Designation | Principal Scientist |
Qualification | Ph. D. Horticulture |
Division | Division of Crop Production |
Specialisation | Horticulture |
Intercom | 113 |
Location | Head Quarters |
Total publications | Number of Research papers: 11 (above 6 NAAS score) total __30 . Number of Books/Book chapters: _book-1, chapters- 13 . Number of Technical Bulletins: 6 |
Areas of Interest
Seed systems, Protected cultivation, Hitech horticulture, Urban farming, Breeding of horticultural crops
Research Projects
Number of institute projects completed(Add list):11
Number of Institute projects being handled(Add list):3
Number of externally funded projects completed(Add list):8
Number of externally funded projects being handled(Add list):1
List of institute projects completed/being handled
- Dissemination of technology and ict applications in oil palm sector
- Collection, conservation, cataloguing and evaluation of oil palm germplasm
- Breeding for high yield in oil palm
- Breeding for dwarfness in oil palm
- Strengthening of seed gardens for indigenous seed production
- Biotechnological studies in oil palm
- Investigations on rapid multiplication of yams and aroids
- Developing innovative techniques for seed production in tropical tuber crops and quality planting material production in cassava, sweet potato and chinese potato
- Improvement of tomato to develop suitable variety for manipur
- Improvement of brinjal to develop suitable varieties for manipur including agrotechniques
- Development and transfer of tuber crops technology for the neh region
- Development of suitable agrotechniques for pineapple in rainfed foothills of manipur
- Development of grading system for oil palm ffb and estimation of factory level oer
14. Multidisciplinary approaches for transfer of technology and area expansion in relation to oil palm development in india
Details of external funded Research Projects handled/being handled.
Details of external funded Research Projects being handled.
Research Publications
List of publications
Sunilkumar, K., Mathur, R.K., Ravichandran, G. and Somasundaram, G.2019. Oil palm hybrid seed production (ISBN 81-87561-55-6). ICAR-Indian institute of oil palm research, Pedavegi .p 100
.Book chapters
- Sunilkumar, K. Rao, B.N.,Ngachan,S.V. and Kh. Hera Singh. 2003. Status of plasticulture in Manipur. In Plasiculture Interventions for agriculture development in North-East region. (eds. K. K .Satapathy and Ashwanikumar), ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umiam, Meghalaya, p 326-329
- Sunilkumar, K. 2008. Black turmeric (Curcuma caesia Roxb): Its importance, ecology and conservation.2008. In Eco-planning and Biodiversity conservation. (Ed. G.P. Mishra), Avishkar Publishers, Jabalpur, India.
- Mathur, R.K., Sunilkumar,K. and Murugesan,P. 2016.Prospects of interspecific hybrids in oil palm. In M.R.Dinesh and M.Sankaran (eds) Distant hybridization in horticultural crops published by Astral International Pvt.ltd., New Delhi.pp 103-109
- Sunilkumar, K., Mathur , R. K., Kalyan babu ,B and Murugesan, P.2017.Oil palm In P.Chowdappa, Anitha karun, Rajesh, M.K and Ramesh S.V. (Eds) Biotechnology of Plantation Crops. Daya Publishing house, New Delhi. pp 241-260.
- Sunilkumar ,K. 2019.Selection of parent palms In: Eds K. Sunilkumar etal.(2019) Oil palm hybrid seed production (ISBN 81-87561-55-6). ICAR-Indian Institute of Oil Palm Research, Pedavegi .
- Sunilkumar ,K. and Ravichandran, G. 2019. Hybridization In: Eds K. Sunilkumar etal.(2019) Oil palm hybrid seed production (ISBN 81-87561-55-6). ICAR-Indian Institute of Oil Palm Research, Pedavegi.
- Sunilkumar ,K. 2019.Bunch analysis Eds K. Sunilkumar etal.(2019) Oil palm hybrid seed production (ISBN 81-87561-55-6). ICAR-Indian Institute of Oil Palm Research, Pedavegi
- Sunilkumar ,K. and Somasundaram, G.2019. Seed processing and germination, In:Eds K. Sunilkumar etal.(2019) Oil palm hybrid seed production (ISBN 81-87561-55-6). ICAR-Indian Institute of Oil Palm Research, Pedavegi.
- Sunilkumar ,K. and Mathur, R.K., 2019. Quality control in hybrid seed production In: Eds K. Sunilkumar etal.(2019) Oil palm hybrid seed production (ISBN 81-87561-55-6). ICAR-Indian Institute of Oil Palm Research, Pedavegi.
- Sunilkumar, K., Muthuraj, R., Suresh Kumar, J.2023. Importance of quality planting material in tropical tuber crops and CTCRI initiatives to develop seed system’. Sunilkumar, K., Muthuraj, R. and Suresh Kumar, (Eds) Advances in quality planting material production of tropical tuber crops. ICAR-Central Tuber Crops Research Institute, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala:1-4
- Sunilkumar, K., Suresh Kumar, J.2023. In vivo rapid multiplication of yams and aroids. Sunilkumar, K., Muthuraj, R. and Suresh Kumar, (Eds) Advances in quality planting material production of tropical tuber crops. ICAR-Central Tuber Crops Research Institute, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala
- Sunilkumar, K. 2023. In vivo and in vitro methods of quality planting material production in yams and aroids. In: Sustainable Utilization of Genetic Resources of Neglected and Underutilized TuberCrops for Climate Resilience and Nutritional Security. Murugesan, P., Senthilkumar, K.M.,Krishna Radhika, N., Visalakshi Chandra, C. and Mohan, C. (Eds.). ICAR-Central Tuber Crops Research Institute, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala,ISBN: 978-81-957479-1-7, pp. 182-190.
- Sunilkumar, K .2023. Protected cultivation for clean seed production in tropical tuber crops. Sunilkumar, K., Muthuraj, R. and Suresh Kumar, (Eds) Advances in quality planting material production of tropical tuber crops. ICAR-Central Tuber Crops Research Institute, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala
Technical bulletins
- Sunilkumar, K., Mathur, R.K. Navin Kumar, P.,Goutam Mandal and Arulraj, S. 2013.Proceedings of National Oil palm Seed Meet -2013’Directorate of oil palm research, Pedavegi p-24
- Sunilkumar, K. Mathur, R.K. Navin Kumar, P., Arulraj, S. and Nampoothiri, K.U.K. 2013.Methodologies for conducting crop improvement trials in Oil palm’ Directorate of oil palm research, Pedavegi p-12
- Sunilkumar, K., Ramachandrudu,K., Sparjanbabu,D.S. and KochuBabu, M.2010.Tools and techniques for oil palm harvesting.Directorate of oil palm research, Pedavegi p-16
- Mathur, R. K., Murugesan, P., Prasad, M. V., Sunilkumar, K., Srinu, B., Praveen Kumar, B. and Ravi Kumar, K. 2014. Do’s and Don’t’s in oil palm hybrid seed production. Directorate of Oil Palm Research, Pedavegi, A. P., P.12.
- Mathur, R.K., Murugesan, P., Prasad, M.V., Sunilkumar, K., Srinu, B., Praveenkumar, B. and Ravikumar, B. (ISBN 81-87561-28-9) Ennapanayude sankara vitthulpadanam:Cheyyendathum cheyyaruthathathum (Malyalam) Directorate of Oil Palm Research, Pedavegi, A. P., p.12.
- Jeeva M.L., Sunilkumar K., Asha Devi , A. Kesavakumar H., Krishnakumar T. and P. Prakash.2023. Elephant Foot Yam . Technical Bulletin, ICAR-CTCRI. p38.