. Eds.), Westville
    Publishing House, New Delhi, pp. 58-83.
    7. Prakash P., Prabhat Kishore, Jaganathan, D., Sheela Immanuel and Sivakumar, P.S.
    2018. The status, performance and impact of sweet potato cultivation on farming
    communities of Odisha, India, International Conference, July 28-August 2, 2018,
    Vancouver, British Columbia 277216, 30th International Conference of Agricultural
    Economists, International Association of Agricultural Economists. 1-12 pp.
    8. Sivakumar, P. S., Jaganathan, D. and Sheela Immanuel. 2019. The entrepreneurial
    process approach for developing agricultural entrepreneurship. In: Tactics of being an
    agripreneur – Learning the rope. Sreedaya, G. S., Anilkumar, A. and Seema, B.
    (Eds.), Sathish serial publishing house, Delhi, 9-22 pp.
    9. Byju, G., Jaganathan, D., Koundinya, A. V. V. and Sanket J More. 2020. Global
    status and SWOT analysis of tropical tuber crops. In. Proceedings of the International
    Webinar on Harnessing the Potential of Tropical Tuber Crops under Changing
    Climate, 27 October 2020, ICAR-CTCRI, Thiruvananthapuram, 3-13 pp.
    10. Ana Raj, J., Jaganathan, D., Prakash, P. and Sheela Immanuel. 2020. Gender
    mainstreaming in cassava cultivation in Kanyakumari district of Tamil Nadu.
    Proceedings of National Workshop on Gender Issues and ATMA Nirbhar Bharat in
    Agriculture, Central Agricultural University, Imphal, Manipur, 150-160 pp

    Technical Bulletins/ Training Manuals

    1. Jaganathan, D., Jayasekhar, S. and Jose, C. T. 2010. Training Manual on Arecanut
    and Cocoa Production Technology. CPCRI, Kasaragod, 139 p.
    2. Elain Apshara, S. and Jaganathan, D. (2011). Calendar for Arecanut. Technical
    Bulletin No. 67. CPCRI, Kasaragod, 43 p.
    3. Jose, C.T., Muralidharan, K., Jayasekhar, S. and Jaganathan, D. (2010). Proceedings
    of the National Seminar on Statistical Methods for Perennial Crops – Current Issues
    and Strategies, October 30-31, 2009. CPCRI Regional Station, Vittal, Karnataka, 105
    4. Jaganathan, D., Alagar, M., Elain Apshara, S. and Nagaraja, N. R. 2012. Training
    Manual on Advances in Arecanut and Cocoa Production Technology. CPCRI
    Regional Station, Vittal, Karnataka, 225 p.

    5. Thamban, C., Jayasekhar, S., Chandran, K. P. and Jaganathan, D. 2013. Training
    Manual on Participatory technology transfer in plantation crops. CPCRI, Kasaragod,
    Kerala, 198 p.
    6. Ananda, K. S., Nagaraja, N. R., Elain Apshara, S. and Jaganathan, D. 2015.
    Calendar for Arecanut (Kannada). Technical Bulletin No. 90. CPCRI, Kasaragod. 43
    7. Elain Apshara, S., Jaganathan, D. and Ananda, K. S. 2015. Training Manual on
    Cocoa Production and Processing Technologies, CPCRI, Regional Station, Vittal,
    Karnataka. 117 p.
    8. Thamban, C., Jayasekhar, S., Chandran, K. P. and Jaganathan, D. 2015. Training
    Manual on Participatory technology transfer approaches for plantation crops. CPCRI,
    Kasaragod, 245 p.
    9. Subramanian, P. Thamban, C., Arivalagan, M., Jaganathan, D. and Jayasekhar, S.
    2016. Training Manual on Integrated crop management and value addition in coconut.
    CPCRI, Kasaragod, 59 p.
    10. Jaganathan, D., Thamban, C., Subramanian, P. and Jaysekhar, S. 2016. Training
    Manual on Production, processing and marketing mechanisms in coconut. CPCRI,
    Kasaragod, 83 p.
    11. Chowdappa, P., Jaganathan, D. and Thamban.C. 2016. Empowering stakeholders.
    Information Bulletin No. 94. CPCRI, Kasaragod. 36 p.
    12. Byju, G., Ravi,V., Sheela, M.N., Jayaprakas, C.A., Suja, G., Veena, S.S., Asha,
    K.I.,Ramesh, V., Muthuraj, R., Rejin, D.T., Sunitha, S., Asha Devi, A., Sreekumar, J.,
    Jyothi, A.N., Murugesan, P., Mohan, C., Santhosh Mithra, V.S., Harish, E.R.,
    Jaganathan, D., Shiny, R., Sajeev, M.S., Shirly Raichal Anil, Makeshkumar, T.,
    Jeeva, M.L., Saravanan Raju, Kesava Kumar, H., Vivek Hegde, Koundiniya, A.V.V.
    and Sasankan, V.R. 2018. Post-flood loss assessment and rehabilitation of tuber crops
    in Kerala. Technical Bulletin Series No. 69, ICAR-Central Tuber Crops Research
    Institute, Sreekariyam, Thiruvananthapuram Kerala, 97p.
    13. Sivakumar, P. S., Prakash, P., Archana Mukherjee, Jaganathan, D. and Sheela
    Immanuel. 2018. Business planning for Agro-technology enterprises, September
    2018, ICAR-Central Tuber Crops Research Institute, Sreekariyam,
    Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. 109p.
    14. Sivakumar, P. S., Jaganathan, D. and Sheela Immanuel. 2018. Manual on Advances
    in Social and Behavioural Science Research. ICAR- Central Tuber Crops Research
    Institute, Sreekariyam, Thiruvananthapuram, 173 p.
    15. Sivakumar, P. S., Archana Mukherjee, Jaganathan, D. Sheela Immanuel and Kesava Kumar, H. 2019. Intellectual Property valuation of Agricultural Technologies. ICAR-
    Central Tuber Crops Research Institute, Sreekariyam, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala.


    16. Sivakumar, P.S., Anantharaman, M., Sajeev, M. S., Jaganathan, D., Muthuraj, R.,
    Krishnakumar, T., Laxminarayana, K. and Sheela Immanuel. 2019. Reinventing the
    tubers: Collaborative interventions for transforming tuber crops in North Eastern Hill
    States, Technical Bulletin No. 76, ICAR–Central Tuber Crops Research Institute,
    Sreekariyam, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, 56 p.
    17. Sheela Immanuel, Sivakumar, P. S. and Jaganathan, D. 2019. Innovative extension
    approaches–Experiences of ICAR-CTCRI. In: Training Manual Feed The Future
    India Triangular Training (FTF ITT) programme on Integrated Technology for
    Production, Processing and Value Addition in Tuber Crops, 16-30 September 2019,
    ICAR-CTCRI, Sreekariyam, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. 299-309 pp.
    18. Suja, G., Jaganathan, D., Ramesh, V. and Koundinya, A. V. V. 2019. Model
    Training Course Manual on Organic Farming for Safe and Sustainable Food Production with Special Focus on Tropical Tuber Crops, 1-8 November 2019, ICAR-CTCRI, Sreekariyam, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. 200 p.

    19. Sivakumar, P. S., Jaganathan, D., Sheela Immanuel, Muthuraj, R., Kesava Kumar,
    H. and Balasubramani, N. 2019. Training Manual on Innovative Extension
    Approaches for Horticultural Crops with Special Reference to Tuber Crops, 19-22
    November 2019, ICAR-CTCRI, Sreekariyam, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. 189 p.
    20. Jaganathan, D., Sheela Immanuel, Sivakumar, P.S. and Koundinya, A. V.V. 2019.
    Innovative technology transfer approaches for promotion of organic farming in tuber
    crops. In: Model Training Course Manual on Organic Farming for Safe and
    Sustainable Food Production with Special Focus on Tropical Tuber Crops, 1-8
    November 2019, ICAR-CTCRI, Sreekariyam, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. 183-
    21. Byju, G., Veena, S.S., Ramesh, V., Suja, G., Ravi,V., Sunitha, S., Sheela, M.N.,
    Jayaprakas, C.A., Sajeev, M.S., Asha Devi, A., Shirly Raichal Anil, Sreekumar, J.,
    Makeshkumar, T., Jyothi, A.N., Jeeva, M.L., Murugesan, P., Saravanan Raju,
    Mohan, C., Kesava Kumar, H., Asha, K.I., Santhosh Mithra, V.S., Vivek Hegde,
    Harish, E.R., Koundinya, A.V.V., Muthuraj, R., Jaganathan, D., Sasankan, V.R.,
    Rejin, D.T. and Shiny, R. 2020. Deluge of August 2018 in Kerala state, India:
    Changes in soil properties. Technical Bulletin No. 78, ICAR-Central Tuber Crops
    Research Institute, Sreekariyam, Thiruvananthapuram Kerala, 32 p. 




    1.Awarded Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) by ICAR, New Delhi during 2002 for
    Master’s degree in Agricultural Extension at College of Agriculture, Vellayani, Kerala
    Agricultural University, Thiruvananthapuram.
    2. Awarded Senior Research Fellowship (SRF) by IARI, Pusa campus, New Delhi during
    2006 for Doctoral degree in Agricultural Extension at Division of Agricultural Extension,
    IARI, Pusa, New Delhi.
    3. Awarded ‘A’ grade by NAARM for overall excellent performance in 87th FOCARS
    during 23.6.09 to 20.10.09.
    4. Awarded IARI merit medal on 13.2.10 for outstanding academic and research
    performance in Ph. D. degree programme in IARI, New Delhi.
    5. Acted as a Judge for selecting arecanut farmer for ‘Best Arecanut Farmer Award’ during
    2012-13 sponsored by All India Betelnut Federation & Indian Society for Plantation
    Crops, Kasaragod. Visited arecanut gardens in Dakshina Kannada district and Shimoga
    district of Karnataka for evaluating the gardens as per the evaluation criteria’s.

    6. Member in Expert Committee: Member in Expert meeting on ‘Formulation of package
    for yellow leaf disease affected arecanut gardens in Karnataka’ on 26th July & on 28th
    August, 2013 at Directorate of Horticulture, Lalbagh, Bangalore.
    7. Best poster award for the paper: Jayasekhar, S., Chandran, K. P., Thamban, C.,
    Muralidharan, K. and Jaganathan, D. 2014. Imperativeness of stabilized prices in the
    system of innovation: The case of coconut sector. National conference on Sustainability
    of coconut, arecanut and cocoa farming – Technological advances and way forward. 22-
    23rd August, 2014, CPCRI, Kasaragod.
    8. Member in Executive Committee, CAMPCO, Mangalore: Member in Executive
    committee for Krishi Yanthra Mela – III held during 24-26th January, 2015 at
    Vivekananda College of Engineering and Technology, Puttur, Karnataka.
    9. Member, Organizing Committee, National Seminar: National seminar on planting
    material production in spices during 21-22 April, 2016 at Hotel Malabar Palace,
    Kozhikode as part of golden jubilee celebrations of DASD, Kozhikode.
    10. Best poster award in National Symposium: Jayasekhar S, Chandran K.P, Thamban C,
    Jaganathan, D and Muralidharan, K. 2016. Sectoral innovation system of coconuts in
    India: Institutional voids and organizational resilience. 22nd Plantation Crops Symposium.
    15-17 December 2016, ICAR-CPCRI, Kasaragod.
    11. Evaluation of project proposal: Project titled ‘Introducing agro based technology to
    women farmers in rural villages for better livelihood’ submitted by Socio economic
    development corporation, Maharashtra was evaluated for funding by Ministry of Science
    and Technology, Govt. of India, New Delhi.
    12. Awarded Dr. N. A. Mujumdar prize award for best oral research paper titled ‘Does
    APMC market increase farmers income? Evidence from value chain analysis of sweet
    potato in Karnataka’ (authored by Prakash, P., Jaganathan, D., Sivakumar, P.S., Sheela
    Immanuel, Prabhat Kishore and Pramod Kumar) in the 78th Annual conference of Indian
    Society of Agricultural Economics organized by Institute of Economic growth and
    International Food Policy Research Institute, New Delhi during November 01-03, 2018.
    13. Bagged best oral presentation award: Jaganathan, D., Sheela Immanuel, A.V.V.
    Koundinya and P. Sethuraman Sivakumar in International Conference on Extension for
    Strengthening Agricultural Research and Development (eSARD 2019) organized by
    Extension Education Society, TNAU, Coimbatore during 14-16 December 2019 at
    Mysuru, Karnataka.
    14. Bagged best oral presentation award: Jaganathan, D., Sheela Immanuel, Prakash, P.,
    and Sivakumar, P. S. 2020. Sustainable livelihood assessment of taro and paddy growers
    in Nayagarh district of Odisha in the National Conference on Agricultural Resource
    Management for Atma Nirbhar Bharat, 17-19 July 2020, Central Agricultural University,
    Imphal, Manipur.
    15. Bagged best oral presentation award: Ana Raj, Jaganathan, D., P Prakash and Sheela
    Immanuel. 2020. Gender analysis in cassava cultivation in Kanyakumari district of Tamil
    Nadu in the National Conference on Gender issues and Atma Nirbhar Bharat, 15-17
    October 2020, Central Agricultural University, Imphal, Manipur.


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