Designation | Principal Scientist |
Qualification | Ph.D. in Plant Pathology |
Division | Division of Crop Protection |
Specialisation | Plant Pathology |
Intercom | 215 |
Location | Head Quarters |
Total publications | Number of Research papers : 84 ,. Number of Books/Book chapters : 11 . Number of Technical Bulletins : 8 |
Areas of Interest
Fungal Pathology, Bio-intensive management of diseases, tuber crops
Research Projects
Number of institute projects completed :
Number of Projects completed as PI
- Disease management in Phytophthora foot rot affected black pepper plantations (Path.11.3 (813))
- Screening germplasm for reaction to diseases (Crop. Prot 1.1. (813))
- Standardization of cultivation technology for Ganoderma spp. (2.4.5)
- Exploitation of vermicompost for eco-friendly management of taro leaf blight and collar rot of elephant foot yam (PI-2010/1-ITC-H20/1550)
- Management of Fungal Diseases of Aroids (HORT CTCRI SIL 2015 006 01462)
Number Projects completed as Co-PI
- Biological control of diseases of spice crops (Biocontrol 1.1 (813))
- Collection, conservation, cataloguing and evaluation of germplasm of tree spices (Gen.VI (813))
- Collection, conservation and improvement of vanilla (Gen. XIII (813))
- Cultivation technology of Lentinula edodes (2.4.4)
- Collection, documentation, characterization, conservation and evaluation of wild edible and medicinal mushrooms of Western Ghats (1.1.4)
- Genetic improvement of biological efficiency of Pleurotus florida (2.2.11)
- Conservation and utilization of germplasm of tuber crops for sustaining production (HORTICARCTCRISIL2015 001 01457)
- Genetic Improvement of Tuber Crops through Conventional Breeding and Molecular Approaches (HORTICARCTCRISIL201500101458)
- Integrated crop, water and nutrient management for improving productivity of tropical tuber crops (HORTICARCTCRISIL201500301459)
- Management of greater yam anthracnose (HORT CTCRI SIL 2015 006 01462)
4. Number of Institute projects being handled :
Number of Institute projects being handled as PI
- Emerging fungal diseases and management strategies for major diseases of aroids
Number of Institute projects being handled as Co-PI -7
- Conservation and utilization of germplasm of tuber crops for sustaining production
- Genetic improvement of edible aroids for resistance to biotic stress and quality parameters
- Crop diversification involving tropical tuber crops
- Long term integrated nutrient management in tropical tuber crops
- Fungal pathogens and disease management in cassava and yams
- Virus and Phytoplasma diseases of tropical tuber crops and their management
- Mass production and effective utilization of bioagents to manage fungal diseases of tuber crops
5. Number of externally funded projects completed :
Number of externally funded projects completed as Co-PI
- Technology Mission on Black Pepper
- Outreach Programme of IISR on Phytophthora, Fusarium & Ralstonia diseases of Horticultural field crops
- Isolation and Development of plant growth promoting organisms from high biodiversity Region for Tropical Tuber crops
- Enhancing the economic viability of coconut based land use systems for land use planning in Kerala State
6. Number of externally funded projects being handled :
Number of externally funded projects being handled as Co-PI
- All India Network Programme on Organic Farming (AINP-OF)
- Development of smart foods, bio-composites, green packaging and bio-energy from agro-residues
Research Publications
Number of Research papers 84
- Neethukrishna, P., Veena, S.S. and S. Karthikeyan, S. 2023. Synergistic effect of oil cakes and Trichoderma asperellum in the suppression of Sclerotium rolfsii. J. Root Crops, 49 (1): 39-45.
- Suja Girija, Byju Gangadharan, Veena Syamala Swayamvaran, Sunitha Sarojini Amma, Ramesh Varadharajan, Maria Cherian Lintu & Rakhi Kanjiramthottiyil Raj (2023) Organic management is a viable alternative for arrowroot (Maranta arundinacea L.), Biological Agriculture & Horticulture, DOI: 10.1080/01448765.2023.2253778 7.50
- Aneetta Baby, Veena, S.S. and S. Karthikeyan.2022. Study on compatibility of Trichoderma asperellum and fungicides for the development of environment friendly and cost-effective disease management strategies. Journal of Root Crops 48(1&2): 35-40.
- Shilpa, S.U., Jeeva, M. L., Veena, S. S., Amrutha, P. R., T. Makeshkumar, T. and Tom Cyriac. 2021. Harnessing the diversity of bacterial endophytes isolated from wild and cultivated taro plants against Phytophthora colocasiae. Journal of Root Crops 47(1&2): 61-68.
- Girija Suja, Janardanan Sreekumar, Gangadharan Byju, Syamala Swayamvaran Veena, Sarojini Amma Sunitha, Varadharajan Ramesh,Cherian Lintu Maria & Rakhi Kanjiramthottiyil Raj. 2021. Organic management of Chinese potato: growth, yield, quality, soil health, and economics. International Journal of Vegetable Science, DOI:10. 1080/19315260.2021.1907829. IF 0.94
- Suja, G., Sreekumar, J.,Byju, G.,Jyothi, A.N. and Veena, S.S. 2021. Weed cloth, an option for integrated weed management for short-duration cassava. Agronomy Journal, 1-14. NAAS-8.10
- Femina, F.N., Veena, S.S., Karthikeyan,S. and G.L. Sreelatha. 2020. Growth Promotion in Elephant Foot Yam (Amorphophallus paeoniifolius (Dennst.) Nicolson) Consequent to Colonization by the Root Endophytic Fungus, Piriformospora indica. Journal of Root Crops, 46 (2), 94-100.
- Nedunchezhiyan,M.,Kalidas Pati, V.B.S. Chauhan, R. Arutselvan, K. Laxminarayana, G. Byju and S.S. Veena. 2020. Growth, Dry Matter Production and Yield Characteristics of Greater Yam+Maize Intercropping System under Varied Drip Irrigation and Fertigation Levels. Journal of Root Crops, 46 (2), 14-22.
- Jeeva, M.L., S.S. Veena T. Makeshkumar S. Karthikeyan P.R. Amrutha S.U. Shilpa.2020. Emerging Cassava Root and Stem Rot: A Challenge to Wetland Farmers in Kerala. Journal of Root Crops, 46 (2), 114-117.
- Suja, G., Jyothi, A.N., Byju, G., Veena, S.S., Sreekumar, J., Indira, M and Ravi, V. 2020. Organic management fosters yield, soil health and profit in dwarf white yam. Indian J. Hort. 77(1): 140-148. NAAS-6.16
- Anju, P. S., K. Susan John, S. Bhadraray, Jeena Mathew, S. Sunitha and S. S. Veena.2020. Optimum Nutrient Requirement of Elephant Foot Yam (Amorphophallus paeoniifolius (Dennst.) Nicolson) Under Coconut Gardens. J. of Root Crops 46 (1): 18-24.
- Sirisha Tadigiri, Kesava Kumar H and Veena SS.2020. In-vitro evaluation of potential bio agents on hatching and mortality of root knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita. Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies 2020; 8(3): 767-770 NAAS: 5.53
- Tadigiri, S., Das, D., Allen, R. C., Vishnu, V. R., Veena, S. S. and Karthikeyan, S. 2020. Isolation and characterization of chemical constituents from B. amyloliquefaciens and their nematicidal activity. Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies 8(4): 136-140. (NAAS rating: 5.53)
- Madhavi Baiju, S. Sreelekha, R. Shiny, S.S. Veena and G. Byju. 2020. Site specific nutrient management of cassava improves soil quality. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences. 9(12): 416-424. NAAS; 5.38
- Fathima, J.A., Sreelekha, R., Shiny, R., Veena, S.S and Byju, G. 2020. Effect of site specific nutrient management of white yam on soil quality. Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. App.Sci. 9(12): 3424-3431. NAAS; 5.38
- Anju, P.S., Susan John, K.,Bhadraray, S., Suja, G., Jeena Mathew, Nair, K. M., Sunitha, S. and Veena, S.S. 2020. Customized Fertilizer Formulations for Elephant Foot Yam (Amorphophallus paeoniifolius (Dennst.) Nicolson) under Intercropping in Coconut Gardens for Kerala, India. Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science, 68 (2): 221-235.NAAS; 5.34
- Aswathy B Nair, S. S. Veena, M. N. Sheela, S. Karthikeyan, G. L. Sreelatha and V. R. Vishnu. 2019. Microbial Diversity in Rhizosphere Soils of Tropical Tuber Crops: Utilization for Pathogen Suppression and Growth Promotion. J. of Root Crops 45 (1): 53-63.
- Suresh Kuamar,J., Sanket J More, Byju, G., Sunitha, S., Veena, S.S., Nedunchezhiyan M. and Ravi, V. 2019. Effect of new generation herbicides on weed management, corm yield and economics of elephant foot yam (Amorphophallus paeoniifolius (Dennst.) Nicolson]. International journal on Chemical Studies. 7(3): 1213-1218.
- Viji,V.S. Veena, S.S., Karthikeyan, S. and M.L. Jeeva. 2019. Cassava based substrates - conducive media for mass multiplication of Trichoderma asperellum. J. of Root Crops 44 (1) 41-46.
- Susan John, K., Anju PS., Suja G., Jeena Mathew, Nair, KM., Sunitha S and Veena SS. 2018. Customized fertilizer formulations for tropical tuber crops under intercropping in coconut gardens: Development and experience in Kerala. Indian Micronutrient Manufactures Association J., 1(1):33-41
- Jyothi Lekshmi, O. B. P. R. Amrutha, M. L. Jeeva, A. Asha Devi, S. S. Veena, G. L. Sreelatha, M. G. Sujina and Tom Syriac.2018. Development of an efficient real-time PCR assay to accurately quantify resistant gene analogue expression in Taro (Colocasia esculenta). J. of Root Crops 44 (2) 3-11.
- Shahana, N., M.L. Jeeva, S. S. Veena, G. L. Sreelatha, M. G. Sujina and P. R. Amrutha.2018. Exploration of endophytes from tropical tuber crops against Colletotrichum gloeosporioides causing anthracnose in greater yam (Dioscorea alata L.) in vitro. ). J. of Root Crops 44 (2) 32-43
- Linet K Joseph, S.S. Veena, G. Byju, J. Sreekumar and S. Karthikeyan. 2018. Comparative analysis of antimicrobial activities of43 Trichoderma isolates against Sclerotium rolfsii, the pathogen causing collar rot disease in elephant foot yam. J. of Root Crops 44 (2) 53-60.
- Anjitha Nair, U. M., A. Asha Devi, S. S. Veena, B. S. Prakash Krishnan and R. S. Arya. 2018. Genetic diversity analysis of leaf blight resistant and susceptible taro [Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott] genotypes using ISSR markers. J. of Root Crops 44 (2) 44-52.
- Anju, P.S., K. Susan John, S. Bhadraray, G. Suja, Jeena Mathew.,K.M. Nair, S. Sunitha and S.S. Veena. 2018. Development and Evaluation of Customized Fertilizer Formulations for Tuber Crops Grown as Intercrops in Coconut Gardens. Indian Journal of Fertilisers, Vol. 14 (10), pp.50-54. 4.76
- Theertha. V. Kumar, S.S. Veena, S. Karthikeyan and J. Sreekumar.2018. Compatibility of Trichoderma asperellum with Fungicides, Insecticides, Inorganic fertilizers and Bio-pesticides. Journal of Root Crops, 43 (2): 68-75.
- Sujina, M. G., Sreelatha, G. L., Jeeva, M. L., Vishnu S. Nath, Akshara George, and Veena, S. S. 2018. Studies on endophytes associated with medicinally important Saraca asoca (Roxb.) Willd and their antagonistic activity against Phytophthora colocasiae: J. of Root Crops 43(2): 76-83.
- Nedunchezhiyan, M., Byju, G., Veena, S.S. and Ravi, V. 2017. Herbicides and polythene mulching effects on yield of cassava. Ind. J. Weed Sci. 49(1): 58-62. 5.42
- Ramakrishna, M., Rajesh Babu, D., Veena, S. S., Meera Pandey and Nageswara Rao, G.2017. A validated reverse-phase HPLC method for quantitative determination of ganoderic acids A and B in cultivated strains of Ganoderma spp.(Agaricomycetes) indigenous to India. Int J Med Mushrooms, 19(5): 457–465. NAAS-7.20
- Nedunchezhiyan, M., Ravi,V., George,J and Veena S.S. 2017. Effect of weed control methods on the yield and starch content of storage roots of cassava (Manihot esculenta) and soil health. Indian J. Agric. Sci., 87(3):342-349.6.40
- Suja, G. Byju, G., Jyothi, A.N., Veena, S.S. and Sreekumar, J. 2017. Yield, quality and soil health under organic vs conventional farming in taro. Scientia Horticulturae 218 (2017) 334–343. 10.30
- PS Anju, K Susan John, Subhendu Bhadraray, G Suja, Jeena Mathew, KM Nair, S Sunitha, SS Veena. 2017. Development of Protocol for Custom Mixed Fertilizers for Elephant Foot Yam under Intercropping in Coconut Gardens of the Two Agro-Ecological Units of Kerala. Journal of Root Crops. 42(2):66-74.
- Lakshmipriya, P. Vishnu. S. Nath, S.S. Veena, K.N. Anith, J. Sreekumarand M.L. Jeeva. 2016. Piriformospora indica, a Cultivable Endophyte for Growth Promotion and Disease Management in Taro (Colocasia esculenta (L.). Journal of Root Crops, 42 (2): 141-148.
- Nath V. S., Shyni, Jeeva M. L., Veena S.S. 2016. Genetic and Phenotypic characterization of Phytophthora colocasiae in taro Growing Areas of India. Journal of Plant Pathology & Microbiology. 10.4172/2157-7471.1000383.
- Nath V. S., Shyni, Jeeva M. L., Hegde V. M., Devi, A., Misra R. S., Veena S. S., Raj M. 2016. A rapid and efficient method for in vitro screening of taro for leaf blight disease. Journal of Phytopathology. 164: 520–52 DOI: 10.1111/jph.12477 7.50
- Nath V. S., Rajitha M., Darveekaran S. S., Hegde V. M., Jeeva M. L., Misra R. S., Veena S.S., Raj M. 2015. Identification of Phytophthora colocasiae genes differentially expressed during infection on taro (Colocasia esculenta). Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology.89:78-86 10.1016/j.pmpp.2015.01.001. 8.70
- Anish T.Anil, G.Suja, G. Byju and S.S. Veena. 2014. Organic management Impacts on Micro- environment in Cassava. Journal of Root Crops. 40 (1): 102-104
- Vishnu S Nath & Vinayaka Hegde, M. L. Jeeva, Raj Shekar Misra , S. S. Veena, Mithun Raj and Darveekaran Sree Sankar. 2014. Morphological, pathological and molecular characterization of Phytophthora colocasiae responsible for taro leaf blight disease in India. Phytoparasitica. 43:21–35 DOI 10.1007/s12600-014-0422-5 7.40
- Vishnu S. Nath, Vinayaka M. Hegde, Muthulekshmi L. Jeeva, Raj S. Misra, S. S. Veena, Mithun Raj, Suresh K. Unnikrishnan & Sree S. Darveekaran. 2014. Rapid and sensitive detection of Phytophthora colocasiae responsible for the taro leaf blight using conventional and real-time PCR assay. FEMS Microbiol Lett, 1–10 . doi: 10.1111/1574-6968.12395 8.10
- Nath VS., Hegde V., Jeeva M L., Misra R S., Veena SS., Raj M., Sankar DS. 2014. Genetic Diversity of Phytophthora colocasiae Causing Taro Leaf Blight: Analysis Using Start Codon Targeted (SCoT) Polymorphism. Journal of Root Crops. 39 (2): 168 -177
- Veena, S.S, M.L.Jeeva, L.S.Rajeswari, A.Sabna, Pravi Vidyadharan, M. Nedunchezhiyan, J. Sreekumar and James George. 2013. Worm power against fungal diseases in aroids: prospects and future strategies. Journal of Root Crops. 39 (2): 136-147
- Vishnu Sukumari Nath, Neetha Soma John, Indira Parameswaran Anjanadevi, Vinayaka Mahabaleswar Hegde, Muthulekshmi Lajapathy Jeeva, Raj Shekhar Misra and S. S. Veena. 2013. Characterization of Trichoderma spp. Antagonistic to Phytophthora colocasiae associated with leaf blight of taro. Annals of Microbiology doi: 10.1007/s13213-013-0794-7. 9.0
- Nath V S., Sankar M S., Hegde V M., Jeeva M L., Misra R S., Veena SS., Raj M. 2013, Analysis of genetic diversity in Phytophthora colocasiae using AFLP and RAPD markers. Annals of Microbiology. doi:10.1007/s13213-013-0651-8. 9.0
- Nath V S., M S alias Sankar., V M Hegde., M L Jeeva., R S Misra., S.S Veena., Raj M. 2013. PCR-based approach for mining of resistant gene analogues in taro (Colocasia esculenta). Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection, 46(7):803-812 IF- 0.735
- Nath V S., Sankar M S., Hegde V M., Jeeva M L., Misra R S., Veena, S.S., Raj M. 2013. Molecular evidence supports hyper variability in Phytophthora colocasiae associated with leaf blight of taro. European Journal of Plant Pathology. DOI: 10.1007/s10658-013-0181-z. NAAS- 7.80
- Senthil @ Sankar, M. Vishnu S. Nath, Raj Shekhar Misra, M. L. Jeeva, Vinayaka Hegde and Veena S.S. 2013 Comparison of eliciting activity of a virulent and non virulent isolate of Phytophthora colocasiae on taro. In: R. S. Misra and M. Nedunchezhiyan. Aroids opportunities and challenges. Regional centre, Central Tuber Crops Research Institute, Bubhaneswar, Orissa.
- Soudamini Mohapatra, S. S Veena, Meera Pandey and M Deepa.2012. Biodegradation of Gamma-Hexachlorocyclohexane by Various Pleurotus Species Pesticide Research Journal Vol 24(2): 212-216. 5.55
- Meera Pandey and Veena.S.S. 2012. Characterization and conservation of edible and medicinal mushrooms of Western Ghats of India. Indian J. Trop. Biodiv.20(1):37-44 2.79
- Nath V S., M S alias Sankar, V M Hegde., M L Jeeva., R S Misra., S.S Veena., Raj M. 2012. Genetic diversity of Phytophthora colocasiae isolates in India based on AFLP analysis. 3Biotech. DOI 10.1007/s13205-012-0101-5. (Springer) 8.80
- Nath V S., M S alias Sankar., V M Hegde., M L Jeeva., R S Misra., S.S Veena., Raj M. 2012. Evaluation of fungicides on Indian isolates of Phytophthora colocasiae causing leaf blight of taro, Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection, 46(5):548-555 0.735
- Veena. S.S and Meera Pandey. 2012. Physiological and cultivation requirements of Trametes versicolor, a medicinal mushroom to diversify Indian mushroom industry. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 82 (8): 672-675. 6.40
- Vishnu Sukumari Nath, Muthukrishnan Senthil alias Sankar, Vinayaka Mahabaleswar Hegde, Muthulekshmi Lajapathy Jeeva, Raj Shekar Misra, S. S. Veena, Mithun Raj. 2012. Analysis of Genetic Diversity in Phytophthora colocasiae using RAPD Markers. The Asian and Australasian Journal of Plant Science and Biotechnology. 6(1): 38-43.
- Vishnu Sukumari Nath, Muthukrishnan Senthil alias Sankar, Vinayaka Mahabaleswar Hegde, Muthulekshmi Lajapathy Jeeva, Raj Shekar Misra, S. S. Veena. 2012. A Simple and Efficient Protocol for Rapid Regeneration and Propagation of Taro (Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott.) in Vitro from Apical Meristems. International Journal of Plant Developmental Biology 6 (1): 64-66
- Veena. S.S and Meera Pandey (2012). Medicinal mushrooms - a novel crop for horticultural diversification in India. International Research Journal of Plant Science. Vol. 3(1) :8-11
- Nedunchezhiyan, M., S. K. Jata, G. Byju and S.S. Veena. 2011. Effect of Tuber CropWastes/Byproducts on Nutritional and Microbial Composition of Vermicomposts and Duration of the Vermicomposting Process. Journal of Botany. Volume 2011, Article ID 801703, 6 pages, doi:10.1155/2011/801703
- Veena. S.S and Meera Pandey. 2011. Paddy Straw as a Substrate for the Cultivation of Lingzhi or Reishi Medicinal mushroom, Ganoderma lucidum (W. Curt.:Fr.)P.Karst.in India. International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms, 13 (4): 397-400. 7.20
- Veena. S.S, Manu M Stephen, Nedunchezhiyan M, Neetha Soma John, Anjana Devi I.P & Jeeva M.L. 2011. Microbial diversity in vermicompost and its utilization as potential bio- control agents. In: M. S. Sajeev, M. Anantharaman, G. Padmaja, M. Unnikrishnan, V. Ravi, G. Suja and Vinayaka Hegde (eds). Climate Change and Food Security: Challenges and opportunities for Tuber Crops, CTCRI, Thiruvananthapuram.pp 394-398.
- Meera Pandey and Veena S.S. 2011. Potential of Mushrooms in Commercial Agri-horticultural System Proc. 98th Indian Science Congress, 3-7th Jan 2011 at SRM University, Kattankulathur, Tamilnadu Part II : Abstracts of Symposium/Invited Lecture. pp 18-19
- Veena. S.S and Meera Pandey. 2010. A simple method for culture conservation of some commercial mushrooms. Mycosphere 1(3): 191-194. NAAS- 20.0
- Veena. S. S and Meera Pandey. 2010. Effect of Spawn Substrate and Spawn rate on Cultivation of Ganoderma lucidum. Journal of Mycology and Plant Pathology 40(1): 158-161 5.08
- Veena. S. S, Anadaraj, M & Sarma Y.R. 2010. Variabilty in the sensitivity of Phytophthora capsici isolates to potassium phosphonate. Indian Phytopathology 63 (1):71-75 5.97
- Minoo, D., V. N. Jayakumar, S. S. Veena, J. Vimala, A. Basha, K. V. Saji, K. Nirmal babu, K. V. Peter (2008) Genetic variations and interrelationships in Vanilla planifolia and few related species as expressed by RAPD polymorphism. Genet Resour Crop Evol 55:459-470. 8.0
- Soudamini Mohapatra, Meera pandey, A. K. Ahuja, Veena S. S, Sandhya R. 2008. Degradation of Lindane and Imidacloprid in soil by Calocybe indica. Pesticide Research Journal Vol 20 (1): 143-145 5.55
- Anilkumar R, Vasu K, Suseela Bhai R, Velayudhan KT, Veena. S.S, Ramachandran V and Unnikrishnan G (2008). Translocation and distribution of 32 P labelled potassium phosphonate in black pepper (Piper nigrum L). In: K.S. Krishnamurthy, D. Prasath, K. Kandiannan, R. Suseela Bhai, K.V. saji and V. A. Pathasarathy (Eds.). Piperaceae Crops- Technologies and Future Prospectives, Indian institute of Spices Research, Calicut, November, 2008. Pp 353
- Suseela Bhai, R., M Anandaraj, Y R Sarma, S.S Veena and K V Saji. 2007. Screening of black pepper (Piper nigrum L.) germplasm for resistance to foot rot disease caused by Phytophthora capsici Leonian. Journal of Spices and aromatic Crops 16(2): 115-117.
- Meera Pandey & Veena S. S. 2007. Mushrooms for aesthetic Industry. Mushroom Biology and Biotechnology . Eds: R. D. Rai, S. K. Singh, M. C. Yadav and R P Tewari, Mushroom Society of india pp 259 – 264.
- Veena. S.S and Meera Pandey. 2006. Evaluation of the locally available substrates for the cultivation of indigenous Ganoderma isolates. J. Mycol.Pl. Pathol 36 (3) : 434 - 438.
- Veena. S.S. and Meera Pandey. 2006. Effect of temperature and humidity on yield and quality parameters of Ganoderma lucidum. Mushroom Research 15(2): 125-128. 5.33
- Veena. S.S, Anadaraj, M & Sarma Y.R. 2006. Compatibility of Potassium Phosphonate with Trichoderma harzianum. J. Mycol.Pl. Pathol.36 (2) : 171-174 5.08
- Meera Pandey and Veena S.S. 2004. Mushroom gardening –A novel aspect in landscaping. In: Sathanarayan Reddy B.S, Janakiram, T, Balaji S. Kulkarani and Naryanswamy P. (Eds). Emerging trends in Ornamental Horticulture.pp- 175-178.
- Mohamed Shafi, P. Geetha Nambiar, M. K., Robin A. Clery, Y.R Sarma and Veena,S.S. 2004. Composition and antifungal activity of the oil of Artemesia nilagirica (Clarke) Pamp, Journal of Essential Oil Research 16 : 377-379 9.0
- Indira Devi, G. Geetha Parameswaran. and Veena, S.S. 2004. Synthesis and characterization of lanthanide (III) perchlorate complexes of some Schiff base ligands. Asian Journal of Chemistry 16 (1): 493-500
- Indira Devi, G. Geetha Parameswaran and Veena, S.S. 2004. Antifungal studies of transition metal complexes of schiff bases derived from anthracene carboxaldehyde-L-Tyrosine. Asian Journal of Chemistry. 16 (2): 884-890
- Marykutty, P.V., Geetha Parameswaran. and Veena, S.S. 2004. Physico- chemical Studies, Thermal Decomposition Kinetics and Antifungal Studies of some bivalent metal complexes of Camphor –2- aminophenol. Asian Journal of Chemistry. 16 (2): 891-898
- Marykutty, P.V., Geetha Parameswaran and Veena, S.S. 2004. Structural and antifungal studies of metal complexes of 1,3- cyclohexane dione – 2 aminophenol and 2 amino thiophenol. Proceedings of the XVI Kerala Science Congress, CWRDM, Kozhikode, Jan 29 - 31, 2004.
- Meera Pandey and Veena. S. S. 200). Mushroom cultivation- An appropriate technology for the rural areas. Proceedings of the International Seminar on Downsizing Technology for rural Development, RRL, Bhuvaneswar, Oct 7-9, 2003. pp. 202-209.
- Sarma, Y.R, Anandaraj, M, Suseela Bhai, R, Veena, S.S and Rajan, P.P 2002. Wrong Plant Disease Diagnosis results in heavy crop loss- Vanilla bean (pod) rot a case study. ISS News letter 4(1): 6
- Sarma, Y.R., Anandaraj, M., Kumar, A and Veena, S.S. 2001 Phyllody disease of black pepper. Indian Journal of Arecanut, Spices and Medicinal Plants. 3: 18
- Veena, S.S and Peethambaran, C.K 2000 Variability of Phytophthora capsici isolates from black pepper. Indian Phytopathology 53 : 371 5.97
- Veena, S.S., Peethambaran, C.K and Sarma, Y.R 2000 Phytophthora katsurae Ko and Chang as the causal agent of bud rot of coconut in some parts of Kerala, India. Proceedings –Indian Phytopathological Society –Golden Jubilee International Conference on Integrated Management for Sustainable Agriculture.Vol I pp- 495 –496
- Veena,S.S and Sarma,Y.R 2000 Uptake and translocation of potassium phosphonate and its protection against Phytophthora capsici in black pepper. In: Ramana, K.V, Santhosh J Eapen, Nirmal Babu, K, Krishnamoorthy,K.S and Kumar,A (Eds.) Spices and Aromatic plants- Challenges and Opportunities in the New Century, Indian Society for Spices, Calicut, Kerala pp. 243-248.
- Kumar, A, Anandaraj, M, Srinivasan,V, Veena,S.S and Sarma,Y.R 2000 Coconut water amended coirpith;a conducive medium for mass multiplication of biocontrol agent Trichoderma spp. In: Ramana, K.V, Santhosh J Eapen, Nirmal Babu, K, Krishnamoorthy,K.S and Kumar,A (Eds.) Spices and Aromatic plants- Challenges and Opportunities in the New Century, Indian Society for Spices, Calicut, Kerala pp 267-273
- Veena, S.S and Peethambaran, C.K 1998 Biocontrol strategy for management of Phytophthora infection in black pepper. In: Damodaran,A.D (Ed.) Proceedings of the 10 th Kerala Science Congress 2-4 Jan, 1998 , Kozhikode pp-147-150.
- Veena, S.S., Rema Devi,L and Peethambaran, C.K. 1993 Fluctuations in water potentials of leaf surface for the management of powdery mildew of pumpkin, Cucurbita moschata. In : Damodharan, A.D (Ed.)Proceedings of the 5 th Kerala Science Congress, Kottayam.pp-149
11. Number of Books/Book chapters
- Ravi, V., Vikramaditya Pandey., Asha devi, A, Nedunchezhiyan M., Susan John, K., Saravanan, R., Harish ER, Veena, SS and Sajeev MS. 2022. Taro (Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott): Improvemet, Production, Protection and Utilization. Bluerose publishers, ISBN: 978-93-5628-668-9
Book chapters
- Jeeva, M.L., Veena, S.S., Makeshkumar. T., Harish, E.R., Kesavakumar, H. and Arutselvan, R. 2023. Pests and diseases of tropical tuber crops: six decades of research at ICAR- CTCRI. In: National conference on tropical tuber crops for sustainability, tradition, agri-food systems & resilience (NCTTC 4 STAR 2023). Jyothi, A.N., Jaganathan, D., Krishna Radhika, N., Makeshkumar, T, Ramesh, V., Prakask, P. and Pradeepika, C (Eds.) Indian Society for Root Crops & ICAR- CTCRI, 28-29 November 2023, ICAR-Central Tuber Crops Research Institute, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India. pp. 76-81.
- Veena, S. S. C. Visalakshi Chandra, M. L. Jeeva and T. Makeshkumar. 2021. Postharvest Diseases of Tropical Tuber Crops and Their Management. In: Postharvest handling and diseases of horticultural produce. Dinesh Singh, Ram Roshan Sharma, V. Devappa, and Deeba Kamil (Eds).CRC Press, 6000 Broken Sound Parkway NW, Suite 300, Boca Raton, FL 33487-2742. 397-414 (437pp)
- Jeeva, M.L., Veena, S.S., Makeshkumar, T. 2021. Integrated Disease Management in Tropical Tuber Crops. In: Recent Advances in Root and Tuber Crops. Sanket J. More, Namrata Ankush Giri, Suresh Kumar J, Visalakshi Chandra C, Sirisha Tadigiri (Eds). 406 pp. ISBN: 978-93-90757-44-2, e-ISBN: 978-93-90757-47-3
- Jeeva, M. L., Veena, S.S., Makesh Kumar, T. and Arutselvan, R. 2020. Potential strategies to mitigate emerging diseases of tropical tuber crops. In: Proceedings of the International Webinar on Harnessing the Potential of Tropical Tuber Crops Under Changing Climate (HPTTC 2020), Byju G., Sanket J. More and Jaganathan D. (Eds.). ICAR-Central Tuber Crops Research Institute, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India. pp. 70-82.
- Meera Pandey and Veena S.S (2015). Diversity and conservation of medicinal mushrooms of India in K.K. Janardhanan and T.A. Ajith (Eds). Developments in medicinal mushroom biology and therapeutic properties. Pp 155-174
- M. Senthil Sankar, Vishnu. S. Nath, Raj Shekhar Misra, M.L. Jeeva, Vinayaka Hegde and S.S. Veena. 2013. Comparison of eliciting activity of culture filtrates from a virulent and a non- virulent isolate of Phytophthora colocasiae on taro. In: Aroids Opportunities and challenges. R. S. Misra and M. Nedunchezhiyan (eds.). Allied publishers private limited. pp.631. ISBN 978-81-8424-827-2
- Veena. S. S (Veena Ashok). 2011. History of Plant Pathology of Horticultural Crops. In: The Science of horticulture. K. V. Peter (ed). Vol. 1, New India Publishing Agency, New Delhi. pp 179-198.
- Meera Pandey, Nita Khandekar and Veena S.S. 2011. Status and problems of mushroom industry in Karnataka – A Few case studies In: Diversity and Production of Edible Mushrooms. S. Kannaiyan, T. Marimuthu and K. Lenin (eds.) Associated Publishing Company. viii, 184 p,ISBN : 81-85211-91-4
- Meera Pandey and Veena S.S. 2010. Medicinally important mushrooms. In Lifestyle Horticulture. Editors T. Janakiram, K.V. Prasad, K.P. Singh & Kishem Swaroop. Vol 48, page-118-124
- Anandaraj,M and Veena,S.S 2000 Diseases of Tree spices and Vanilla. In: Madan, M.S & Jose Abraham(Eds.) Spices Production Technology, Agricultural Technology Information Centre, Indian Institute of Spices Research, Calicut pp-84-85
12. Number of Technical Bulletins : 8
- Harish, E.R., Veena, S.S., Kesava Kumar, H. and Sangeetha, B.G. 2023. Proceedings of the Brainstorming Meeting on Management of Mealybugs in Cassava: Present Status and Future Strategies (BS-MMBC 2023). ICAR-Central Tuber Crops Research Institute, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, 24 p.
- Sunitha, S., Laxminarayana, K., Veena, S.S., Jyothi, A.N., Santhosh Mithra, V.S. and Kalidas Pati. 2023. Taro, Technical Bulletin No. 96, ICAR-Central Tuber Crops Research Institute, Sreekariyam, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India, 42p.
- Susan John, K., Shirly Raichal Anil, Veena, S.S., Jyothi, A.N., Sivakumar, P.s. and Sangeetha, B.G. 2023. Sweet potato, Technical Bulletin No. 94, ICAR- Central Tuber Crops Research Institute, Sreekariyam, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India, 469.
- Jeeva, M.L., Veena, S.S., Jayanta Tarafdar, Harish, E.R., Kesava Kumar, H. and Makeshkumar,T. 2023.Compendium of Diseases and Pests of Tropical Tuber Crops in India, Techncal Bulletin No. 92, ICAR- Central Tuber Crops Research Institute, Sreekariyam, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India,56 p.
- Veena, S.S., Makeshkumar, T., Pravi Vidyadharan and Jeeva, M.L. 2023. National symposium on plant health management: current trends and novel mitigation strategies. 11-12 September 2023. Abstract of papers.
- G. Byju, S.S. Veena, V. Ramesh, G. Suja, V. Ravi, S. Sunitha,M.N. Sheela, C.A. Jayaprakas, M.S. Sajeev, A. Asha Devi, Shirly Raichal Anil, J. Sreekumar, T. Makeshkumar,A.N. Jyothi, M.L. Jeeva, P. Murugesan, Saravanan Raju,C. Mohan, H. Kesava Kumar, K.I. Asha, V.S. SanthoshMithra, Vivek Hegde, E.R. Harish, A.V.V. Koundinya,R. Muthuraj, D. Jaganathan, V.R. Sasankan,D.T. Rejin, R. Shiny.2020. Deluge of August 2018 in Kerala State, India: Changes in Soil Properties. Technical Bullettin Series: 78. ICAR- CTCRI.
- Vinayaka Hegde, M.L. Jeeva, T. Makeshkumar. R.S. Misra and S.S. Veena (2010). Diagnostic Techniques for Diseases of tropical Tuber crops. CTCRI, Thiruvananthapuram. 56 p
- Meera Pandey, Tewari, R.P and Veena,S.S (2004) Technical bulletin on Edible mushroom cultivation
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Ph.D (Plant Pathology)