Designation | Principal Scientist |
Qualification | Ph.D in Agronomy |
Division | Division of Crop Production |
Specialisation | specialization: Organic farming of tuber crops, Resource management of tuber crops, Cropping systems research |
Location | Head Quarters |
Total publications | Total number of Publications : 171 |
Areas of Interest
Alternative sustainable management practices like organic farming
Research Projects
Number of institute projects completed : 7
Number of institute projects being handled : 7
Number of externally funded projects completed (Add list): 4
Number of externally funded projects being handled (Add list): 2
Research Publications
Total number of Publications : 171
Number of Research papers : 47
Research Papers in Journals: 47
International Journals (10)
1. Suja, G., Nair, V. M., Saraswathy, P. and Geethakumari, V. L. 2003. Influence of
growth‐promoting substances on sprouting of white yam (Dioscorea rotundata) setts.
Tropical Science, 43 (4):170‐173
2. Suja, G., Nair, V. M., Saraswathy, P. and Pushpakumari, R. 2003. Plant population and
sett size effects on white yam (Dioscorea rotundata Poir.) intercropped in coconut
garden. Tropical Agriculture, 80 (3): 157‐162
3. Suja, G., Nayar, T.V.R. and Sreekumar, J. 2005. Growth analysis of Dioscorea species.
Tropical Agriculture, 82 (3): 164‐172
4. Suja G. 2005. Impact of nutrient management on biomass production and growth
indices of white yam (Dioscorea rotundata Poir.) intercropped in a coconut
plantation in South India. Tropical Agriculture, 82 (3) : 173‐182
5. Misra, R.S., Nedunchezhiyan, M. and Suja, G. 2005. Commercially cultivated aroids in
India. Aroideana, 28. pp.174‐190
6. Sajeev, M.S., Sreekumar, J., Moorthy, S.N., Suja, G. and Shanavas, S. 2008. Texture
analysis of raw and cooked tubers of short‐duration lines of cassava by multivariate
and fractional conversion techniques. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture,
7. Suja, G., Susan John, K., Sreekumar, J. and Srinivas, T. 2010. Short‐duration cassava
genotypes for crop diversification in the humid tropics: Growth dynamics, biomass,
yield and quality. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 90:188‐198
8. Ravi, V., Ravindran, C. S., Suja, G., James George, Nedunchezhiyan, M., Byju, G. and
Naskar, S. K. 2011. Crop physiology of elephant foot yam (Amorphophallus
paeoniifolius (Dennst.) Nicolson). Advances in Horticultural Science, 25(1):1‐14
9. Suja, G., Sundaresan, S., Susan John, K., Sreekumar, J. and Misra, R. S. 2012. Higher
yield, profit and soil quality from organic farming of elephant foot yam. Agronomy
for Sustainable Development, 32: 755‐764 (doi 10. 1007/s 13593‐011‐0058‐5)
10. Susan John, K. and Suja, G. 2012. Optimum nutrient rate and nutritional constraints
in tuber crops growing in Ultisol of India with special emphasis on tannia.
Communication in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 43: 2924–2934
National Journals (37)
1. James George and Suja, G. 1995. Rapid seed yam production technology
using minisetts : A Review. Journal of Root Crops, 21 (1): 1 – 6
2. Suja, G. and Nayar, T.V.R. 1996. Water management in tropical tuber crops
: A critical evaluation. Journal of Root Crops, 22(2) : 65 – 77
3. Nayar, T.V.R. and Suja, G. 1996. Intercropping Dioscorea with banana var. Nendran
(Musa AAB). Journal of Root Crops, 22(2) : 115 – 120
4. Nayar, T.V.R., Potty, V.P., Suja, G. and Byju, G. 1998. Cassava varietal response to low
input management. Journal of Root Crops, 24(2) : 111 – 117
5. Anantharaman, S., Suja, G. and Asha, K.I. 1999. Indigenous knowledge of cassava
farmers and its scientific rationality. Journal of Root Crops, 25(1) : 29‐32
6. Suja, G., Nayar, T.V.R. and Sreekumar, J. 2000. Dry matter accumulation and
partitioning in certain Dioscorea species. Journal of Root Crops, 26 (2):50‐56
7. Suja, G., Nair, V. M., Saraswathy, P. and Sreekumar, J. 2000. Physico – chemical
properties of soil as influenced by nutrient management in white yam (Dioscorea
rotundata Poir.) intercropped in coconut garden. Journal of Root Crops, 26 (2): 65‐70
8. Nayar, T.V.R., Suja, G. and Byju, G. 2001. Effect of plant density and levels of
manuring on productivity of banana‐Dioscorea intercropping system. Journal of Root
Crops, 27(1): 176‐180
9. Suja, G., Nair, V. M. and Sreekumar, J. 2003. Influence of organic manures, nitrogen
and potassium on nutrient uptake and nutrient use efficiency of white yam
(Dioscorea rotundata) intercropped in coconut garden (Cocos nucifera). Indian
Journal of Agronomy, 48(3):168‐171
10. Suja, G., Nair, V. M. and Pushpakumari, R. 2003. Influence of plant population and
sett size on biomass accumulation and quality of white yam (Dioscorea rotundata)
intercropped in coconut garden. Indian Journal of Agronomy, 48(4):274‐276
11. Suja, G., Nair, V. M. and Sreekumar, J. 2003. Impact of nutrient management on light
interception, chlorophyll and proline content of white yam (Dioscorea rotundata
Poir.) intercropped in coconut garden. Journal of Root Crops, 29(2) :27‐31
12. Suja, G., Nayar, T.V.R. and Ravindran, C.S. 2003. Influence of agronomic practices on
starch yield of arrowroot (Maranta arundinacea L.). Journal of Root Crops, 29(2):49‐
13. Suja, G., Nair, V. M. and Sreekumar, J. 2003. Effect of nutrient management on
quality of white yam (Dioscorea rotundata Poir.) intercropped in coconut garden.
Journal of Root Crops, 29(1):35‐40
14. Suja, G., Nair, V. M., Saraswathy, P and Nayar, T.V.R. 2004. Response of white yam
intercropped in coconut garden to organic manures, nitrogen and potassium. Journal
of Plantation Crops, 32 (2): 21‐27
15. Suja,G., Nair, V. M., Saraswathy, P. and Sreekumar, J. 2004. Implications of organic
manure, nitrogen and potassium application in white yam (Dioscorea rotundata
Poir.) intercropped in coconut garden on nutrient balance of soil. Annals of
Agricultural Research, 25(1):76‐82
16. Nayar, T. V.R. and Suja, G. 2004. Production potential of root and tubers in
multiple cropping systems involving plantation crops. Journal of Root Crops, 30(2):
17. Suja, G. and Nayar, T. V. R. 2005. Biomass distribution pattern in arrowroot (Maranta
arundinacea L.) as influenced by plant density and mulching. Journal of Root Crops,
18. Suja, G., Nayar, T.V.R. and Potty, V.P. 2005. Response of cassava (Manihot esculenta
Crantz) to biofertilizers. Journal of Root Crops, 31(2): 100‐105
19. Suja, G. and Nayar, T.V.R. 2005. Effect of plant density and mulching on
growth and yield of arrowroot (Maranta arundinacea L.). Madras Agricultural
Journal, 92(1‐3):149‐153
20. Suja, G. and Nayar, T.V.R. 2006. Growth analysis of arrowroot (Maranta arundinacea
L.) under different spacings and mulches. Journal of Root Crops, 32(1): 47‐52
21. Santhosh Mithra, V.S., Sajeev, M.S., Suja, G., Sheela, M.N. and Vinayaka Hegde. 2005.
Tubertech: A database system on tuber crop technologies. Journal of Root Crops,
31(1): 54‐56
22. Suja, G.,. Nayar, T.V.R. and Ravindran, C. S. 2006. Influence of nutrient management
in arrowroot (Maranta arundinacea L.) on biomass production, nutrient uptake and
soil nutrient status. Journal of Root Crops, 32(2):162‐165
23. Edison, S. Ravindran, C.S. and Suja, G. 2006. Tropical tuber crops: a popular choice as
intercrops in coconut plantations. Indian Coconut Journal, 37(3): 2‐7
24. Sreekumari, M. T., Abraham, K., Padmaja, G. and Suja, G. 2006. Sree Kiran‐ An
improved taro hybrid. Journal of Root Crops, 32(2): 141‐145
25. Suja, G., Susan John, K. and Sundaresan, S. 2009. Potential of tannia (Xanthosoma
sagittifolium L.) for organic production. Journal of Root Crops, 35(1): 36‐40
26. Ravi, V, Ravindran, C. S. and Suja, G. 2009. Growth and productivity of elephant foot
yam (Amorphophallus paeoniifolius (Dennst.) Nicolson): an overview. Journal of Root
Crops, 35(2): 131‐142
27. Suja, G., Susan John, K., Ravindran, C. S., Prathapan, K. and Sundaresan, S. 2010. On
farm validation of organic farming technology in elephant foot yam (Amorphophallus
paeoniifolius (Dennst.) Nicolson). Journal of Root Crops, 36(1): 59‐64
28. Suja, G., Susan John, K. and Sreekumar. J. 2010. Soil test based nutrient management
for short‐duration cassava (Manihot esculenta). Analysis of growth, biomass, yield,
quality, nutrient uptake and soil nutrient status. Indian Journal of Agronomy, 55(4):
29. Suja, G., Susan John, K. and Sreekumar J. 2011. Impact of nutrient management
based on soil test data on biomass production and partitioning and growth indices of
short‐duration cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz). Indian Journal of Agricultural
Sciences, 81(3):247‐251
30. Susan John, K., Suja, G., Sheela, M. N. and Ravindran, C.S. 2010. Potassium: The key
nutrient for cassava production, tuber quality and soil productivity‐ An overview.
Journal of Root Crops, 36(2): 132‐144
31. Ravi, V., Suja, G. and Ravindran, C. S. 2011. Method for leaf area determination in
Chinese potato (Plectranthus rotundifolius). Journal of Root Crops, 37(1): 37‐40
32. Ravi, V., Hridya, A.C., Suchitra, C. S., Byju, G., Suja, G. and Nair, M. M. 2011.
Comparison of nitrate reductase activity in the leaves of tropical root and tuber crops.
Journal of Root Crops, 37(2): 192‐196
33. Ravi,V. and Suja, G. 2012. Leaf area estimation in arrowroot (Maranta arundinacea
L.). Journal of Root Crops, 38(1): 60‐63
34. Susan John, K., Bharathan, R., Manikantan Nair, M. and Suja, G. 2012. Soil based
nutrient management plan for tuber crops in Pathanamthitta district of Kerala.
Journal of Root Crops, 38(1): 51‐59
35. Suja, G., Sreekumar, J., Susan John, K. and Sundaresan, S. 2012. Organic production
of tuberous vegetables: Agronomic, nutritional and economic benefits. Journal of
Root Crops, 38(2): 135‐141
National News Letter
36. Suja, G., Nayar, T. V. R, Potty, V.P. and Sundaresan, S. 2006. Organic farming: An
alternative option for tuber crop production. CTCRI News, 23(1): 4‐5
37. Susan John, K., Suja, G., Ravindran, C.S. and Ramesh,V. 2006. Nutritional Disorder: A
major limiting factor to tannia (Xanthosoma sagittifolium) production under laterite
soils of Kerala. CTCRI News, 23(4): 1‐2
Research papers in Symposia/ Workshop Proceedings (25)
International Symposium (9)
1. Suja, G., Sundaresan, S., Susan John, K. and Sreekumar, J. 2010. Organic yam
production: Agronomic and nutritional implications under changing global
environment. In: Proceedings of Agro 2010 the XI ESA Congress. J. Wery, I. Shili‐Touzi
and A. Perrin (Eds.). European Society of Agronomy, Montpellier, France, 29 August‐3
September 2010, pp. 297‐298
2. Suja, G., Sreekumar, J., Susan John, K. and Sundaresan, S. 2011. Organic production of
tropical tuberous vegetables: an eco‐friendly approach for sustainable production, tuber
quality, soil quality and economic returns. In: Proceedings of the 17 th IFOAM Organic
World Congress, Organic is Life‐Knowledge for Tomorrow, Republic of Korea, 28
September‐1 October 2011. pp.293‐296
3. Suja, G., Susan John, K. and Sreekumar, J. 2012. Crop diversification with short‐
duration cassava‐cowpea system. In: Extended Summaries Vol. 2: 3rd International
Agronomy Congress, New Delhi, India, 26‐30 November 2012. pp. 410‐411
4. Suja, G., Sreekumar, J. and Susan John, K. 2012. Higher soil quality index under
organic farming in elephant foot yam. In: Proceedings, Global Conference on Aroids:
Opportunities and Challenges. Misra, R.S. and Nedunchezhiyan, M. (Eds.), 23‐25
January, 2012, Regional Centre, Central Tuber Crops Research Institute,
Bhubanesawar, Orissa, India. pp.159‐169 (In Press)
5. Nayar, T.V.R., Suja, G., Susan John, K. and Ravi, V. 2007. Cassava Agronomy in India –
Low input management. In: Proceedings of the VII Asian Cassava Research Workshop,
28 October‐1 November 2002, Bangkok, Thailand. pp.183‐203
6. Susan John, K., Suja, G., Sheela M.N. and Ravindran, C.S.2009. Potassium: The key
nutrient in cassava production, tuber quality and soil productivity. In: Proceedings IPI‐
OUAT‐IPNI International Symposium, Bhubaneswar, 5‐7 November 2009, pp. 297‐300
7. Susan John, K., Ravindran, C.S., Suja, G., Prathapan, K., Naskar, S.K. and James George
2011. Response of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) to zinc: Two decades
experience in an Ultisol of Kerala, India. In: Extended Abstracts of the 3rd International
Zinc Symposium, Hyderabad, India, 10‐14 October 2011. pp. 27‐28
8. Susan John, K. Suja, G. and Sheela, M. N. 2012. Potassium efficient cassava genotypes
for consumption and industrial uses. In: Extended Summaries Vol. 2: 3rd International
Agronomy Congress, New Delhi, India, 26‐30 November 2012. pp. 1024‐1025
9. Susan John, K., Remya R.T. and Suja, G. 2012. Integrated nutrient management
strategy for tannia (Xanthosoma sagittifolium L. Schott) in an ultisol of Kerala, India.
In: Proceedings, Global Conference on Aroids: Opportunities and Challenges. Misra,
R.S. and Nedunchezhiyan, M. (Eds.). 23‐25 January 2012, Regional Centre, Central
Tuber Crops Research Institute, Bhubanesawar, Orissa, India. pp.170‐183 (In Press)
National Symposium (16)
10. Nayar, T.V.R and Suja, G. 1999. Plant density for intercropping Dioscorea in coconut
gardens. In: Tropical Tuber Crops in Food Security and Nutrition. Balagopalan, C.,
Nayar, T.V.R., Sundaresan, S., Premkumar, T. and Lakshmi, K.R. (Eds.). Oxford and IBH
Publishing Co., Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi. pp.351‐356
11. Nayar, T.V.R. and Suja, G. 2002. Potassium requirement and response of potassium
application in tuber crops. In: Proceedings of the Workshop on Use of Potassium in
Kerala Agriculture, Kerala Agricultural University and Potash and Phosphate Institute
of Canada‐India Programme, pp. 81‐95
12. Suja, G., Nayar, T.V.R. and Ravindran, C.S. 2003. Production potential of arrowroot
(Maranta arundinacea L.) as influenced by agronomic practices. In: Food Security
through Sustainable Technologies. Potty, V. P. Edison, S. Jayaprakas C. A. and Sajeev,
M. S. (Eds.). Swadeshi Science Movement and Central Tuber Crops Research Institute,
Thiruvananthapuram. pp.9‐11
13. Suja, G. and Nayar, T.V.R. 2004. Influence of coir pith compost on growth
and yield of cassava and white yam. In: Seminar/ Workshop Papers, Coir Board Golden
Jubilee Celebration, 11‐13 August 2004, Central Coir Research Institute, Kalavoor,
Alleppey, Kerala
14. Susan John K., Suja, G. and Ravindran, C.S. 2005. Soil resource management for
tropical tuber crops. In: Proceedings of the National Workshop on Soil Resource
Management, Soil Survey (SC unit), Department of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, 22‐
24 December, 2005 pp.284‐309
15. Edison, S., Anantharaman, M. and Suja, G. 2005. Prospects of tuber crops in
Rajasthan. In: Souvenir released during Western Region Krishi Vigyan Mela‐2005 &
Flower, Fruit and Vegetable Show, 24‐27 February 2005, MPUAT, Udaipur
16. Suja, G. and Nair, V.M. 2006. Resource management for white yam (Dioscorea
rotundata Poir.) intercropped in coconut gardens. In: Root and Tuber Crops in
Nutrition, Food Security and Sustainable Environment. Naskar, S.K., Nedunchezhiyan,
M., Rao, K.R., Shivkumar, P.S., Ray, R.C., Misra R.S. and Mukherjee, A. (Eds.). National
Symposium on Root and Tuber Crops (NSRTC–I), 29‐31 October 2006, Bhubaneswar,
Orissa. pp.153‐161
17. Susan John, K. and Suja, G. 2007. Nutritional factors limiting the growth and yield of
tannia in an acid ultisol. In: Proceedings National Symposium on Soil Science Research:
Retrospect and Prospect in the context of Environmental Quality and Food Security,
Kolkata, 7‐9 December 2007, pp.102‐103
18. Suja, G., Potty, V. P. and Sundaresan, S. 2008. Organic farming of aroids and yams: A
feasible alternative farming strategy. In: Proceedings of the 20 th Kerala Science
Congress 2008. 28‐31 January 2008, Thiruvananthapuram, pp. 87‐89
19. Suja, G., Sundaresan, S. and Susan John, K. 2010. Eco‐friendly management of
elephant foot yam for sustainable production and protection of soil health. In:
Extended Summaries of the XIX National Symposium on Resource Management
Approaches towards Livelihood Security, University of Agricultural Sciences,
Bengaluru, 2‐4 December 2010, pp. 43‐44
20. Suja, G., Sundaresan, S., Susan John, K. and Sreekumar, J. 2011. Organic farming for
food and nutritional security in the context of climate change: Lessons learnt from
tuberous vegetables. In: Proceedings, National Seminar on Climate change and Food
Security: Challenges and Opportunities for Tuber Crops (NSCFT 2011), Sajeev, M. S.
Anantharaman, M., Padmaja, G. Unnikrishnan, M., Ravi, V. Suja, G. and Vinayaka
Hegde (Eds.). Central Tuber Crops Research Institute, Thiruvananthapuram, 20‐22
January 2011, pp.84‐89
21. Susan John, K., Suja, G. and Sheela. M. N. 2011. Potassium efficient cassava
(Manihot esculenta Crantz) genotypes for domestic and industrial uses. In: Extended
Summaries of the National Symposium on Potassium Nutrition in Enhancing Yield and
Quality of Crops, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad, Karnataka, 17‐18
January 2011, 177‐179.
22. Ravindran, C. S., Suja, G. and Nedunchezhiyan, M. 2011. Tuber crops as component
crops in cropping systems. In: (M. S. Sajeev, M. Anantharaman, G. Padmaja, M.
Unnikrishnan, V. Ravi, G. Suja and Vinayaka Hegde (Eds.)), Proceedings, National
Seminar on Climate change and Food Security: Challenges and Opportunities for Tuber
Crops (NSCFT 2011), Central Tuber Crops Research Institute, Thiruvananthapuram,
January 20‐22, 2011. pp.235‐239
23. Ravi, V., Hridya, A. C., Suchitra, C. S. Byju, G. Suja, G. and Manikantan Nair, M. 2011.
Nitrate reductase activity in leaves of tropical root and tuber crops. In: (M. S.
Sajeev, M. Anantharaman, G. Padmaja, M. Unnikrishnan, V. Ravi, G. Suja and
Vinayaka Hegde (Eds.)), Proceedings, National Seminar on Climate change and Food
Security: Challenges and Opportunities for Tuber Crops (NSCFT 2011), Central Tuber
Crops Research Institute, Thiruvananthapuram, January 20‐22, 2011. pp.253‐255
24. Ravi, V., Suja, G., Ravindran, C. S. and Naskar, S. K. 2011. Method for leaf area
determination in Plectranthus rotundifolius. In: (M. S. Sajeev, M. Anantharaman, G.
Padmaja, M. Unnikrishnan, V. Ravi, G. Suja and Vinayaka Hegde (Eds.)), Proceedings,
National Seminar on Climate change and Food Security: Challenges and
Opportunities for Tuber Crops (NSCFT 2011), Central Tuber Crops Research Institute,
Thiruvananthapuram, January 20‐22, 2011. pp.334‐338
25. Sajeev, M. S., Anantharaman, M., Padmaja, G., Unnikrishnan, M., Ravi, V., Suja, G. and
Vinayaka Hegde. 2011. Climate Change and Food Security: Challenges and
Opportunities for Tuber Crops. Proceedings, National Seminar on Climate change
and Food Security: Challenges and Opportunities for Tuber Crops (NSCFT 2011),
Central Tuber Crops Research Institute, Thiruvananthapuram, January 20‐22, 2011.
624 pp.
(iii) Research papers presented/ accepted in Symposia/Conferences (26)
International Symposium (19)
1. Nayar, T.V.R. and Suja, G. 2003. Production potential of root and tubers in
association with plantation crops. In: Abstracts of the 13th Symposium of the
International Society for Tropical Root Crops, 9‐15 November 2003, Arusha,
2. Suja, G. and Nair, V.M. 2003. Management of white yam (Dioscorea rotundata Poir.)
intercropped in coconut garden. In: Abstracts of Papers of the 13th Symposium of the
International Society for Tropical Root Crops, 9‐15 November 2003, Arusha,
3. Nayar, T.V.R., Suja, G. and Potty, V.P. 2004. Adaptation of cassava genotypes to low
soil fertility. In: Abstracts Sixth International Scientific Meeting of the Cassava
Biotechnology Network (CBN VI), 8‐14 March 2004, CIAT, Cali, Columbia.p.82
4. Suja,G., Nayar, T.V.R., Potty,V.P. and Sundaresan,S. 2006. Organic elephant foot yam
production: A viable alternative farming strategy. In: Abstracts of Papers 14 th
Triennial Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops, 20‐26
November 2006, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India. pp.191‐192
5. Susan John, K. and Suja, G. 2006. Determination of optimum nutrient rate and
nutritional constraints in tuber crops growing acid ultisol. In: Abstracts of Papers 14 th
Triennial Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops, 20‐26
November 2006, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India. pp.189‐190
6. Ravindran, C.S. and Suja, G. 2006. Role of tropical tuber crops in cropping systems. In:
Abstracts of Papers 14 th Triennial Symposium of the International Society for Tropical
Root Crops, 20‐26 November 2006, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India. pp.181‐182
7. Suja, G., Potty, V.P. and Sundaresan, S. 2007. Organic elephant foot yam production:
Agronomic and nutritional implications. In: Abstracts of the International Symposium
on Organic Farming and Renewable Sources of Energy for Sustainable Agriculture,
19‐21 November 2007, Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture and Technology,
Udaipur, Rajasthan, p.38
8. Edison, S. and Suja, G. 2007. Organic tuber production: Issues, prospects and future
strategies In: Abstracts of the International Symposium on Organic Farming and
Renewable Sources of Energy for Sustainable Agriculture, Maharana Pratap
University of Agriculture and Technology, Udaipur, Rajasthan, p.1‐7
9. Suja, G. and Susan John K. 2008. Promising short duration cassava varieties for
crop diversification. In: Abstracts of the First Scientific Meeting of the Global
Cassava Patnership GCP‐1, Cassava: Meeting the challenges of the new
millennium, July 21‐25 2008, Ghent, Belgium. p.108.
10. Susan John K., Ravindran, C. S. and Suja, G. 2008. Cassava: a potential food security
crop suited to MYR through nutrient management strategies under the changing
global environment. In: Abstracts of the First Scientific Meeting of the Global
Cassava Patnership GCP‐1, Cassava: Meeting the challenges of the new
millennium, July 21‐25 2008, Ghent, Belgium. p.58
11. Suja, G., Sundaresan, S. and Susan John, K. 2010. Organic production of tropical
tuberous vegetables: A viable option for sustainable yield, quality and soil health.
In: Book of Abstracts of the International Seminar on Improving Access to Global
Organic Markets (Biofach India 2010) held at Bombay Exhibition Centre, Goregaon,
Mumbai during 8‐9 December 2010. pp.13‐18
12. Suja, G. Sundaresan, S. and Susan John K., 2011. Organic production of tuberous
vegetables: Does it enhance or reduce the nutritional quality? Abstract accepted
for poster presentation in the First International Conference on Organic Food
Quality and Health. to be held at The Prague, The Czech Republic, during 18‐20
May 2011.
13. Suja, G., Susan John, K. and Sreekumar, J. 2011. Sustainable resource management
in short‐duration cassava for crop diversification in the humid tropics. In: Program
and Abstracts of the 9 th Triennial Regional Cassava Workshop, held at Nanning,
China, 28 November‐2 December 2011.pp. 16‐17
14. Ravindran, C. S. Suja, G. and Nedunchezhiyan. M. and Naskar, S. 2010. Crop
diversification with tropical tuber crops for food security under changing global
climate. In: Abstracts of the International Conference on Coconut Biodiversity for
Prosperity, Central Plantation Crops Research Institute, Kasaragode, 25‐28
October, 2010. pp.114
15. Susan John, K., Remya, R. T. and Suja, G. 2011. Dolomite: The best soil
amendment for tannia (Xanthosoma sagittifolium L. Schott) grown in an ultisol of
Kerala. In: Abstract of Papers, National Seminar on Climate change and Food
Security: Challenges and Opportunities for Tuber Crops (NSCFT 2011), Central Tuber
Crops Research Institute, Thiruvananthapuram, January 20‐22, 2011. pp.120
16. Susan John, K., Suja, G. and Ravindran, C.S.2011. Soil test and plant tissue analysis
as diagnostic tools to fertilizer recommendation for cassava (Manihot esculenta
Crantz) in an Ultisol of Kerala, India’. In: Abstracts of the 12th International
Symposium on Soil and Plant Analysis (ISSPA) held at Greece during June 06‐10,
2011. pp.8
17. Susan John, K., Ravindran, C. S., Naskar, S. K. Suja, G., Prathapan, K. and James
George. 2011. Sustainable cassava production and soil productivity through soil
based nutrient management: Experience from a long term fertilizer experiment
and field validation trial in an Ultisol, Kerala, India. In: Program and Abstracts of the
9 th Triennial Regional Cassava Workshop, held at Nanning, China, 28 November‐2
December 2011. pp. 23‐24
18. Ravindran, C.S., Suja, G., Nedunchezhiyan, M. and Ravi,V. 2012. In: Abstract Book,.
Global Conference on Aroids: Opportunities and Challenges. Misra, R.S. and
Nedunchezhiyan, M. (Eds.), 23‐25 January, 2012, Regional Centre, Central Tuber
Crops Research Institute, Bhubanesawar, Orissa, India. pp. 37.
19. Susan John, K., Remya Raj, R.T. and Suja, G. 2012. Response of tannia (Xanthosoma
sagittifolium L. Schott) to liming in an Ultisol of Kerala, India. In: The Compendium
of Abstracts of The 8 th International Symposium on Plant‐ Soil Interactions at low
pH, 18‐22 October 2012, Bengaluru, India. pp. 228‐229
National Symposium (7)
20. Ramanathan, S., Potty, V.P., Sheela, M. N., Suja, G. and Anantharaman, S.
1996.Technology assessment and refinement through institute‐village linkage: a
holistic participatory approach. In: Abstracts of Papers, National Seminar on
Participatory Technology Development, 21 – 22 November, 1996,
Thiruvananthapuram. p.41
21. Nayar, T.V.R. and Suja, G. 2002. Production potential of tuberous vegetables in
association with banana. In: Abstracts of Papers, International Conference on
Vegetables, 11‐14 November 2002, Bangalore.pp.175‐176
22. Nayar, T.V.R. and Suja, G. 2004. Organic production potential of tropical tuber crops.
In: Abstracts XIV Swadeshi Science Congress, 5‐7 November 2004, Swadeshi Science
Movement, Kerala. p.20‐21
23. Suja, G. 2005. Impact of nutrient management practices on nutrient use efficiency
and economics of white yam ( Dioscorea rotundata Poir.) intercropped in a coconut
garden. In: Book of Abstracts of lead papers and poster papers presented at the
National Symposium on Improving Input Use `Efficiency in Horticulture, Bangalore,
August 9‐11 2006, pp.166
24. Suja, G. and Sundaresan, S. 2008. Agronomic, nutritional and economic implications
of organic elephant foot yam production. In: Programme and Abstracts of the
National Conference on Organic Farming in Horticultural Crops with special reference
to Plantation Crops, 15‐18 October 2008, Central Plantation Crops Research
Institute, Kasaragod. p.33‐34
25. Suja, G. and Sundaresan, S. 2008. Organic elephant foot yam production: A feasible
strategy for high yield and income. In: Abstract Book. Status Papers and Extended
Summary, National Seminar on Amorphophallus: Innovative Technologies, 19‐20 July
2008, Patna, Bihar, p. 139‐141
26. Edison, S. and Suja, G. 2008. Strategies for organic tuber production. In: Programme
and Abstracts of the National Conference on Organic Farming in Horticultural Crops
with special reference to Plantation Crops, 15‐18 October 2008, Central Plantation
Crops Research Institute, Kasaragod. p. 26‐27
Popular articles (27)
National Semi‐technical Agricultural Magazines (6)
1. Nayar, T.V.R and Suja, G. 1998. Intercropping tubers with banana is
remunerative. Indian Horticulture, 43 (2) : 15‐17
2. Sunitha, S., Suja, G., Varghese, P.T. and Nampoothiri, K.U.K. 1995. Weed menace
in oil palm plantations of Kerala.. Indian Oil Palm. Journal., V(28) : 169 – 171
3. Suja,G., Nayar, T.V.R., Potty,V.P. and Sundaresan,S. 2006. Organic farming: a viable
strategy for high yield and quality tuber crop production. Indian Horticulture, 51(6):
4. Suja G.,Nayar,T.V.R. and Ravindran,C.S. 2006. Arrowroot a promising lesser known
tuber crop. Indian Horticulture, 51(5):31‐32
5. Suja, G. and Nayar,T.V.R. 2006. Organic tuber production: Issues, prospects and
future strategies. Kisan World, 33(11): 58‐59
6. Suja,G., Nayar, T.V.R., Potty,V.P. and Sundaresan,S. 2006. Organic farming in tropical
tubers (in Hindi). Phal Phool, 28(6): 26‐28
Malayalam Popular Articles (21)
1. Nayar, T.V.R and Suja, G. 1995. Make cassava cultivation profitable (in Malayalam).
Kerala Karshakan, 40 (14) : 4
2. Kabeerathumma, S., Suja, G. and Nair, G.M. 1995. Cassava cultivation and soil
erosion (in Malayalam). Kerala Karshakan, 40 (16) : 8
3. Nayar, T.V.R and Suja, G. 1995. Management of Tulakappa (in Malayalam). Karshaka
Sree, 1 (2) : 6‐7
4. Nayar, T.V.R and Suja,G. 1996. Tuber Crops as intercrops (in Malayalam). Karshaka
Sree, 1 (7) : 25
5. Nayar, T.V.R and Suja, G. 1997. For better yield – grow tuberous vegetables (in
Malayalam). Kerala Kaumudi, May 8, 1997
6. Nayar, T.V.R and Suja, G. 1997. Tuberous vegetables (in Malayalam). Kerala
Karshakan, 42(14) : 30
7. Nayar, T.V.R and Suja, G. 1997. Yams as intercrops in banana and coconut (in
Malayalam). Karshaka Sree, 3(2) : 26‐27
8. Suja,G. and Nayar, T.V.R. 2002. Cultivate yams now itself (in Malayalam). Karshaka
Sree, 7 (8): 24‐25
9. Suja, G. and Nayar, T.V.R.2003. Yams are good companions with any crops (in
Malayalam). Karshaka Sree, 8 (7): 14‐16
10. Suja G., and Nayar, T.V.R. 2004. Intercrops in cassava (in Malayalam). Kerala
Karshakan, 49(14). 6‐7
11. Shantha V.Pillai, Unnikrishnan, M. and Suja, G. 2004. Colocasia‐ Tips for
getting higher yield (in Malayalam). Kerala Karshakan, 49 (4): 14‐15
12. Suja, G. 2006. For good yields from elephant foot yam and taro in Malayalam).
Karshaka Sree,11(8):12‐13
13. Susan John, K. and Suja, G. 2006. Of the tiniest amongst tubers: Coleus.
(in Malayalam). Kerala Karshakan, 51(11):41‐42.
14. Suja, G. 2007. Tuber crops as intercrops in banana (in Malayalam). Krishi Anganam,
12(2): 17‐18
15. Suja, G. and Ravindran, C. S. 2008. Income generating arrowroot cultivation ( in
Malayalam). Karshakan, 18(4): 21‐22
16. Susan John, K. and Suja, G. 2008. Tannia in laterite soils (in Malayalam). Kerala
Karshakan, 54 (11) : 52‐54
17. Suja, G. and Sundaresan, S. 2009. Organic farming for high yield in elephant foot yam
(in Malayalam). Kerala Karshakan, 55 (3) : 38‐40
18. Suja, G. and Ravindran, C. S. 2010. Arrowroot, Chinese potato and lesser yam: For
high yield and income ( in Malayalam). Kerala Karshakan, 55 (9) : 18‐21
19. Suja, G. 2010. Organic production of tuberous vegetables: For high yield and quality.
(in Malayalam). Krishi Anganam. 15(3,4): 74‐75
20. Ravindran, C.S. and Suja, G. 2011. Scientific management practices of tuber crops (in
Malayalam). Panchayat Raj, 51(7):12‐17
21. Ravindran, C.S. and Suja, G. 2013. Nadam Naduthalakal (in Malayalam). Kerala
Karshakan, 58(8):34‐35.
11. Number of Books/Book chapters (Add list): 6
1. Suja, G. 2008. Strategies for organic production of tropical tuber crops. In: Organic
Farming in Rainfed Agriculture: Opportunities and Constraints (Eds. Venkateswarlu, B.,
Balloli, S. S. and Ramakrishna, Y. S.) Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture,
Hyderabad, pp.185
2. Nayar, T.V.R. and Suja,G. Tapioca (Cassava) Agronomy in India. In: Green Book on Tapioca,
Volume III, Sago Serve, Salem, Tamil Nadu
3. Ravindran, C. S., Suja, G. and Susan John K. 2008. Agro‐techniques and quality planting
material production in minor tuber crops. In: Advance Techniques in Quality Planting
Material Production and Commercial Cultivation of Tropical Tuber Crops (Ed.
Nedunchezhiyan, M.), Regional Centre, Central Tuber Crops Research Institute,
Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India, pp.53‐59
4. Edison, S., Hegde, V., Makeshkumar, T., Srinivas, T., Suja, G. and Padmaja, G. 2009.
Sweetpotato in the Indian Sub‐continent. In: The Sweetpotato (Eds. Loebenstein, G. and
Thottapilly, G.). Springer Science and Business Media, B.V. pp.522
5. Suja, G. and Sundaresan, S. 2010. Agronomic, nutritional and economic implications of
organic elephant foot yam production. In: (eds. H. P. Singh and George V. Thomas) Organic
Horticulture‐ Principles, Practices and Technologies, Westville Publishing House, New Delhi.
pp. 177‐183
6. Nedunchezhiyan, M. and Suja, G. 2011. Organic farming of tropical tuber crops. In: Recent
Developments in Organic Farming (eds. J. M. L. Gulati and T. Barik), Orissa University of
Agriculture and Technology, Bhubaneswar, pp. 499‐510
12. Number of Technical Bulletins (Add list): 4
1. Varma, S.P., Ravi, V. and Suja, G. 1996. Technologies for better production –
Yambean, Coleus, Arrowroot, Colocasia (Dasheen) and Xanthosoma. Central Tuber
Crops Research Institute, Sreekariyam. Trivandrum. 26 p.
2. Varma, S.P., Suja, G., and Rajendran, P.G. 1997. Production technology for cassava
and sweet potato. Central Tuber Crops Research Institute, Sreekariyam. Trivandrum.
3. Anantharaman, M., Ramanathan, S., Potty, V. P., Sheela, M. N. and Suja, G.
2001.Institution Village Linkage Programme – Agro Ecosystem Analysis.Tech. Bull
Series 34, CTCRI, Sreekariyam, Trivandrum, June, 2001. 68p.
4. Susan John K., Suja, G., Edison,S. and Ravindran, C.S. 2006. Nutritional Disorders of
Tropical Tuber Crops. Technical Bulletin Series 48, Central Tuber Crops Research
Institute, Sreekariyam, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India.74p
Others (36)
Course manuals (19)
1. Suja, G. 1997. Improved cultivation techniques‐ Yams and aroids. In: Course Manual
on National Training Course on Management of Cropping Systems involving Tuber
Crops, October 15‐22,1997. pp.41‐47
2. Suja, G. 2000. Nutrient management of yams, aroids and coleus. In: Course Manual
on National Training Course on Production Technology of Tuber Crops, December 6‐
13, 2000. pp.53‐55
3. Nayar, T.V.R and Suja, G. 2000. Cultural aspects of arrowroot. In: Course Manual on
Advances in Crop Production and Crop Protection Technology of Tuber Crops.
Training unit, KHDP, Trivandrum. pp. 24‐25
4. Nayar, T.V.R and Suja, G. 2000. Intercropping tropical tubers with banana. In: Course
Manual on Advances in Crop Production and Crop Protection Technology of Tuber
Crops. Training unit, KHDP, Trivandrum. pp. 26‐27
5. Suja, G. 2001. Nutrient management of yams, aroids and minor tubers. In : Course
Manual on National Training Course on Production Technology of Tuber Crops,
September 12‐19, 2001. pp.66‐68
6. Abraham, K. and Suja, G. 2005. Course Manual Refresher Training Course for
Technical Staff of CTCRI, 7‐11 November 2005, Central Tuber Crops Research
Institute, Sreekariyam, Thiruvananthapuram. 85 pp.
7. James George and Suja, G. 2005. Agrotechniques for tropical tuber crops. In:
Course Manual, Refresher Training Course for Technical Staff of CTCRI., 7‐11
November 2005, Central Tuber Crops Research Institute, Sreekariyam,
Thiruvananthapuram, pp.34‐46.
8. Suja, G. 2006. Organic farming an alternative option for tuber crop production. In:
Quality Planting Material Production in Tropical Tuber Crops. (Ed.) G. Byju. Central
Tuber Crops Research Institute, Sreekariyam, Thiruvananthapuram. pp.165‐170
9. Suja, G. 2006. Agrotechniques in white yam and arrowroot. In: Quality Planting
Material Production in Tropical Tuber Crops. (Ed.) G. Byju. Central Tuber Crops
Research Institute, Sreekariyam, Thiruvananthapuram. pp.76‐82
10. Suja, G. 2007. Agrotechniques of yams and aroids. In: Course Document of Model
Training Course on Cropping Systems Approach in Tropical Tuber Crops Production
and Processing, February 20‐27 2007, Central Tuber Crops Research Institute,
Thiruvananthapuram, pp. 65‐69
11. Suja, G. 2007. Organic farming in tropical tubers: Prospects, problems and future
strategies. In: Course Document of Model Training Course on Cropping Systems
Approach in Tropical Tuber Crops Production and Processing, February 20‐27 2007,
Central Tuber Crops Research Institute, Thiruvananthapuram, pp. 71‐76
12. Suja, G. 2008. Organic farming in tuber crops. In: Course Document of the Model
Training Course on Integrated Production and Processing Management for Tropical
Tuber Crops, 15‐22 October 2008, Central Tuber Crops Research Institute,
Thiruvananthapuram, pp. 57‐68
13. Suja, G. 2009. Organic farming in tuber crops. In: Course Document of the Model
Training Course on Integrated Production and Processing Management for Tropical
Tuber Crops, 6‐13 October 2009, Central Tuber Crops Research Institute,
Thiruvananthapuram, pp. 102‐114
14. Suja, G. 2010. Techniques of organic production of tuber crops. In: Course Document
of the Model Training Course on Integrated Production with Post Harvest
Management in Tropical Tuber Crops, 23‐30 September 2010, Central Tuber Crops
Research Institute, Thiruvananthapuram, pp. 114‐126.
15. Nedunchezhiyan, M., Suja, G. and Ravindran, C. S. 2010. Agro‐techniques in cassava,
sweet potato and minor tuber crops. In: Course Document on Training Course on
Agro‐techniques of Tropical Tuber Crops, 11‐13 May 2010, Central Tuber Crops
Research Institute, Regional Centre, Bhubaneswar, pp.36‐49.
16. Nedunchezhiyan, M., Suja, G. and Ravindran, C. S. 2010. Agro‐techniques in cassava,
sweet potato and minor tuber crops. In: Training Manual on Agro‐techniques and
Value Addition in Tropical Tuber Crops, 24‐26 June 2010, Central Tuber Crops
Research Institute, Regional Centre, Bhubaneswar, pp.36‐49.
17. Suja, G. 2011. Organic production techniques of tuber crops. In: Course Document of
the Model Training Course on Eco‐friendly Management of Tuber Crops Based
Cropping System, 11‐18 October 2011, Central Tuber Crops Research Institute,
Thiruvananthapuram, pp. 126‐138.
18. Suja, G. 2011. Organic farming in tuber crops. In: Course Document on Training
Course on Advanced Production Technologies of Tropical Tuber Crops and their Value
Addition, 13‐17 December 2011, Central Tuber Crops Research Institute,
Thiruvananthapuram,, pp.56‐68
19. Suja, G. 2012. Sustainable management of tuber crops in cropping systems: Organic
production techniques. In: Course Document of the Model Training Course on
Sustainable Management Strategies of Tuber Crops Based Cropping Systems, 5‐12
October 2012, Central Tuber Crops Research Institute, Thiruvananthapuram, pp.133‐
1. JAWAHARLAL NEHRU AWARD OF ICAR for outstanding Post Graduate Agricultural Research
2003, in recognition of Ph.D thesis titled “Resource management for intercropping white
yam (Dioscorea rotundata Poir.) in coconut garden”
2. CERTIFICATE OF APPRECIATION from Kerala Agricultural University and Indian Agricultural
Association in recognition of receipt of Jawaharlal Nehru Award 2003
3. BEST ORAL PAPER AWARD for the paper titled “Organic farming for food and nutritional
security in the context of climate change: Lessons learnt from tuberous vegetables
presented in the National Seminar on Climate Change and Food Security: Challenges and
Opportunities for Tuber Crops (NSCFT) held at CTCRI, Thiruvananthapuram during 20‐22
January 2011
4. BEST RESEARCH PAPER AWARD for the oral paper titled “Agronomic, nutritional and
economic implications of organic elephant foot yam production” presented at the
National Conference on Organic Farming (NCOH 2008) in Horticultural Crops with special
reference to plantation crops held at CPCRI, Kasaragod during 15‐18 October 2008
5. FIRST PRIZE FOR THE POSTER PAPER titled “Impact of nutrient management practices on
nutrient use efficiency and economics of white yam (Dioscorea rotundata Poir.)
intercropped in a coconut garden” in the Theme area Land and Nutrient Use Efficiency at
the National Symposium on Improving Input Use Efficiency in Horticulture held at
Bangalore during 9‐11 August 2006
6. Research paper titled “Organic Elephant Foot Yam Production: A Viable Alternative
Farming Strategy” was recognised as one of the best oral presentations and received the
Symposium of International Society for Tropical Tuber Crops held at Thiruvananthapuram
during 20‐26 November 2006
7. KAU STUDENTS UNION GOLD MEDAL for getting First Rank for B.Sc (Ag.)
8. Certificate of Merit of Dr. N. Kunjan Pillai Memorial Endowment Prize for getting First
Rank for B.Sc (Ag.)
9. Certificate of Merit of Sri. E. P. Madhavan Nair Memorial Gold Medal for getting First
Rank for B.Sc (Ag.)
10. Dr. Abraham Thomas Memorial Endowment Prize for getting First Rank
for B.Sc (Ag)
11. ICAR Junior Fellowship in Agronomy for M.Sc. (Ag)
12. KAU Merit Scholarship for B.Sc. (Ag)
13. Received the Netherlands Fellowship under the Netherlands Fellowship Programme to
attend an International Course “Agriculture in Transition: Innovative approaches for
sustainable farming” during 13‐24 May 2013 at Wageningen UR Centre for
Development Innovation, The Netherlands
14. Nominated as Councillor, Kerala, of The Indian Society of Agronomy for the biennium 2013‐2014