Development and refinement of post-harvest handling, storage and processing techniques for minimization of losses in tropical tuber crops and production of value added products
Institute Code
HORTCTCRISIL 202001501471  
Project Leader
#Project TitlePrincipal Investigator
1Project 1: Non-conventional applications of cassava starch in construction and building materialsDr. M.S. Sajeev
2Project 2: Development of cassava and sweet potato-based animal feedDr. M. S. Sajeev
3Project 3: Development of modified starches of cassava and functional characterization of lesser-known tropical tuber starchesDr. A.N. Jyothi
4Project 4: Design and development of pre and post-harvest machineries/storage systems in tuber cropsDr. T. Krishnakumar
5Project 5: Quality changes associated with post-harvest storage/processing and development of value-added functional foods from cassava and sweet potatoDr. C. Pradeepika