Sl.No | Category | AC Bedroom | Suite |
1 | Serving and retired officers of NARS (ICAR/ SAUs) on private visit | Rs.300 | Rs.500 |
2 | Serving and retired officers of NARS (ICAR/SAUs) on official visit | Rs.450 | Rs.1000 |
3 | Serving officers of Central Govt./ State govt./ Autonomous organization/PSUs on official visit | Rs.800 | Rs.1500 |
4 | Private visitors i.e. other than ICAR, SAUs, Central or State Govt. etc | Rs.1000 | Rs.2000 |
5 | Foreign visitors (SAARC countries) | Rs.2000 | Rs.3000 |
6 | Foreign visitors other than SAARC countries | Rs.3000 | Rs.4000 |
7 | Dormitory (per bed of aprox. 6ft X 3 ft.size) | Rs.100 | ---- |
- Submission of a copy of a valid identity card is a must for all the guests seeking accommodation in the guest house, to ascertain their identity
- Check out time is 24 hours.
- Allotment of rooms in the Guest House shall be on first come first serve basis. However, preference will be given for ICAR/DARE officials coming on official visit.
- The room rent charges shall be applicable as per the status of the guest staying in the guest house and not as per the status of the officer who has booked the accommodation e.g. if an ICAR employee is booking an accommodation for a private person, charges will be as applicable to "Private Visitor; not 1CAR charges".
- Dependent family members of ICAR/DARE employees — spouse and children can be treated within the category of ICAR employees (personal visit) for the purpose of charging tariff. The dependent family member has to furnish the copy of the identity card of the ICAR official, she/he is related to. This facility will not be available for Non-ICAR employees, they will be charged as per their actual category, as detailed at point no. 6.
- VIP guests of the Ministers' of Agriculture (Union as well as the State) and the Director General, ICAR will be charged as ICAR Official category rates, only when a written request is received from their offices, or else they will be charged as per their actual category, as detailed at point no. 6.
- Generally, not more than 30 beds will be booked for any seminar/conference at one time. Preference will be'given to those who are booking the ICAR Conference facilities.
- Maximum continuous stay in the Guest House would be for a period of 15 days, subject to availability. This can be reviewed on case to case basis by the Deputy Secretary (GAC), ICAR.
- To avoid inconvenience, request for allotment of accommodation should sent well in advance or at least two days in advance only on the prescribed application format through mail.
- Confirmation of accommodation can be enquired from the Caretaker, ICAR-CTCRI guest house, on any working day between 10.00 A.M. to 5.30 P.M. on Land Phone. 0471 2598551 after one working day from the time of sending the request.
- Liquor/smoking is strictly prohibited in the Guest House premises
- Pets are not allowed in the Guest House.
- Some rooms may be kept reserved with the Caretaker, IGH, for priority allotments
- Classification of cities is as per HRA rules.
- Room rent (except dormitory) mentioned above are per bed (double bed of approx. 6 ft. X 6 ft. size) per day charges. In case of single bed, it will be halved and dealt accordingly. Payment shall be strictly charged on bed basis only and not person basis.
Dr. B. S. Prakash Krishnan (Technical Officer)
E-mail:[email protected]