Designation | Senior Scientist |
Qualification | Ph.D. |
Division | Division of Crop Protection |
Specialisation | Integrated management of tuber crop pests |
Intercom | 159 |
Location | Head Quarters |
Total publications | Number of Research papers : 19, Number of Books/Book chapters : 12,Number of Technical Bulletins : 7 |
a. Fellow of Entomological Society of India
b. Honorary life membership from Asian PGPR Society of Sustainable Agriculture
(Alabama, USA)
c. Executive committee member in ‘Association of advancement in entomology’
d. Member, state level agricultural award committee of 2019& 2023 (Department of Agriculture, Govt of Kerala)
e. Member, expert committee to formulate guidelines for identifying endosulfan victims in the state of Kerala (Govt of Kerala)
Areas of Interest
Genetic variability of insects, endosymbionts, vector-virus interactions
Research Projects
mber of institute projects completed : 19 projects under 7 mega projects
S.No. | Name of the Mega Project | Project |
1 | Varietal improvement in tropical tuber crops HORT CTCRI SIL 2013 002 01441 (2013- 2020)
| 1. Varietal improvement of cassava for CMD resistance, earliness, high starch and keeping quality (Co- PI) |
2 | 2. Breeding for early maturity, weevil resistance, high starch, carotene rich orange flesh anthocyanin rich purple flesh sweet potato for food-nutrition and processing (Co-PI) | |
| Ecofriendly strategy for the management of insect pests in tuber crops HORT CTCRI SIL 2013 008 01447 (2013-2020) | 1. Management of sucking pests of cassava and tracking virus-vector interactions (PI) |
4 | 2. Studies on the compatibility of biopesticide with synthetic insecticides and residue analyses in tuber crops (Co-PI) | |
5 | 3. Development of suitable strategy for the management of whitefly, Bemisia tabaci, in cassava (PI) | |
6 | 4. Identification of ecofriendly chemicals for the management of major pests of tuber crops (Co- PI) | |
7 | 5. Integrated pest management of borer pests of tropical tuber crops (Co- PI) | |
8 | 6. Molecular characterization of endosymbionts of insect pests with respect to host plants (Co- PI) | |
9 | Cassava mosaic disease- variability, diagnostics, vector relation and management HORT CTCRI SIL 2015 009 01465 (2015-2020) -Flagship: Institute funded | 1. Virus–vector relationship and vector management (PI) |
10 | 2. Management of cassava mosaic disease through resistant varieties (Co-PI) | |
11 | Developing methodologies and tools for assessment and transfer of tuber crops technologies HORT CTCRI SIL 2015 008 (2015-2020) | 1. Development of ICT applications in tuber crops (Co-PI) |
12 | Genetic improvement of tuber crops through conventional breeding and molecular approaches HORTICARCTCRI SIL201500101458 (2015-2020) | 1. Genetic improvement of arrowroot (Maranta arundinacea) (Co-PI) |
13 | 2. Breeding to evolve trait specific varieties for productivity, quality and resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses in yams (Co- PI) | |
14 | 3. Breeding to evolve trait specific varieties for productivity, quality and resistance to biotic stresses (Co- PI) | |
15 | 4. Breeding and evaluation for development of high yielding, nutritionally enriched, photo-insensitive, processable and multipurpose sweet potato (Co- PI) | |
16 | 5. Harnessing the genetic potential of wild Ipomoea spp. through wide hybridization for improvement of sweet potato (Co- PI) | |
17 | Conservation and utilization of germplasm of tuber crops for sustaining production HORTICARCTCRI SIL201500101457 (2015-2020) | 1. Collection, conservation, characterization and cataloguing of cassava germplasm (Co-PI) |
18 | Integrated crop, water and nutrient management for improving productivity of tropical tuber crops HORTICARCTCRISIL201500301459 (2015-2020) | 1. Crop diversification involving tropical tuber crops (Co- PI) |
19 | 2. Organic farming of tuber crop-based systems (Co- PI) |
4. Number of Institute projects being handled : 7 projects under 4 mega projects
S.No. | Name of the Mega Project | Project |
1 | Resource Management and Climate Smart Agriculture for Sustainable Production of Tropical Tuber Crops HORTCTCRISIL202001101467 (2020-2025) | 1. Crop diversification involving tropical tuber crops (Co- PI) |
2 | Quality Planting Material Production in Tropical Tuber Crops HORTCTCRISIL202001201468 (2020-2025) | 1. Developing innovative techniques for seed production in tropical tuber crops and quality planting material production in cassava, sweet potato and minor tuber crops (Co- PI) |
3 | 2. In vivo and in vitro multiplication of planting materials of yams and aroids (Co- PI) | |
4 | Development of innovative technologies for the intensification of pest management in tuber crops through biorational approach HORT CTCRI SIL 2015 005 01461 (2020-2025) | 1. Management of important pests and documentation of emerging pests in tuber crops (PI) |
5 | 2. Development of biorational control measures for the management of insect pests of tuber crops (Co- PI) | |
6 | 3. Characterization of sweet potato weevil (Cylas formicarius (Fabricius)) resistance genes in sweet potato and related Ipomoea spp. (Co- PI) | |
7 | Development and refinement of integrated disease management and forecasting system for improved tuber crop production HORTCTCRISIL202001401470 (2020-2025) | 1. Mass production and effective utilization of bioagents to manage fungal diseases of tuber crops (Co- PI) |
5. Number of externally funded projects completed : 6
S.No. | Name of the Mega Project | PI/ Co-PI | Funding Agency | Budget |
1 | Popularization of cassava biopesticide against borer pests of banana in three districts of Kerala (2012-2015) | Co-PI | RKVY | 5000000/- |
2 | ORP on management of sucking pests of Horticultural crops (2012-2015) | Co-PI | ICAR Network Project | 500000/- |
3 | Indo-Swiss cassava network (2014-2018) | Co-PI | ISCB-DBT | 1,17,51,000/- |
4 | On-farm trials of cassava biopesticides against borer pests of banana in Kerala (2018-2021) | Co-PI | Dept. Ag & FW, Govt. of Kerala | 9000000/- |
5 | Development of Smart Solutions for Managing Biotic and Abiotic Stresses in Cassava, Sweet Potato and Taro through Artificial Intelligence (2020-2023) | Co-PI | DST | 3543192/- |
6 | Radiation technology for quality improvement of tuber crops and management of its by-products (2020-2022) | Co-PI | BARC | 4095000/- |
6. Number of externally funded projects being handled : 3
S.No. | Name of the Mega Project | PI/ Co-PI | Funding Agency | Budget |
1 | Demonstration of applications of drones in agriculture (2022-2024) | Co-PI | ICAR | 3500000/- |
2 | ICAR-CTCRI NEH: Scaling up of biofortified tuber crops through ‘Rainbow Diet Approach’ in the North Eastern Hills Region (2020-2025) | Co-PI | ICAR | Not fixed |
3 | Empowerment of farmers through tuber crops based technological interventions under SCSP (2020 Onwards) | Co-PI | ICAR-CTCRI under SCSP | Not fixed |
Research Publications
Number of Research papers : 19
Sl. No. | Citation (in JRC format) |
1 | Harish E.R., ManiChellappan., Deepu Mathew., MakeshKumar T., Ranjith MT., Eldho Varghese and Henna M.K. 2024. Characterization of cassava whitefly (Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius)) from diverse agro-ecological zones of Kerala, India, reveals the presence of different biotypes as pests in cassava. Phytoparasitica, 52(1), p.5 (NAAS Score-7.40) |
2 | Harish E.R., Noushad H. and Sangeetha, B. G. 2023. Molecular characterization and barcoding of whiteflies infesting tuber crops. Agricultural Research Journal, 60(6): 789-797. (NAAS score: 5.16) |
3 | Harish, E. R. and Krishnan, J. U. 2023. Cost-effective media for mass production of Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner for the management of taro caterpillar, Spodoptera litura Fabricius. J. ent. Res., 47 (1): 8-15 (NAAS Score-5.89) |
4 | Harish E R. and Archana Vijayan. 2022. Identification of Distinct Endosymbionts of Whiteflies- infesting Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz), using Diagnostic PCR and Sanger Sequencing. International Journal of Bio-resource and Stress Management, 13(12): 1348-1354 (NAAS Score-5.11) |
5 | Harish, E.R., Afeefa, M. and Sangeetha, B.G., 2022. Insecticide residues in tuber crops and its effect on soil microbes. Journal of Root Crops, 48(1 & 2), pp.41-46. |
6 | Harish, E. R. and Aryalakshmi, M. 2022. Detection of specific endosymbionts of mealybugs infesting cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) using diagnostic PCR and Sanger sequencing. J. Trop. Agr., 60(2): 236-244. (NAAS Score-4.85) |
7 | Harish E.R., ManiChellappan., MakeshKumar T., Deepu Mathew, Ranjith MT, Girija D. 2019. Next-generation sequencing reveals endosymbiont variability in cassava whitefly, Bemisia tabaci, across the agro-ecological zones of Kerala, India. Genome, 62 (9): 571-584. (NAAS Score-9.10) |
8 | Harish E R., Farhana A H., Sangeetha B G. 2019. Screening potential microbes against whitefly (Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius)), the most important pest of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz). Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies, 7 (6): 601-606. |
9 | Harish E R., ManiChellappan., MakeshKumar T., Ranjith M T., Ambavane A R. 2017. Morphometric Variations in Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) Whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) from different Agro-Ecological Zones of Kerala, India. Journal of Root Crops, 42 (2): 90-102. |
10 | Murthy, J.S.V., Chellappan, M., Ranjith, M.T., Revi, S., Harish, E.R. and Kiran, A.G. 2024. Biology and morphometrics of cassava mealybug, Phenacoccus manihoti Matile-Ferrero, 1977 (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae). Animal Biology, 1(aop), pp.1-13. (NAAS Score-7.20) |
11 | Visalakshi, C., Anil, S.R., Sheela, M.N., Chintha, P., Shanavas, S., Harish, E.R., Jyothi, A.N. and Sreekumar, J. 2023. Genetic and multivariate analysis of processing and yield traits in sweet potato for varied end-uses. Current Science, 125 (10): 1093-1098. (NAAS Score-7.00) |
12 | Sangeetha, B.G., Jayaprakas, C.A. and Harish, E.R. 2023. Metagenomic DNA analysis of bacterial communities associated with striped mealy bugs Ferrisia virgata (Cockerell) (Homoptera: Pseudococcidae) infesting cassava. Journal of Entomological Research, 47 (1): 1-7. (NAAS Score-5.89) |
13 | Nedunchezhiyan, M., Pati, K., Chauhan, V.B.S., Gowda, K.H., Arutselvan, R., Kumar, J.S., Harish, E.R. and Sunitha, S., 2023. Mealybug management in elephant foot yam corms during storage. Journal of Root Crops, 49(1), pp.46-49. |
14 | Sangeetha, B.G., Lekshmi, S., Dileep, G., Drishya, P. and Harish, E.R., 2022. Molecular identification of Araecerus fasciculatus and its endosymbiotic bacteria. Journal of Root Crops, 48(1 & 2), pp.103-108. |
15 | Sangeetha, B.G., Dileep, G., Lekshmi, S., Drishya, P. and Harish, E.R., 2021. Molecular identification of tortoise beetle and its endosymbiotic bacteria. Journal of Root Crops, 47(1 & 2), pp.83-88. |
16 | Jithu Unni Krishnan, Cheruvandasseri Arumughan Jayaprakas, Eanthumkal Reghunadhapillai Harish, Lekshmikutty Shivashankaran Rajeswari. 2020. Banana (Musa spp.)-an unseen umbrella crop? Insect diversity on Musa spp. in the Indo-Pacific region. Oriental Insects, 54 (3): 433-445. (NAAS Score-6.53) |
17 | Sangeetha B G., Sreejitha E V., Jayaprakas C A., Harish E R. 2019. Endosymbiotic Bacteria Associated with Aphis gossypii Glover (Hemiptera: Aphidae) infesting taro. Journal of Root Crops, 45 (1): 41-46. |
18 | Ranjith M T., ManiChellappan., Harish E R., Girija D., Nazeem P A. 2016. Bacterial communities associated with the gut of tomato fruit borer, Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) based on Illumina Next-Generation Sequencing. Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology, 19 (2): 333-340. (NAAS Score-7.30) |
19 | Tripathi M K., Chaudhary B., Bhandari H R., Harish E R. 2012. Effect of varieties, irrigation and nitrogen management on fibre yield of sunnhemp. Journal of Crop and Weed, 8 (1): 84-85. (NAAS Score-5.27) |
11. Number of Books/Book chapters : 12
11a. Books
Sl. No. | Citation |
1 | Ravi, V., Pandey, V., Asha Devi, A., Nedunchezhiyan, M., Susan John, K., Saravanan, R., Harish, E.R., Veena, S.S. and Sajeev, M.S. 2022. Taro (Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott): Improvement, Production, Protection and Utilization. Bluerose Publishers Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi, 141p. |
2 | Harish E. R and Ranjith M. T. 2018. Endosymbionts: Hidden Players in Insects. Lambert Academic publishing, 53p. |
3 | Harish E.R. and Ranjith M. T. 2016. Save that bug! A case for conservation biological control. Lambert Academic publishing. 110p. |
11b. Book chapters
Sl. No. | Citation |
1 | Jayaprakas, C.A., Harish, E.R., Pavithran, D. and Mani, M., 2022. Pest Management in Cassava. In: Trends in Horticultural Entomology, (Ed.) Mani, M.S., Springer Nature Singapore Pvt. Ltd., pp.1081-1096. |
2 | Jayaprakas, C.A., Harish, E.R. and Vinod, A., 2022. Pest Management in Sweet Potato. In: Trends in Horticultural Entomology, (Ed.) Mani, M.S., Springer Nature Singapore Pvt. Ltd., pp.1097-1108. |
3 | Jayaprakas, C.A. and Harish, E.R., 2022. Pests and Their Management in Minor Tuber Crops: (Chinese Potato, Yams, Taro, Elephant Foot Yam and Tannia). In: Trends in Horticultural Entomology, (Ed.) Mani, M.S., Springer Nature Singapore Pvt. Ltd., pp.1109-1137. |
4 | Harish, E.R., Jayaprakas, C.A. and Sangeetha B.G. 2021. Important Pests and Their Management in Tropical Tuber Crops. In: Recent Advances in Root and Tuber Crops, (Eds) Sanket J. More, Giri Namrata A., Suresh Kumar J., Visalakshi Chandra C., Sirisha Tadigiri, Brillion Publishing, New Delhi, India, pp. 227-242. |
5 | V. Ravi., P. Vikramaditya., M. Nedunchezhiyan., K. Susan John., R. Saravanan., S.S. Veena, and E.R. Harish. 2020. Advances in the Production Technologies of Taro in India. In: Proceedings of the SAARC Regional Expert Consultation Meeting on “Promotion of Underutilized Taro for Sustainable Biodiversity and Nutritional Security in SAARC Countries, (Eds) Sultana, N., Jahan, F.N. Attaluri, S. and Hossain, M.B., 03-04 November 2020, SAARC Agriculture Centre (SAC), Dhaka, Bangladesh, pp.148-245. |
6 | Jayaprakas C. A. and Harish E. R. 2020. Development of ecofriendly strategies to manage emerging pests in tropical tuber crops under changing climate. In: Proceedings of the International Webinar on Harnessing the Potential of Tropical Tuber Crops Under Changing Climate (HPTTC 2020), (Eds) Byju G., Sanket J. More and Jaganathan, 27 October 2020, ICAR-CTCRI, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India, pp. 61-69. |
7 | Harish, E.R. 2019. Important Pests of Tropical Tuber Crops and their Management. In: Proceedings of the Feed the Future India Triangular Training (FTF - ITT) program on integrated technology for production, processing and value addition in tuber crops, (Eds) Suja G., Suresh Kumar J. and Ravi V., 16 – 30 September, 2019, ICAR-CTCRI, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India, pp. 212-224. |
8 | M. Mani, M. Kalyanasundaram, C. A. Jayaprakas, E. R. Harish, R. S. Sreerag, and M. Nedunchezhiyan. 2016. Tuber crops. In: Mealybugs and Their Management in Agricultural and Horticultural Crops, (Eds) M. Mani and C. Shivaraju, Springer India, New Delhi, pp. 471-494. |
9 | Jayaprakas, C.A., Sreerag, R.S., Harish, E.R. and Ragesh, L. 2014. Biological Control of Insect Pests of Tuber Crops. In: Biopesticides in Sustainable Agriculture Progress and Potential, (Eds) Koul O., Dhaliwal G.S., Khkhar S. and Singh R., Scientific Publishers (India), pp. 334-358 |
12. Number of Technical Bulletins (Add list): 7
Sl. No. | Citation |
1 | Harish, E. R., Sreekumar, J., Shameer, P. S., Deepa, B. S., Sreekumar V. S. and Rejin, D. T. 2024. ICAR-CTCRI in Media 2023. Coffee Table Book. ICAR-Central Tuber Crops Research Institute, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. 46p. |
2 | Harish, E.R., Veena, S.S., Kesava Kumar, H. and Sangeetha, B.G. 2023. Proceedings of Brainstorming Meeting on Management of Mealybugs in Cassava: Present Status and Future Strategies (BS-MMBC 2023). ICAR-Central Tuber Crops Research Institute, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India, 24 p. |
3 | Jeeva, M.L., Veena, S.S., Jayanta Tarafdar, Harish, E.R., Kesava Kumar, H. and Makeshkumar,T. 2023.Compendium of Diseases and Pests of Tropical Tuber Crops in India, Techncal Bulletin No. 92, ICAR- Central Tuber Crops Research Institute, Sreekariyam, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India,56 p. |
4 | Suja, G., Jaganathan, D., Sheela, M.N., Sajeev, M.S., Makeshkumar, T. and Harish, E.R. 2023. Cassava, Technical Bulletin No.93, ICAR-Central Tuber Crops Research Institute, Sreekariyam, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India, 62 p. |
5 | Asha, K.I., Sreekumar, J., Ramesh, V., Muthuraj, R., Harish, E.R., Krishnakumar, T. and Arutselvan, R. 2023. Minor Tuber Crops, Technical Bulletin No. 99, ICAR-Central Tuber Crops Research Institute, Sreekariyam, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India, 56 p. |
6 | Jeeva M.L., Harish E.R. and Kesava Kumar H. 2020. Pests and Disease Management. In: Standard Operating Procedures for AICRP on Tuber Crops, (Eds) Sunitha S., Suresh Kumar J., Ravi V. and James George. Technical Bulletin Series No. 81, AICRP (Tuber Crops), ICAR-Central Tuber Crops Research Institute, Sreekariyam, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India, pp. 49-65. |
6 | Byju, G., Veena, S.S., Ramesh, V., Suja, G., Ravi,V., Sunitha, S., Sheela, M.N., Jayaprakas, C.A., Sajeev, M.S., Asha Devi, A., Shirly Raichal Anil, Sreekumar, J., Makeshkumar, T., Jyothi, A.N., Jeeva, M.L., Murugesan, P., Saravanan Raju, Mohan, C., Kumar, H.K., Asha, K.I., Santhosh Mithra, V.S., Hegde, V., Harish, E.R., Koundiniya, A.V.V., Muthuraj, R., Jaganathan, D., Sasankan, V.R., Rejin, D.T. and Shiny, R. 2020. Deluge of August 2018 in Kerala State, India: Changes in soil properties. Technical Bulletin Series No. 78, ICAR-Central Tuber Crops Research Institute, Sreekariyam, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, 32 p. |
7 | Byju, G., Ravi, V., Sheela, M.N., Jayaprakas, C.A., Suja, G., Veena, S.S., Asha, K.I., Ramesh, V., Muthuraj, R., Rejin, D.T., Sunitha, S., Asha Devi, A., Sreekumar, J., Jyothi, A.N., Murugesan, P., Mohan, C., Santhosh Mithra, V.S., Harish, E.R., Jaganathan, D., Shiny, R., Sajeev, M.S., Shirly Raichal Anil, Makeshkumar, T., Jeeva, M.L., Saravanan Raju, Kesava Kumar, H., Vivek Hegde, Koundinya, A.V.V. and Sasankan, V.R. 2018. Post-flood Loss Assessment and Rehabilitation of Tuber Crops in Kerala. Technical Bulletin No. 69, ICAR-Central Tuber Crops Research Institute, Sreekariyam, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, 97 p. |