Designation | Principal Scientist |
Qualification | Ph.D (Agriculture Processing) |
Division | Section of Crop Utilisation |
Specialisation | Agrl. Process Engineering |
Intercom | 201 |
Location | Head Quarters |
Total publications | Number of Research papers : 35,Number of Books/Book chapters: 13,Number of Technical Bulletins : 7. |
Areas of Interest
Agrl. Process Engineering, Post harvest machineries, value addition of
tuber crops for food products, starch based films and composites,
texture and rheology of tropical tubers and starches, extrusion
technology, thermoplastic starches for biodegradable articles
Research Projects
Number of institute projects completed : As PI:9 and Co PI:9
As Principal Investigator:
1. Development of a centrifugal granulator for cassava based feed
2. Texture analysis of processed and value added products from cassava
3. Development of a hydrocyclone system for cassava starch milk concentration
4. Development of an improved industrial rasper for cassava starch industries
5. Process technology for the production of dehydrated quick cooking tubers
6. Development of biodegradable film from native and modified tuber starches
7. Development of functional pasta and spaghetti from yams and aroids based
composite flours
8. Assessment of harvest and post harvest losses of major crops and commodities in
India under All India Co‐ordinated Research Project on Post Harvest Technology
9. Survey to identify the practices for ripening of mango, banana and papaya
As Co‐Investigator:
1. Development of a pilot plant for manufacturing liquid adhesive from cassava starch
2. Development of an improved industrial rasper for cassava starch industries
3. Production of food extrudates from cassava flour/starch
4. Development of small equipment for papad and wafer making
5. Scaling up and transfer of technology of starch based products
6. Physical modification of tuber starches for food and industrial applications
7. Development of cassava and coconut based extrudates
8. Development of technology fo rnutritionally fortified pasta and designer food
products from tuber crops
9. Development of health drinks and infant food mixes from tuber crops
Number of Institute projects being handled :
1. Development of Thermoplastic Cassava Starch Composites based Biodegradable
Films and Foam type Packaging Products (As PI)
2. Development of cassava starch based adhesive formulations for corrugating and
paper industries (As Co‐ PI)
5. Number of externally funded projects completed (Add list):
As Principal Investigator
1. Process Technology for the Production of Dehydrated Quick Cooking Cassava and
Amorphophallus tubers
As Co Investigator
1. Potentiality of tubers starches in tablets and capsules
2. Primary processing and value addition of sweet potato and yams for self
employment generation by women
3. Bioprocessing of cassava and its cellulosic byproduct for the production of ethanol
and butanol biofuels using novel ecofriendly enzyme systems
4. Synthesis, process optimisation and characterisation of super absorbent polymers
from cassava starch
Number of externally funded projects being handled :
1. All India Coordinated Research Project on Post Harvest Technology
2. Development of low glycemic noodles from sweet potato and low calorie sago from
cassava as antidiabetic foods (As Co PI)
Research Publications
Number of Research papers : 35
1. Sajeev M.S, S.K.Nanda and J.T.Sherieff. 1997. Hygroscopic characteristics of cassava
based formulated feed system. Journal of Root Crops. 23 (1): 19‐25.
2. Sajeev M.S and S.N.Moorthy. 1997 .Effect of steam pressure treatment on
rheological properties of components of cassava based feed. Journal of Root
Crops. 23 (2): 74‐80.
3. K.Thangavel, R.Kailappan A.Manickavasagan and M.S.Sajeev.1998.Studies on single
hydrocyclone for the concentration of cassava starch milk Journal of Root
Crops. 24 (1): 37‐42.
4. Sajeev M.S, R. Kailappan, V.V.Sreenarayanan and K. Thangavel. 2002. Kinetics of
gravity settling of cassava stanch in its aqueous suspension. Biosystems Engg.,
5. Sajeev, M.S, S.N. Moorthy, R. Kailappan and Sunitha Rani. 2003. Gelatinisation
characteristics of cassava starch settled in the presence of different chemicals.
6. Sajeev, M.S, Manikantan, A.R.P. Kingsli, S.N. Moorthy, J. Sreekumar. 2004. Texture
analysis of taro (Colocasia esculenta (L), Schott) tubers during storage and
cooking. Journal of Food Science, 69(7):315‐321
7. Sajeev, M.S, Rajesh, G.K., R. Kailappan and Vimala. B. Moisture dependant physical
properties of yam bean seeds. African Journal of Root and Tuber Crops. 2004 :
8. Jyothi, A.N., Sasi Kiran, M.S. Sajeev, R. Revamma and S.N. Moorthy. 2005.
Gelatinisation properties of cassava starch in the presence of salts, acids and
oxidising agents. Starch, 57(11):547‐556
9. Sajeev M.S and C. Balagopalan. 2005. Performance evaluation of multi‐purpose
mobile starch extraction plant for small scale processing of tuber crops. Journal
of Root Crops, 31(2):106‐110.
10. Sajeev M. S., Sreekumar J., Moorthy S.N., Suja G and Shanavas S. 2008. Texture
analysis of raw and cooked tubers of short duration lines of cassava by
multivariate and fractional conversion techniques. Journal of the Science of Food
and Agriculture 88:569‐580
11. Sajeev M.S. and R. Kailappan. 2008. Effect of various processes on settling of cassava
starch. Journal of Root Crops. 34(2):148‐56
12. Sudheesh P, Jinu G, Sajeev M.S and Lisa S. 2009. Polymer induced structures in
cetylpyridinium chloride–octanol micellar system. Journal of Polymer Research
13. Sudheesh P, Jinu G, Sajeev M. S and Lisa S 2009. A Rheological Approach to
Viscoelastic Worm‐Like Micelles of Tunable Properties. Journal of Surfactants
and Detergents. 12:219–224
14. Jyothi A.N., M.S. Sajeev, S.N.Moorthy, J Sreekumar and K.N. Rajasekhara. 2008.
Microwave assisted synthesis of cassava starch phosphates and their
Characterisation, Journal o Root Crops. 34(1): 34‐42.
15. Sajeev M.S, Sreekumar, J, Unnikrishnan, M, Moorthy, S.N and Shanavas, S. 2009.
Kinetics of thermal softening of cassava tubers and rheological modeling of the
starch. Journal of Food Science and Technology 47 (5):507‐518
16. Jyothi A.N., J.T. Sheriff and M.S. Sajeev. 2009. Physical and functional properties of
arrowroot starches. Journal of Food Science.74(2). P E97‐E104
17. Jisha, S., Padmaja, G., Moorthy, S.N., and Sajeev, M.S. 2009. Textural and rheological
properties of Whey protein concentrate fortified baked goods from cassava
based composite flours: J. Food Sci. Technol. 46 (6): 532‐537.
18. Jyothi. G.Krishnan, G.Padmaja, S.N.Moorthy, G.Suja and M.S.Sajeev. 2010. Effect of
pre‐soaking treatments on the nutritional profile and browning index of sweet
potato and yam flours. Inno. Food Sci. Emerg. Technologies. 11: 387–393
19. Jisha, S., Padmaja, G., and Sajeev, M.S. 2010. Nutritional and textural studies on
dietary fiber enriched muffins and biscuits from cassava based composite
flours. Journal of Food Quality, DOI:10.1111/j.1745‐4557.2010.00313.x
20. Jyothi, AN., M. S. Sajeev, S. N. Moorthy, J. Sreekumar. 2010. Effect of graft‐
copolymerization with poly(acrylamide) on the thermal and rheological
properties of cassava starch, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 116(1), , 337‐
21. Jyothi, A.N., M. S. Sajeev, S. N. Moorthy. 2010. Hydrothermal modifications of
tropical tuber starches 1. Effect of heat‐moisture treatment on the
physicochemical, rheological and gelatinization characteristics of tuber starches,
Starch/Stärke 62, , 28‐40.
22. Jyothi A.N., M. S. Sajeev, S. N. Moorthy, J. Sreekumar. 2010. Effect of graft‐
copolymerization with poly(acrylamide) on the thermal and rheological
properties of cassava starch, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 116(1), , 337‐
23. Shanavas, S., Padmaja, G., Moorthy, S.N., Sajeev, M.S and Sheriff, J.T. 2011. Process
Optimization for Bioethanol Production from Cassava Starch using Novel Eco‐
friendly Enzymes. Biomass & Bioenergy 35: 901‐909.
24. Sajeev M.S, Sreekumar, J, Vimala, B, S.N. Moorthy and A.N. Jyothi.2011. Textural
and Gelatinization Characteristics of White, Cream and Orange Fleshed Sweet
Potato Tubers (Ipomoea batatas L.) . International Journal of Food Properties
25. Sajeev, M.S., J. Sreekumar, V. Ravi, A. N. Jyothi and J.T. Sheriff. 2011.Textural and
Rheological attributes of the tubers of some exotic cassava genotypes. Journal of
Root Crops. 37(2): 174‐180
26. A.N.Jyothi., M. S. Sajeev, and J. Sreekumar. 2011. Hydrothermal modifications of
tropical tuber starches ‐ Effect of annealing on the physicochemical, rheological
and gelatinization characteristics. Starch/Stärke, 63, 536‐549.
27. A.N. Jyothi, M. S. Sajeev, P. C. Parvathy, and J. Sreekumar. 2011. Optimization of
Synthesis and Characterization of Cassava Starch‐graft‐poly(Acrylonitrile) Using
Response Surface Methodology, Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 122(3),
28. Soumya B. Nair, A. N. Jyothi, M. S. Sajeev, R. S. Misra. 2011. Rheological, Mechanical
and Moisture Sorption Characteristics of Cassava Starch‐Konjac glucomannan
Blend Films. Starch/Stärke, 63, 728‐739.
29. Jyothi G Krishnan, Renjusha Menon, Padmaja G, Sajeev MS and Moorthy SN. 2011
Nutritional and Functional characteristics of protein fortified pasta from sweet
potato. Food and Nutritional Science.2,944‐955
30. Barnabas Wilson, Patel Hardikkumar Sitarambhai, M.S. Sajeev, G.
Vinothapooshan.2011 Design and evaluation of sustained release matrix tablets
of levofloxacin for effective treatment of microbial infections., International
Journal of Drug Delivery 3: (2011) 305‐314 .
31. Sajeev M.S., S.K.Nanda and J.T. Sheriif.2012, An efficient blade type rasper for
cassava starch extraction, Journal of Root Crops. 38(2):151‐156
32. Renjusha Menon, G.Padmaja, M.S.Sajeev and J.T.Sheriff.2012.Effect of fortification
with different starches on starch digestibility, textural and ultrastructural
characteristics of sweet potato spaghetti. Journal of Root Crops. 38(2):157‐167.
33. Jyothi G Krishnan, Renjusha Menon, Padmaja G, Sajeev MS and Moorthy SN. 2012.
Evaluation of nutritional and Physico mechanical properties of dietary fibre
enriched sweet potato pasta. Eurpoean Food Research and Technology.
34. Divya Nair, M.P., Padmaja, G., Sajeev, M. S and Sheriff, J.T. 2012. Bioconversion of
cellulo‐starch waste from cassava starch industries for ethanol production using
pretreatment techniques and improved enzyme systems. Industrial
Biotechnology, 8(5): 300‐308
35. Barnabas Wilson, Patel Pritesh Babubhai, M. S. Sajeev,Josephine Leno Jenita..S. R.
Brahmani Priyadarshini. 2013. Sustained release enteric coated tablets of
pantoprazole: Formulation, in vitro and in vivo evaluation, Acta Pharm. 63 (2013)
11. Number of Books/Book chapters(Add list): 13.
1. Sajeev M.S., S.K.Nanda and G.Padmaja. 1998 . Extrusion processing of cassava
based livestock feed. In: Tropical Tuber Crops In Food Security and
Nutrition. Eds. C.Balagopaln, T.V.R.Nayar,S.Sundaresan, T.Premkumar and
K.R.Lekshmi. Oxford and IBH Publishing Co Pvt Ltd. New Delhi. pp:60‐68.
2. Balagopal. C et al. 2000. Integrated technologies for value addition and post Harvest
management in tropical tuber crops. Central Tuber crops Research Institute,
3. V.P. Potty, S. Edison, C.A. Jayaprakash and M.S. Sajeev. 2002. Food security through
sustainable technologies, Proceedings of XII Swadeshi Science Congress, 2002,
4. Padmaja, G., Moorthy, S.N., Bala Nambisan, Lila Babu, Sundaresan, S., Sajeev, M.S.,
Nanda, S.K., Susan John, K., Rajaleshmy, L., Sudha Devi, K.S. and Manikantan Nair, M.
2005. Analytical Methodologies for Tropical Tuber Crops. Laboratory Manual Series
02, CTCRI, Thiruvananthapuram
5. Palaniswami, M.S., Sherly Raichel, M.S. Sajeev, M. Unnikrishnanan, P.P. Singh and
B.C.Choudhary.. 2008. Abstract book (Status papers and extended summary) of
National Seminar on “Amorphophallus: Innovative Technologies”.19‐20th July 2008,
Rajendra Agrl. University, Patna, Bihar.
6. Edison S., G Padmaja and M.S. Sajeev. 2008. Proceedings of the Scientist‐
Entrepreneurs Interface, organized by CTCRI on 12th August at CTCRI, Trivandrum,
7. Sajeev M.S., Anantharaman, M., Padmaja G, Unnikrishnan, M, Ravi V, Suja G,
Vinayaka Hedge. 2011. Climate Change and Food Security: Challenges and
Opportunities, Proceedings of the National Seminar on Climate Change and Food
Security: Challenges and Opportunities for Tuber Crops (NSCFT 2011), 20‐22,
January, 2011, Indian Society for Root Crops, Central Tuber Crops Research Institute,
Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala
8. Padmaja G., J.T.Sheriff and M.S.Sajeev. 2012. Food Uses and nutritional benefits of
sweet potato. In: Fruit Vegetable and Cereal Science and Biotechnology. Global
Science Books, Ltd.,46 Syon Lane, Isleworth, Middlesex,TW7 5NQ, United Kingdom.
9. Moorthy S.N, M.S.Sajeev and S.Shanavas. 2012. Sweet potato starch‐Physico‐
chemical, functional, thermal and rheological characteristics. In: Fruit Vegetable and
Cereal Science and Biotechnology. Global Science Books, Ltd.,46 Syon Lane,
Isleworth, Middlesex,TW7 5NQ, United Kingdom
10. Jyothi A. N., M. S. Sajeev, G. Padmaja and S. K. Naskar.2012. Biodegradable
Nanocomposite Materials for Food Packaging, In: Nanotechnology in Agriculture
(Eds: Singh, H. P. Anilkumar and Parthasarathy, V. A.), Westville Publishers, New
11. Sajeev M.S., A.N. Jyothi, J.T.Sheriff.2013.Development of Biodegradable film from
cassava starch – nano clay composites. Food processing technologies‐ challenges
and solution for sustainable food security”.(ISBN:1‐0‐978‐81‐926250). 4‐5, January
2013. IICPT, Thanjavur
12. Sajeev M.S., S. Seena, A.N. Jyothi and J.T.Sheriff. 2013. Quick cooking dehydrated
Amorphophallus tubers:Production process and properties. In Aroids: Opportunities
and challenges. Ed by R.S.Misra and M.Nedunchezhiyan.Allied Publishers Private
Ltd.New Delhi.
13. Ravi, V., G. Suja,A. Asha Devi,T. Makeshkumar,M. S. Sajeev,S. S. Veena and V. S.
Santhosh Mithra.2013. Abstract book of papers. International Conference on
Tropical Roots and Tubers for Sustainable Livelihood Under Changing Agro‐Climate
(ICTRT 2013), 09‐12 July 2013, organised by Indian Society for Root Crops (ISRC) and
Central Tuber Crops Research Institute (CTCRI), Thiruvananthapuram ,Kerala, India
12. Number of Technical Bulletins (Add list): 7.
1. S.K. Nanda, M.S. Sajeev, J.T. Sheriff and P Hemasankari. 2005. Starch extraction
machinery for tuber crops. Technical Bulletin 40. Central Tuber Crops Research
Institute, Sreekariyam, Trivandrum
2. S.K. Nanda, J.T. Sheriff and M.S. Sajeev. 2005. Primary processing equipment for
cassava. Technical Bulletin 41. Central Tuber Crops Research Institute, Sreekariyam,
3. J.T. Sheriff, S.K. Nanda and M.S. Sajeev. 2005. Current status of cassava processing
industries in South India. Technical Bulletin 42. Central Tuber Crops Research
Institute, Sreekariyam, Trivandrum.
4. Sajeev M.S and JT Sheriff. 2008. Harvest and post harvest equipments in tuber crops
5. J.T. Sheriff, M.S. Sajeev and G Padmaja. 2008. Extruded products from tuber crops
6. G. Padmaja and M.S. Sajeev. 2008. Fried snack foods from cassava
7. G.Padmaja and M.S. Sajeev . 2008. Protein and fibre enriched functional foods and
cassava fried chips.
1. National Merit Scholarship for Undergraduate Studies:1985‐1989
2. GATE Scholarship for Post Graduate Studies 1990‐91
3. Norman E Borlaug Fellowship at Tuskegee University and Cornel University, USA
under Indo‐US knowledge Initiative programme during January 28 ‐ March 10,
4. Award for the Best Technical Presentation for the paper “Kinetics of thermal
softening of tropical tubers” authored by M.S. Sajeev, S.N. Moorthy and
J.T.Sheriff. National Conference on “Prospects and Challenges in Food
Processing” January, 24‐25, 2007, SRM University, Chennai
5. Young Scientist Award, 1996. Deseeya Sasthra Vedi Science Congress, Trichur.
6. Co‐author of the paper “Development of modified cassava starch as excipient for
pharmaceutical tablet formulation” bagged the Young Scientist award ‐2007 by
Mr. S. Shanavas in the 17th Swadeshi Science Congress, November 6‐8th , Calicut
7. Co‐author of the paper “Starch‐Surfactant Complexation‐A Green Technique for
Modification of Cassava Starch Properties. Bagged the Young Scientist Award
2011 by G.S. Radhika, S.N. Moorthy and M.S. Sajeev.2011 in the National
Seminar on Climate Change and Food Security: Challenges and opportunities for
Tuber Crops, 20‐22, January , 2011, Central Tuber Crops Research Institute,
Thiruvananthapuram, , Kerala
8. Co‐author of the paper “Biochemical Changes of Tubers of Elephant foot yam
due to the Infestation of the Mealy bug, Rhizoecus Sp” bagged Runner up (best
poster presentation) by R.S. Sreerag C.A. Jayaprakas, M.S. Sajeev and S.
Ratheesh. 2011 in the National Seminar on Climate Change and Food Security:
Challenges and opportunities for Tuber Crops, 20‐22, January , 2011, Central
Tuber Crops Research Institute, Thiruvananthapuram, , Kerala
9. Co‐author of the paper “Nutritional, cooking and starch digestibility
characteristics of native and pre‐treated legume flour fortified sweet potato
spaghetti”bagged Best Paper Award by Renjusha Menon, G. Padmaja and M. S.
Sajeev. International Conference on Tropical Roots and Tubers for Sustainable
Livelihood Under Changing Agro‐Climate (ICTRT 2013), 09‐12 July 2013,
organised by Indian Society for Root Crops (ISRC) and Central Tuber Crops
Research Institute (CTCRI), Thiruvananthapuram ,Kerala, India
10. Co‐author of the paper “Development of Cassava Starch‐ Bee Wax Composite
Biodegradable Films bagged Best Paper Award by Jayasree Joshi T, Priyamvada T,
Anjana S Pillai, Asif Khan TK, Jyothi AN, Sajeev MS, and Indu Bala in the National
Conference on Emerging Avenues in Food Technology for Better Health and
Safety, 8‐9, March 2013, TKM Institute of Technology, Kollam.
11. Co‐author of the paper “Physico‐Mechanical and Hygroscopic Properties of
Modified Cassava Starch‐Nano Clay Composite Biodegradable Films” bagged
Best Poster Award by Anjana S Pillai, Asif Khan TK, Jayasree Joshi T, Priyamvada
T, Jyothi AN and Sajeev MS, Indu Bala in the National Conference on Emerging
Avenues in Food Technology for Better Health and Safety, 8‐9, March 2013, TKM
Institute of Technology, Kollam