Principal Scientist
Ph.D. (Plant Pathology)
Division of Crop Protection
Plant Pathology
Head Quarters
Total publications
10. Number of Research papers(Add list): 55, Number of Books/Book chapters(Add list): 9

    Plant Virology, Disease diagnosis, Transgenics, Integrated Disease

    Number of institute projects completed: Six

     Number of Institute projects being handled: One
    Number of externally funded projects completed: Four
    Number of externally funded projects being handled: One

    1. Abraham, L.N., Kamala,S., Sreekumar,J and Makeshkumar,T.2021.
    Optimization of parameters to improve transformation efficiency of elephant
    foot yam (Amorphophallus paeoniifolius (Dennst.) Nicolson. 3 Biotech, 11: 272
    (NAAS- 7.8)
    2. Antiha Jose., Edison,S and Makeshkumar,T. 2019. Occurrence and distribution of Sri
    Lankan cassava mosaic virus in the stems of cassava. Journal of Root crops, 45:32-40
    3. Antiha Jose., Makeshkumar,T and Edison,S.2019. Potential hosts of Sri Lankan cassava
    mosaic virus evaluated through whitefly inoculation. Journal of Root crops, 45 (2):55-61
    4. Anjana,H., Makeshkumar,T and Sreekumar,J. 2020. Identification of cassava (Manihot
    esculenta Crantz.) miRNA targeting the genome of cassava mosaic virus. Journal of Root
    Crops, 46(1):41-45
    5. Harish,E.R., Mani, C., Makeshkumar,T., Deepu, M., Ranjith,M.T and Girija,D. 2019.
    Next generation sequencing reveals endosymbiont variability in cassava whitefly,
    Bemisia tabaci, across the agro-ecological zones of Kerala, India. Genome 62: 571-584
    6. Denis Filloux, Emmanuel Fernandez, Etienne Loire, Lisa Claude, Serge Galzi, Thierry
    Candresse, Stephan Winter, M. L. Jeeva, T. Makeshkumar, Darren P. Martin and
    Philippe Roumagnac.2018. Nanopore based detection and characterization of yam
    viruses. Scientific reports 8(1), 17879.
    7. Biswas,K.K, Palchoudhury,S., Shukla,P., Godara,S., Balram,N., Bhattacharya,U.K and
    Makeshkumar,T. 2018. DNA-A sequences of whitefly transmitted begomovirus
    infecting okra (Abelmoschus esculenta) in India are extensively diverse. Indian
    Phytopathology 71(2): 249-256.

    8. Dhanya Jayaseelan, Deepthi , D. C., Beena, M.R., Sheela, M.N. and Makeshkumar,
    T.2017. Scrutinising the most efficient explant for Agrobacterium mediated
    transformation in Indian cassava variety, H226. J. of Root Crops 43(2): 41-52.
    9. George, A., Jeeva, M.L., Nath, V.S., Sreelatha, G.L., Sujina, M.G. and Makeshkumar, T.
    (2017). Morphological and molecular characterization of Phytophthora colocasiae
    obtained from fine spatial scale. J. of Root Crops 43(2): 33-40. (NAAS rating: 3.86).
    10. Arutselvan, R., Krishna Reddy,M and Makeshkumar,T. 2017. Rapid detection of
    tomato leaf curl Bengaluru virus through loop mediated isothermal amplification assay.
    Virus disease. 28(3): 303-308
    11. Dhanya, J., Leen,N.A., Deepthi,D.C., Moushmi,M., Beena,M.R., Sheela,M.N and
    Makeshkumar,T. 2017. Comparative potential of somatic embryogenesis and friable
    embryogenic callus production in farmer preferred Indian cassava cultivars. Journal of
    Root Crops 43: 29-33
    12. S Sunitha, James George, M N Sheela, R Muthuraj, T Makeshkumar .2017. Doubling
    Farmers Income Through Production of Quality Planting Materials of Greater Yam in the
    Tribal Belts of Kerala. Journal of Root Crops 43: 120-122
    13. Vivek Hegde, Makeshkumar, T., Sheela, M. N., Visalakshi Chandra, C., Koundinya
    A.V.V., Shirly Raichal Anil, Muthuraj, R., and Darshan, S. 2016. Production of Synthetic
    Seed in Cassava (Manihot esculenta). J. Root Crops. 42 (2): 5-9
    14. Deepthi, D.C. and Makeshkumar, T. 2016. Elimination of cassava mosaic disease
    through meristem culture and field evaluation for yield loss assessment in cassava
    genotypes. J. of Root Crops 42(1): 45-52
    15. Deepthi, D.C and Makeshkumar, T. 2016. A simple protocol for isolating small RNA
    from Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz). J. of Root Crops 42(1): 53-56.
    16. Ravi, V., Chakrabarti, S.K., Saravanan, R., Makeshkumar, T. and Sreekumar, J. 2016.
    Differential gene expression signatures of small auxin up-regulated RNA (SAUR) and
    Gretchen-Hagen 3 (GH3) genes in storage root as compared to non tuber forming fibrous
    root of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas). J. of Root Crops 42(1): 14-21
    17. Raji Nair., Subash, N., Ravi,V., Saravanan, R., Mohanan, C., Makeshkumar, T. and
    Nita,S 2016. Detection and classification of mosaic virus disease in cassava plants by

    proximal sensing of photochemical reflectance index. J. of the Indian society of Remote
    sensing. 44(6): 875-883 DOI 10.1007/s12524-016-0565-6
    18. S. Sunitha, James George, R. Muthuraj, M.N. Sheela and T. Makeshkumar.2016.
    Quality planting material production of elephant foot yam through farmers participatory
    approach in the tribal belts of Kerala. J. of Root Crops, 42 (2): 59-61
    19. Harish, E. R., Mani Chellappan., Makeshkumar, T., Ranjith, M. T. and Ambavane, A.
    R. 2016. Morphometric variations in cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) whitefly,
    Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) from different agro-ecological
    zones of Kerala, India. J. Root Crops. 42 (2): 90-102
    20. Saranya, G., Vishnu, S. Nath., Jeeva, M. L. and Makeshkumar, T. 2016. Mining of
    resistance genes associated with anthracnose infection in greater yam (Dioscorea alata
    L.). J. of Root Crops, 2016, Vol. 42 (2):115-120.
    21. Kamala,S., Makeshkumar,T. 2015. Transcriptome profiling of in vitro lines propagated
    from corm bud tip of elephant foot yam (Amorphophallus paeoniifolius) approves
    complete potyviruses elimination. European Journal of Plant Pathology 143: 363-371
    22. Kamala,S., Makeshkumar,T. 2015. Rapid and sensitive detection of Dasheen mosaic
    virus infecting elephant foot yam by reverse transcription loop mediated isothermal
    amplification of coat protein gene. Journal of Virological Methods 222:106–109
    23. Raji Nair., Subash,N., Ravi,V.,Saravanan,R., Mohanan,C., Nita,S and Makeshkumar,T.
    2015.Detection of Mosaic Virus disease in cassava plants by sun-light induced
    fluorescence imaging: A pilot study for proximal sensing. International Journal of
    Remote Sensing 36(11); 2880 – 2897
    24. James P. Legg, P. Lava Kumar, T. Makeshkumar, Leena Tripathi, Morag Ferguson,
    Edward Kanju, Pheneas Ntawuruhunga, Wilmer Cuellar. 2015. Cassava virus diseases:
    Biology, Epidemiology and Management. Advances in Virus Research 91: 85-142
    25. Beena, M.R., Winter, S and Makeshkumar, T. 2014. Influence of explants and growth
    regulators on somatic embryogenesis in African and Indian cassava cultivars. Journal of
    Root crops 40(2):21-27
    26. Kamala,S., Makeshkumar,T. 2014. Optimization of in vitro regeneration and microcorm
    induction in elephant foot yam. African Journal of Biotechnology 1: 4508 – 4514.
    27. Kamala,S., Makeshkumar,T. Sreekumar,J, Chakrabarti,S. 2014. Whole transcriptome
    sequencing of diseased elephant foot yam reveals complete genome sequence of Dasheen
    mosaic virus. Virology Reports. 5:1-9.

    28. Ravi, V., Chakrabarti, S.K., Makeshkumar, T. and Saravanan, R. (2014) Molecular
    Regulation of Storage Root Formation and Development in Sweet Potato, in Horticultural
    Reviews: (ed J. Janick), John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey. 42: 157-207
    29. Suja,S.P., Vinayaka Hegde, Makeshkumar,T. and Anjana Devi,I.P.2014.Screeninig of
    rhizobacteria associated with cassava for plant growth promotion and biocontrol
    potential. Journal of root crops. 40(1): 66-73.
    30. Kamala,S., Makeshkumar,T. 2013. Transgenic Elephant foot yam expressing -
    glucuronidase reporter gene. Journal of Root Crops 39(2): 148-153
    31. Binoy Babu, Hegde, V., Makeshkumar, T., Jeeva, M.L. 2012. Rapid and sensitive
    detection of Potyvirus infecting tropical tuber crops using genus specific primers and
    probes – African Journal of Biotechnology 11(5):1023-1027
    32. Anitha Jose, Makeshkumar,T and Edison,S.2011. Survey of cassava mosaic disease in
    Kerala. J. of Root crops. 37(1):41-47
    33. Babu Binoy, Hegde, V., Makeshkumar, T., Jeeva, M.L. 2011. Molecular Detection and
    identification of Dasheen mosaic virus infection Amorphophallus paeoniifolius- Archives
    of Phytopathology and Plant Protection. 44(13),1248-1260;

    34. Babu Binoy, Hegde, V., Makeshkumar, T., Jeeva, M.L. 2011. Development of non-
    radioactive probes for specific detection of Dasheen mosaic virus infecting

    Amorphophallus paeoniifolius - Current Science 100(8): 1220 – 1225
    35. Babu Binoy, Hegde, V., Makeshkumar, T., Jeeva, M.L.2011 Detection and
    Identification of Dasheen mosaic virus infecting Colocasia esculenta in India- Indian
    Journal of Virology 22(1):59-62.
    36. Babu Binoy, Hegde, V., Makeshkumar, T. and Jeeva, M.L. 2011. Characterisation of
    the coat protein gene of Dasheen mosaic virus infecting Elephant foot yam - Journal of
    Plant Pathology – 93(1) 199-203.
    37. Rajitha, M., Dhanya Jayaseelan, M.K. Dhanya, V. Hegde, T. Makeshkumar and M. L.
    Jeeva. 2011. In vitro Growth Response of different Varieties of Greater yam ( Dioscorea
    alata L.). Journal of Root Crops. 37 (1):54-59
    38. Babu Binoy, Hegde Vinayaka, Makeshkumar, T. and Jeeva M.L. 2010. Rapid detection
    and identification of potyvirus infecting Colocasia esculenta ( L.) Schott. by reverse
    transcription –polymerase reaction. Journal of Root Crops 36(1): 88-94
    39. Deepa, I. C. Mohandas, T. Makeshkumar, J.V. Siji, B.S. Prakash Krishnan and Binoy
    Babu. 2010. Identification of New Entomopathogenic Nematodes (EPNs) based on

    sequences of D2-D3 Expansion Fragments of the 28S rRNA. Journal of Root Crops
    36(2): 227-232.
    40. Ravi.V., Naskar, S.K., Makeshkumar,T., Binoy Babu and Prakashkrishnan,B.S.2009.
    Molecular physiology of storage root formation and development in sweet potato.
    Journal of Root crops. 35(1): 1-27
    41. Angel,G.R, Makeshkumar,T, Mohan.C, Vimala, B, Nambisan,B. 2008. Genetic
    Diversity Analysis of Starchy Curcuma Species using RAPD Markers. Journal of Plant
    Biochemistry and Biotechnology. 17(2): 173-176.
    42. Anitha Jose, Makeshkumar,T and Edison,S.2008. Host range of Sri Lankan cassava
    mosaic virus. J. of Root crops. 34:21-25
    43. Antony, B, Lisha, V. S., Palaniswami, M.S., Sugunan, V.S., Makeshkumar, T., and
    Henneberry, T.J. 2006. Bemisia tabaci and Indian Cassava Mosaic Virus Transmission.
    International Journal of Tropical Insect Science 26(3): 176-182
    44. Jeeva,M.L., Hegde,V., Vimala,B., Makeshkumar,T., Nair,R.R. and Edison,S. 2006.
    First report of Rhizoctonia solani causing blight on Yam bean (Pachyrrhizus erosus) in
    India. Plant Pathology 55:302
    45. Makeshkumar, T., Anoopsankar, Nair, R.R and Edison, S. 2005. Detection of Indian
    cassava mosaic virus through Polymerase chain reaction and Nucleic acid Hybridisaton
    techniques. J. of Root crops 31(1): 1-6
    46. Jeeva,M.L., Hegde,V., Makeshkumar,T., Nair,R.R. and Edison,S. 2005. Dioscorea
    alata - a new host of Sclerotium rolfsii in India. Plant Pathology 54:574
    47. Jeeva, M.L,. Balakrishnan, S.. Edison, S Umamaheswaran K and Makeshkumar. T.
    2004. Characterization, purification and serology of SPFMV in India. Journal of Root
    Crops. 30(1): 24-30.
    48. Jeeva,M.L., Hegde,V., Makeshkumar,T., Sriram.S., Nair,R.R., Edison,S and Mathur,N.
    2004. Rust of Queensland Arrow Root (Canna edulis) caused by Puccinia thaliae : A
    new record from India. Plant Pathology 53:261
    49. Singh, K.P., Bandyopadhyay, P., Vaish, S.S., Makeshkumar, T. & Gupta, R.C. 2002
    Growth and population dynamics of Catenaria anguillulae in relation to oilcakes. Indian
    Phytopathology 55 , 282– 285.
    50. Makeshkumar,T., Varma, A., Singh,K.K., Malathi, V.G. and Duttagupta, M. 2002. Coat
    protein mediated resistance against potato virus Y in transgenic tobacco. Indian
    Phytopathology. 55(2): 187-194.
    51. Nair,N.G. and Makeshkumar,T.2001. Use of Sago in in vitro culture of tropical tuber
    crops. Journal of Root crops. 27: 118-122.
    52. Makeshkumar,T., Sriram,S., Nair,R.R., Edison,S. and Thankappan,M. 2001.
    Symptomatology and characterization of sweet potato virus diseases. Journal of Root
    crops. 27: 296-302.

    53. Thankappan,M., Makeshkumar,T and Edison,S. 2000. Management of virus diseases in
    tropical tuber crops. In Proc. of International Conference on Integrated Plant disease
    management for sustainable Agriculture, Indian Phytopathological society, Pp 1173-1175
    54. Singh. K.P., P.Bandyopadhyay,. R.A.Stephen, S.S.Vaish and T.Makeshkumar. 1998.
    Techniques for selective isolation, semiquantification and rapid virulence testing of
    Catenaria anguillulae. Mycological Research. 102(6): 658-660.
    55. Singh, K.P.., R.A.Stephen., and T.Makeshkumar. 1993. Development of Catenaria
    anguillulae in Heterodera cajani. Mycological Research.97 (8): 957-960.

     Book chapter:
    Jebbasingh,T and Makeshkumar, T. 2017. Characterisation of the Carlaviruses occurring in
    India. B. Mandal et al. (eds.), In: A Century of Plant Virology in India, Springer Nature
    Singapore Pte Ltd. Pages 307-326. DOI 10.1007/978-981-10-5672-7_13.
    Vijayanandraj, S., Bikash Mandal, Jebasingh, T., Jeeva, M. L, Makeshkumar, T. and Yogita
    Maheshwari. 2017. Characterisation of the Macluraviruses occurring in India. B. Mandal
    et al. (eds.), In: A Century of Plant Virology in India, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.
    Pages 179-192. DOI 10.1007/978-981-10-5672-7_13.
    Makeshkumar, T., Jeeva,M.L and Hegde, V. 2013. Diagnosis of diseases of tropical tuber crops.
    In Advances in Horticultural Biotechnology Vol - 7. Pp 214 – 239.
    Makeshkumar, T. 2013. Diagnosis of plant viral diseases with special emphasis on tropical tuber
    crops. In “Application of Nanotechnology in Agriculture- Vol.6 Pp 173-184”

    Hegde,V. , Makeshkumar T, and Jeeva M.L. 2011. Development of Diagnostics for diseases of tropical
    tuber crops . In B. P. Singh et. al edited Production of disease free quality planting material
    propagated through tubers and rhizomes CPRI, Shimla p;131-145
    Hegde V., Makeshkumar, T, Jeeva M.L. and S. Edison. 2010. Status of cassava mosaic viruses
    occurring in India In Howeler R. H edited book on “ A New feature of cassava in
    Asia: Its use as Food, Feed and Fuel to the benefit of poor- Proceedings of the Eighth
    regional Workshop held in Vientiane, Lao PDR, Oct 20-24, 2008.CIAT publication P:
    S. Edison, Vinayaka Hegde, T. Makeshkumar, T. Srinivas, G. Suja and G. Padmaja. 2009.
    Sweetpotato in the Indian Sub-Continent. In The Sweetpotato. Loebenstein, Gad;
    Thottappilly, George (Eds.) , Pages 391-414, Springer, Netherlands.
    Thottappilly,G., Fregene,M., Makeshkumar,T., Calvert,L.A and Cuervo,M. 2006. Cassava. In Natural
    Resistance Mechanisms of Plants to Viruses (Ed. Loebenstein,G and Carr,J.P). Springer, The
    Netherlands, Pp 447-464

    Palaniswami,M.S., Makeshkumar,T and Hegde,V. 2006. Management of vector borne diseases in
    horticultural crops. In: Crop Improvement and production technology of Horticultural crops.
    Vol.I (Eds. K.L.Chadha et al.), Horticultural Society of India, New Delhi. Pp 698-726

    Training Manual
    Makeshkumar,T and Asha.S. 2017. Transgenic technology for disease resistance.
    Thomas.R.J et al.(eds.) In: Training mannual on Breeding for resistance to pest and
    diseases in Plantation crops. ICAR-CRPCRI, Kasaragod. Pages120-139.

    1. Technical Bulletin
    Hegde Vinayaka, Jeeva M.L., Makeshkumar, T, Misra R.S. and Veena S.S. 2010. Diagnostic techniques for
    diseases of tropical tuber crops. Technical Bulletin Series 50, Central Tuber Crops Research
    Institute, Thiruvananthapuram pp.56


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