Designation | Principal Scientist |
Qualification | Ph.D. |
Division | Division of Crop Production |
Specialisation | Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry |
Intercom | 122 |
Location | Head Quarters |
Total publications | 10. Number of Research papers : 85,Number of Books/Book chapters : 20,Number of Technical Bulletins 11 |
Areas of Interest
Integrated nutrient management involving low input technologies
a. Soil test based plant nutrient management
b. Secondary and micronutrient management of tropical tuber crops (Soil and foliar)
c. Diagnosis and correction of nutritional disorders
d. Screening nutrient efficient genotypes for low input management
e. Nutrient efficient microbial isolates as substitutes to chemical fertilizers
f. Cassava starch factory solid waste management for nutrient recycling
g. Development of customized fertilizer formulations for tuber crops under intercropping
in coconut.
h. Cassava mosaic disease management through nutrient management
i. Rationalization of fertilizer recommendations of tuber crops based on soil and plant
k. Long term fertilizer cum manurial experiment in cassava
l. Low input management strategy in tropical tuber crops
m. Nano fertilizers in tropical tuber crops
Research Projects
Number of institute projects completed : 8
1. Mineralization and immobilization of nutrients in tropical tuber crops growing soils
2. Long term effect of manures and fertilizers in an acid Ultisol growing cassava (Phase II)
3. Rapid appraisal of the nutrient status of cassava growing soils of Kerala
Long term fertilizer cum manorial experiment in cassava (Phase III)
4. Mineral nutrition of Aroids
5. Screening potassium efficient genotypes for edible and industrial uses
6. Screening N efficiency potential of K use efficient genotypes
7. Screening nutrient use efficient genotypes for low input management
8. Response of tropical tuber crops to secondary and micronutrients
Number of Institute projects being handled : 3
1. Long term effect of advanced integrated nutrient management (INM) practices on the
sustainability of cassava (Phase III)
2. Diagnosis and correction of emerging soil-plant nutritional disorders in tropical tuber crops
3. Standardization of nano urea and nano DAP for cassava
Number of externally funded projects completed : 6
1. Integrated nutrient management strategy for Tannia (Xanthosoma sagittifolium L. Schott)
with special emphasis on diagnosis of nutritional disorders (Kerala State Council for
Science, Technology and Environment, GoK)
2. Demonstration and Popularization of Integrated Nutrient Management (INM) Practices
Involving Secondary and Micronutrients in Cassava (State Horticulture Mission, GoK)
3. Soil based plant nutrient management plan for agro-ecosystems of Kerala (Kerala State
Planning Board)
4. Application of microorganisms in agriculture and allied sectors: PGPR annd Biocontrol
(National Bureau of Agriculturally Important Microorganisms (ICAR-NBAIR)
5. Enhancing the economic viability of coconut based cropping systems for land use planning
in Kerala State ( Department of Agriculture, Government of Kerala)
6. Response of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) to polysulphates under Ultisols (
Laterites) and Entisols (Sandy Plains) of Kerala (Potash Research Institute of India)
Number of externally funded projects being handled : Nil
Research Publications
Number of Research papers : 85
1. Susan John, K. and Remya Raj, R.T. 2023. Diagnosis and confirmation of subsoil
acidity induced multi nutrient disorders in Tannia (Xanthosoma sagittifolium L.
Schott) grown in an Ultisol, Kerala, India, Journal of Root crops, 49(1): 50-57
2. Susan John, K. and Remya Raj, R.T. 2023. Integrated nutrient management in tannia
(Xanthosoma sagittifolium L. Schott): yield, plant nutrient concentration, plant uptake
and soil chemical properties in an Ultisol, Kerala, Journal of Root crops, 49(1): 11-16.
3. Susan John, K. and Remya Raj, R.T. 2022. Effect of various soil amendments on soil
pH and exchangeable Ca at different depths in the identification of a suitable liming
material for tannia (Xanthosoma sagittifolium L. Schott) in an Ultisol, Kerala, India.
Journal of Root crops, 48(1&2): 28-36.
4. Jeena Mathew, Abdul Haris, A., Ravi Bhat, V., Krishna Kumar, K., Muralidharan, K.,
Susan John, K. and Surendran, V. 2021. A comparative assessment of nutrient
partitioning in healthy and root (wilt) disease affected coconut palms grown in an
Entisol of humid tropical Kerala. Trees 35, 621-635(2021).https://doi.
5. Anju, P.S., Susan John, K., Bhadraray, S., Suja, G., Jeena Mathew, Nair, K.M.,
Sunitha, S. and Veena, S.S. 2020. Customized fertilizer formulations for elephant foot
yam Amorphophallus paeoniifolius (Dennst.) Nicolson) under intercropping in
coconut gardens for Kerala, India. Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science,
6. Anju, P.S., Susan John, K., Bhadraray, S., Jeena Mathew, Sunitha, S. and Venna, S.S.
2020. Optimum nutrient requirement of elephant foot yam (Amorphophallus
paeoniifolius (Dennst.) Nicolson) under coconut gardens. Journal of Root Crops,
46(1): 18-24.
7. Chithra, S., Susan John, K., Sreekumar, J. and Manikantan Nair, M. 2020.
Mineralization of thippi (cassava starch factory solid residue) compost under
incubation. Journal of Root Crops, 46(1): 33-407
8. Susan John, K., Karthika, D., Sruthi, T., Sreekumar, J., Sunil Kumar, K. and Anju,
P.S. 2020. Status and requirement of boron for tropical tuber crops under laterite
(Typic Kandi Ustult) soils. Journal of Root Crops, 46(1): 25-32.
9. Susan John, K., Shanida Beegum, S.U ., Sheela, M.N. Sreekumar, J. and More, S.J.
2020. Response of potassium use efficient cassava genotypes under different levels of
N and K in an Ultisol of Kerala, India. Journal of Root Crops, 46(2):79-93.
10. Susan John, K., Bansal, S.K., More, S.J. and Suja, G. 2020. Polyhalites
(Polysulphates): best soil ameliorant for cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) in the
Ultisols and Entisols of Kerala. Journal of Root Crops, 46(2): 67-78.
11. Susan John, K., Sreekumar, J., Sheela, M.N. Shanida Beegum, S.U. and More, S.J.
2020. Soil-plant nutrition traits based genetic variability to identify N-P-K use
efficient genotypes in cassava. Journal of Root Crops, 46(2): 54-66.
12. Susan John, K., Sreekumar, J., Shanida Beegum, S.U., More, S.J., Sheela, M.N. and
Suja, G. 2020. Physiological efficiency of cassava as influenced by genotypes over
period of maturity in the screening of K use efficient genotypes. Journal of Root
Crops, 46(2): 41-53.
13. Susan John, K., Sreekumar, J., Sheela, M.N., Shanida Beegum, S.U., Sanket. J. More
and Suja, G. 2020. Pre evaluation of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) germplasm
for genotypic variation in the identification of K efficient genotypes through different
statistical tools. Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants,
14. Susan John, K., Anju, P.S., Chithra, S., Shanida Beegum, S.U., Anjana Devi, I.P.,
Sheela, M.N. and Suja, G. 2020. Utilization of resources as a component of integrated
nutrient management strategy in tropical tuber crops. Indian Journal of Fertilizers,
15. Anju, P.S., Susan John, K. and Ray, S.B. 2019. Weighted average method in evolving
the nutrient status of soils under cropping systems involving tuber crops in AEU 3 and
AEU 9 of Kerala. Journal of Root Crops, 45(2):33-41.
16. Chithra, S., Susan John, K. and Sreekumar, J. 2019. Wealth from waste: Experience with
cassava starch factory solid waste(thippi). Indian Journal of Fertilizers, 15(2):152-157.
17. Sruthi, T.R., Nooruniza, N., Susan John, K., Sreekumar, J. and Sheela, M.N. 2019.
Influence of nutrients and nutrient use efficient genotypes on tuber and leaf cyanogen
and tuber starch in cassava. Journal of Root Crops, 45(1): 3-11.
18. Susan John, K., Anju, P.S., Suja, G., Jeena Mathew and Shivay, Y.S. 2019. Zinc
nutrition in tropical tuber crops: A Review. Indian Journal of Agronomy, 64(1): 1-10.
19. Susan John, K., Sheela, M.N., Shanida Beegum, S.U., Anju, P.S. and Suja, G. 2019. Can a
crop be a solution to abate soil pollution?: Experience in tropical tuber crops. Agriculture
World 5(1):64-69.
20. Anju, P.S., Susan John, K., Bhadraray, S., Suja, G., Jeena Mathew, Nair, K.M., Sunitha, S.
and Veena, S.S. 2018. Development and evaluation of customized fertilizer formulations for
tuber crops grown as intercrops in coconut gardens. Indian Journal of Fertilizers, 14(10): 50-54.
21. Anju, P.S., Susan John, K., Bhadraray, S., Suja, G. and Jeena Mathew 2018.
Development of customized fertilizer formulations for elephant foot yam under intercropping in coconut for two agro ecological units of Kerala. Indian Journal of
Scientific Research, 19(1): 6-9.
22. Jyothi, A.N., Pillai, S.S., Aravind, M., Salim, S.A. and Susan John, K. 2018. Cassava
starch graft-poly (acrylonitrile) coated urea fertilizer with sustained release and water
retention properties. Advances in Polymer Technology, DOI: 10.1002/adv.21943
23. Susan John, K., James George and Sreekumar, J. 2018. Soil test based low input
management strategy: a decade experience in cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) in
Ultisols of Kerala, India. Indian Journal of Agronomy, 63(2):216-223.
24. Susan John, K., Anju, P.S., Suja, G., Shanida Beegum, S.U., Chithra, S., James
George, Ravindran, C.S., Manikantan Nair, M. and Jeena Mathew. 2018. Zinc
nutrition of tuber crops in Ultisols of Kerala. Indian Journal of Fertilizers 14(3):50-57.
25. Susan John, K., Anju, P.S., Suja, G., Jeena Mathew, Nair, K.M., Sunitha, S. and Veena, S.S.
2018. Customized fertilizer formulations for tropical tuber crops under intercropping in
coconut gardens: Development and experience in Kerala. Indian Micronutrient Manufactures
Association Journal, 33-41.
26. Susan John, K., Anju, P.S., Chithra, S., Shanida Beegum, S.U., Suja, G., Pallavi Nair, Sheela,
M.N., Anjana Devi, I.P. and Sruthi, T. 2018. Integrated nutrient management of tropical tuber
crops. Agriculture World, 4(11):42-47.
27. Chithra, S., Susan John, K, Manikantan Nair, M. and Sreekumar, J. 2017
Management of Cassava Factory Solid Waste (Thippi) through Composting to a
Nutrient-Rich Organic Manure. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis,
28. Susan John, K., Sheela, M.N. and Suja, G. 2017. 'Sree Pavithra', the first K use
efficient variety in cassava. Agriculture World, 3(11): 52-55.
29. Anju, P.S., Susan John, K., Bhadraray, S., Suja, G., Jeena Mathew, Nair, K.M.,
Sunitha, S. and Veena, S.S. 2016. Development of protocol for custom mixed
fertilizers for elephant foot yam under intercropping in coconut gardens of the two
agro ecological units of Kerala. Journal of Root Crops, 42(2):66-74.
30. Chithra, S., Susan John, K. and Sreekumar, J. 2016. Low cost traditional cassava
starch factory solid waste (thippi) composting: a possible strategy for organic nutrient
management and economic security for tribal farmers. Journal of Root Crops,
31. Susan John, K., Shanida Beegum, S.U., Sheela, M.N. and Suja, G. 2016. Nutrient
efficient genotypes in cassava: scope to substitute for chemical fertilizers and in C
sequestration. Acta Horticultura 1118.ISHS. 2016. DOI 10.
17660/ActaHortic.2016.1118.29. XXIX-Proc. Int. Symp.on Root and Tuber Crops:
Sustaining Lives and Livelihoods into the Future (Ed.) J.R. Schultheis, pp. 193-200.
32. Susan John, K., James George, Shanida Beegum, S.U. and Shivay, Y.S. 2016. Soil
fertility and nutrient management of tropical tuber crops-An overview. Indian Journal
of Agronomy, 61(3):263-273.
33. Anjana Devi, I.P., John, N.S., Susan John, K., Jeeva, M.L. and Misra, R.S. 2015.
Rock inhabiting potassium solubilizing bacteria from Kerala, India: characterization
and possibility in chemical K fertilizer substitution. Journal of Basic Microbiology:
Environment- Health- Techniques : 55, 1-11.
34. John, N.S., Anjanadevi, I.P., Nath, V.S., Sankar, S.A., Jeeva, M.L., Susan John, K.
and Misra, R.S.2015. Characterization of Trichoderma isolates against Sclerotium
rolfsi, the collar rot pathogen of Amorphophallus- A polyphasic approach. Biological
Control, 90:164-172.
35. Laxminarayana, K., Susan John, K., Mukherjee, A. and Ravindran, C.S. 2015. Long
term effect of lime, mycorrhizae and inorganic and organic sources on soil fertility,
yield and proximate composition of sweet potato in Alfisols of Eastern India.
Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 46: 605-618
36. Shanida Beegum, S.U., Susan John, K., Sheela, M.N. and Sreekumar, J. 2015. Low
cost cassava production strategy through nutrient use efficient genotypes integrated
with low input management. Journal of Root crops, 41(2): 42-48.
37. Susan John, K., Ravindran, C.S. and James George 2015. Soil test and plant analysis
as diagnostic tools for fertilizer recommendation for cassava in an Ultisol of Kerala,
India. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 46:13, 1607-1627
38. Parvathy, P. C., Jyothi, A. N., Susan John, K. and Sreekumar. J. 2014. Cassava starch
based superabsorbent polymer as soil conditioner: Impact on soil physico- chemical
and biological properties and plant growth. Clean- Soil, Air
Water, doi:[10.1002/clen.201300143].
39. Rajasekharan, P., Nair, K.M., Susan John, K., Suresh Kumar, P., Narayanan Kutty,
M.C. and Ajith, R.N. 2014. Soil fertility related constraints to crop production in
Kerala. Accepted for publication in the Indian Journal of Fertilizers, 10(11): 56-62.
40. Susan John, K., Ravi, V., Shanida Beegum, S.U., Ravindran, C.S., Manikantan Nair,
M. and James George. 2014. Recommended nutrient management practices in the
carbon sequestration potential of cassava (Two decades experience from a long term
fertilizer experiment). Indian Journal of Fertilizers, 10 (4), 28-33.
41. Anjanana Devi,I.P.,Neetha Soma John, Susan John K., Jeeva, M.L. and Misra, R.S.
2013. Isolation and characterization of N fixing bacteria from elephant foot yam
(Amorphophallus paeoniifolius (Dennst.) Nicolson) growing regions of South India.
Journal of Root Crops, 39(2):154-162.
42. Chithra, S., Susan John, K. and Manikantan Nair, M. 2013.Thippi compost: a possible
avenue for cassava starch factory soild waste management. Journal of Root Crops,
43. Imas, P. and Susan John, K. 2013. Potassium nutrition of cassava. International
Potash Institute Research Findings: e-ifc No. 34.
44. Shanida Beegum, S.U. Susan John, K. and and Sreekumar, J. 2013. Nutrient efficient
genotypes and nutrient management practices in the carbon sequestration potential of
cassava: a theoretical approach, Journal of Root Crops 39(2):68-72.
45. Susan John, K., Remya Raj, R.T. and Suja, G. 2013. Dolomite: the best soil
ameliorant for tannia in an Ultisol of Kerala. Indian Journal of Fertilizers, 9(11):44-55.
46. Susan John, K., Ravindran, C.S., James George, Manikantan Nair, M. and Suja, G.
2013. Potassium: a key nutrient for high yield and better tuber quality in cassava.
Better Crops South Asia, International Plant Nutrition Institute, 7(1):26-28.
47. Susan John, K., Laxminarayana, K. and Ravindran, C.S. 2013. Meeting nutrient
demand of tubers. Indian Horticulture, 58(3):45-49.
48. Suja, G., Sundaresan, S., Susan John, K., Sreekumar, J. and Misra, R.S. 2012. Higher
yield, profit and soil quality from organic farming of elephant foot yam. Agronomy
for Sustainable Development, 32:755‐764.
49. Suja, G., Sreekumar, J., Susan John, K and Sundaresan, S. 2012. Organic production
of tuberous vegetables: agronomic, nutritional and economic benefits. Journal of
Root Crops, 38(2): 135‐141.
50. Susan John, K. and Suja, G. 2012. Optimum nutrient rate and nutritional constraints in
tuber crops growing in Ultisol of India with special emphasis on tannia.
Communication in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 43 (22) : 2924‐2934.
51. Susan John, K., Bharathan, R., Manikantan Nair, M. And Suja, G. 2012. Soil based
nutrient management plan for Pathanamthitta district of Kerala state. Journal of Root
Crops, 38(1): 32‐41.
52. Susan John, K. 2012. Soil‐plant nutrition of sweet potato and minor tuber crops: a
review. Journal of Root Crops, 37(2):111‐124.
53. Laxminarayana, K., Susan John, K., Ravindran, C.S. and Naskar, S.K. 2011. Effect of
lime, inorganic and organic sources on soil fertility, yield, quality and nutrient uptake
of sweet potato in Alfisols. Communication in Soil Science and Plant Analysis,
54. Suja, G., Susan John, K. and Sreekumar, J. 2011. Impact of nutrient management
based on soil test data on biomass production and partitioning and growth indices of
short duration cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz). Indian Journal of Agricultural
Sciences, 81(3): 247‐251.
55. Susan John, K. 2011. Soil fertility management strategies for edible yams and aroids:
a review. Journal of Root Crops, 37(1): 3‐18.
56. Suja, G., Susan John, K., Sreekumar, J. and Srinivas, T. 2010. Short‐duration cassava
genotypes for crop diversification in the humid tropics: Growth dynamics, biomass,
yield and quality. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 90:188‐198.
57. Suja, G., Susan John, K., Ravindran, C. S., Prathapan, K. and Sundaresan, S. 2010.
On farm validation of organic farming technology in elephant foot yam
(Amorphophallus paeoniifolius Dennst. Nicolson). Journal of Root Crops, 36(1):
58. Suja, G., Susan John K. and Sreekumar J.2010. Soil test based nutrient management
for short‐duration cassava (Manihot esculenta). Analysis of growth, biomass, yield,
quality, nutrient uptake and soil nutrient status. Indian Journal of Agronomy, 55(4):
59. Suja, G., Susan John, K., Ravindran, C. S., Prathapan, K. and Sundaresan, S. 2010.
On farm validation of organic farming technology in elephant foot yam
(Amorphophallus paeoniifolius Dennst. Nicolson). Journal of Root Crops, 36(1):
60. Susan John, K. 2010. Integrated nutrient management strategy for tropical tuber
crops. Indian Journal of Fertilizers, 6(11):88‐96.
61. Susan John, K. 2010. Dynamics of nutrients under cassava (Manihot esculenta
Crantz) grown in an Ultisol of Kerala. Journal of Root Crops, 36(1): 1‐13.
62. Susan John K., Ravindran, C.S., Suja, G. and Prathapan, K. 2010. Soil test based
fertilizer cum manurial recommendation for cassava growing soils of Kerala. Journal
of Root Crops, 36(1): 44‐52.
63. Susan John, K., Suja, G., Sheela, M.N. and Ravindran, C.S. 2010. Potassium: The key
nutrient for cassava production, tuber quality and soil productivity‐ An overview.
Journal of Root Crops, 36(2): 132‐144.
64. Suja, G., Susan John, K. and Sundaresan, S. 2009. Potential of tannia
(Xanthosomasagittifolium L.) for organic production. Journal of Root Crops 35(1) :
65. Susan John, K., Ravindran, C.S. and Manikantan Nair, M.2009. Macronutrient status
of cassava growing soils of Kerala. Journal of Root Crops 35 (1): 41‐49.
66. Susan John, K., Ravindran, C.S. and Manikantan Nair, M. 2009. Secondary and
micronutrient status of cassava growing soils of Kerala. Journal of Root Crops
67. Sheela. M.N., Radhika, V.S., Susan John, K. and Abraham, K. 2008.Variation in
crude protein,dry matter and starch in inbred and backcross lines of cassava. Journal
of Root Crops, 34(2): 115‐119.
68. Ramesh, V., Susan John, K., Ravindran, C.S.and Edison,S. 2007. Agro techniques
and plant nutrition of tannia ( Xanthosoma sp.): An overview. Journal of Root Crops
69. Susan John, K., Venugopal, V.K. and Saraswati, P. 2007. Yield maximization in
cassava through a systematic approach in fertilizer use. Communications in Soil
Science and Plant Analysis, 38(5&6):779‐794.
70. Susan John, K., Venugopal, V.K. and Maikantan Nair, M. 2007. Dry matter
production, nutrient uptake, tuber quality and soil nutrient status as influenced by
substitution of common salt for muriate of potash for cassava in an Oxisol of Kerala.
Journal of Root Crops, 33(1): 20‐25.
71. Susan John, K. and Venugopal, V.K. 2006. Nutrient use Efficiency and balance sheet
of nutrients under MYR in cassava. Journal of Root Crops, 32(2): 154‐161.
72. Susan John, K. and Venugopal, V.K. 2006. Response of cassava to lime in a typic
Kandiustult of Kerala. Journal of Root Crops, 32(1): 65‐71.
73. Susan John, K. and Venugopal, V.K. 2005. Optimizing the nutritional status of a typic
Kandiustult of Kerala, India using sorption study. Communications in Soil Science
and Plant Anaysis, 36 (17&18) 2329‐2342.
74. Susan John, K., Venugopal, V.K. and Manikantan Nair, M. 2005. Crop growth, yield
and quality parameters associated with maximum yield research (MYR) in cassava.
Journal of Root Crops, 31(1): 14‐17.
75. Susan John, K. and Venugopal, V.K. 2005. Soil fertility evaluation of a cassava
growing Typic Kandiustult of Kerala. Journal of Root Crops, 30(2):151‐153.
76. Susan John, K., Venugopal, V.K. and Saraswathi, P. 2004. Critical levels of
phosphorus and potassium in a Typic kandiustult of Kerala. Journal of Root Crops,
30(1): 37‐40.
77. Susan John, K., Shalini Pillai, P., Nair, G.M. and Chithra, V.G. 2004. Phosphorus and
potassium deficiency symptoms in sweet potato under a sand culture experiment.
Journal of Root Crops, 30(1): 5‐9.
78. Susan John, K., Ravindran,C.S. and Mohan Kumar, C.R. 2003. Cassava starch
content as modified by continuous application of manures and fertilizers. Journal of
Root Crops, 29(2):64‐68.
79. Susan John, K., Venugopal, V.K. and Saraswathi, P. 2003. Effect of substitution of
common salt for muriate of potash on growth, yield, yield components and economics
of cassava production in a Typic kandiustult of Kerala. Journal of Root Crops,
80. Nair, G.M., Potty, V.P. and Susan John, K. 2001. Influence of biofertilizer (
Azospirillum) on the growth and yield of sweet potato. Journal of Root Crops, 27(1):
81. Susan John, K., Shalini Pillai, P., Nair, G.M. and Chitra, V.G. 2001. Critical
concentration as a reflect of potassium requirement of sweet potato in acid ultisol.
Journal of Root Crops, 27(1): 223‐228.
82. Susan John, K., Ravindran, C.S. and Mohan Kumar, C.R.1998. Yield, dry matter
production and uptake of phosphorous as influenced by sources of phosphatic
fertilizers in cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) in an acid ultisol. Journal of Root
Crops, 23(2):89‐94.
83. Susan John, K., Kabeerathumma, S. and Potty, V.P. 1996. Nutrient availability in
relation to soil microbial biomass in a long term manurial trial of cassava cultivated in
an acid ultisol. Journal of Root Crops, 22(2) : 88‐92.
84. Susan John, K. and Alice Abraham. 1996. Effect of seasons on microbial population
and nutrient availability in cassava soil. Journal of Root Crops, 22(1):40‐44.
85. Susan John, K. and Alice Abraham. 1995. Microbial immobilization and
mineralization of nutrients during different seasons of the year. Journal of the Indian
Society of Soil Sci. 43(1):47‐53.
Number of Books/Book chapters : 20
a. Book chapters: 16
1. Susan John, K. 2024. Soil-plant nutrition with zinc in tropical tuber crops. In: Zinc:
Early development, applications, and emerging trends (Eds.), E. Sukumar, K. Vinoth
Kumar and A. Manickavasagan, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis group, LLC, pp.
195-208, DOI:10.1201/9781003412472.
2. Susan John, K. 2023. Protocol for screening nutrient use efficient genotypes in tuber
crops. In: P. Murugesan, K.M. Senthilkumar, N. Krishna Radhika, C. Visalakshi
Chandra and C. Mohan (Eds.), Sustainable Utilization of genetic resources of
neglected and underutilized tuber crops for climate resilience and nutritional security,
ICAR-Central Tuber Crops Research Institute, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India.
ISBN No. 978-81-957479-1-7, pp. 144-148.
3. Susan John, K., Anju, P.S., Chithra, S., Shanida Beegum, S.U., Anjana Devi, I.P.,
Sheela, M.N. and Suja, G. 2020. Recent advances in the resource management under
INM of tropical tuber crops to enhance farm income. In: Training Manual of the DST
sponsored training programme on ' Integrated nutrient management and nutrient
budgeting through advanced models to improve crop productivity'. P. Raja, K. Rajan,
Hombe Gowda and K. Kannan (Eds.), ICAR-Indian Institute of Soil and Water
Conservation Research Centre, Ooty, Tamil Nadu, pp.192-212.
4. Susan John, K. and Anju, P.S. 2020. Arriving at the customized fertilizer
formulation: Protocol for elephant foot yam under intercropping in coconut gardens
of Kerala. In: Training Manual of the DST Sponsored Training Programme on "
Integrated Nutrient Management and Nutrient Budgeting through Advanced Models
to Improve Crop Productivity, (Eds.) P. Raja, K. Rajan, H.C. Hombe Gowda and K.
Kannan, ICAR-Indian Institute of Soil and Water Conservation Research Centre,
Ooty, Tamil Nadu, pp. 213-227.
5. Sunitha, S., Nedunchezhiyan, M., Suresh Kumar, J. and Susan John, K. 2020. Crop
management. In: Standard operating procedures for AICRP on tuber crops,
Technical Bulletin Series No. 81 (ISBN: 978-93-5407-281-9), AICRP (Tuber crops),
ICAR-CTCRI, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India, pp.36-48.
6. Susan John, K., Sheela, M.N., Shanida Beegum, S.U., Anju, P.S. and Suja, G. 2018.
Can the crop and its need based nutrient management be a solution to abate soil
pollution?: Experience in tropical tuber crops. In: Compendium of Scientific papers,'
Soil Pollution management for sustainable crop production systems' (Eds. Jeena
Mathew, A. Abdul Haris, V. Krishna Kumar, Ravi Bhat and K.S. Anil Kumar)
ICAR, CPCRI, pp.63-68.
7. Geetha, K., Susan John, K., Dhanyamol, K., Praveena, N., Radhika, T.A.,
Manikantan Nair, M., Jibi Joseph, Sherin Paul and Anuroopa, S. 2013. Soil fertility:
Kottayam district. In: Soil Fertility assessment and information management for
enhancing crop productivity in Kerala. P.Rajasekharan, K.M. Nair, G. Rajasree, P.
SureshKumar and M.C. Narayanan Kutty (Eds.), Kerala State Planning Board,
Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, pp. 284-304.
8. Nair, K.M., Saifudeen, M., Suresh Kumar, P., Narayan Kutty, M.C. and Susan John,
K. 2013. Fertility of Soils of Kerala. In: Soil Fertility assessment and information
management for enhancing crop productivity in Kerala. P. Rajasekharan, K.M. Nair,
G. Rajasree, P. Suresh Kumar and M.C. Narayanan Kutty (Eds.), Kerala State
Planning Board, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, pp. 136-168.
9. Susan John, K., Remya Raj, R.T. and Suja, G. 2013. Integrated nutrient management
strategy for tannia (Xanthosoma sagittiofolium L.Schott) in an Ultisol of Kerala,
India. In: Aroids: Opportunities and Challenges, R.S. Misra and M. Nedunchezhiyan
(Eds.), Allied Publishers Private Limited, New Delhi, pp. 170-183.
10. Susan John, K., Manikantan Nair, M., Sherin Paul, Anuroopa, S., Geetha, K.,
Dhanyamol, K., Praveena, N. and Radhika, T.A. 2013. Soil Fertility: Pathanamthitta
district. In: Soil Fertility assessment and information management for enhancing
crop productivity in Kerala. P.Rajasekharan, K.M. Nair, G. Rajasree, P.
SureshKumar and M.C. Narayanan Kutty (Eds.), Kerala State Planning Board,
Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, pp. 377-399.
11. Susan John, K. and Suja, G. 2012. Tropical tuber crops: Response to acidic soil
conditions and management. In: Acid Soils of India: Distribution, Properties and
Management for Sustainable Crop Production (Eds. K. Sudhir, C.A.
Srinivasamurthy,V.R. Ramakrishna Parama, N.B. Prakash, A. Sathish, S.C. Kotur),
University ofAgricultural Sciences, Bengaluru, pp. 79‐94.
12. Priya Nair, Poornima, R., Misra, R.S. and Susan John K.2010. Potential phosphate
solubilising bacteria from various soils of Kerala. In: Organic Horticulture
Principles, Practices and Technologies, H.P. Singh and G.V. Thomas, (Eds.),
Westville Publishing House, New Delhi, pp. 279‐281.
13. Ravindran, C. S., Suja, G. and Susan John K. 2008. Agro‐techniques and quality
planting material production in minor tuber crops. In: Advance Techniques in Quality
Planting Material Production and Commercial Cultivation of Tropical Tuber Crops
Nedunchezhiyan, M. (Ed.), Regional Centre, Central Tuber Crops Research Institute,
Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India, pp.53‐59.
14. Susan John, K., Ravindran, C.S. and James George 2006. Long term effect of organic
manures on cassava : Yield, quality, sustainability and economics. In: Root and
Tuber Crops: In Nutrition, Food Security and Sustainable Environment, S.K. Naskar,
M. Nedunchazhiyan, K. Rajasekhara Rao, M. Siva Kumar, R.C. Ray, R.S. Misra and
A. Mukherjee (Eds.) Bhubaneswar, Orissa. pp. 139‐147.
15. Kabeerathumma, S., Susan John, K., Mohan Kumar, C. R. and Ravindran, C. S.
1996. Long term effect of organic manures on tuber yield and soil fertility build up in
cassava grown in an acid ultisol. In: Tropical Tuber Crops: Food Security and
Nutrition, C. Balagopalan, T.V.R. Nayar, S. Sundaresan, T. Prem Kumar and K.R.
Lakshmi, (Eds.,), Oxford and IBH Publishing Co. Ltd., New Delhi, pp.298‐305.
16. Susan John, K., Mohan Kumar, C.R.,Ravindran, C.S. and Prabhakar, M. 1998. Long
term effect of manures and fertilizers on cassava production and soil productivity in
an acid Ultisol. In: Proceedings of a National workshop on Long term soil fertility
management through integrated plant nutrient supply A. Swarup, D. Damodar Reddy
and R.N. prasad (Eds.), Indian Institute of Soil Science, Bhopal, India, pp. 319-326.
b. Books edited:4
1. Taro (Colocasia esculenta L. Schott): Improvement, Production, Protection and
Utilization. 2022. V. Ravi, V. Pandey, A. Asha Devi, M. Nedunchezhiyan, K. Susan
John, R. Saranavan, E.R. Harish, S.S. Veena, and M.S. Sajeev, (Eds.). ISBN: 978-
93-5628-668-9, Blue Rose Publishers, 461p.
2. Smart Management of Agricultural Resources for Transforming Indian Farms,
Proceedings of the National Workshop on ‘Smart Management of Agricultural
Resources for Transforming Indian Farms’, 15-17 December 2022. K. Susan John,
Sheela Immanuel, N. Krishna Radhika, B.G. Sangeetha and V.S. Santhosh Mithra
(Eds.), ICAR-Central Tuber Crops Research Institute, Sreekariyam,
Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India, 96p.
3. DOA, 2012. Department of Agriculture, Government of Kerala. A Manual on Soil,
Plant and Water Analysis (Vol.1), V.K. Venugopal, K.M. Nair, M.R. Vijayan, K.
Susan John and P. Suresh Kumar, (Eds.) pp.183
4. DOA, 2012. Department of Agriculture, Government of Kerala. A Manual on
Organic Manure Analysis (Vol. 2), V.K. Venugopal, K. Usha Kumari, M.R.
Vijayan, K. Susan John and P. Suresh Kumar, (Eds.) pp.76
Number of Technical Bulletins : 11
1. Susan John, K. and Anju, P.S. 2023. Development and application of customized
fertilizers: Experience in tropical tuber crops. Technical Bulletin No.100, ICAR-
Central Tuber Crops Research Institute, Sreekariyam, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala,
India, 50p.
2. Susan John, K., Shirly Raichal Anil, Veena, S.S., Jyothi, A.N., Sivakumar, P.S. and
Sangeetha, B.G. 2023. Sweet Potato, Technical Bulletin No.94, ICAR-Central Tuber
Crops Research Institute, Sreekariyam, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India, 46p.
3. Susan John, K., Anju, P.S., Chithra, S., Shanida Beegum, S.U., Suja, G., Anjana Devi,
I.P., Ravindran, C.S., James George, Sheela, M.N., Ravi, V., Manikantan Nair, M.,
Pallavi Nair, K. and Remya, D. 2019. Recent Advances in the Integrated Nutrient
Management (INM) Practices of Tropical Tuber Crops. Technical Bulletin Series
No.75, ICAR- Central Tuber Crops Research Institute, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala,
India, 68p.
5. Susan John, K. 2017. An Agro Advisory Guide on Diagnosis and Correction of
Nutritional Disorders in Tropical Tuber Crops, Technical Bulletin Series No. 66.
ICAR-Central Tuber Crops Research Institute, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India,
6. Susan John, K., Ravindran, C.S., Manikantan Nair, M. and James George. 2014.
Nutrient status of cassava growing soils of Kerala. Technical Bulletin Series, 56,
Central Tuber Crops Research Institute, Sreekariyam, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala,
India, 60 p.
7. Susan John, K., Ravindran, C.S., Manikantan Nair, M. and James George. 2014. Soil
test based fertilizer cum manurial recommendation for cassava growing soils of
Kerala. Technical Bulletin Series, 57, Central Tuber Crops Research Institute,
Sreekariyam, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India, 44 p.
8. Ravindran, C.S., Ramanathan, S., Susan John, K. and Sudha Devi, K.S. 2014.
Kizhangu vargangalude krishireethikal (In Malayalam).Central Tuber Crops Research
Institute, Sreekariyam, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, 40p.
9. Susan John K. 2012. Nutrient management plan for Elanthur block of Pathanamthitta
District. A joint publication of Department of Agriculture, Govt. of Kerala, Kerala
State Planning Board & Central Tuber Crops Research Institute, pp. 30.
10.Susan John, K. Suja, G., Edison, S. and Ravindran, C.S. 2006. Nutritional Disorders
in Tropical Tuber Crops. Technical bulletin Series No. 48, Central Tuber Crops
Research Institute, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, pp.74.
11.Susan John, K., Ravindran, C.S. and James George. 2005. Long term fertilizer
experiments‐Three decades experience in cassava. Technical bulletin Series No. 45,
Central tuber crops Research Institute, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala pp.83
1. International Potash Institute (IPI)-Fertilizer Association of India (FAI) Award 2014
2. International Plant Nutrition Institute (IPNI) Photo contest Award 2016, 2018
3. International Zinc Association (IZA) - Fertilizer Association of India (FAI) Award 2017