Regional Station
Mission Statement
  1. Research on sweet potato and aroids catering to the needs of the eastern and north eastern regions of the country. 
  2. It functions as a phytosanitary centre for screening of germplasm received from abroad.
    Dr. K. LaxminarayanaPrin. Scientist SIC
    Dr. M. NedunchezhiyanPrin. Scientist
    Dr. Kalidas PatiSr. Scientist
    Sh. Hanume Gowda KScientist
    Sh. Arutselvan RScientist
    A. Lakshmana Rao (RS)AAO
    B. B. DasSTO
    P.K. MatiTO
    Sushanta K. JataTO
    Keshab PaikaraySr. Technician
    Mr. Prakash Kumar NayakSupporting Staff

    Significant Achievements

    • 1270 germplasm accessions are being maintained in the field gene bank.
    • Regional station has released 20 varieties of different tuber crops viz., Sweet Potato (11), Taro (7) and Greater Yam (2).
    • Regional Station, ICAR-Central Tuber Crops Research Institute (ICAR-CTCRI), Bhubaneswar, Odisha has developed a new short duration variety SreeTelia which, can be harvested within 120 days after planting. This variety release though SVRC during 2023.
    • Sustainable and profitable inter cropping system in greater yam (greater yam + maize), elephant foot yam (elephant foot yam+green gram), taro [taro + maize (5:1) or/and taro + pigeonpea (5:1) (replacement series) and taro+veg. cowpea (1:1) (additive series) were developed.
    • Weed control ground cover and manual weeding at 30 and 60 days after planting (DAP)+glyphosate application at90 DAP proved to be an effective alternative to conventional four manual weedings at 30, 60, 90 and 120 days afterplanting in elephant foot yam.
    • In taro, through cultural methods i.e. planting density of 74000 plants ha-1 along with paddy straw mulching (5 t ha-1) can be recommended for effective weed management under rainfed conditions.
    • Water and fertilizer use efficient drip irrigation and fertigation method was developed for greater yam, elephant foot yam and greater yam+maize intercropping system.
    • Conjunctive use of [email protected] Mg ha-1 + FYM@ 4 Mg ha-1+ 75-22-63 kg NPK ha-1 + MgSO4 @ 25 kg ha-1 not only produces sustainable crop yields of sweet potato but also improve soil fertility, nutrient use efficiency and apparent nutrient recovery in acid Alfisols.
    • INM strategies for sustainable production of elephant foot yam – black gram cropping system in Alfisolswere developed. Integrated application of 40, 15 & 40 kg ha-1 NPK along with FYM @ 10 t ha-1sustain the soil quality and produced significantly highest corm yield of elephant foot yam.
    • INM strategies for enhancing the productivity of colocasia and to maintain soil health in Alfisols of eastern India. Incorporation of FYM @ 10 Mg ha-1 + 40-15-40 kg ha-1 of N, P2O5 and K2O enhances the efficiency of applied chemical fertilizers, sustainable productivity and proximate composition of colocasia in acid Alfisols. Application of soil test based 80-30-80 kg ha-1 of N, P2O5 and K2O was found equally effective in obtaining higher crop yields, nutrient use efficiency, and residual fertility of the soils.
    • INM strategies for sustainable production of greater yam in Alfisols of eastern India. Application of FYM @ 16 Mg ha-1 combined with ½ NPK (40-30-50 kg ha-1 of N, P2O5 and K2O) and MgSO4 (25 kg ha-1)/ ZnSO4 (10 kg ha-1) not only helps to augment the productivity and proximate composition of greater yam but also sustain the soil fertility in Alfisols.
    • Identified nutrient efficient genotypes/ varieties (SreeBhadra, Kishan, Samrat, Kanjangad, Sankar, 912, Megh-II) of sweet potato based on physiological efficiency, agro-physiological efficiency, apparent nutrient recovery efficiency and utilization efficiency.
    • Integrated application of FYM + Azospirillum + 25 kg N ha-1 found equally effective for sustainable production of sweet potato.
    • Standardized fertilizer doses and land configuration in biofortified sweet potato. Integrated application of FYM @ 5 Mg ha-1 + NPK @ 75:25:75 kg ha-1 found optimum doses for sustainable production of biofortified sweet potato (cv BhuSona) and to maintain the soil quality.
    • Popularized biofortified tuber crops and its value addition to improve the livelihood and nutritional security of tribal communities of Odisha.
    • Release of Trichogrammachilonis or T. japonicum @ 60,000/ha at 45 days after planting will reduce the infestation of both the weevil and vine borer.
    • This Centre had conducted farmers participatory on farm trials (2000-2005) through three NATP programmes (NATP Jai Vigyan: Horticulture and vegetable gardening for food and nutritional security in tribal, hilly and backward areas, NATP – Management of coastal agroecosystem affected by super cyclone and NATP – ITK: Studies on efficacy of cowdung slurry in inducing sprouting of yam) to identify suitable varieties, production and protection technologies and published forty extension materials in four languages.
    • Tuber crops technologies were demonstrated through NAIP project-‘Sustainable rural livelihood and food security to rainfed farmers of Oriss’a (2008-2014). Adopted 3794 farm families in 44 villages in 6 clusters.Under RKVY sponsored project ‘Popularization of climate resilient and nutritionally rich variety of tuber crops for economic development and nutritional security of farmers of Odisha’ (2017-2022), 371.25 ha were covered with nutritional rich climate resilient tuber crops varieties through front line demonstrations and were benefitted by a total of 2616 farmers.
    • Under Tribal Sub Plan (2012-2024), 2590 tribal farmers were adopted and demonstrated tuber crops technologies. 



    Varieties/Technologies/Machineries/Products/Process/Tools/Methodologies/Softwares/Digital tools etc. developed


    Varieties released

    Varieties name

    Sweet Potato 



    BhuSona, Bhu Krishna, Bhu Swami, BhuKanti, Bhu Ja, Sankar, Gouri, Kalinga, Goutam, Sourin and Kishan




    Muktakeshi, Pani Saru-1, Pani Saru-2, BhuKripa, BhuSree, Sree Hira, SreeTelia

    Greater Yam


    Orrisa elite and BhuSwar


    Varieties/Technologies/packages ready for transfer to AICRP TC/KAU/KVKs/Line departments         

    •  Sweet potato hybrid (SPH-31) for SVRC in Odisha.    

    • Yam bean hybrid (YBH-3x8) for SVRC in Odisha

    Infrastructure developed 

    Plant Tissue Culture Laboratory

    Techno Incubation Centre

    Plant/Tissue Analysis Laboratory

    Plant Health Clinic

    Farmers Training Hall

    Dehumidified storage godown

    25 KVA Generator Overhead

    water tank with sump

    Publications (Last 20 years

    Research Articles519
    Popular Articles108
    Technical Bulletins24
    Books Edited/Authored39
    Book Chapters116
    Technical/Extension Folders39
    Training Manuals8
    Papers Presented in Seminars/Symposia/Workshops160
    Our Projects

    Externally funded Project (on going)

    Title of the project




    Establishment of Varietal gene bank and development of standards of DUS testing for varietal gene bank in Sweet Potato and Cassava (Co-Nodal Centre)



    New Delhi

    Rs.6.99 lakhs allocated for 2024-25

    Establishment of varietal gene bank and development of standards of DUS testing for varietal gene bank in Taro and Elephant Foot Yam (Nodal Centre)



    New Delhi

    Rs.6.99 lakhs allocated for 2024-25

    Establishment of varietal gene bank and development of standards of DUS testing for varietal gene bank in Greater Yam and Yam bean (Co-Nodal Centre)



    New Delhi

    Rs.6.99 lakhs allocated for 2024-25

    Adoption of bio-fortified varieties of tuber crops and promoting entrepreneurship development for livelihood and nutritional security of tribal farmers




    Rs.138.00 lakhsallocated for 2022-25

    Establishment of mass production unit of bioagents for eco-friendly disease management in vegetable crops

    R. Arutselvan



    Rs. 320.91 lakhsallocated for 2024-27

    Rural bioresource complex for tubers and millets in Kandhamal, Odisha

    M Nedunchezhiyan

    DBT, Govt. of India

    Rs. 10.00lakhs allocated for 2024-25

    Establishment of Biotech-KISAN hub at DBT-ILS, Bhubaneswar for carrying out activities in tribal districts of Odisha

    M Nedunchezhiyan 

    DBT,  Govt. of India

    Rs. 4.00lakhs allocated for 2024-25



    Rs. 493.88 lakhs