Division of Crop Production
Mission Statement

The Division of Crop Production has developed protocols for quality planting material production, eco-region specific agro-techniques, productive and profitable cropping systems and integrated farming system, sustainable nutrient management including integrated plant nutrient management system, low input technologies, nutrient use efficient genotypes, fertilizer best management practices by site specific nutrient management, customized fertilizers and micronutrient formulations, organic production packages for tuber crops and cropping systems, precision nutrient and water management technologies, water saving techniques in elephant foot yam and taro, integrated weed management practices, and climate resilient agricultural practices.

    Name of the ScientistDesignation
    Dr. G. SujaPrincipal Scientist & Head
    Dr. S. Sunitha Principal Scientist
    Dr. K. Susan John Principal Scientist
    Dr. V. Ramesh Principal Scientist
    Dr. R. Muthuraj Principal Scientist
    Dr. Saravanan Raju Principal Scientist
    Dr. K. Sunilkumar Principal Scientist
    Mr. J. Suresh Kumar Scientist
    Mr. Satheesan B  Senior Technician
    Mr. D.T. Rejin Senior Technician
    Mrs. Rini Alocious Technician
    Mr. Abhishek S Skilled Support Staff

    Key Achievements

    1. Quality planting materials through decentralized seed multipliers in established seed villages.

    2. Agro-ecological region-specific cost-effective agro-techniques to enhance yield and income.

    3. Productive and profitable cropping systems and integrated farming system (IFS) models.

    4. Organic production packages for tuber crops and cropping systems.

    5. Sustainable nutrient management: Integrated plant nutrient management system (IPNMS), low input technologies (LIT), nutrient use efficient (NUE) genotypes.

    6. Fertilizer best management practices (FBMP) by site-specific nutrient management (SSNM), customized fertilizers, and micronutrient formulations.

    7. Precision nutrient and water management technologies.

    8. Water-saving techniques in elephant foot yam and taro.

    9. Integrated weed management practices.

    10. Climate-resilient agricultural practices.

    Technological Products

    • Customized fertilizers
    • Panchagavya
    • Jeevamrit
    • Vermi compost (Sree Amrutham)
    • Vermi wash
    • Protray raised seedlings of IOFS crops: Vegetables, tuber crops, pulses, oilseeds, millets
    • Cow milk


    Agronomy Lab

    Soil Science Lab

    Soil Physics Lab

    AAS Lab

    Climate Modelling Lab

    Plant Physiology Lab

    Other Facilities

    Dairy Unit

    IOFS Model

    Automatic Weather Station (AWS)

    Crop Museum

    Glass House

    Poly Houses

    Green Houses

    Planting Material Storage Sheds

    Climate Controlled Plant Growth Facility

    Sl. No.TopicLanguageAuthors
    General: 1
    1Crop production divisionEnglishByju G. and J. Suresh Kumar
    Nursery and Planting Materials: 17 
    1Nursery techniques in cassavaEnglishSuresh Kumar J., S. Sunitha, and K. Mamatha
    2Nursery techniques in cassavaHindiS. Sunitha, J. Suresh Kumar, and Padmakshi Thakur
    3Nursery techniques in cassavaMalayalamJ. Suresh Kumar, S. Sunitha, and K. Mamatha
    4Nursery techniques in cassavaTamilSunitha S., J. Suresh Kumar, P.S. Kavitha, and C. Thangamani
    5Nursery techniques in cassavaTeluguSuresh Kumar J., S. Sunitha, and K. Mamatha
    6Nursery techniques in cassava  MarathiSunitha S., J. Suresh Kumar and Pradnya Gudadhe
    7Nursery techniques in cassava  GujaratiSuresh Kumar J., S. Sunitha, Himani B. Patel and K. Mamatha
    8Nursery techniques in cassava  KannadaSunitha S., J. Suresh Kumar, Imamsaheb Jatth, D. Sreedhara and T. Kanthappa
    9Nursery techniques in sweet potatoEnglish Sunitha S. and J. Suresh Kumar
    10Nursery techniques in sweet potatoHindiSunitha S., J. Suresh Kumar and Padmakshi Thakur
    11Nursery techniques in sweet potato Malayalam Sunitha S. and J. Suresh Kumar
    12Nursery techniques in sweet potato Telugu Suresh Kumar J. and S. Sunitha.
    13Nursery techniques in sweet potato Tamil Sunitha S., J. Suresh Kumar and C. Thangamani and P.S Kavitha
    14Nursery techniques in sweet potato  MarathiSunitha S., J. Suresh Kumar and Pradnya Suresh Gudadhe
    15Nursery techniques in sweet potato  GujaratiSunitha S., J. Suresh Kumar and Himani B. Patel
    16Nursery techniques in sweet potato  KannadaSunitha S., J. Suresh Kumar and Vivek Hegde
    17Nursery techniques in Chinese potatoEnglish  Muthuraj R., G. Byju and D. Jaganathan
    Cropping Systems: 2
    1Conservation agriculture practices for banana-elephant foot yam systemEnglishSuja G. and K. Remya
    2Conservation agriculture practices for banana-elephant foot yam systemMalayalamSuja G., K. Remya, and S.J. Harishma
    Organic Farming: 15
    1Organic production of cassavaEnglishSuja G. and A.R. Seena Radhakrishnan
    2Organic production of cassavaMalayalamSuja G., A.R. Seena Radhakrishnan, and S.J. Harishma
    3Organic production of cassavaManipuriBijaya Devi A.K., Piloo Ng., and G. Suja
    4Organic production of elephant foot yamEnglishSuja G.
    5Organic production of elephant foot yamMalayalamSuja G. and S.J. Harishma
    6Organic production of yams English Suja G
    7Organic production of yams MalayalamSuja G. and S.J. Harishma
    8Organic production of yams  ManipuriBijaya Devi A.K., Piloo Ng. and G. Suja
    9Organic production of taro English Suja G.
    10Organic production of taro  MalayalamSuja G. and S.J. Harishma
    11Organic production of taro Manipuri Bijaya Devi A.K., Piloo Ng. and G. Suja
    12Organic production of Chinese potato and arrowroot  EnglishSuja G.
    13Organic production of Chinese potato and arrowrootMalayalam Suja G. and S.J. Harishma
    14Techniques for organic production of tropical tuber crops English Suja G. and D. Jaganathan
    15Techniques for organic production of tropical tuber crops Malayalam  Suja G., D. Jaganathan and S.J. Harishma
    Integrated Nutrient Management : 10
    1Soil test based integrated nutrient management (INM) in cassava    EnglishSusan John K., C.S. Ravindran and M. Manikantan Nair
    2Soil test-based integrated nutrient management (INM) in cassava  MalayalamSusan John K., C.S. Ravindran and G. Suresh
    3Nutritional disorders in tropical tuber crops: Symptoms and management    EnglishSusan John K., M.N. Sheela and Shirly Rachel Anil
    4Nutritional disorders in tropical tuber crops: Symptoms and management  MalayalamSusan John K., G. Suja and S.R. Monu
    5High-yielding nutrient use efficient genotypes in cassava  EnglishSusan John K., M.N. Sheela and S.U. Shanida Beegum
    6High-yielding nutrient use efficient genotypes in cassava MalayalamSusan John K., S.U. Shanida Beegum and B. Satheesan
    7Customized fertilizers for tuber crops under intercropping in coconut gardens of Kerala  EnglishSusan John K., P.S. Anju and B. Satheesan
    8Customized fertilizers for tuber crops under intercropping in coconut gardens of Kerala Malayalam Susan John K., P.S. Anju and S.R. Monu
    9Integrated nutrient management in tannia (Xanthosoma sagittifolium L. Schott)  EnglishSusan John K., G. Suresh and R.T. Remya Raj
    10Integrated nutrient management in tannia (Xanthosoma sagittifolium L. Schott)  MalayalamSusan John K., G. Suresh and R.T. Remya Raj
    1Agrotechniques of tropical tuber crops English Byju G., D. Jaganathan and A.V.V. Koundinya
    2Agrotechniques of tropical tuber crops Hindi Byju G., Sanket J. More, D. Jaganathan and A.V.V. Koundinya
    3Agrotechniques of tropical tuber crops Malayalam Byju G., D. Jaganathan and A.V.V. Koundinya
    4Agrotechniques of tropical tuber crops  TamilJaganathan D., G. Byju and A.V.V. Koundinya.
    5Agrotechniques of tropical tuber crops Kannada Byju G., Vivek Hegde, D. Jaganathan and A.V.V. Koundinya
    6Agrotechniques of tropical tuber crops  TeluguKoundinya A.V.V., D. Jaganathan and G. Byju
    7Agrotechniques of tropical tuber crops Marathi Byju G., Sanket J. More, D. Jaganathan and A.V.V. Koundinya
    8Agrotechniques of tropical tuber crops  BengaliByju G., Kalidas Pati, D. Jaganathan and A.V.V. Koundinya
    9Agrotechniques of tropical tuber crops  GujaratiByju G., Himani B. Patel, S.N. Saravaiya, G.B. Desai, D. Jaganathan and A.V.V. Koundinya
    Climate Change: 3
    1Climate change on crop water requirements of tropical tubercropsEnglishRaji P., S. Sunitha, V.S. Santhosh Mithra, and G. Byju
    2Climate change on potential geographical suitability of cassava and sweet potatoEnglishRaji P. and G. Byju
    3Climate change on the yield of tropical root and tuber cropsEnglishRaji P., S. Sunitha, V.S. Santhosh Mithra, and G. Byju
    Wealth from waste : 2
    1Wealth from Waste: A nutrient-rich organic manure from cassava starch factory solid residue (Thippi)  EnglishSusan John K. and S. Chithra
    2Wealth from Waste: A nutrient-rich organic manure from cassava starch factory solid residue (Thippi) Malayalam Susan John K., S. Chithra and M. Manikantan Nair
    Our Projects
    Mega Project 3: Integrated crop, water and nutrient management for improving productivity of tropical tuber crops
    Institute Code :  HORTCTCRISIL 202001101465                                   Project Leader :  Dr. G. Suja
    1Project 1: Crop diversification involving tropical tuber cropsDr. G. Suja
    2Project 2: Weed management in tropical tuber cropsDr. J. Suresh Kumar
    3Project 3:Precision management of water and nutrients in tropical tuber cropsDr. S. Sunitha
    4Project 4: Drip irrigation and fertigation management in greater yamDr. M. Nedunchezhiyan
    5Project 5:Sustainable nutrient management in tropical tuber cropsDr.K. Laxminarayana
    6Project 6: Long term integrated nutrient management in tropical tuber cropsDr.K. Susan John
    7Project 7:Soil carbon quality and conservation studies in tropical tuber cropsDr. V. Ramesh
    8Project 8: Weed management in tropical tuber cropsDr. V. Ramesh
    9Project 9: Physiological studies related to climate change in tropical tuber cropsDr. Saravanan Raju
    Mega Project 4: Quality planting material production of tropical tuber crops
    Institute Code :  HORTCTCRISIL 202001201468   Project Leader :  Dr. R. Muthuraj
    1Project:1 Developing innovative techniques for seed production in tropical tuber crops and quality planting material production in cassava, sweet potato and Chinese potatoDr. R. Muthuraj
    2Project2: Investigations on rapid multiplication of yams and aroidsDr.K. Sunilkumar


    Externally Aided Projects
    Sl.NoProject TitlePrincipal InvestigatorCo-PIs
    1All India Network Programme on Organic Farming (AINP-OF)G. SujaG. Byju, S. Sunitha,S.S. Veena, A.N. JyothiM.N. Sheela ,D. Jaganathan
    2Adoption of biofortified varieties of tuber crops and promoting entrepreneurship development for livelihood and nutritional security of tribal farmersK. LaxminarayanaM. Nedunchezhiyan,R. Arutselvan,M.S. Sajeev,B.B. Das
    3Rural bioresource complex for tubers and millets in Kandhamal, OdishaVishakha RainaM. Nedunchezhiyan, Sandeep Kumar Panda, Mrutunjay Suar, (KIIT DU)