Principal Scientist
Ph D Statistics
Section of Extension & Social Sciences
Statistical Genetics, Statistical Genomics, Machine learning, Data integration
Head Quarters
Total publications
Number of Research papers : 119,Number of Books/Book chapters : 3

    Statistical Genetics, Statistical Genomics, Machine learning,

     Number of institute projects completed :

    Sl No

    Project Name

    Funding Agency





    Development and application of statistical machine learning                  techniques for computational genomics and microarray data analysis in tuber crops (PI)


    20.00 lakhs




    Development of statistical machine learning tools and methods for analysis of microarray gene expression data, (PI)

    (DietY, Govt. of India

    Rs.12.384 lakhs)




    Development of eco-friendly technologies for quality cassava production and to safeguard soil health and environment)


    (MoEF, Govt. of India

    Rs.23.098 lakhs




    International Network project on Edible Aroids (Co-PI)

    European Union





    ICAR-Network Project on Assessment of gender issues and Identification and refinement of selected women specific technologies in Horticultural Crops





    Rs 12 lakhs






    Dissemination and adoption status of tuber crops technologies: a cross sectional analysis (Co-PI)


    Rs 15 lakhs




    Field Gene bank of tropical roots and tuber crops ( Co-PI)


    Rs 15 lakhs




    Genetic diversity analysis of taro [Colocasiaesculenta)L. Schott)] germplasm using molecular markers (Co-PI)


    Rs 15 lakhs




    Modifying genes in starch metabolism-a means to enhance starch content and develop waxy cassava (Co-PI)


    Rs 15 lakhs




    Studies on characterization, diagnosis and management of viruses of tuber crops ( Co-PI)


    Rs 20 lakhs




    Effect of Integrated soil water conservation and fertilizer management strategies on nutrient use efficiency in rainfed hill cassava production systems  (Co-PI) 


    Rs 20 lakhs




    Generation and application of computing technologies for tuber crops research and development(PI)


    Rs 28 lakhs




    Biotechnological approaches for improvement of tropical tuber crops (Co-PI)

    Activity 1: In silico analysis of transcrtiptome data generated through deep sequencing of RNA from different tropical tuber crops (Activity leader)

    Activity 2: Identification of differentially expressed gene, annotations & construction of gene network and pathway identification from gene expression data in tuber crops (Activity leader)


    Rs 32 lakhs



    Number of Research papers : 119

    1.SS Veena, J Sreekumar, ML Jeeva, G Byju, G Suja, S Sengupta. (2025). Optimizing
    management interventions against Sclerotium rolfsii Sacc. On elephant foot yam
    (Amorphophallus paeoniifolius (Dennst.) Nicolson) in India. Crop Protection 188,
    2. V Chandra, MN Sheela, V Ravi, B Gurung, S Sankar, J Sreekumar. (2024). Genetic
    Parameters and Prediction of Genotypic Values for Postharvest Physiological
    Deterioration Tolerance and Root Traits in Cassava using REML/BLUP. Biochemical
    Genetics, 1-19
    3. A Mukherjee, J Sreekumar, MN Sheela, S Immanuel, MR Sahoo, V Hegde. (2024).
    Enhancing Adaptability, Nutritional Quality in Tropical Tuber Crops: Source for
    Adaptive Food and Nutrition. Food and Nutrition Sciences 15 (11), 1141-1169
    4. A Mukherjee, J Sreekumar, S Immanuel, MR Sahoo, M Nedunchezhiyan (2024).
    Enhancing Adaptability and Water Productivity in Tropical Tuber Crops: Food Security
    and Climate Change Perspectives. Journal of Environment and Sociobiology, 59-77
    5. BG Sangeetha, T Makeshkumar, T Santhoshkumar, SR Anil, M Sumayya. (2024).
    Selection and validation of stable reference genes for gene expression analysis in
    response to sweetpotato weevil infestation (Cylas formicarius (Fabricius)) in [Ipomoea].
    Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 1-11
    6. G Sujatha, G Byju, J Sreekumar, M Indira, V Ravi. (2024). Organic management fosters
    yield, soil health and profit in dwarf white yam. International Journal of Horticulture and
    Pomology 1 (2), 41-49

    7. AVV Koundinya, SK Muthusamy, BR Ajeesh, C Mohan, J Sreekumar. (2024).
    Elucidation of novel drought-responsive genes from tuber transcriptome of cassava under
    water deficit stress. South African Journal of Botany 169, 255-267.
    8. D Joseph, AN Jyothi, J Sreekumar. (2024). Optimization of Synthesis of Cassava Starch
    Phosphates by Response Surface Methodology and Characterization of the Modified
    9. Starch‐Stärke, 2200241
    10. SS Veena, C Vinod, J Sreekumar, S Karthikeyan, ML Jeeva. (2024). Assessment of
    variability in temperature tolerance and antagonistic activity among Trichoderma isolates
    for biological control applications. Journal of Root Crops 50 (1), 23-31
    11. JS Kumar, S Sunitha, J Sreekumar, K Mamatha, B Das, S Sengupta. (2023). Weed
    management strategies in elephant foot yam (Amorphophallus paeoniifolius) under
    different agro environments in India. The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 93
    (12), 1314-1319
    12. C Visalakshi, SR Anil, MN Sheela, P Chintha, S Shanavas, ER Harish. (2023). Genetic
    and multivariate analysis of processing and yield traits in sweet potato for varied end-
    uses. CURRENT SCIENCE 125 (10), 1093
    13. EM John, J Sreekumar, MS Jisha. (2023). Remediation of chlorpyrifos in soil using
    immobilized bacterial consortium biostimulated with organic amendment. Biocatalysis
    and Biotransformation 41 (6), 466-474
    14. C Visalakshi, MN Sheela, V Ravi, J Sreekumar, SA Sankar. (2023) Varietal screening
    for identification of postharvest physiological deterioration tolerance in storage roots of
    cassava. International Journal of Vegetable Science 29 (5), 403-414
    15. Vishnu, V.R., Jyothi, A.N., Sheela, M.N. & J.Sreekumar (2023).  Identification of
    anthocyanins in a purple yam (Dioscorea alata) accession and their in vitro
    antiproliferative activity.  J. Plant Biochem. Biotechnol. NAAS rating 7.53
    16. More, Sanket J., Ravi, V., Sreekumar, J., Suresh Kumar, J.,Raju, Saravanan. 2023.
    Exogenous application of calcium chloride, 6-Benzyladenine and salicylic acid
    modulates morpho-physiological and tuber yield responses of sweet potato exposed to
    heat stress. South African Journal of Botany, 155, 6-78.
    17. Elizabeth Mary John, J. Sreekumar & M. S. Jisha (2022) Remediation of chlorpyrifos
    in soil using immobilized bacterial consortium biostimulated with organic
    amendment, Biocatalysis and Biotransformation.
    DOI: 10.1080/10242422.2022.2085033
    18. S Sunitha, J Sreekumar and J Suresh Kumar. 2023. Response of upland taro
    (Colocasia esculenta) to varying water regimes under humid tropical conditions of
    India. Current Horticulture 11(1): 50–53, January–April 2023 .
    19. J Sreekumar, M Sadiq, S Raju, A Mukherjee (2022). In silico analysis of carotenoid
    biosynthesis pathway in cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) Journal of Genetics: 101
    (1), 1-18

    20. Gopalakrishnan Shyla, Uma Soumya Krishnan, Mohan Gayathri, Mohan Amrutha,
    Shanmugam Geetha, Kumar Vineeth T. V., J Sreekumar, Chandrika Sivakumar K.,
    Vasudevan Dileep, Nori Sai Ravi Chandra, Sathi Shijulal Nelson, George Sanil,
    Maliekal Tessy Thomas. 2021. “SSTP1, a Host Defense Peptide, Exploits the
    Immunomodulatory IL6 Pathway to Induce Apoptosis in Cancer Cells”. Frontiers in
    Immunology, 12. DOI=10.3389/fimmu.2021.740620.
    21. A.R. Seena Radhakrishnan, G. Suja, J. Sreekumar, 2022. How sustainable is organic
    management in cassava? Evidences from yield, soil quality, energetics and economics
    in the humid tropics of South India, Scientia Horticulture, Volume 293, 2022, 110723,
    22. Beena, R., Kirubakaran, S., Nithya, N., Sreekumar, J. et al. Association mapping of
    drought tolerance and agronomic traits in rice (Oryza sativa L.) landraces. BMC Plant
    Biol 21, 484 (2021).
    23. Visalakshi, C., Anil, S., Sheela, M., Hegde, V., Jyothi, A., & Sreekumar, J. (2021).
    Genetic variation for important processing traits and identification of potential parents
    for developing hybrid clones suitable for processing in sweet potato (Ipomoea batatus
    L Lam). South African Journal of Botany, 141, 255–264.
    24. Abraham, L., Kamala, S., Sreekumar, J., & Makeshkumar, T. (2021). Optimization of
    parameters to improve transformation efficiency of elephant foot yam
    (Amorphophallus paeoniifolius (Dennst.) Nicolson. 3 Biotech, 11(6), 1–8.
    25. Suja, G., Sreekumar, J., Byju, G., Veena, S., Sunitha, S., Ramesh, V., Maria, C., &
    Raj, R. (2021). Organic management of Chinese potato: growth, yield, quality, soil
    health, and economics. International Journal of Vegetable Science, 1–19.
    26. Gourilekshmi, S., Jyothi, A.N, & Sreekumar, J. (2021). Effect of Cultivar Difference
    and Root Growth Stage on the Thermal, Rheological, and In Vitro Digestibility
    Properties of Cassava Starch. Starch-Stärke, 73(3-4), 2000157.
    27. Suja, G., Sreekumar, J., Byju, G., Jyothi, A., & Veena, S. (2021). Weed cloth, an
    option for integrated weed management for short-duration cassava. Agronomy
    Journal, 113(2), 1895–1908.
    28. Vidya, P., Nair, A., Mohan, C., Sreekumar, J., & Vijayan, A. (2020). Construction of
    SSR Based Genetic Linkage Map and Identification of QTLs Conferring CMD
    Resistance in Cassava. International Journal of Bio-resource and Stress Management.
    29. Joseph, L., Veena, S., Byju, G., Sreekumar, J., & Karthikeyan, S. (2020).
    Comparative Analysis of Antimicrobial Activities of 43 Trichoderma Isolates Against
    Sclerotium rolfsii, the Pathogen Causing Collar Rot Disease in Elephant Foot Yam.
    Journal of Root Crops, 44(2), 53–60.
    30. Sabarinath, V., Anil, S., Krishnan, P., Sankar, D., Sreekumar, J., & others (2020).
    Assessment of Variability in Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.) Germplasm
    Using Morphological and ISSR Markers. Journal of Root Crops, 44(2), 23–31.
    31. Dhanya, S., Sherin, V., Divya, K., Sreekumar, J., & Jisha, M. (2020). Pseudomonas
    taiwanensis (MTCC11631) mediated induction of systemic resistance in Anthurium
    andreanum L against blight disease and visualisation of defence related secondary
    metabolites using confocal laser scanning microscopy. Biocatalysis and Agricultural
    Biotechnology, 24, 101561.

    32. Gourilekshmi, S., Jyothi, A., & Sreekumar, J. (2020). Physicochemical and Structural
    Properties of Starch from Cassava Roots Differing in Growing Duration and Ploidy
    Level. Starch-Stärke, 72(11-12), 1900237.
    33. Suja, G., Jyothi, A., Byju, G., Veena, S., Sreekumar, J., Indira, M., & Ravi, V. (2020).
    Organic management fosters yield, soil health and profit in dwarf white yam. Indian
    Journal of Horticulture, 77(1), 140–148.
    34. Shabanamol, S., Varghese, E., Thampi, M., Karthika, S., Sreekumar, J., & Jisha, M.
    (2020). Enhancement of Growth and Yield of Rice (Oryza Sativa) by Plant Probiotic
    Endophyte, Lysinibacillus sphaericus under Greenhouse Conditions.
    35. Kumar, J., Sunitha, S., Sreekumar, J., Nedunchezhiyan, M., Mamatha, K., Das, B.,
    Sengupta, S., Kamalkumaran, P., Mitra, S., Tarafdar, J., & others (2020). Integrated
    weed management in elephant foot yam. Indian Journal of Weed Science, 52(1),
    36. John, K., Sreekumar, J., Sheela, M., Beegum, S., More, S., & Suja, G. (2020). Pre
    evaluation of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) germplasm for genotypic variation
    in the identification of K efficient genotypes through different statistical tools.
    Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants, 26(9), 1911–1923.
    37. Shiny, R., Sreekumar, J., & Byju, G. (2020). Coupled multi-model climate and
    climate suitability change predictions for major cassava growing regions of India
    under two representative concentration pathways. Journal of Tropical
    Agriculture, 57(2).
    38. Jisha, M., Linu, M., & Sreekumar, J. (2019). Induction of systemic resistance in chilli
    (Capsicum annuum L.) by Pseudomonas aeruginosa against anthracnose pathogen
    Colletotrichum capsici. Journal of Tropical Agriculture, 56(2).
    39. Linu, M., Asok, A., Thampi, M., Sreekumar, J., & Jisha, M. (2019). Plant growth
    promoting traits of indigenous phosphate solubilizing Pseudomonas aeruginosa
    isolates from Chilli (Capsicum annuum L.) Rhizosphere. Communications in Soil
    Science and Plant Analysis, 50(4), 444–457.
    40. Vishnu, V., Renjith, R., Mukherjee, A., Anil, S., Sreekumar, J., & Jyothi, A.N (2019).
    Comparative study on the chemical structure and in vitro antiproliferative activity of
    anthocyanins in purple root tubers and leaves of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas).
    Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 67(9), 2467–2475.
    41. Vidya, P., Nair, A., Mohan, C., Vijayan, A., & Sreekumar, J. (2019). Studying the
    Disease Resistance and Morphological Variations in Cassava. International Journal of
    Bio-resource and Stress Management, 10(4), 436–444.
    42. Sruthi, T., Nooruniza, N., Sreekumar, J., Sheela, M., & others (2019). Influence of
    Nutrients and Nutrient Use Efficient Genotypes on Tuber and Leaf Cyanogen and
    Tuber Starch in Cassava. Journal of Root Crops, 45(1), 3–11.
    43. Suja, G., Sunitha, S., JOHN, J., & Sreekumar, J. (2018). Sustainable crop
    intensification involving short-duration cassava for productivity, profitability, soil
    restoration and energy efficiency. PK and Yadav, RL 2018. Doubling farmers’
    income through agronomic interventions under changing scenario, 110(012), 652.

    44. Mithra, M., Sreekumar, J., & Padmaja, G. (2018). Binary-and triple-enzyme cocktails
    and their application mode affect fermentable sugar release from pretreated
    lignocellulo-starch biomass. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 8(1), 97–111.
    45. Sunitha, S., George, J., Suja, G., Ravi, V., Haripriya, S., Sreekumar, J., & others
    (2018). Irrigation schedule for maximum corm yield and water productivity in
    elephant foot yam (Amorphophallus paeoniifolius). Indian Journal of Agricultural
    Sciences, 88(7), 1013–1017.
    46. Linu, M., Sreekumar, J., Asok, A., & Jisha, M. (2018). Mineral phosphate
    solubilization by Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates from chilli (Capsicum annuum L.)
    fields. Journal of Tropical Agriculture, 55(2), 134–144.
    47. John, K., George, J., & Sreekumar, J. (2018). Soil test-based low input nutrient-
    management strategy: A decade experience in cassava (Manihot esculenta) in Ultisols
    of Kerala. AGRONOMY, 63(2), 216-223.
    48. Sunitha, S., George, J., & Sreekumar, J. (2018). Response of cassava (Manihot
    esculenta) minisetts to varying levels of drip fertigation. Indian Journal of
    Agronomy, 63(3), 366–371.
    49. Remya, R., Jyothi, A., & Sreekumar, J. (2018). Effect of chemical modification with
    citric acid on the physicochemical properties and resistant starch formation in
    different starches. Carbohydrate polymers, 202, 29–38.
    50. Remya, R., Jyothi, A., & Sreekumar, J. (2018). Morphological, structural and
    digestibility properties of RS4 enriched octenyl succinylated sweet potato, banana and
    lentil starches. Food Hydrocolloids, 82, 219–229
    51. Remya, R., Jyothi, A., & Sreekumar, J. (2017). Comparative study of RS4 type
    resistant starches derived from cassava and potato starches via octenyl succinylation.
    Starch-Stärke, 69(7-8), 1600264.
    52. Ravi, V., Chakrabarti, S., Saravanan, R., Makeshkumar, T., Sreekumar, J., & others
    (2017). Differential gene expression signatures of auxin response factors and
    auxin/indole 3-acetic acid genes in storage root as compared to non-tuber forming
    fibrous root of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas). Indian Journal of Agricultural
    Sciences, 87(4), 512–520.
    53. Suja, G., Byju, G., Jyothi, A., Veena, S., & Sreekumar, J. (2017). Yield, quality and
    soil health under organic vs conventional farming in taro. Scientia horticulturae, 218,
    54. Nair, A., Vidya, P., Ambu, V., Sreekumar, J., & Mohan, C. (2017). Genetic diversity
    studies in cultivated sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam) revealed by simple
    sequence repeat markers. International Journal of Advanced Biotechnology
    Research, 7(1), 33–48.
    55. Syamala, C., Kuzhivilayil, S., Nair, M., & Sreekumar, J. (2017). Management of
    cassava starch factory solid waste (Thippi) through composting to a nutrient-rich
    organic manure. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 48(6), 595–607.
    56. Chithra, S., John, K., & Sreekumar, J. (2017). Low-cost traditional cassava starch
    factory solid waste (Thippi) composting: A possible strategy for organic nutrient
    management and economic security for tribal farmers. Journal of Root Crops, 42(2),

    57. G Mithra, M., Padmaja, G., & Sreekumar, J. (2017). Optimization of microwave-
    assisted dilute acid pretreatment for enhanced structural breakdown and enzymatic
    saccharification of lignocellulo-starch biomass. Current Microwave Chemistry, 4(3),
    58. Shabanamol, S., Sreekumar, J., & Jisha, M. (2017). Bioprospecting endophytic
    diazotrophic Lysinibacillus sphaericus as biocontrol agents of rice sheath blight
    disease. 3 Biotech, 7(5), 1–11.
    59. Lakshmipriya, P., Nath, V., Veena, S., Anith, K., Sreekumar, J., & Jeeva, M. (2017).
    Piriformospora indica, a Cultivable Endophyte for Growth Promotion and Disease
    Management in Taro (Colocasia esculenta (L.). Journal of Root Crops, 42(2),
    60. Vidya, P., Nair, A., Sreekumar, J., & Mohan, C. (2016). The influence of different
    pre-treatments on enhancing seed germination in cassava. JOURNAL OF ROOT
    CROPS, 41(2), 28–35.
    61. Shabanamol, S., Sreekumar, J., & Jisha, M. (2017). Bioprospecting endophytic
    diazotrophic. Lysinibacillus sphaericus, 1–11.
    62. Kumar, T., Veena, S., Karthikeyan, S., & Sreekumar, J. (2017). Compatibility of
    Trichoderma asperellum with fungicides, insecticides, inorganic fertilizers and bio-
    pesticides. Journal of root crops, 43(2), 68–75.
    63. Nair, A., Vidya, P., Ambu, V., Sreekumar, J., & Mohan, C. (2017). Evaluation of
    orange fleshed sweet potato genotypes for storage root yield and dry matter content.
    skin, 3(9).
    64. Singh, B., Govindakrishnan, P., Ahmad, I., Rawat, S., Sharma, S., & Sreekumar, J.
    (2016). INDO-BLIGHTCAST–a model for forecasting late blight across
    agroecologies. International Journal of Pest Management, 62(4), 360–367.
    65. Ravi, V., Chakarabarti, S., Saravanan, R., Makeshkumar, T., & Sreekumar, J. (2016).
    Differential Gene Expression Signatures of Small Auxin Up-Regulated RNA (SAUR)
    and Gretchen-Hagen 3 (GH3) Genes in Storage Root as Compared to Non-tuber
    Forming Fibrous Root of Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas). JOURNAL OF ROOT
    CROPS, 42(1), 14–21.
    66. Sunitha, S., George, J. and Sreekumar, J. 2016. Productivity of cassava as affected by
    precision management under humid tropical environment in India. Acta Hort. (ISHS)
    67. R. Remya, A. N Jyothi, J. Sreekumar. Comparative study of RS4 type resistant
    starches derived from cassava and potato starches via octenyl succinylation.
    Starch/Starke, 2017 (Accepted for publication).
    68. M.G.Mithra, J.Sreekumar and G.Padmaja 2017. Binary- and triple cocktails their
    application mode affect fermentable sugar release from pretreated lignocellulo-starch
    biomass. Biomass Conv. Bioref. DOI 10.1007/s13399-017-0273-y
    69. Sabitha Soman, G Byju and J Sreekumar. 2016. Projected changes in mean
    temperature and total precipitation and climate suitability of cassava (Manihot
    esculenta) in major growing environments of India. Indian Journal of Agricultural
    Sciences 86 (5): 647-53

    70. V Ravi, S K Chakarabarti, R Saravanan, T Makeshkumar, J Sreekumar (2016).
    Differential Gene Expression Signatures of Small Auxin Up-Regulated RNA(SAUR)
    and Gretchen- Hagen 3 (GH3) Genes in Storage Root as Compared to Non-tuber
    Forming Fibrous Root of Sweet Potato ( Ipomoea batatas ). Journal of Root Crops
    42(1): 14-21.
    71. Santhosh Mithra, V.S., Abhinand C.S and Sreekumar J. 2014. Horoscope Algorithm
    to Predict Potential Yield of Cassava, World Applied Sciences Journal 30 (3): pp341-
    72. Parvathy, P. C., Jyothi, A. N., Susan K. John and Sreekumar, J. 2014. Cassava Starch
    based Superabsorbent Polymer as Soil Conditioner: Impact on Soil Physicochemical
    and Biological Properties and Plant Growth, Clean- Soil Air Water, 42 (11),
    73. Suja, G. and Sreekumar, J. 2014. Implications of organic management on yield, tuber
    quality and soil health in yams in the humid tropics. International Journal of Plant
    Production. (2014) 8(3): 291-310.
    74. Kamala, S., Makeshkumar, T., Sreekumar, J., Chakrabarti,S.K., Whole transcriptome
    sequencing of diseased elephant foot yam reveals complete genome sequence of
    dasheen mosaic virus, Virology Reports (2014)
    75. Vijesh, N., Chakrabarti,S.K. and Sreekumar,J. 2012 Modelling gene regulatory
    networks: a review .J Biomed Sci Eng., 6(2A), 223-231.
    76. S. K. Naskar and J. Sreekumar. Evaluation of Taro (Colocasia esculenta (L.)Schott)
    germplasm using multivariate analysis. Journal of Root Crops, 37(2),150-154.
    77. C.S.Abhinand, V.S.Santhosh Mithra and J. Sreekumar. 2013. An algorithm for plant
    microRNA target prediction. Journal of Root Crops, 39(1), 22-27.
    78. M.S. Sajeev, J. Sreekumar, B. Vimala, S.N. Moorthy and A.N. Jyothi. 2012. Textural
    and Gelatinization Characteristics of White, Cream, and Orange Fleshed Sweet Potato
    Tubers (Ipomoea Batatas L.). International Journal of Food Properties, 15(4), 912-
    79. Asha Devi A., Suja, G. and Sreekumar, J. 2013. Analysis of genetic diversity in edible
    aroid accessions of India based on morphological characters. Journal of Root Crops,
    39(2): 51-56
    80. Suja, G. and Sreekumar, J. Crop diversification with short-duration cassava-cowpea
    for agronomic and economic benefits. Accepted for publication in Indian Journal of
    Agricultural Sciences
    81. J Sreekumar, Cajo J.F. ter Braak, Roeland C.H.J. van Ham and Aalt D.J. van Dijk
    (2011) Correlated mutations via regularized multinomial regression. BMC
    Bioinformatics, 12:444 http:///www.biomedcentral/1471-2105/12/444
    82. Sree Lekha, Santha V. Pillai and J. Sreekumar (2010) Molecular genotyping of Indian
    Cassava Cultivars using SSR markers. Advances in Environmental Biology. 4(2):
    83. Suja, G., Susan John, K. and Sreekumar, J. 2010. Soil test based nutrient management
    for short-duration cassava (Manihot esculenta): Analysis of growth, biomass, yield,

    quality, nutrient uptake and soil nutrient status. Indian Journal of Agronomy, 55(4):
    84. Suja, G., Susan John K. and Sreekumar J. 2011. Impact of nutrient management
    based on soil test data on biomass production and partitioning and growth indices of
    short duration cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz). Indian Journal of Agricultural
    Sciences, 81(3): 247-251.
    85. M.S.Sajeev, J. Sreekumar, M. Unnikrishnan, S.N.Moorthy and S. Shanavas. 2010.
    Kinetics of thermal softening of cassava tubers and rheological modelling of the
    starch. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 47 (5):507-518.
    86. A. N. Jyothi, M. S. Sajeev, and J. Sreekumar. Hydrothermal modifications of tropical
    tuber starches - Effect of annealing on the physicochemical, rheological and
    gelatinization characteristics. Starch/Stärke, 2011 (Accepted).
    87. A. N. Jyothi, M. S. Sajeev, P. C. Parvathy, and J. Sreekumar. 2011. Optimization of
    Synthesis and Characterization of Cassava Starch-graft-poly(Acrylonitrile) Using
    Response Surface Methodology, Journal of Applied Polymer Science (Accepted).
    88. A.N. Jyothi, J. Sreekumar, and S. N. Moorthy. Response surface methodology for the
    optimization and characterization of cassava starch-graft-poly(acrylamide),
    Starch/Stärke, 62, 2010, 18-27.
    89. A.N. Jyothi, M. S. Sajeev, S. N. Moorthy, J. Sreekumar. Effect of graft-
    copolymerization with poly(acrylamide) on the thermal and rheological properties of
    cassava starch, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 116(1), 2010, 337-346.
    90. A. N. Jyothi, J. Sreekumar and S. N. Moorthy (2010) Response surface methodology
    for the optimization and characterization of cassava starch-graft-poly (acrylamide),
    Starch/ Starke, 62, 18-27.
    91. A. N. Jyothi, S. N. Moorthy, M. S. Sajeev and J. Sreekumar (2010) Effect of graft-
    copolymerization with poly (acrylamide) on the thermal and the rheological properties
    of cassava starch. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 116(1), 337-36.
    92. Santhosh Mithra. V. S, S. Ravindran and J. Sreekumar, (2009) Simulation modelling
    in tropical tuber crops, in proceeding of National workshop on Climate and
    Development at Thiruvananthapuram on 29-30th, June, 2009 organized by Kerala
    Agricultural University and Kerala State Planning Board.
    93. Sreekumar,J and Jose,K.K. (2008) Statistical tests for identification of differentially
    expressed genes in cDNA microarray experiments. Indian Journal of Biotechnology
    Vol 7 423-436.
    94. Jose,K.K, Lishamol Tomy and Sreekumar, J. (2008). Normal Laplace distribution and
    autoregressive Processes Statistics and Probability Letters. Vol 78 , 2456-2642
    95. Sreekumar, J. and Jose, K.K.2007 A Bayesian framework for statistical inference
    from gene expression data. American Journal of Mathematical and Management
    Sciences Vol 27 No 1&2 ,199-211
    96. Sreekumar, J. & Jose, K. K. (2007) Statistical test for differential expression in
    microarray data by Generalized p value technique Paper presented in the National
    Seminar on Statistics, Computer and Applications during 16-18 th November, 2007 at
    St. Thomas, College , Pala

    97. Sreekumar, J and Jose,K,K. (2007a) An Improved Statistical Test for Differential
    Expression using Generalized p-value Technique. STARS: Int. Journal (Sciences) 1:
    98. Sreekumar, J and Jose,K,K. (2007b) An Introduction to Statistical Techniques for
    Identification of Differentially expressed Genes in cDNA Microarray experiments
    STARS: Int. Journal (Sciences) 1: No.2 pp 132-149.
    99. Sreekumar, J. and Jose,K.K. 2006 Statistical challenges in gene discovery through
    microarray data analysis paper presented at the 14th Triennial Symposium of the
    International Society for Tropical Root Crops during 20-26th November 2006 at
    Thiruvananthapuram, India.
    100. Sreekumar, J. and Jose, K.K. 2005. Singular value decomposition analysis for
    clustering gene expression data: Application to sporulation time series. Recent
    Advances in Statistical Theory and Applications Vol 1 :203-215.
    101. Sreekumar, J. and.Jose, K.K. 2005. A Bayesian framework for improved statistical
    inference from gene expression data” Paper presented in International Workshop/
    Conference on Bayesian Statistics and its Applications held at Varanasi during 6-8th
    January 2005.
    102. Sreekumar, J., Rajendran, P.G. and Santhosh Mithra,V.S. 2004 The Use of AMMI
    and Biplot analysis in interpreting geneotype by environment interaction in sweet
    potato. Journal of Root Crops 30 (2) , 101-106.
    103. A. N. Jyothi, S. N. Moorthy, J. Sreekumar and K. N. Rajasekharan (2007) studies on
    the properties of citrate derivatives of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) starch
    synthesized by microwave technique, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture,
    87, (5): 871-879 (Online 2 February, 2007).
    104. Chitra, B. Nair, Anith, K.N. and Sreekumar, J. (2006) Mitigation of growth
    retardationeffect of plant defense activator, acibenzolar-S-methyl, in amaranthus
    plantsby plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria. Short Communication, World J
    105. Jyothi, A.N., Rajasekharan, K..N., Moorthy, S.N. and Sreekumar, J, 2005. Synthesis
    and characterization of low DS succinate derivatives of cassava (Manihot esculenta
    Crantz) starch. Starch/St¨arke, 57 (7), 319-324.
    106. Jyothi, A.N., Rajasekharan, K.N., Moorthy, S.N. and Sreekumar, J. 2005. Microwave
    assisted synthesis and characterization of succinate derivatives of cassava (Manihot
    esculenta Crantz) starch. Starch/St¨arke, 57(11), 556-563.
    107. Sajeev, M.S., Manikantan, M.R., Kingsly A.R.P., Moorthy, S..N., Sreekumar, J. 2004.
    Texture Analysis of Taro (Colocasia esculenta L. Schott) Cormels during Storage and
    Cooking. J Food Sci., 69(7):E315-21.
    108. Sreekumar, J. and Rajendran, P.G. 2002. Imputing missing values in multi-
    environmental trails. Paper presented at XII Swadeshi Science Congress,
    Thiruvananthapuram, 5-7 November 2002.
    109. Rajendran, P.G., Mohan, C. and Sreekumar, J. 2005. Standardisation of true cassava
    seed (TCS) programme with special emphasis on more homogeneous, CMD resistant
    progenies. Euphytica.

    110. Rajendran, P.G., Mohan, C. and Sreekumar, J. 2004. Breeding True Cassava Seed
    Progeny for Mosaic Disease (CMD) Resistance, Gene Conserve Issue no. 11, pp154-
    186. ( 20.htm)
    111. Suja, G., Nair, V. M. and Sreekumar, J. 2003. Influence of organic manures, nitrogen
    and potassium on nutrient uptake and nutrient use efficiency of white yam (Dioscorea
    rotundata) intercropped in coconut garden (Cocos nucifera). Indian Journal of
    112. Suja, G., Nair, V. M., Saraswathy, P. and Sreekumar, J. 2000. Physico – chemical
    properties of soil as influenced by nutrient management in white yam (Dioscorea
    rotundata Poir.) intercropped in coconut garden. Journal of Root Crops. 26 (2): 65-70
    113. Suja, G., Nayar, T.V.R. and Sreekumar, J. 2000. Dry matter accumulation and
    partitioning in certain Dioscorea species. Journal of Root Crops, 26 (2):50-56.
    114. Suja,G., Nair, V. M. and Sreekumar, J. 2003. Impact of nutrient management on light
    interception, chlorophyll and proline content of white yam (Dioscorea rotundata Poir.)
    intercropped in coconut garden. Journal of Root Crops, 29(2) :27-31
    115. Suja, G., Nair, V. M. and Sreekumar, J. 2003. Effect of nutrient management on
    quality of white yam (Dioscorea rotundata Poir.) intercropped in coconut garden.
    Journal of Root Crops, 29(1):35-40
    116. Suja,G., Nair, V. M., Saraswathy, P. and Sreekumar, J. 2004. Implications of organic
    manure, nitrogen and potassium application in white yam (Dioscorea rotundata Poir.)
    intercropped in coconut garden on nutrient balance of soil. Annals of Agricultural
    Research, 25(1):76-82
    117. Santhosh Mithra,V.S, Sreekumar, J. and Ravindran,C.S. 2002. Development of
    Cassava Growth Models in India, Paper presented during 7th Asian Cassava
    Workshop during 28–10–2002 to 2–11–2002 at Bangkok, Thailand.
    118. Srinivas T, Anantharaman, M. and Sreekumar, J. 2000. Seasonal Variations in Prices
    of Tapioca Based Products, Paper Presented in International Convention on
    Agricultural Marketing held at MANAGE, Hyderabad, August, 2000 and the paper is
    published in the edited volume entitled Agricultural Marketing : Innovations and
    Interventions. Page : 207-213.
    119. Santhosh Mithra, V.S., Sreekumar,J. and Ravindran, C.S. 2003. Crop Simulation
    Models for Faster Agricultural Growth, Paper presented during 13th Swadeshi
    Science Congress held during 06-11–2003 to 08–11–2003 at Wayanad, Kerala.

     Number of Books/Book chapters : 3
    Book Chapters
    1. Sreekumar J and Sona Charles. Omics in Tuber Crops: Cassava and Sweet potato.
    Chapter 23 in Book, “Omics in Horticultural Crops" Edited by Gyana Ranjan
    Rout and K.V.Peter. Academic Press, 2022, Pages 527-543, ISBN 9780323899055,

    2. Sreekumar J. 2014. Chapter 2. Computational Resources for Next Generation
    Sequencing Data Analysis. In: Biotechnology Vol. 6 Bioinformatics and
    Computational Biology : (Guest editor- A. R. Rao., Executive editor (J. N. Govil)
    Studium Press LLC, USA
    3. Sreekumar J. 2014 Chapter 14. Statistical Analysis of Microarray Gene Expression
    Data In: Biotechnology Vol. 6 Bioinformatics and Computational Biology(Guest
    editor- A. R. Rao., Executive editor (J. N. Govil), Studium Press LLC, USA

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