Elite Varieties for Agri-Food Systems

Elite varieties of tropical tuber crops: 77

Cassava (22)H-97, H-165, H-226, Sree Sahya, Sree Visakham, Sree Prakash, Sree Harsha, Sree Jaya, Sree Vijaya, Sree Rekha, Sree Prabha, Sree Padmanabha, Sree Athulya, Sree Apoorva, Sree Pavithra, Sree Swarna, Sree Reksha, Sree Sakthi, Sree Suvarna, Sree Kaveri, Sree Manna, Sree Annam
Sweet Potato (21)H-41, H-42, Varsha, Sree Nandini, Sree Vardhini, Sree Rethna, Sree Bhadra, Gouri, Sankar, Sree Arun, Sree Varun, Sree Kanaka, Kalinga, Goutam, Kishan, Sourin, Bhu Sona, Bhu Kanti, Bhu Krishna, Bhu Ja, Bhu Swami
Greater Yam (10)Sree Keerthi, Sree Roopa, Sree Shilpa, Sree Karthika, Orissa Elite, Sree Neelima, Sree Swathy, Bhu Swar, Sree Nidhi, Sree Hima
White Yam (6)Sree Subhra, Sree Priya, Sree Haritha, Sree Dhanya (dwarf), Sree Swetha (dwarf), Sree Dhrona
Lesser Yam (2)Sree Latha, Sree Kala
Elephant Foot Yam (2)Sree Padma, Sree Athira
Taro (10)Sree Rashmi, Sree Pallavi, Muktakeshi, Sree Kiran, Pani Saru-1, Pani Saru-2, Bhu Kripa, Bhu Sree, Sree Hira, Sree Telia
Chinese Potato (1)Sree Dhara
Arrowroot (3)Sree Nakshathra, Sree Karti, Sree Aadya

Production Technologies

  • Ecoregional agrotechniques to reduce costs and maximize production.
  • Protocols for the massive production and rapid multiplication of quality planting materials.
  • Productive and profitable cropping systems and integrated farming system (IFS) models.
  • Organic production packages for crops and cropping systems.
  • Integrated nutrient management (INM) and low input technologies.
  • Nutrient Use Efficient (NUE) genotypes of cassava.
  • Sustainable soil fertility management for continuous cassava cultivation.
  • Fertilizer best management practices (FBMP) by site-specific nutrient management (SSNM), customized fertilizers, and micronutrient formulations.
  • Precision nutrient and water management and water-saving techniques.

Site-Specific Nutrient Management

  • FBMP for different agro-eco-zones using 4R nutrient stewardship.

  • Tailor-made nutrient management for individual farms with customized plant nutrient and micronutrient formulations.
  • Technology for the preparation of customized plant nutrient formulations and micronutrient formulations.


Plant Health Management

Pest Management

  • Integrated pest management (IPM) for sweet potato weevil.
  • IPM for mealybug, whitefly, scale insects, mites, spiraling whitefly and storage pests.
  • Bioactive molecules from cassava crop residues.



Disease Management

  • Integrated disease management (IDM) for cassava tuber rot, elephant foot yam collar rot, etc.
  • Organic management of collar rot of elephant foot yam and leaf blight of taro.
  • Diagnostic tools for 10 viruses:

    • Indian cassava mosaic virus
    • Sri Lankan cassava mosaic virus
    • Sweet potato feathery mottle virus
    • Sweet potato leaf curl virus
    • Dasheen mosaic virus (Elephant foot yam & taro)
    • Taro bacilliform virus
    • Yam mild mosaic virus
    • Yam mosaic virus
    • Yam chlorotic necrosis virus

    Production of planting material free of 4 viruses:

    • Cassava mosaic virus
    • Sweet potato feathery mottle virus
    • Dasheen mosaic virus
    • Yam mild mosaic virus

    LAMP technique to diagnose 5 pathogens:

    • Dasheen mosaic virus
    • Sri Lankan cassava mosaic virus
    • Sclerotium rolfsii
    • Phytophthora colocasiae
    • Biocontrol agents: Two Trichoderma asperellum isolates (CTCRI-Tr9 and CTCRI-Tr15) were developed for elephant foot yam and greater yam. Additionally, four Trichoderma asperellum isolates were found effective against major fungal pathogens of tropical tuber crops, including Sclerotium rolfsii, Phytophthora colocasiae, Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, and Fusarium spp. Potential endophytes for taro leaf blight and greater yam anthracnose with growth-promoting characteristics were also identified.
    • A cassava tuber-based medium was standardized for the multiplication of Trichoderma isolates. The procedure ensures a population of >1020 cfu g-1 substrate across all isolates.


Hand Operated

Hand operated

Output: 35-120 kg h-1 (Chip thickness: 2.3-6.9 mm)

Pedal Operated

Pedal operated

Output: 80-750 kg h-1 (Chip thickness: 0.9-6.9 mm)



Output: 300-1100 kg h-1 (Chip thickness: 2.5-10 mm)

Mobile Starch Extraction Unit

Mobile starch extraction unit

Output: 200 kg h-1

Cassava Raspers

Cassava raspers

Output: 350-1500 kg h-1

Cassava Raspers

Cassava raspers

Output: N/A

Centrifugal Granulator

Centrifugal granulator for cassava based feed

Output: 20 kg h-1

Pilot Plant

Pilot plant for liquid adhesive from cassava starch

Output: 100 litres

Chinese Potato Grader

Chinese potato grader

Capacity: 1000 kg h-1

Food Products

  • Cassava-based products: Cassava starch, reconstituted dry starch sago, sago wafers, high-quality cassava flour, snack foods, protein-enriched pasta, hydrocolloid-fortified pasta, and rice analogue from cassava-based composite flour.
  • Sweet potato-based products: Fried chips (deep fat, vacuum), french fries, crisps, preserves (puree, jam, jelly), starch noodles, gluten-free spaghetti, and food bars.
  • Cassava and sweet potato-based functional products: Antioxidant-rich functional sago, dietary fiber-enriched functional sago, dietary fiber-enriched pasta, and low glycaemic spaghetti.
Anthocyanin Rich Cake from Sweet Potato

Anthocyanin Rich Cake from Sweet Potato

Beta Carotene Rich Cake from Sweet Potato

Beta Carotene Rich Cake from Sweet Potato

Cassava Millet Cookies

Cassava Millet Cookies

Cassava Cookies Chilly

Cassava Cookies Chilly

Cassava Cookies Sweet

Cassava Cookies Sweet

Cassava Crisp (Plain)

Cassava Crisp (Plain)

Industrial Products

  • Cold water miscible starch, cassava starch-based adhesive, starch graft co-polymers, superabsorbent polymers, modified starches, resistant starch (RS4 and RS5 types), starch-based composites and blends, hydrogel, urea coated with cassava starch-graft-copolymer, encapsulated natural colorants from sweet potato tuber anthocyanins, anthocyanin capsule with nutrient supplement.
  • Cassava stem-based particle board, thermoplastic sheets, production technology for biochar, activated charcoal from cassava stem, cassava bioethanol.

ICT Application and Statistical Tools

IoT technology

Electronic Crop (E-Crop) is an IoT technology that simulates crop growth in response to weather and soil parameters and also generates an agro-advisory that is sent to the farmer’s mobile by SMS. 


ICT Tools

  • Variety Finding Tool (VFT) cassava
  • Variety Finding Tool (VFT) taro
  • Tuber crops Online Marketing System (TOMS)
  • Sree Visakham Cassava Expert System
  • Tuber Information Cafe
  • CASSNUM 1.1

Crop Growth Simulation Models


Statistical Tools

  • User-friendly SAS macros for path analysis
  • R programs for box plot, cluster, and principal component analysis
  • R-package for Soil Quality Index (SQI) integrating ANOVA, Principal Component analysis, and SQI computation
  • Statistical methodology for mapping QTL analysis of non-normal traits using MCMC technique and linkage map construction under polyploidy
  • Bayesian method of QTL mapping for mapping of SSR markers for cassava mosaic disease

Statistical Tools Overview