- Research on sweet potato and aroids catering to the needs of the eastern and north eastern regions of the country.
- It functions as a phytosanitary centre for screening of germplasm received from abroad.
Our Team
Name | Designation |
Dr. K. Laxminarayana | Prin. Scientist SIC |
Dr. M. Nedunchezhiyan | Prin. Scientist |
Dr. Kalidas Pati | Sr. Scientist |
Sh. Hanume Gowda K | Scientist |
Sh. Arutselvan R | Scientist |
A. Lakshmana Rao (RS) | AAO |
B. B. Das | STO |
P.K. Mati | TO |
Sushanta K. Jata | TO |
Keshab Paikaray | Sr. Technician |
Mr. Prakash Kumar Nayak | Supporting Staff |
Our Achievements
Significant Achievements
- 1270 germplasm accessions are being maintained in the field gene bank.
- Regional station has released 20 varieties of different tuber crops viz., Sweet Potato (11), Taro (7) and Greater Yam (2).
- Regional Station, ICAR-Central Tuber Crops Research Institute (ICAR-CTCRI), Bhubaneswar, Odisha has developed a new short duration variety SreeTelia which, can be harvested within 120 days after planting. This variety release though SVRC during 2023.
- Sustainable and profitable inter cropping system in greater yam (greater yam + maize), elephant foot yam (elephant foot yam+green gram), taro [taro + maize (5:1) or/and taro + pigeonpea (5:1) (replacement series) and taro+veg. cowpea (1:1) (additive series) were developed.
- Weed control ground cover and manual weeding at 30 and 60 days after planting (DAP)+glyphosate application at90 DAP proved to be an effective alternative to conventional four manual weedings at 30, 60, 90 and 120 days afterplanting in elephant foot yam.
- In taro, through cultural methods i.e. planting density of 74000 plants ha-1 along with paddy straw mulching (5 t ha-1) can be recommended for effective weed management under rainfed conditions.
- Water and fertilizer use efficient drip irrigation and fertigation method was developed for greater yam, elephant foot yam and greater yam+maize intercropping system.
- Conjunctive use of [email protected] Mg ha-1 + FYM@ 4 Mg ha-1+ 75-22-63 kg NPK ha-1 + MgSO4 @ 25 kg ha-1 not only produces sustainable crop yields of sweet potato but also improve soil fertility, nutrient use efficiency and apparent nutrient recovery in acid Alfisols.
- INM strategies for sustainable production of elephant foot yam – black gram cropping system in Alfisolswere developed. Integrated application of 40, 15 & 40 kg ha-1 NPK along with FYM @ 10 t ha-1sustain the soil quality and produced significantly highest corm yield of elephant foot yam.
- INM strategies for enhancing the productivity of colocasia and to maintain soil health in Alfisols of eastern India. Incorporation of FYM @ 10 Mg ha-1 + 40-15-40 kg ha-1 of N, P2O5 and K2O enhances the efficiency of applied chemical fertilizers, sustainable productivity and proximate composition of colocasia in acid Alfisols. Application of soil test based 80-30-80 kg ha-1 of N, P2O5 and K2O was found equally effective in obtaining higher crop yields, nutrient use efficiency, and residual fertility of the soils.
- INM strategies for sustainable production of greater yam in Alfisols of eastern India. Application of FYM @ 16 Mg ha-1 combined with ½ NPK (40-30-50 kg ha-1 of N, P2O5 and K2O) and MgSO4 (25 kg ha-1)/ ZnSO4 (10 kg ha-1) not only helps to augment the productivity and proximate composition of greater yam but also sustain the soil fertility in Alfisols.
- Identified nutrient efficient genotypes/ varieties (SreeBhadra, Kishan, Samrat, Kanjangad, Sankar, 912, Megh-II) of sweet potato based on physiological efficiency, agro-physiological efficiency, apparent nutrient recovery efficiency and utilization efficiency.
- Integrated application of FYM + Azospirillum + 25 kg N ha-1 found equally effective for sustainable production of sweet potato.
- Standardized fertilizer doses and land configuration in biofortified sweet potato. Integrated application of FYM @ 5 Mg ha-1 + NPK @ 75:25:75 kg ha-1 found optimum doses for sustainable production of biofortified sweet potato (cv BhuSona) and to maintain the soil quality.
- Popularized biofortified tuber crops and its value addition to improve the livelihood and nutritional security of tribal communities of Odisha.
- Release of Trichogrammachilonis or T. japonicum @ 60,000/ha at 45 days after planting will reduce the infestation of both the weevil and vine borer.
- This Centre had conducted farmers participatory on farm trials (2000-2005) through three NATP programmes (NATP Jai Vigyan: Horticulture and vegetable gardening for food and nutritional security in tribal, hilly and backward areas, NATP – Management of coastal agroecosystem affected by super cyclone and NATP – ITK: Studies on efficacy of cowdung slurry in inducing sprouting of yam) to identify suitable varieties, production and protection technologies and published forty extension materials in four languages.
- Tuber crops technologies were demonstrated through NAIP project-‘Sustainable rural livelihood and food security to rainfed farmers of Oriss’a (2008-2014). Adopted 3794 farm families in 44 villages in 6 clusters.Under RKVY sponsored project ‘Popularization of climate resilient and nutritionally rich variety of tuber crops for economic development and nutritional security of farmers of Odisha’ (2017-2022), 371.25 ha were covered with nutritional rich climate resilient tuber crops varieties through front line demonstrations and were benefitted by a total of 2616 farmers.
- Under Tribal Sub Plan (2012-2024), 2590 tribal farmers were adopted and demonstrated tuber crops technologies.
Varieties/Technologies/Machineries/Products/Process/Tools/Methodologies/Softwares/Digital tools etc. developed
Crop | Varieties released | Varieties name |
Sweet Potato
| 11 | BhuSona, Bhu Krishna, Bhu Swami, BhuKanti, Bhu Ja, Sankar, Gouri, Kalinga, Goutam, Sourin and Kishan |
| 7 | Muktakeshi, Pani Saru-1, Pani Saru-2, BhuKripa, BhuSree, Sree Hira, SreeTelia |
Greater Yam | 2 | Orrisa elite and BhuSwar |
Varieties/Technologies/packages ready for transfer to AICRP TC/KAU/KVKs/Line departments
Sweet potato hybrid (SPH-31) for SVRC in Odisha.
- Yam bean hybrid (YBH-3x8) for SVRC in Odisha
Facilities and Infrastructure
Infrastructure developed
Plant Tissue Culture Laboratory

Techno Incubation Centre
Plant/Tissue Analysis Laboratory
Plant Health Clinic
Farmers Training Hall
Dehumidified storage godown
25 KVA Generator Overhead
water tank with sump
Publications (Last 20 years
Research Articles | 519 |
Popular Articles | 108 |
Technical Bulletins | 24 |
Books Edited/Authored | 39 |
Book Chapters | 116 |
Technical/Extension Folders | 39 |
Training Manuals | 8 |
Papers Presented in Seminars/Symposia/Workshops | 160 |
Our Projects
Externally funded Project (on going)
Title of the project | PI/Co-PI | Agency | Budget |
Establishment of Varietal gene bank and development of standards of DUS testing for varietal gene bank in Sweet Potato and Cassava (Co-Nodal Centre) | KalidasPati | PPV&FRA, New Delhi | Rs.6.99 lakhs allocated for 2024-25 |
Establishment of varietal gene bank and development of standards of DUS testing for varietal gene bank in Taro and Elephant Foot Yam (Nodal Centre) | KalidasPati | PPV&FRA, New Delhi | Rs.6.99 lakhs allocated for 2024-25 |
Establishment of varietal gene bank and development of standards of DUS testing for varietal gene bank in Greater Yam and Yam bean (Co-Nodal Centre) | KalidasPati | PPV&FRA, New Delhi | Rs.6.99 lakhs allocated for 2024-25 |
Adoption of bio-fortified varieties of tuber crops and promoting entrepreneurship development for livelihood and nutritional security of tribal farmers | K.Laxminarayana | MIDH, Odisha | Rs.138.00 lakhsallocated for 2022-25 |
Establishment of mass production unit of bioagents for eco-friendly disease management in vegetable crops | R. Arutselvan | RKVY, Odisha | Rs. 320.91 lakhsallocated for 2024-27 |
Rural bioresource complex for tubers and millets in Kandhamal, Odisha | M Nedunchezhiyan | DBT, Govt. of India | Rs. 10.00lakhs allocated for 2024-25 |
Establishment of Biotech-KISAN hub at DBT-ILS, Bhubaneswar for carrying out activities in tribal districts of Odisha | M Nedunchezhiyan | DBT, Govt. of India | Rs. 4.00lakhs allocated for 2024-25 |
Total | Rs. 493.88 lakhs |