NEH Programme 

  • NEH programme is implemented in Nagaland, Manipur, Meghalaya, Tripura and Arunachal Pradesh during 2012-2019 (Phase 1) and 2020-2024 (Phase 2) to enhance the food, nutritional security and livelihood improvement of the tribal people. To achieve these objectives, collaborations were established through (i) establishing Satellite Incubation Centre Multi-Technology Testing and Vocational Training Centre, College of Fisheries, Central Agricultural University (Imphal), Tripura. (ii) Involving partner agencies in the ICAR-CTCRI Institutional project – College of PG Studies in Agricultural Sciences, Central Agricultural University (Imphal), at Umiam, Meghalaya; North-Eastern Hill University (Tura), ICAR – Research Completed for Norh Eastern Kill Region (Umiam), KVKs and other line departments. 
  • Under the Rainbow Diet Campaign programme implemented during 2020-2024, the biofortified varieties were popularised for maximising the area and enhancing household consumption. Under the Nutriseed village programme, vines of biofortified sweet potato varieties Bhu Sona and Bhu Krishna were distributed. A total of 82100 vines and 14.21 tonnes tubers of biofortified varieties were distributed to 1127 tribal farmers of Tripura (Tribes - Debbarma, Tripuri, Chakma, and Regmi); Meghalaya (Khasi and Garo tribes); Arunachal Pradesh (Mishmi tribe) for quality planting material production through Nutriseed villages, cultivation in home gardens as well as for direct consumption. 
  • A total of four nutriseed villages were developed in Tripura (Gandacherra, Karnamaipara and Bolkhali in Dhalai district as well as Takarjala in Sepahijala district) involving 12 farmers. Through the Nutriseed villages intervention, seven ha of area was brought under biofortified varieties in Tripura during 2022-2023. The biofortified sweet potato average annual per capita consumption project villages increased from pre-intervention level of zero in 2021 to 18.3 kg in 2023 in Tripura.
  • To popularise improved varieties of tuber crops a total 199 Frontline demonstrations on improved varieties of cassava (H-165, Sree Vijaya, Sree Jaya, Sree Pavithra and Sree Reksha), greater yam (Orissa Elite), sweet potato (Sree Kanaka, Bhu Sona, Bhu Krishna), taro (Muktakeshi) and elephant foot yam (Gajendra) were conducting Meghalaya, Manipur, Nagaland, Tripura and Arunachal Pradesh.  The tuber crops varieties found suitable for cultivation for high yield and good culinary quality for specific locations are (i) Cassava - Sree Vijaya (Garo Hills, Meghalaya; Mukokchung and Peren, Nagaland); (ii) Taro – Muktakeshi (Garo Hills, Meghalaya and Anjaw district, Arunachal Pradesh; Ukhrul district, Manipur); (iii) Sweet potato – Bhu Sona and Bhu Krishna (Dhalai and Sepahijala districts, Tripura) and (iv) Elephant foot yam  - Gajendra (West Tripura). Under the varietal replacement programme, implemented at  Anjaw district of Arunachal Pradesh revealed that taro variety Muktakeshi has significantly increased the farmers income. The total increase in the income from crops was 217.44% against the baseline of 2019-20, of which var Muktakeshi alone has contributed to 167.85% increase in the farmers income.
  • Under the farmer-focused participatory quality planting materials production implemented in Meghalaya, the farmers produced cassava (52000 stems), greater yam (20 tonnes), taro (75 tonnes) and elephant foot yam (30 tonnes) during 2012-2015. From these locally produced materials,  2.67 tons of yams, 3.49 tons of elephant foot yam, 2.85 tons of taro and 3100 stems of cassava were procured  distributed to other farmers in Meghalaya.
  • To create sustainable grassroots entrepreneurship in remote areas of Ukhrul district, Manipur, a Village Incubation Centre was created at Riha village, of this district 2015. The Centre had facilities for commercial manufacturing of cassava-based snacks foods for home consumption and sale through market in Imphal. During 2016-2017, the farmers generated Rs 26000/- through sale of starch and snacks produced using the facilitates at the incubation centre. 
  • Capacity building programmes (57) were conducted to 2616 farmers, and other stakeholders. 



Area expansion of biofortified sweet potato varieties