Instruction for online application Online Application Form Revised PhD fees

ICAR - Central Tuber Crops Research Institute is a recognized centre by the Digital University of Kerala, Odisha University of Agriculture & Technology(OUAT), SOA (Siksha 'O' Anusandhan) Deemed to be university,Manonmaniyam Sundaranar University for undertaking Doctoral programme. Several of the Scientists of ICAR-CTCRI have been recognized as Research Guides by these universities. Similarly, the Regional Centre at Bhubaneswar, Odisha is recognized by Utkal University for taking up Ph.D. programme.


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Name of the ScientistDesignationSubject area of Guideship

Dr. C. Mohan

Principal Scientist



ICAR - Central Tuber Crops Research Institute is a recognized centre by the Digital University of Kerala, Odisha University of Agriculture & Technology(OUAT), SOA (Siksha 'O' Anusandhan) Deemed to be university,Manonmaniyam Sundaranar University for undertaking Doctoral programme. Several of the Scientists of ICAR-CTCRI have been recognized as Research Guides by these universities. Similarly, the Regional Centre at Bhubaneswar, Odisha is recognized by Utkal University for taking up Ph.D. programme.

ICAR-CTCRI also imparts 1-2 months hands-on training especially in the fields of bio-technology and microbiology to Undergraduate and Postgraduate students leading to submission of dissertation as a part of course curriculam.

In addition, the Institute offers training on specific areas to individuals on request for a period of few weeks to few months. Sponsored training programmes of 8-10 days duration to extension personnel of state development departments are regularly organized as a capacity building activity on tropical tuber crops.

Farmers, farm women, extension personnel and students are given 1-2 days training on tuber crops which are sponsored by various agencies. The members of the women self help groups (SHG) are given hands-on training for 2 days on the preparation of value added products from tuber crops.ICAR-CTCRI will offer training on various aspects of tuber crops for different clienteles on request basis.

ICAR-CTCRI is also a recognized centre for imparting training to students under RAWE programme of Kerala Agricultural University and to ARS probationers for Field Experience Training (FET) under FOCARS programme.

Internship (M.Sc/M.Tech)

Time Schedule for application submission:

Period of Project WorkLast Date of Receiving ApplicationConfirmation of Allotment of Students
January – MarchNovember 10thDecember 10th
April – JuneFebruary 10thMarch 10th
July – SeptemberMay 10thJune 10th
October – DecemberAugust 10thSeptember 10th

Selected students will be informed through email, and the information will be displayed on the website. Accepted students are required to submit the relevant fees within 10 days, failing which their admission will be canceled.

Link for online application and guidelines