Dr. P. Prakash
Section of Extension & Social Sciences
Head Quarters

    Impact of technologies, value chain analysis

    Number of Institute projects being handled: 10
    1. Impact assessment of technologies of tropical tuber crops(PI)
    2. Technological interventions and documentation of farmers innovations including
    ITKs in tropical tuber crops (Co-PI)
    3. Mapping of women empowerment in tuber crops cultivation for engendering
    research and development (Co-PI)
    4. Generation and application of statistical and bioinformatics tools for tropical tuber
    crops research and development (Co-PI)
    5. Development and functional characterization of modified starches of cassava and
    lesser known tropical tuber starches for industrial application (Co-PI)
    6. Development and evaluation of tuber crops based prebiotic low calorie and value
    added functional foods (Co-PI)
    7. Weed management in tropical tuber crops (Co-PI)
    8. Soil carbon quality and conservation studies in tropical tuber crops (Co-PI)
    9. Climate change adaptation and mitigation in tropical tuber crops (Co-PI)
    10. Breeding to evolve trait specific varieties in cassava, yams and arrowroot for
    productivity, earliness, quality and resistance to biotic stresses (Co-PI)

    Number of Research papers:20
    1. Prakash P, Pramod Kumar, Amit Kar and Awani Kumar Singh. 2020. Status and
    impact of protected cultivation of horticultural crops in Maharashtra, Indian Journal
    of Horticulture, 77(3):518-526.
    2. Prakash, P.,Jaganathan, D., Sheela Immanuel and Sivakumar, P.S. 2020. Analysis of
    global and national scenario of tuber crops production: Trends and prospects. Indian
    Journal of Economics and Development, 16(4): 500-510.
    3. Prakash P, Pramod Kumar, Amit Kar, Awani Kumar Singh and Anbukkani P. 2019.
    Progress and performance of protected cultivation in Maharashtra, Indian Journal of
    Economics and Development, 15(4):555-563.

    4. Prakash, P., Jaganathan, D., Sivakumar, P. S., Sheela Immanuel, Prabhat Kishore and
    Pramod Kumar. 2018. Does APMC market increase farmers’ income? Evidence from
    value chain analysis of sweet potato in Karnataka, Indian Journal of Agricultural
    Economics, 73(3):342-357.
    5. Prakash P, Avinash Kishore, Devesh Roy, Debdutt Behura and Sheela Immanuel
    .2017. Bio fortification for reducing hidden hunger: A value chain analysis of sweet
    potato in Odisha, India. Agricultural Economics Research Review, 30 (2):201-212.
    6. Prakash, P and Pramod Kumar.2016. Performance of Kisan credit card scheme in
    Tamil Nadu. Indian. Indian Journal of Agriculture Economics. 71(2):191-211.
    7. Prakash, P., Avinash Kishore., Devesh Roy and Debdutt Behura.2016.Economic
    analysis of sweet potato farming and marketing in Odisha. Journal of Root Crops.42
    8. Amit Kar, Pramod Kumar, P Prakash, D R Singh, J P Dabas, SathishGowda, C S, Nayan
    Deepak, Vijay Pooniya and R S Bana. 2020. Doubling farmers’ income in Delhi state:
    An introspection, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 90(8):124-132.
    9. Amit Kar, EmalShegiwal, Pramod Kumar and P Prakash. 2020. Impact of contract
    farming on basmati rice (Oryzasativa) in India, Indian Jounral of Agricultural Sciences,
    10. Manaswi B.H, Pramod Kumar, Prakash P, P Anbukkani, Amit Kar, G.K. Jha, D U M Rao
    and V. Lenin. 2020. Impact of farmer producers organization on organic chilli
    production in Telangana, Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge, 19(1):33-43.
    11. Sheela Immanuel, Jaganathan, D., Koundinya, A. V. V., Prakash, P., Sivakumar, P. S.,
    Kesava Kumar, H. and Muthuraj, R. 2020. Mapping of Livelihood Capitals for
    Technological Interventions in Elephant Foot Yam and Banana Cultivation in Andhra
    Pradesh. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences 9 (8):
    12. Vikram Yogi, Pramod Kumar, Prakash P, Amit Kar, D.R.Singh, Rashmi Singh,
    PrawinArya and O.P. Awasthi. 2019. An economic evaluation of kinnow cultivation in
    north western India, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(10): 132-135.
    13. Manaswi B.H, Pramod Kumar, Prakash P, Amit Kar, P Anbukkani, G.K. Jha and D U
    M.2019. Impact of Farmer Producer Organisations on organic chilli (Capsicum

    frutescens) production in Telangana, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(11):
    14. Sheela Immanuel, Jaganathan, D., Sivakumar, P. S., Muthuraj, R. and Prakash, P.
    2019. Livelihood assessment of cassava and paddy growing farmers in Tamil Nadu: A
    comparative analysis. InternationalJournal of Pure and AppliedBioscience, 7(4):90-98.
    15. Manaswi B.H, Pramod Kumar, Prakash P, P Anbukkani, Amit Kar, G.K. Jha and D U M
    Rao. 2018. Progress and performance of states in promotions of farmer producer
    organizations in India, Indian Journal of Extension Education, 54(2): 108-113.
    16. Manaswi B.H, Pramod Kumar, Prakash P, P Anbukkani, Amit Kar, G.K. Jha, D U M Rao
    and V. Lenin. 2018. Evaluation of farmer producer’s organization of Telangana: A
    SWOT analysis approach, Journal of Community Mobilization and Sustainable
    17. V. Mahesh., P.S. SwathiLekshmi., DilipAnandaPawar., Daliyamol, Alok Kumar and P.
    Prakash.2017.Matrix Ranking- An important PRA tool to assess farmer’s preferences
    and priorities. Agricultural Science Digest. 37(2):100-105.
    18. Sheela Immanuel, P.S.Sivakumar, P. Prakash and D. Jaganathan (2017).Livelihood
    analysis of tuber crop farmers in Kerala. Journal of Root Crops.43(1):111-115
    19. V.Yogi, Pramod Kumar, Prakash P, Amit Kar, D R Singh, R singh, P Arya and O P
    Awasthi. 2020. Are traditional marketing channels of kinnow really bad.Indian
    Journal of Traditional Knowledge, 19(4): 846-860.
    20. Jaganathan, D., Sheela Immanuel, Prakash, P. and Sivakumar, P. S. 2020. Sustainable
    livelihood assessment of taro and paddy growers in Nayagarh district of Odisha.
    Journal of Community Mobilization and Sustainable Development. 15(3): 686-693.
     Number of Books/Book chapters: 7
    Books: 5
    1. Amit Kar, Pramod Kumar, Burman R.R., Nain, M.S., Dubey, S.K., Harbir Singh,
    SatishGowda, Balasubramanian, M., Prakash, P. and Sharma, J.P. 2020. Impact of
    Cluster Frontline Demonstration on Pulses in Northern India, ICAR-Indian Agricultural
    Research Institute, New Delhi, 104 p.

    2. P.S.Sivakumar, P. Prakash, Archana Mukherjee, D.Jaganathan and Sheela Immanuel. 2018.
    Business planning for Agro-technology enterprises, ICAR-Central Tuber Crops Research
    Institute, Kerala, 114pp.
    3. Gobinath, R, Prakash, P.,Annamalai, M., SakthiParthiban, R., Palanisamy, A.,
    KuzhandhavelPillai, A., Kumaresan, P. and Balasubramanian, P. 2020. TNPSC AO
    Exam 21 previous years original question papers of Agricultural Subject with answer
    key, Phoenix Coaching Centre, Thirupattur, Tamil Nadu, 400 p.
    4. Prakash, P. Arun, M. And Rajesh, V. 2020. TNPSC General Studies, Phoenix guide on
    Indian Economy. Phoenix Coaching Centre, Thirupattur, Tamil Nadu, 110 p.
    5. Prakash, P., Thomas Felix, K, Paramasivam, R. and Manimozhi, C. 2020. Phoenix’s
    Instant notes on Agricultural Economics, TNPSC Agricultural Officer Exam, Phoenix
    Coaching Centre, Thirupattur, Tamil Nadu, 177 p.
    Book chapter: 2
    1. Prakash, P., Pramodkumar, Prabhat Kishore, Niranjan, S., Jaganathan, D., Sheela
    Immanuel and Sivakumar, P. S. 2020. Impact of protected cultivation in
    Maharashtra- Propensity score matching approach. In. Recent Researches in social
    science (Eds. Krishnakumare, B. And Niranjan, S.), Phoenix coaching centre,
    Thirupathur, Tamil Nadu, 5-10 pp.
    2. Anbukkani, P. and Prakash, P. 2020. Application of factor analysis in social science
    research. Training manual on Research methodology in social sciences during 01-11
    September 2020 organized by Anand Agricultural University, Gujarat, 1-9 pp.
    Number of popular articles: 15
    1. Prakash P,Niranjan S, Jaganathan D, Sheela Immanuel, Sanket J more, Prabhat
    Kishore and Denny Franco (2018), Production and marketing status of sweet potato
    in Belagavi, Karnataka, Kerala Karshakan, October 2018, pp. 25-28.
    2. Prakash P,Niranjan S, Jaganathan D, Sheela Immanuel and Sivakumar P.S (2018)
    Problems and prospects of tuber crops in Kerala, Indian Farmer, October 2018, pp.
    3. Prakash, P.Pramodkumar, Jaganathan, D. and Sheela Immanuel. 2020. Gain success
    through protected cultivation of capsicum under polyhouse. Kerala Karshakan e
    Journal, 8(1): 16-20.

    4. Prakash, P. Jaganathan, D., Pramodkumar, Senthilkumar, K. M. and Sheela
    Immanuel. 2020. Protected cultivation of capsicum under polyhouse.
    AgriSakthi(Tamil),1(11): 8-14.
    5. Prakash, P. Pramodkumar, Jaganathan, D. and Sheela Immanuel. 2020. Hi tech
    horticulture in Maharashtra – A success story of protected cultivation. Kerala
    Karshakan e Journal, 8(5):34-39.
    6. Prakash, P. Jaganathan, D., Pramodkumar and Sheela Immanuel. 2020. Hi tech
    horticulture in Maharashtra – A success story of protected cultivation.
    AgriSakthi(Tamil),1 (17):20-24.
    7. Archana Mukherjee, Sheela Immanuel, Prakash, P., Jaganathan, D.and Sivakumar,
    P.S. 2020. Root and tuber crops: Life saving future crops. Kerala Karshakan e Journal,
    7 (12): 27-33.
    8. Byju, G., Jaganathan, D., Senthilkumar, K. M., Prakash, P. and Koundinya, A. V. V.
    2020. Improved technologies for elephant foot yam cultivation. Krishi Jagran (Tamil),
    8: 17-22.
    9. Sheela Immanuel, Jaganathan, D., Prakash, P. and Sivakumar, P. S. 2020. Extension
    approaches for tuber crops development in India: Experiences of ICAR-CTCRI. Kerala
    Karshakan e Journal, 8 (2): 4-13.
    10. Archana Mukherjee, Sheela Immanuel, Jaganathan, D., Prakash, P. and Sivakumar,
    P.S. 2020. Tropical root and tuber crops for food, nutrition, health and livelihood.
    Agro India, November 2020.
    11. Byju, G., Suja, G., Jaganathan, D. and Prakash, P. 2020. Tropical tuber crops based
    cropping systems in coconut gardens for enhancing productivity and farm income: A
    case of farmer participatory research cum demonstration, AgriSakthi (Tamil),
    12. Jaganathan, D., Muthuraj, R., Sivakumar, P. S., Prakash, P., Sheela Immanuel and
    Ravi, V. 2020. Participatory demonstrations on improved technologies of Chinese
    potato for enhancing farm income: A success story. Kerala Karshakan e Journal,
    13. Jaganathan, D., Muthuraj, R., Sivakumar, P. S., Prakash, P., Sheela Immanuel and
    Ravi, V. 2020. Participatory demonstrations on improved technologies of Chinese
    potato for enhancing farm income: A success story. AgriSakthi (Tamil), 1(20):11-15.,

    14. Archana Mukherjee, Sheela Immanuel, Prakash, P. Sivakumar, P.S. and Jaganathan
    D. (2017). An overview about ICAR-Central Tuber Crops Research Institute.
    Manvaasanai (Tamil) 1(16):20-26.
    15. Nednchezhiyan, M., Sivakumar, P.S., ChintaPradeepika and Prakash, P. (2017).
    Entrepreneurship development programme for sweet potato farmers in Belagavi
    district of Karnataka, United News of India, 10.3.17.

    1. Awarded Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) by ICAR, New Delhi during 2011 for
    Master’s degree in Agricultural Economics at Division of Agricultural Economics, ICAR
    Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi.
    2. Awarded Senior Research Fellowship (SRF) by IARI, Pusa campus, New Delhi during
    2013 for Doctoral degree in Agricultural Economics at Division of Agricultural
    Economics, ICAR Indian Agricultural Research Institute, Pusa, New Delhi.
    3. Awarded best oral presentation (Authors: Jaganathan, D., Sheela Immanuel,
    Prakash, P., and Sivakumar, P. S. 2020. Sustainable livelihood assessment of taro and
    paddy growers in Nayagarh district of Odisha in the National Conference on
    Agricultural Resource Management for Atma Nirbhar Bharat, 17-19 July 2020,
    Central Agricultural University, Imphal, Manipur).
    4. Awarded best oral presentation (Authors: Prakash P, Pramod Kumar, Amit Kar,
    Prabhat Kishore and Awani kumar singh. 2020. Economic evaluation of protected
    cultivation of capsicum in Maharashtra in the National Conference on vegetable
    farmer’s forum 2020, 25-26 June 2020, ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute,
    New Delhi.)
    5. Awarded best oral presentation (Authors: Ana Raj, Jaganathan, D., P Prakash and
    Sheela Immanuel. 2020. Gender analysis in cassava cultivation in Kanyakumari
    district of Tamil Nadu in the National Conference on Gender issues and Atma Nirbhar
    Bharat, 15-17 October 2020, Central Agricultural University, Imphal, Manipur.
    6. AwardedDr.N.A.Mujumdar for best oral presentation (authors: Prakash P, D
    Jaganathan, P.S. Sivakumar, Sheela Immanuel, Prabhat Kishore and Pramod Kumar.
    2018. Does APMC market increase farmers income? Evidence from value chain
    analysis of sweet potato in Karnataka’ in their 78th Annual conference of Indian
    Society of Agricultural Economics organized by Institute of Economic growth and
    International Food Policy Research Institute, New Delhi during November 01-03,

    7. Awarded best oral presentation(Authors: Prakash. P., Avinash Kishore., Devesh Roy
    and Debdutt Behura.2016). Analysis of sweet potato value chain and determinates of
    market options choice in selected district of Odisha in the National Conference on
    Tropical Tuber Crops for the Sustenance and Welfare of Tribal Communities, 20-22
    October, 2016, Thiruvananthapuram, India.

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