Senior Scientist
Division of Crop Protection
Molecular screening of wild Ipomoea sp. for sweet potato weevil resistance
Head Quarters
Total publications
Number of Research papers : 14, Number of Books/Book chapters:  5,. Number of Technical Bulletins:2 

    Identification wild Ipomoea for sweet potato weevil resistance, Identification of proteins and bioactive molecules with insecticidal properties from wild Ipomoea spp., Molecular identification of tuber crop pests, bacterial endosymbionts 

    Number of institute projects completed :2

    1. Molecular characterization of endosymbionts of insect pests with respect to tropical tuber crops
    2. Characterization of defense related genes in sweet potato with respect to sweet potato weevil infestation

    Number of Institute projects being handled :1

    1. Characterization of sweet potato weevil (Cylas formicarius (Fabricius)) resistance genes in sweet potato and related Ipomoea  spp.(PI)
    2.   Management of important pests and documentation of emerging pests in tuber crops (Co-PI)

    3.  Screening of newer molecules and biocontrol agents for the management of nematodes in tuber crops(Co-PI)

    4. Virus and phytoplasma diseases of tropical tuber crops and their management (Co-PI)

    Number of externally funded projects completed :5

      a. Indo Swiss cassava network project (Co-PI)

    b. Augmentation of biopesticides production from cassava leaves using fully automated manufacturing facilities (Co-PI)

    c. On farm trial of cassava biopesticides against borer pests of banana in Kerala (Co-PI) 

    d. Radiation technology for quality improvement of tuber crops and management of its by-products (Co-PI)

                e. Empowerment of farmers through tuber crops based technological interventions under SCSP (Co-PI)

    6. Number of externally funded projects being handled :1


     Number of Research papers : 

    1. Sangeetha Balakrishnan Geetha, Shyamalamma Subbareddy, Priyanka Satishchandra, Ryder Moses, Sathees Chandra (2013) Morphological and molecular screening of French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) germplasm using SCAR markers for Colletotrichum lindemuthianum (Sacc. and  Magn.) Scrib. causing anthracnose resistanceArchives of phytopathology and plant protection 46 (1): 84-97. 
    2. B.G. Sangeetha, C.A. Jayaprakas, J.V. Siji, C. Mohandas (2015) Optimization of media and temperature for antimicrobial activity of Enterobacter sp. associated  with entomopathogenic nematode Rhabditid sp. Entomon 40 (1): 11-22. (NAAS rating – 5.24).
    3. Balakrishnan Geetha Sangeetha, Cheruvandasseri Arumughan Jayaprakas, Jinachandrannair Vijayakumari Siji, Moochattil Rajitha, Basheerkutty Shyni, Chellappan Mohandas. (2016) Molecular characterization and amplified ribosomal DNA restriction analysis of entomopathogenic bacteria associated with Rhabditis (Oscheius) spp. 3 Biotech 6: (32), 1-13. (NAAS rating -8.8)
    4. Sangeetha, B.G., Jayaprakas, C.A., Jithine, J.R. and Mohandas, C. (2016). Optimization of media for antimicrobial acitvity of Enterobacter sp. associated with entomopathogenic nematode Rhabditid sp. Journal of Root Crops 40(2): 121-127.
    5. B. G. Sangeetha, E. V. Sreejitha, C. A. Jayaprakas and E. R. Harish (2019) Endosymbiotic bacteria associated with the Aphis gossypii Glover (Hemiptera:Aphidae) infesting taro. Journal of root crops 45(1): 41-46.
    6. E. R. Harish, A. H. Farhana, B. G. Sangeetha (2019) Screening potential microbes against whitefly (Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius)), the most important pest of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) Journal of entomology and zoology studies 7(6):601-606.
    7. B. G. Sangeetha , Gadha Dileep, S. Lekshmi, P. Drishya, E. R. Harish (2021) Molecular identification of tortoise beetle and its endosymbiotic bacteria Journal of Root Crops 47(1&2),  83-88.
    8. P. Drishya and E.R. Harish B.G. Sangeetha, S. Lekshmi, Gadha Dileep (2022) Molecular identification of Araecerus fasciculatus and its endosymbiotic bacteria Journal of Root Crops 48 (1&2): 103-108.
    9. E.R. Harish, M. Afeefa and B. G. Sangeetha (2022) Insecticide residues in tuber crops and its effect on soil microbes Journal of Root Crops 48(1&2): 41-46.
    10. Drishya P, Jayaprakas C.A. and Sangeetha B.G. (2022) Endosymbiotic bacteria associated with the spiralling whitefly, Aleurodicus dispersus Russell (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) International Journal of zoological investigations Vol: 1(8), 281-290.
    11. B.G. Sangeetha, C.A. Jayaprakas, T. Makesh kumar, T. Santhosh kumar, Shirly Raichal Anil and L.S. Rajeshwari (2023) Screening of wild Ipomoea genotypes for resistance against sweet potato weevil Cylas formicarius F. based on multiple choice bioassay and phytochemical constituents Entomon 48(4): 511-518. (NAAS rating – 5.24)
    12. B. G. Sangeetha, C. A. Jayaprakas and E. R. Harish (2023) Metagenomic DNA analysis of bacterial communities associated with striped mealy bugs Ferrisia virgata (Cockerell) (Homoptera: Pseudococcidae) infesting cassava Journal of Entomological Research 47 (1) : 1-7  (NAAS rating -5.89)
    13. B. G. Sangeetha and Drishya (2024) Molecular identification of endosymbiotic bacteriaassociated with Ferrisia virgata (Homoptera: Coccoidea:Pseudococcidae) infesting cassava (Manihot esculenta) Journal of  Environmental Biology45, 72-80. (NAAS rating -6.70).
    14. Harish E. R., Hizaana Noushad and Sangeetha B. G. (2023) Molecular characterization and barcoding of whiteflies infesting tuber crops. Agricultural Research Journal (Accepted) (NAAS Rating-5.16) 
    15. Sangeetha,  B. G., Makeshkumar, T., Santhoshkumar, T., Shirly Raichal Anil., Sumayya, M. and Sreekumar J. (2024) Selection and validation of stable reference genes for gene expression analysis in response to sweetpotato weevil infestation (Cylas formicarius (Fabricius)) in [Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam] and [Ipomoea mauritiana (Jacq.)]. Genet. Resour. Crop Evol. (NAAS rating: 7.7).
    16. B. G. Sangeetha and Drishya (2024) Molecular identification of endosymbiotic bacteriaassociated with Ferrisia virgata (Homoptera: Coccoidea:Pseudococcidae) infesting cassava (Manihot esculenta) Journal of  Environmental Biology45, 72-80. (NAAS rating -6.60).
    17. H. Kesava kumar, B.G. Sangeetha, Sirisha Tadigiri, C.A. Jayaprakas and T. Makeshkumar (2024) New Record of Steinernema siamkayai (Rhabditida: Steinernematidae) from Kerala, India Indian Journal of Nematology 54 (2), 128–133. 
    18. Sangeetha B G, T. Makeshkumar, E. R. Harish, Athira J K Jayan, T.Santhoshkumar,  G. Ajesh, Dr. L. S. Rajeshwari (2024) Insecticidal activity of leaf proteins isolated from tuberous I. mauritiana against sweet potato weevil. Current Science (Accepted) (NAAS rating 2025- 7.1).

    Number of Books/Book chapters:  

    1. Harish E. R., Jayaprakas C. A., Sangeetha B. G (2021) Important pests and their management in tropical tuber crops, in Sanket J. More, Namrata Ankush Giri, Suresh Kumar J, Visalakshi Chandra C, Sirisha tadigiri (Ed.) Recent advances in root and tuber crops (pp-227-242). Brillion publishing. ISBN: 978-93-90757-44-2, e-ISBN: 978-93-90757-47-3.
    2. B. G. Sangeetha and M. Summaya 2024 Isolation of nucleic acids from diseased samples In: Training Manual: Diagnosis of Plant diseases through novel approaches. ICAR-Central Tuber Crops Research Institute, Sreekariyam, Thiruvananthapuram. 59-61 p. 117.
    3. B.G. Sangeetha and Divya K 2024 Isolation of Nucleic acids from infected plants – DNA & RNA In: Training Manual: Diagnosis of Plant diseases through novel approaches. ICAR Central Tuber Crops Research Institute, Sreekariyam, Thiruvananthapuram. 50-53 p.
    4. Senthilkumar KM, Divya K, Sangeetha BG, Sheela MN and Makeshkumar T 2024. Status of tropical tuber crop improvement through genetic engineering. CABI Biotechnology Series, p.141-156. doi:

    Number of Technical Bulletins:

    1. Susan John, K., Shirly Raichal Anil, Veena, S.S., Jyothi, A.N., Sivakumar, P.S. and Sangeetha, B.G. 2023. Sweet potato, Technical Bulletin No. 94, ICAR- Central Tuber Crops Research Institute,Sreekariyam, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India, 469.





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    Scientific Staffs
    B.Sc. (Agri), M.Sc. (Agri. Plant Biotechnology) & Ph.D. (Biotechnology)