Techno-Economic Feasibility Reports
India is now in a stage when it can take pride of having a strong network of S&T institutions, skilled manpower with innovative potential and a strong industrial base backed by equally efficient financial institutions. In a competitive world of scarce resources, new technologies fight for survival against developed technologies that promise immediate returns with comparatively little risk. Unfortunately, the lack of efficient technology commercialization models in India has led to poor transfer of technologies, thereby low production and productivity, high cost and poor quality. ICAR-CTCRI developed many value added technologies from tropical tuber crops that can be used to establish agro-processing industries at cottage, small and medium scale in farm, home and industrial fronts. One of the ways ICAR-CTCRI attempted to popularize these technologies is to develop Techno-Economic Feasibility Reports for different technologies from tropical tuber crops. Sources/ places of raw material available, details of technology, market demand for the products, formalities to be followed before starting the industry, machineries required and their suppliers and plant economics for each product are provided in these reports and thus these act as ready reckoner to the interested entrepreneurs. Financing institutions also accept them as project reports before considering the project for financing. Cassava starch, sago, sago wafers, cassava flour, cassava fried food products, arrowroot starch, cold water miscible starch and liquid adhesives are the different value added products for which these reports were prepared. These reports are available for sale at nominal prices to create a sense of ownership among the interested entrepreneurs. The price details for these reports are given in the table below. Interested entrepreneurs can purchase by sending the Demand draft taken in favour of The Director, ICAR-Central Tuber Crops Research Institute, Thiruvananthapuram. payable at Thiruvananthapuram