Principal Scientist
Ph.D. in Plant pathology
Division of Crop Protection
Disease diagnosis, Integrated and bio intensive management of tropical tuber crops diseases
Head Quarters
Total publications
Number of Research papers: 72, Number of Books/Book chapters: 10,Number of Technical Bulletins:  6
C. Any Other Information

Any other information: More than 150 partial gene sequences of pathogens infecting tuber crops and bio agents submitted in NCBI 

Presentations : 45

    Management of plant diseases 

    Completed Institute projects

    1. Cassava mosaic disease in India : Transmission, purification and serodiagnosis 
    2. Diseases of sweet potato  
    3. Identification of vectors in CMD transmission and significance of biotypes in whitefly

    4. Histopathological and fluorescence studies on cassava mosaic disease 
    5. Characterization and management of sweet potato virus diseases 
    6. Tuber rot of cassava : Etiology, epidemiology  and management of the disease 
    7. In vitro studies for virus diseases management in tuber crops
    8. Development of biologically based IDM strategy for cassava mosaic disease
    9. Diseases of yams and minor tuber crops
    10. Epidemiology and Management of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides causing anthracnose in Greater Yam
    11. Characterisation of  Yam Viruses in India
    12. Virus elimination in tuber crops using In-vitro techniques
    13. Exploitation of Toxic Metabolites of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides and      Bio intensive Methods in the Management of Greater Yam Anthracnose

    On going institute projects 

    1. Development and refinement of integrated disease management and forecasting system for improved tuber crop production  (PI)
    2. Development of innovative technologies for the intensification of pest management in tuber crops through biorational approach (Co-PI)
    3. Conservation and utilization of germplasm of tuber crops for sustaining production (Co-PI)
    4. Quality planting material production of tropical tuber crops (Co-PI)
    5. Developing Methodologies and Tools for Assessment and Transfer of Tuber Crops Technologies 

    Externally funded projects (Completed ):  5

    1. Molecular diagnosis of fungal diseases of cassava, taro, amorphophallus and yam:  DBT (PI)
    2. Development of virus free greater yam through molecular based techniques : NFBSFARA, ICAR (PI)
    3. IISR outreach project on phytophthora, Fusarium and Ralstonia diseases of Horticultural and field crops (PI)
    4. Nutrient management, pgpr and biocontrol in tropical tuber crops : AMAAS ICAR net work  project under NBAIM, Mau (PI)
    5. AP Cess fund project on collar rot of Amorphophallus (Co-PI)


    Number of Research papers: 72

    Arya, R.S., M.N. Sheela, M.L. Jeeva and Abhilash, P.V. 2019. Identification of Host Plant Resistance to Anthracnose in Greater yam (Dioscorea alata L.). Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 8(08): 1690-1696. doi: 

    Viji,V.S. Veena, S.S., Karthikeyan, S. and M.L. Jeeva. 2019. Cassava based substrates - conducive media for mass multiplication of Trichoderma asperellum. J. of Root Crops 44 (1) 41-46.

    George, A., Jeeva, M.L., Nath, V.S., Sreelatha, G.L., Sujina, M.G. and Makeshkumar, T. (2017). Morphological and molecular characterization of Phytophthora colocasiae obtained from fine spatial scale. J. of Root Crops 43(2):  33-40. (NAAS rating: 3.86).

    Sujina, M.G., Sreelatha, G.L., Jeeva, M. L., Nath, V.S., George, A. and Veena, S.S. (2017). Studies on endophytes associated with medicinally important Saraca asoca (Roxb.Willd and their antagonistic activity against Phytophthora colocasiaeJ. of Root Crops 43(2):  76-83. (NAAS rating: 3.86).

    Nath, V.S., Shyni, B., Jeeva, M.L., Veena S. S. 2016.  Genetic and Phenotypic characterization of Phytophthora colocasiae in taro growing areas of India. Journal of Plant Pathology & Microbiology, DOI: 10.4172/2157-7471.1000383.

    Saranya, G., Vishnu, S. Nath., Jeeva, M. L. M. N. Sheela and Makeshkumar, T. 2016. Mining of resistance genes associated with anthracnose infection in greater yam (Dioscorea alata L.). Journal of Root Crops, 2016, Vol. 42 (2):115-120

    Lakshmipriya, P., Vishnu. S. Nath., Veena, S.S., Anith, K.N., Sreekumar, J and Jeeva, M.L. 2016. Piriformospora indica, a cultivable endophyte for growth promotion and disease management in taro (Colocasia esculenta (L.). Journal of Root Crops, 2016, Vol. 42 (2): 107-114. NAAS rating- 3.86

    Neetha Soma John Anjanadevi I.P. Vishnu Sukumari Nath  , Senthil Alias Sankar , Muthulekshmi Lajapathy Jeeva  Susan John, K. Raj Shekhar Misra. 2015. Characterization of Trichoderma isolates against Sclerotium rolfsii, the collar rot pathogen of Amorphophallus – A polyphasic approach. Biological Control , 90: 164–172

    Pravi, V., Jeeva  M. L. and Archana P. V. 2015. Exploration of D1/D2 domain of large-subunit ribosomal DNA for specific detection of Sclerotium rolfsii by polymerase chain reaction assay ,Eur. J. Plant Pathol. DOI 10.1007/s10658-015-0633-8

    Pravi, V.,  M. L. Jeeva & P. V. Archana. 2015. Nucleic acid spot hybridization based species-specific detection of Sclerotium rolfsii associated with collar rot disease of Amorphophallus paeoniifolius .World J Microbiol Biotechnol DOI 10.1007/s11274-014-1783-0

    Pravi, V., Jeeva  M. L. and Archana P. V. 2015. Exploration of D1/D2 domain of large-subunit ribosomal DNA for specific detection of Sclerotium rolfsii by polymerase chain reaction assay ,Eur. J. Plant Pathol. DOI 10.1007/s10658-015-0633-8

    V. Pravi, M. L. Jeeva & P. V. Archana. 2015. Nucleic acid spot hybridization based species-specific detection of Sclerotium rolfsii associated with collar rot disease of Amorphophallus paeoniifolius .World J Microbiol Biotechnol DOI 10.1007/s11274-014-1783-0 

    Nath V. S., Shyni, Jeeva M. L., Hegde V. M., Devi, A., Misra R. S., Veena S. S., Raj M. (2016) A rapid and efficient method for in vitro screening of taro for leaf blight disease. Journal of Phytopathology. DOI: 10.1111/jph.12477.

    Nath V. S., Rajitha M., Darveekaran S. S., Hegde V. M., Jeeva M. L., Misra R. S., Veena S. S., Raj M. 2015. Identification of Phytophthora colocasiae genes regulated during infection on taro (Colocasia esculenta). Physiological and molecular plant pathology. 89:78- 86

    Archana,P. V,  Jeeva,  M. L. and Pravi, V. 2014. A Simple, Economical and Rapid Method to Isolate High Quality DNA from Oomycetes . J. Root Crops 40(1): 80-84.

    John, N.S., Anjanadevi, I. P. and Jeeva, M.L.  2014. Efficacy of cassava by-products as carrier materials of Trichoderma Denis Filloux, Emmanuel Fernandez, Etienne Loire, Lisa Claude, Serge Galzi, Thierry Candresse, Stephan Winter, M.L. Jeeva, T. Makeshkumar, Darren P. Martin and  Philippe Roumagnac. (2018). Nanopore based detection and characterization of yam viruses. Scientific Reports 8: 17879 | DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-36042-7. (NAAS rating: 10.12).

    harzianum, a biocontrolAgent againstSclerotium rolfsii causing collar rot in elephant foot yam. J. Root Crops40(1): 74-79.  

    Nath V. S., Hegde V. M., Jeeva M. L., Misra R. S., Veena S. S., Raj M., D. S. Sankar (2014) Morphological, pathological and molecular characterization of Phytophthora colocasiae responsible for taro leaf blight disease in India. Phytoparasitica. 10.1007/s12600-014-0422-5

    John, N.S., Anjanadevi, I.P., Suja, S. P., Jeeva, M.L. and Misra, R.S. 2014. Biochemical changes induced in Amorphophallus in response to treatment with biocontrol agent and pathogen. Int. J. Biotechnol. Biochem., 10(1): 35-45

    Nath V. S., Hegde V. M., Jeeva M. L., Misra R. S., Veena S. S., Raj M., Unnikrishnan S.K., D. S. Sankar (2014) Rapid and sensitive detection of Phytophthora colocasiae responsible for the taro leaf blight using conventional and real-time PCR assay. FEMS microbiology letters. 352: 174–183. DOI: 10.1111/1574-6968.12395.

    Nath V. S., Hegde V. M., Jeeva M. L., Misra R. S., Veena S. S., Raj M., D. S. Sankar (2013) Genetic Diversity of Phytophthora colocasiae causing Taro Leaf Blight using Start Codon Targeted (SCoT) Polymorphism. Journal of Root Crops 39(2): 168-177.

    Neetha Soma John, I. P. Anjanadevi and M.L. Jeeva. 2014. Efficacy of Cassava By-products as Carrier Material of Trichodermaharzianum, a Biocontrol Agent Against Sclerotiumrolfsii Causing Collar Rot in Elephant Foot Yam , Journal of Root Crops,  40 (1) : 74-79

    Neetha Soma John, I.P. Anjanadevi and M.L. Jeeva. 2014. Isolation and Characterization of N Fixing Bacteria from Elephant Foot Yam (Amorphophalluspaeniifolius (Dennst.)Nicolson) Growing Regions of South India. Journal of root crops, 40 (1):74-79

    Neetha Soma John,, I. P. Anjanadevi, S.P. Suja, M.L. Jeeva and R.S.Misra (2014) Biochemical Changes Induced in Amorphophallus in Response to Treatment with biocontrol Agent and Pathogen. International Journal of Biotechnology and Biochemistry. 10 (1): 35-45

    Nath V S., Senthil M., Hegde V M., Jeeva M L., Misra R S., Veena SS., Raj M (2013) Molecular evidence supports hyper variability in Phytophthora colocasiae associated with leaf blight of taro. European Journal of Plant Pathology. DOI: 10.1007/s10658-013-0181-z.

    Nath V S., Senthil M., V M Hegde., M L Jeeva., R S Misra., SS Veena., Raj M (2013) PCR-based approach for mining of resistant gene analogues in taro (Colocasia esculenta). Archives Of Phytopathology And Plant Protection, DOI:10.1080/03235408.2012.752608.

    Nath V S., Senthil M., V M Hegde., M L Jeeva., R S Misra., SS Veena., Raj M (2012) Evaluation of fungicides on Indian isolates of Phytophthora colocasiae causing leaf blight of taro, Archives Of Phytopathology And Plant Protection, DOI:10.1080/03235408.2012.749688

    Nath V S., Senthil M., V M Hegde., M L Jeeva., R S Misra., SS Veena., Raj M (2012) Genetic diversity of Phytophthora colocasiae isolates in India based on AFLP analysis. 3Biotech. DOI 10.1007/s13205-012-0101-5.

    Vishnu Sukumari Nath, Muthukrishnan Senthil alias Sankar, Vinayaka Mahabaleswar Hegde1Muthulekshmi Lajapathy Jeeva, Raj Shekar Misra, Syamala Swayamvaran Veena, Mithun Raj. 2012.Analysis of Genetic Diversity in Phytophthora colocasiae using RAPD Markers. Asian and Australasian Journal of Plant Science .6(1); 38-43

    Mithun Raj, Jeeva M. L., Hegde V., Pravi Vidyadharan, Archana P. V., Senthil alias Sankar M., Vishnu Nath S. 2012. Polymerase Chain Reaction Assay for Rapid, Sensitive Detection, and Identification of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides causing Greater Yam Anthracnose. Mol Biotechnol, 52( 3 ): 277-284 ;DOI: 10.1007/s12033-012-9496-9. 

    Mithun Raj, Hegde V., Jeeva M. L., Archana P. V., Pravi Vidyadharan, Vishnu Nath S., Senthil alias Sankar M. 2012. Rapid and Efficient Method for the Extraction of Genomic DNA from Colletotrichum spp. Suitable for PCR Analysis.  Dynamic Biochemistry, Process Biotechnology and Molecular Biology, 6 (Special Issue 2),

    Vishnu Sukumari Nath, Muthukrishnan Senthil alias Sankar, Vinayaka Mahabaleswar Hegde, Muthulekshmi Lajapathy Jeeva, Raj Shekar Misra, Syamala Swayamvaran Veena.. 2012. A Simple and Efficient Protocol for Rapid in vitro Regeneration and Propagation of Taro (Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott.). International journal of Plant Development biology 6(4): 64- 66

    Binoy Babu, Hegde, V., Makeshkumar, T., Jeeva, M.L. 2012. Rapid and sensitive detection of Potyvirus infecting tropical tuber crops using genus specific primers and probes – African Journal of Biotechnology 11(5):1023-1027

    Babu Binoy, Hegde, V., Makeshkumar, T., Jeeva, M.L. 2011. Molecular Detection and identification of Dasheen mosaic virus infection Amorphophallus paeoniifoliusArchives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection. 44(13),1248-1260; 

    Babu Binoy, Hegde, V., Makeshkumar, T., Jeeva, M.L. 2011. Development of non-radioactive probes for specific detection of Dasheen mosaic virus infecting Amorphophallus paeoniifolius - Current Science 100(8): 1220 – 1225

    Babu Binoy, Hegde, V., Makeshkumar, T., Jeeva, M.L.2011 Detection and Identification of Dasheen mosaic virus infecting Colocasia esculenta in India- Indian Journal of Virology 22(1):59-62. 

    Dhanya Jayaseelan, Rajitha, M., , Dhanya, M. K. , Vinayaka Hegde, M. L. Jeeva. 2011. Hot water treatment: an efficient method for elimination of yam mild mosaic virus in Dioscorea alataJournal of Root Crops 37(1): 60-64

    Rajitha, M., Dhanya Jayaseelan, Dhanya, M. K. , Vinayaka Hegde, T. Makeshkumar, M. L. Jeeva. 2011. In vitro growth response of different varieties of greater yam (Dioscorea alata L. ) Journal of Root Crops 37(1): 54-59

    Babu Binoy, Hegde Vinayaka, Makeshkumar, T. and Jeeva M.L. 2010. Rapid detection and identification of potyvirus infecting Colocasia esculenta ( L.) Schott. by reverse transcription –polymerase reaction. Journal of Root Crops 3691): 88-94

    Muthulekshmi Lajapathy Jeeva, Ajay Kumar Mishra, Pravi Vidyadharan, Raj Shekhar Misra and Vinayaka Hegde (2010). A species-specific polymerase chain reaction assay for rapid and sensitive detection of Sclerotium rolfsii. Australasian Plant Pathology, 2010, 39, 517–523.

    Hegde Vinayaka, Jeeva, M. L. and Edison, S.2009. Yam Diseases: Ecology and Management. Encyclopedia of  Pest Management, 1: 1, 1-10 

    Raj Shekhar Misra, Ajay Kumar Mishra, Muthulekshmi Lajapathy Jeeva, and Vinayaka Hegde (2009). Characterization of Phytophthora colocasiae isolates associated to leaf blight of taro in India. Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection. 44 (6): 581-591(11). 

    Ajay Kumar Mishra, Muthulekshmi Lajapathy Jeeva, pravi Vidyadharan, Raj Shekhar Misra and Vinayaka Hegde (2009) Rapid and sensitive detection of Phytophthora colocasiae associated with leaf blight of taro by species specific polymerase chain reaction assay. Annals of Microbioloyg. 60 (2): 209-215. 

    Jeeva Muthulekshmi Lajapathy, Kamal Sharma, Ajay Kumar Mishra and Raj Shekhar.2008. Misra. Rapid extraction of genomic DNA from Sclerotium rolfsii causing collar rot of AmorphophallusGene, Genomes and Genomics. 2(1): 60-62.

    Jeeva M. L., Hegde. V., Makeshkumar T., Nair R. R. and Edison S. 2005Dioscorea alata, a new host of Sclerotium rolfsiiin India. Plant Pathology 54: 574. 

    Jeeva, M. L. , Balakrishnan, S., Edison, S. and Uma maheswaran, K. 2005. Biochemical changes in sweet potato ( Ipomoea batatas ( L.) Lam) due to sweet potato feathery mottle  virus(SPFMV) infection. J. Root Crops 31(1): 63-67

    Jeeva M.L., Balakrishnan S., Edison S.and Rajmohan K.. 2004. Meristem culture and Thermotherapy in the management of Sweet Potato Feathery Mottle Virus (SPFMV). J. Root Crops30(2): 135-142

    Jeeva M.L., Balakrishnan, S..Edison S, Umamakeswaran K. and Makeshkumar T.. 2004. Characterisation,purification and serology of Sweet Potato Feathery Mottle Virus in India. J. Root Crops30(1) : 24-30

    Jeeva, M.L., R.R. Nair, S. Edison, N. Mathur, V. Hegde, T. Makeshkumar, and S. Sriram. 2004. Rust of Queensland arrowroot (Canna edulis) caused by Puccinia thaliae: a new record for India. Plant pathology. 53:261

    Jeeva, M.L., V. Hegde, Vimala, B., Makeshkumar, T., Nair , R.R. and Edison, S. 2006. First report of Rhizoctonia solani causing blight on Yam bean (Pachyrrhizus erosus) in India. Plant Pathology  55: 302 

    Misra, R. S. and  Jeeva M. L.. 2006. Khandha Fasalong Maem Rog Niyandran. Phal Phool. 28(6): 23-25

    Mithun Raj, Jeeva M. L., Hegde V., Pravi Vidyadharan, Archana P. V., Senthil alias Sankar M., Vishnu Nath S. 2012. Polymerase Chain Reaction Assay for Rapid, Sensitive Detection, and Identification of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides causing Greater Yam Anthracnose. Mol Biotechnol, DOI: 10.1007/s12033-012-9496-9. 

    Jeeva M.L., Balakrishnan., S., Edison S.. 2004. Symptomatology and host range of Sweet Potato Feathery Mottle Virus Disease. J. Mycol. Pl. Pathol34(2) :180-184

    Jeeva, M.L. 1997.  Effect of secondary infection of Cassava Mosaic Disease on Growth and tuber yield of cassava.  J. of Myc. & Plant Pathology. 27(1):78

    Jeeva, M.L. and  Ramabadran R.. 1993. Effect of different extracts of non host plants. Madras Agric.J .80(10) :598-600.

    Jeeva, M.L. and Ramabadran R.. 1990. Effect of plant products in the management of   Sarocladium oryzae and Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici. Indian phytopath.43:299.

    Jeeva, M.L. and Ramabadran. R. 1992. Effect of  plant products on the management of Saocladium oryzae (Sawada) W.Gams and D.. Hawksw and Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici (Sacc.)Snyder & Hansen. Madras Agric.J. 79(9):485-488

    Jeeva,  M.L., Balakrishnan S.,  Edison S, J. J. Solomon.2004. A simple electron microscopic technique for rapid assay of Sweet Potato Feathery Mottle Virus.J. Mycol. Pl. Pathol34(2) :300-301

    Misra, R. S., Nair ,R. R and Jeeva M. L. 2006. Diseases of Tuber Crops. Kisan world. 33(11): 23-24

    Misra, R. S. and Jeeva M. L. 2006. Managing diseases on tuber crops. Indian Horticulture. 51(6): 22 &30

    Velazhahan, R., Jeeva, M.L.,Narayanasamy,P. & Vidhyasekaran P.. 1993. Electrolyte leakage from rice calluses and leaves infiltrated with toxin produced by P. oryzae. Indian phytopath.46(2) : 178-180.

    Veena. S.S, Jeeva, M.L and Makeshkumar, T.2022. Puthiya roga, keedangal- pariharamargangal, Karshakasre (Malayalam), February 2022 page 37

    Veena,S.S., Makeshkumar, T., Jeeva, M. L. 2019. Rogangalum roganiyanthranavum kizhanguvargavilakalil (Malayalam). Krishiyankanam. Feb- March.p 23-27

    M.L. Jeeva and  S. S. Veena ,” Integrated disease  management in tuber crops”, In: ICAR-CTCRI Training for Technical staff, 28 and 29 January, 2019


    Number of Books/Book chapters: 10

    Jeeva, M.L., Veena, S.S., Makeshkumar, T.(2021). Integrated Disease Management inTropical Tuber Crops. In: Recent Advances in Root and Tuber Crops. Sanket J. More, Namrata Ankush Giri, Suresh Kumar J,  Visalakshi Chandra C, Sirisha Tadigiri (Eds). 406 pp. ISBN: 978-93-90757-44-2, e-ISBN: 978-93-90757-47-3

    Jeeva, M. L. and  Veena ,  S. S.2019. Screening and management of important fungal diseases of tropical tuber crops. In: Manual of Feed The Future India Triangular Training (FTF ITT) programme on “Integrated Technology for Production, Processing and Value Addition in Tuber Crops”  held at ICAR-CTCRI during 16-30 September, 2019

    Veena, S. S. C. Visalakshi Chandra, M. L. Jeeva and T. Makeshkumar. 2021. Postharvest Diseases of Tropical Tuber Crops and Their Management. In: Postharvest handling and diseases of horticultural produce. Dinesh Singh, Ram Roshan Sharma, V. Devappa, and Deeba Kamil (Eds).CRC Press, 6000 Broken Sound Parkway NW, Suite 300, Boca Raton, FL 33487-2742. 397-414 (437pp) 

    Vijayanandraj, S., BikashMandal, Jebasingh, T., Jeeva, M. L, Makeshkumar, T. and YogitaMaheshwari. (2017).Characterisation of the Macluraviruses occurring in India. In BikasMandal et al (Eds.)  A Century of Plant Virology in India, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. Pages 179-192

    Jeeva, M.L. and R.Radhakrishnan Nair. 1996. Serological relationship of ICMV to whitefly transmitted geminivirus. In Tropical tuber crops in Food Security and Nutrition. Ed. Balagopalan et al. Oxford & IBH Pp. 401-403.

    Jeeva, M. L. Misra, R. S. and Vinayaka Hegde. 2008. Integrated disease management in tuber crops. In: Nedunchezhiyan, M.(Ed.) Advance techniques in quality planting material production and commercial cultivation of tropical tuber crops,Regional Centre, Central Tuber Crops research Institute, ICAR, Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India179-194

    Jeeva, M. L and Vinayaka Hegde. 2008. Molecular Diagnosis of tuber crops diseases. In: Nedunchezhiyan, M.(Ed.) Advance techniques in quality planting material production and commercial cultivation of tropical tuber crops,Regional Centre, Central Tuber Crops research Institute, ICAR, Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India 179-194

    Jeeva, M.L., Veena, S.S., Makeshkumar. T., Harish, E.R., Kesavakumar, H. and Arutselvan, R. 2023. Pests and diseases of tropical tuber crops: six decades of research at ICAR- CTCRI. In: National conference on tropical tuber crops for sustainability, tradition, agri-food systems & resilience (NCTTC 4 STAR 2023). Jyothi, A.N., Jaganathan, D., Krishna Radhika, N., Makeshkumar, T, Ramesh, V., Prakash, P. and Pradeepika, C (Eds.) Indian Society for Root Crops & ICAR- CTCRI, 28-29 November 2023, ICAR-Central Tuber Crops Research Institute, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India. pp. 76-81.

    .Umamaheswaran, K., Makeshkumar, T. and Jeeva, M. L. 2024. Serodiagnosis of Plant diseases In: Training Manual: Diagnosis of Plant diseases through novel approaches. ICAR-Central Tuber Crops Research Institute, Sreekariyam, Thiruvananthapuram pp 12-15

    Veena, S.S., Makeshkumar, T., Pravi Vidyadharan and Jeeva, M.L. 2023. National symposium on plant health management: current trends and novel mitigation strategies. 11-12 September 2023. Book of abstracts 

    Number of Technical Bulletins:  6

    ICAR-CTCRI. 2010. Diagnostic techniques for diseases of tropical tuber crops Technical Bulletin serie 50, ICAR-CTCRI, Thiruvananthapuram p.56

    ICAR-CTCRI. 2018. E-Crop and IoT solution in Agriculture Technical Bulletin serie 73, ICAR-CTCRI, Thiruvananthapuram, p. 44

    ICAR-CTCRI. 2018. Post Flood loss assessment and rehabilitation of tuber crops in Kerala. (Eds. Santhosh Mithra, V. S., Jeeva, M. L., Sunitha, S. Saravan RAju, Hareendrakumar, Shana Technical Bulletin series; 74, ICAR-CTCRI, Thiruvananthapuram, p. 96

    Jeeva, M.L., Veena, S.S., Jayanta Tarafdar, Harish, E.R., Kesava Kumar, H. and Makeshkumar,T. 2023.Compendium of Diseases and Pests of Tropical Tuber Crops in India, Techncal Bulletin No. 92, ICAR- Central Tuber Crops Research Institute, Sreekariyam, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India,56 p.

    Jeeva, M. L., Sunilkumar, K., Asha Devi,A.,Kesava kumar,H., Krishnakumar, T. and Prakash, P.2023. Elephant Foot Yam, Technical bulletin No.98, ICAR-Central Tuber Crops Research Institute, Sreekariyam, Thiruananthapuram, Kerala, India,38 p.

    Nedunchezhiyan, M., Sheela Immanuel., Jeeva, M.L., Kumar, H.K., Visalakshi Chandra, C. and Chintha Pradeepika. 2023. Yams, Technical Bulletin No. 101, ICAR-CTCRI, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India. 32 p.


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    Ph. D in Plant pathology