Regional Station
Molecular Plant Pathology, Microbial Ecology and Plant Virology
Regional Centre, Bhubaneswar
Total publications
Number of Research papers: 21,Number of Books/Book chapters: 22

    Biocontrol and Microbial Formulations; Molecular Diagnostics and
    Characterization of plant pathogens

    Number of institute projects completed (as PI): One
     Development and standardization of diagnostic kit for identification of fungal
    pathogens infecting tuber crops

    Number of Institute projects being handled (as PI): One
     Mass production and effective utilization of bioagents to manage fungal diseases of
    tuber crops

     Number of externally funded projects completed (as PI): One
     Establishment of plant health clinic (PHC) funded by NHM, Odisha (Rs. 25.00 lakhs)

    Number of externally funded projects being handled (as PI): One
     Establishment of mass production unit of bioagents for ecofriendly disease
    management in vegetable crops of Odisha funded by RKVY, Odisha (Rs. 320.91

    Number of Research papers: 21

    1. Vijay Bahadur Singh Chauhan, Hanume Gowda Krishnappa, Pinki Mohapatra,
    Samarendra Narayan Mallick, Maniyam Nedunchezhiyan, Byju Gangadharan, Manas
    Ranjan Sahoo, Rameshkumar Arutselvan, Mohammad Shahid, Arvind Kumar
    Verma. 2025. Harnessing genotype× environment interaction and advanced selection
    indices for nutritional enhancement in taro (Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott). Food
    Chemistry, 142938. (NAAS-14.80)
    2. Arutselvan, R. and Makeshkumar, T. 2024. Single-tube colorimetric loop-mediated
    isothermal amplification (LAMP) assay for high-sensitivity detection in cassava from
    southern India. Microbial Pathogenesis 192:106718. (NAAS-9.80)
    3. Sumit Kumar, Mehjebin Rahman, Ali Chenari Bouket, Reza Ahadi, Mukesh Meena,
    Ingudam Bhupenchandra, Udai B Singh, R Arutselvan, Ravindra Kumar, Satyendra
    Pratap Singh, Abhijeet S Kashyap, Ruchi Tripathi, Sachin Gupta, Pranab Dutta,
    Ramesh Singh, Prashant Swapnil. 2024. Unravelling the multifarious role of wood
    vinegar made from waste biomass in plant growth promotion, biotic stress tolerance,
    and sustainable agriculture. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis. e106851 (IF-
    4. Vellaichamy Mageshwaran, Osarenkhoe Omorefosa Osemwegie, Rameshkumar
    Arutselvan, S Indhuja, Yalavarthi Nagaraju, Victoria Oynike Falade. 2024. Cycling
    loops of anthropogenic climate change, soil microorganisms, and sustainable
    agriculture. Bradleya 42 (10):54-104 (IF-1.6)
    5. Hanume Gowda K, Madhavi Reddy K, Uma Maheshwari, Prabu P, Hegde V,
    Arutselvan R. 2024. Screening, identification of root‑knot nematode resistance
    sources using multivariate analysis and validation of molecular markers linked to Me
    genes in chilli (Capsicum annuum L.). Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution. (NAAS-8.00)
    6. Amrutha Lakshmi M, Indraja M, Challa GK, Arutselvan R and Suresh K. 2024.
    Evaluation of New Generation Fungicides Against Ganoderma Induced Basal Stem
    Rot of Oil Palm. Journal of Mycology and Plant Pathology. 54(2):101-110 (NAAS-
    7. Kalidas Pati, Raja Kaliyappan, Alok Kumar Giri, Vijay Bahadur Singh Chauhan,
    Hanume Gowda, Rameshkumar Arutselvan, Maniyam Nedunchezhiyan, Kuttumu
    Laxminarayana. 2024. Phenological growth stages of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas
    (L.) Lam.) according to the extended BBCH scale. Annals of Applied Biology. (NAAS-8.60)
    8. Anjali., Kumar, S., Arutselvan, R., Greeshma, K., Shrey Bodhankar, A. U. Akash,
    Vurukonda Sai Shiva Krishna Prasad, Yasser Nehela, Udai B. Singh, Ingudam
    Bhupenchandra, Arnab Sen, Laxman Singh Rajput, Marina Burachevskaya, Tatiana
    Minkina & Chetan Keswani. 2024. Unraveling the Seed Bio-priming Contours for
    Managing Plant Health. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation. (NAAS-10.8)
    9. Vijay Bahadur Singh Chauhan, Samarendra Narayan Mallick, Pinki Mohapatra,
    Kalidas Pati, Hanume Gowda, Rameshkumar Arutselvan, Arvind Kumar Verma,
    Maniyam Nedunchezhiyan. 2023. Codification and description of phenological
    growth stages of taro (Colocasia esculenta var. antiquorum) according to the extended
    BBCH Scale. Annals of Applied Biology, 1–13.
    10. Gowda K Hanume, VBS Chauhan, M Nedunchezhiyan, K Pati, R Arutselvan, V
    Hegde. 2024. Yield evaluation and identification of drought tolerant lines based on
    stress tolerant indices, ranking method and multivariate analysis in sweet potato
    (Ipomoea batatas Lam). Scientia Horticulturae. 326, 112781. (NAAS-10.38)
    11. Kumar, S., Korra, T., Thakur, R., Arutselvan, R., Kashyap, A. S., Nehela, Y., &
    Keswani, C. (2023). Role of Plant Secondary Metabolites in Defence and
    Transcriptional Regulation in Response to Biotic Stress. Plant Stress, 100154. (IF:
    12. Acharya, V., Arutselvan, R., Pati, K., Rout, A.K., Dehury, B., Chauhan, V.B.S. and
    Nedunchezhiyan, M. 2022. Structural insights into the RNA interaction with Yam
    bean mosaic virus (coat protein) from Pachyrhizus erosus using bioinformatics
    approach. PloS One, 17(7): e0270534. (NAAS score: 9.24).
    13. Arutselvan, R., Prasad, R., Devi, G.U. and Sarada, C. 2022. Management of
    graymold disease of castor using fungicides. Indian Phytopathol. (NAAS score: 5.95)
    14. Nedunchezhiyan, M., Pati, K., Chauhan, V.B.S., Arutselvan, R., Laxminarayana, K.,
    Byju, G. and Veena, S.S. 2020. Growth, dry matter production and yield
    characteristics of greater yam + maize intercropping system under varied drip
    irrigation and fertigation levels. J. Root Crops, 46(2): 14-22.
    15. Nedunchezhiyan, M., Pati, K., Chauhan,V.B.S., and Arutselvan, R. 2023. Analysis of
    benefit:cost ratio in drip irrigation and fertigation in greater yam (Dioscorea alata) +
    maize (Zea mays) intercropping system. Current Hortic., 11(1): 57-60. (NAAS score:
    16. Arutselvan, R., Krishna Reddy, M., Makeshkumar, T. 2017. Rapid detection of
    tomato leaf curl Bengaluru virus through loop mediated isothermal amplification
    assay. VirusDisease. 28(3):303-308. (NAAS score: 5.9).
    17. Laxminarayana, K., Anjana, J.M., Kalidas Pati and Arutselvan, R. 2022. Influence of
    organic and inorganic fertilizers on dynamics of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium
    in relation to yield and proximate composition of Colocasia. Journal of Root Crops
    48(1&2): 93-102.
    18. Sangeetha Ganesan, Dolly Pradhan, Arutselvan R, Nagendran Krishnan, Naresh
    Ponnam, Gobind Ch Acharya. 2022. First report of cucumber mosaic virus infecting
    Centella asiatica L. in India. Journal of Plant Pathology, 10.1007/s42161-022-01160-9
    19. Arutselvan, R., Uma Devi, G., Prasad R.D. and Sarada, C. 2020. Effect of
    temperature and culture media on mycelial growth and sporulation of the fungus
    botryotinia ricini causing gray mold of castor. Journal of Research. PJTSAU.
    48(1&2): 21-27.
    20. Arutselvan, R., R D Prasad, G Uma Devi and C Sarada. 2020. In vitro evaluation of
    the chemical fungicides against the fungus Botrytis ricini. International journal of
    chemical studies. 8(5): 01-04.
    21. Arutselvan, R., Prasad, R.D., Uma Devi, G and Sarada, C. 2021. Field evaluation of
    propiconazole fungicide against gray mold disease of castor. International journal of
    chemical studies. 8(6): 261-263.

    Number of Books/Book chapters: 22

    1. Arutselvan, R., Raja, K., Kalidas Pati, Chauhan, V.B.S., Nedunchezhiyan, M. 2023.
    Tuber Crops and their Potential in Food and Nutritional Security. In Anil Kumar Anal
    (eds), Pandemics and Innovative Food Systems, pp 122-136, CRC Press.
    2. Vijay Bahadur singh Chauhan, Samarendra Narayan Mallick, Pinki Mohapatra,
    Kalidas Pati, R Arutselvan, M Nedunchezhiyan and Arvind kumar verma. 2023.
    Taro (Colocasia esculenta (l.) Schoff.) for nutritional Security and Health Benefits. In
    Ravindra Singh et al (eds), Horticulture for nutrition and income security, NIPA
    3. Vijay Bahadur singh Chauhan, Samarendra Narayan Mallick, Pinki Mohapatra,
    Kalidas Pati, R Arutselvan, M Nedunchezhiyan and Arvind kumar verma. 2023.
    Phytochemistry, Ethnobotany and Pharmacology of East Indian Arrowroot (Curcuma
    angustifolia Roxb.). In Ravindra Singh et al (eds), Horticulture for nutrition and
    income security, NIPA Publishers.pp 423-433.
    4. Jeeva, M.L., Veena, S.S., Makeshkumar, T., Harish, E.R., Kesava Kumar H., and
    Arutselvan, R. 2023. Pests and Diseases of Tropical Tuber Crops: Six Decades of
    Research at ICAR-CTCRI. In Book: Souvenir. National Conference on Tropical
    Tuber Crops for Sustainability, Tradition, Agri-Food Systems & Resilience (NCTTC
    4 STAR 2023), pp 76-81.
    5. Laxminarayana, K., Arutselvan, R., Kalidas Pati and M. Nedunchezhiyan. 2023.
    Achievements of Regional Station, ICAR-Central Tuber Crops Research Institute,
    Bhubaneswar, Odisha. In Book: Souvenir. National Conference on Tropical Tuber
    Crops for Sustainability, Tradition, Agri-Food Systems & Resilience (NCTTC 4
    STAR 2023), pp 103-107.
    6. Arutselvan, R., Kalidas Pati, Aria Dolatabadian & Sudip Kumar Dutta. 2023. Citrus
    Diseases and Management. In Sukhvinder Singh Purewal et al (eds), Recent
    Advances in Citrus Fruits, pp 501-526, Springer, Cham.
    7. Sumit Kumar, Anjali, R. Arutselvan, Prahlad Masurkar, Udai B. Singh, Ruchi
    Tripathi, Ingudam Bhupenchandra, Tatiana Minkina, and Chetan Keswani. 2024.
    Bacillus subtilis-Mediated Induction of Disease Resistance and Promotion of Plant
    Growth of Vegetable Crops. In: Mageshwaran, V., Singh, U.B., Saxena, A.K., Singh,
    H.B. (eds) Applications of Bacillus and Bacillus Derived Genera in Agriculture,
    Biotechnology and Beyond. Microorganisms for Sustainability, vol 51, pp 165-212,
    Springer, Singapore.
    8. Jeeva, M. L., Makeshkumar, T. and Arutselvan, R. 2024. Plant Viral Diseases and
    Conventional Diagnosis. In Book: Training on Diagnosis of Plant Diseases Through
    Novel Approaches, pp 6-11.
    9. R. Arutselvan. 2024. Nucleic acid based plant disease diagnosis. In Book: Training
    on Diagnosis of Plant Diseases Through Novel Approaches, pp 16-29.
    10. R. Arutselvan, K. Laxminarayana. 2024. Revolutionizing tuber crops production
    through biotechnological approaches and precision farming. In: Futuristic Trends in
    Biotechnology, Volume 3, Book 19, Part 5, Chapter 6 pp 240-248. IIP series
    11. R. Arutselvan. 2024. Bio-intensive management of plant diseases. Advances in
    Integrated Plant Health Management. pp 75-81.
    12. Arutselvan, R., Raja, K., Pati, K., Chauhan, V.B.S. and Nedunchezhiyan, M. 2023.
    Tuber crops and their potential in food and nutritional security. In: Pandemics and
    Innovative Food Systems. Anal, A.K. (Ed.). CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group,
    Boka Raton, FL 33487-2742, pp. 122-136, DOI: 10.1201/9781003191223.

    13. Arutselvan, R. and Nedunchezhiyan, M. 2022. Composting and vermicomposting
    process: relationship between microorganism and physicochemical parameters with
    special reference to tropical tuber crops. In: Fruits and Vegetable Wastes:
    Valorization to Bioproducts and Platform Chemicals. Ray, R.C. (Ed.). Springer,
    14. Jena, S.K., Arutselvan, R., Sahu, N.K., Priyadarshini, P. and Rekha Ray, R. 2022.
    Postharvest bacterial storage rot in greater yam and its biological control. In: Current
    Research and Innovations in Plant Pathology. Vol. 20. Singh, H.K. (Ed.). AkiNik
    Publications, New Delhi, (ISBN: 978-93-5570-420-7). pp. 21-48.
    15. Rekha Ray, R., Arutselvan, R., Sahu, N.K., Jena, S.K. and Priyadarshini, P. 2022.
    Mass multiplication of Trichoderma using tuber crops. In: Current Research and
    Innovations in Plant Pathology. Vol. 20. Singh, H.K. (Ed.). AkiNik Publications, New
    Delhi (ISBN: 978-93-5570-420-7). pp. 49-86.
    16. Suresh Kumar, J., Krishnakumar, T., Arutselvan, R., Sajeev, M.S. and Sunitha, S.
    2022. Postharvest management of tropical tuber crops. In: Postharvest Technology of
    Tropical Fruits and Vegetables. Surajit Mitra and Bose T.K. (Eds.), Diya Publishing
    House, Astral International Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, (ISBN: 978-93-5461-429-3).
    17. Jeeva M.L., Veena S.S., Makeshkumar T. and Arutselvan R. Potential Strategies to
    Mitigate Emerging Diseases of Tropical Tuber Crops. Proceedings of International
    Webinar on Harnessing the Potential of Tropical Tuber Crops under Changing
    Climate (HPTTC 2020) held during 27 October 2020 through online platform. Pages:
    18. Jeeva, M.L., Veena, S.S., Makeshkumar. T., Harish, E.R., Kesavakumar, H. and
    Arutselvan, R. 2023. Pests and diseases of tropical tuber crops: six decades of
    research at ICAR-CTCRI. In: Souvenir, National Conference on Tropical Tuber
    Crops for Sustainability, Tradition, Agri-Food Systems & Resilience (NCTTC 4
    STAR 2023). Jyothi, A.N., Jaganathan, D., Krishna Radhika, N., Makeshkumar, T.,
    Ramesh, V., Prakash, P. and Pradeepika, C. (Eds.). ICAR-Central Tuber Crops
    Research Institute, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, pp. 76-81.
    19. Nedunchezhiyan, M., Pati, K., Chauhan, V.B.S. and Arutselvan, R. 2022.
    Exploitation of arrowroot genotypes in Odisha state of India. In: Sustainable
    Exploitation of Genetic Resources of Underutilized Tuber Crops. Murugesan, P.,
    Senthilkumar, K.M., Krishna Radhika, N., Visalakshi Chandra, C. and Mohan, C.
    (Eds.). ICAR-Central Tuber Crops Research Institute, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala,
    ISBN: 978-81-957479-0-0, pp. 51-61.
    20. Nedunchezhiyan, M., Pati, K., Chauhan, V.B.S., Arutselvan, R. and Raja, K. 2023.
    Leveraging agriculture for nutritional security in eastern India. In: Agriculture Policy
    and Development in Eastern India. Patnaik, S.C. (Ed.). Nipa Genx Electronic
    Resource and Solutions Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, ISBN: 978-93-95319-20-1, pp. 71-97.
    21. Surya Prakash Reddy, M., Ashwini Kumar, Arutselvan, R. and Varsha Godbole
    (2019). Forecasting and Expert Models in Plant Diseases Management: An Overview.
    Current Research and Innovations in Plant Pathology. Volume 4: 73-93. (Paperback
    ISBN: 978-93-5335-519-7; E-Book ISBN: 978-93-5335-520-3)
    22. Greeshma, K., Jawahar Reddy A. and Arutselvan, R. (2020). Wolbachia-A Strategy
    to Control Insect Vectors. Recent Trends in Insect Pest Management. Volume 3: 115-
    134. (Paperback ISBN: 978-93-90322-51-0; E-Book ISBN: 978-93-90322-52-7)

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