Managing Innovation for a Better World
The Institute Technology Management Unit (ITMU) at ICAR-CTCRI is designated for all IP Protection, Management, and Commercialization of technologies in the Institute. ITMU facilitates direct access to the prospective entrepreneurs to the Institute Technologies/resources by rendering services in the areas of:
IPR Management
- Consultancy/Contract Research
- Technology Licensing
- Developing Public-Private Partnership (MOU/MOA)
- Organizing Industry-Institute Meet
- Training/Seminars/Capacity Building Programmes
- Total number of technologies commercialized: 17
- IPR protection and commercialization of technologies: 3
- Technology licensing: 24
- Contract manufacturing: 8
- Contract research: 9
- Consultancy services: 6
Interested parties may please write to:
The Director
ICAR-Central Tuber Crops Research Institute