Designation | Principal Scientist |
Qualification | M.Sc (Genetics and Plant Breeding |
Division | Division of Crop Improvement |
Specialisation | Genetics and Plant Breeding |
Intercom | 407 |
Location | Head Quarters |
Total publications | Number of Research papers : 22 , Number of Books/Book chapters : 18 , Number of Technical Bulletins : 5 |
Areas of Interest
Somatic embryogenesis in Cashew, Micropropagation and Micrografting in cashew, Breeding in cashew for bold nut trait, Cytology and Cytogenetics, Isozyme studies in Cashew and Amorphophallus, Morphological and molecular characterisation in Amorphophallus and sweet potato, Biofortification in sweet potato through breeding approaches.
Research Projects
Number of institute projects completed :10
Number of Institute projects being handled :1
Number of externally funded projects completed :5
Number of externally funded projects being handled:2
List of completed projects
List of Externally aided projects
Research Publications
- Publications (List of papers published in SCI Journals, in year wise descending order).
List of Books edited
- SR Anil, MS Palaniswami, S Sankaran2008 Bibliography of Amorphophallus National Seminar on Amorphophallus: Innovative Technologies(NSAIT), 160pp
- MS Palaniswami, SR Anil, MS Sajeev, M Unnikrishnan, PP Singh, ... 2008 Absract Book: Status papers and Extended Summary National Seminar on Amorphophallus:Innovative Technologies(NSAIT), 212pp
- P. Murugesan, A.V.V. Koundinya, Visalakshi Chandra C, Shirly Raichal Anil, Vikramaditya Pandey and V. Ravi (Eds.). 2020. Proceedings and recommendations of the Virtual consultative Meet on Recent Progress in Germplasm Utilisation and Breeding in Sweet potato,th Date: 14 September 2020, Venue: Golden Jubilee Hall, ICAR-Central Tuber Crops Research Institute, Sreekariyam, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala 695 017. p. 24
.List of Book Chapters
- Grüneberg, W.J., D. Ma, R.O.M. Mwanga, E.E. Carey, K. Huamani1, F. Diaz1, R. Eyzaguirre1, E. Guaf, M. Jusuf, A. Karuniawan, K. Tjintokohadi, Y.-S. Song, S.R. Anil, M. Hossain, E.H.M. Shofiur Rahaman, S. Attaluri, K. Some, S. Afuape1, K. Adofo, E. Lukonge, L. Karanja, J. Ndirigwe, G. Ssemakula, S. Agili, J.-M. Randrianaivoarivony, M. Chiona, F. Chipungu, S. Laurie, J. Ricardo, M. Andrade, F. Rausch Fernandes, A. S. Mello, A. Khan1, D.R. Labonte, and G.C. Yencho. 2015 Advances in sweetpotato breeding from 1993 to 2012. Potato and Sweetpotato in Africa Transforming the Value Chains for Food and Nutrition Security(Eds)Jan Low,Moses Nyongesa, Sara Quinn and Monica Parker, Marston Book Services Ltd., 160 Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxfordshire OX14 4SD, UK
- MS Palaniswami, Shirly Raichal Anil, KV Peter2008Future Thrusts in Root and Tuber crops Tuber and Root Crops (Eds)Palaniswami,MS;Peter,KV, 443-480 New India Publishing Agency,New Delhi
- MS Palaniswami, SR Anil, PK Singh2008Agronomy and Production Technologies of Tuber crops Tuber and Root Crops(Eds)Palaniswami,MS;Peter,KV, 147-178 New India Publishing Agency,New Delhi
- MS Palaniswami, SR Anil2008Improved Varieties of Tuber crops in India Tuber and Root Crops(Eds)Palaniswami,MS;Peter,KV, 131-146 New India Publishing Agency,New Delhi
- MS Palaniswami, SR Anil2008Anti-nutritional factors of Tuber crops Tuber and Root Crops(Eds)Palaniswami,MS;Peter,KV, 119-130 New India Publishing Agency,New Delhi
- MS Palaniswami, SR Anil2008Biochemical constituents and Pharmaceutical and Nutraceutical values of Tuber crops Tuber and Root Crops(Eds)Palaniswami,MS;Peter,KV, 85-118 New India Publishing Agency,New Delhi
- SR Anil, MS Palaniswami2008Botany Physiology and Biodiversity of Tuber crops Tuber and Root Crops(Eds)Palaniswami,MS;Peter,KV, 41-84 New India Publishing Agency,New Delhi
- MS Palaniswami, SR Anil2008History ,Origin and geographical distribution of Tuber and root crops Tuber and Root Crops(Eds)Palaniswami,MS;Peter,KV, 17-40 New India Publishing Agency,New Delhi
- MS Palaniswami, SR Anil2007Tropical Tuber Crops Biodiversity in Horticultural Crops, (Eds) K. V. Peter, Z. Abraham 184p Daya Publishing house, Delhi
- MS Palaniswami, SR Anil2006REGION WISE APPROPRIATE TUBER CROPS TECHNOLOGIES Cropping system approach in Tropical Tuber Crops Production and processing 33-47(Eds)Anatharaman,M;Ramanathan,S CTCRI,Trivandrum
- Thimmappaiah, SR Anil, RD Iyer2001Cashew Biotechnology of Horticultural Crops (Eds)Parthasarathy,VA et al, 609-629 NP Sales,Kolkotta
- Thimmappaiah, SR Anil, RD Iyer 2007 Micropropagation of Cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.) S. M. Jain and H. Häggman (eds.) Protocols for Micropropagation of Woody Trees and Fruits.313-322 @ Springer
- Sheela M.N., Shirly Raichal Anil, Visalakshi Chandra C. and Koundinya A.V.V. 2019. Improved varieties of cassava and sweet potato. In: Training Manual on Integrated Technology for Production, Processing and Value Addition in Tuber Crops. FTFTTP-2019. 16-30 September 2019, ICAR-CTCRI, Thiruvananthapuram. pp.18-29.
- Asha K.I., Shirly Raichal Anil, Asha Devi A., Murugesan P. 2019. Management of Genetic Resources of Tuber Crops. In “Feed The Future India Triangular Training (FTF - ITT)” Training Manual on “Integrated Technology for Production, Processing and Value Addition in Tuber Crops”. ICAR-CTCRI, pp 8-17.
- Visalakshi Chandra, C., Sheela, M.N., Shirly Raichal Anil, Senthil Alias Sankar. 2021. Targeted breeding for processing traits in sweet potato for varied end uses.In: Recent Advances in Root and Tuber Crops. . S.J. More, N.A. Giri, S.J. Kumar, V.C.Chandra, and T. Sirisha (Eds.). Brillion Publishing, New Delhi, India.pp.31-38.
Technical Bulletins/ reports
- MS Palaniswami, SR Anil 2006 Region specific technologies for tropical root and tuber crops in India All India Coordinated Research Project on Tuber Crops, Central Tuber Crops Research Institute, Indian Council of Agricultural Research
- Mukherjee A, Anil,S.R., Krishna Radhika N. Sheela M.N. Asha Devi A. Sunitha S .2018. ‘Bio-fortified sweet potato varieties for India Catalogue 2018 ’
- Archana Mukherjee, Sheela, M.N., Asha, K.I., Asha Devi, Shirly Raichal Anil, Krishna Radhika, N. and Senthilkumar, K.M. 2019. Tuber Crops Varieties released by ICAR-Central Tuber Crops Research Institute. Technical Bulletin No. 77, ICAR-Central Tuber Crops Research Institute, Sreekariyam, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala.
- PS Sivakumar, Nedunchezhiyan M, Sheela M.N, Shirly Raichal Anil, B.Shanmughasundaram, Athira Krishnan, Gayathri BR. 2022.Oranchunirathilulla madhurakizhangukrishi- oru sahayaka vazhikatti (Malayalam). ICAR-CTCRI 14p
Susan John K, Shirly Raichal Anil, VeenaSS, Jyothi A.N, Sivakumar P.S and Sangeetha BG. 2023.Sweet potato,Technical Bulletin No.94, ICAR-Central Central Tuber Crops Research Institute,Sreekariyam,Thiruvananthapuram,Kerala,India 46p
Popular Scientific Articles
- Shirly Raichal Anil,Sheela M.N.,Asha Devi A,Jyothi A.N.Krishna Radhika N. 2021 Kizhnaguvilakalude ilakalum avayude bhakshyamoolyavum. Keralakarshakan(Malayalam) 66:22-27
- Shirly Raichal Anil, P.S.Sivakumar, Pradeepika Chinta. 2023. Jaiva sampushteekaricha kizhanginangal (Malayalam) .Kerala Karshakan 69:12-14
- Visalakshi ,C., Shirly Raichal Anil and P. Sethuraman Sivakumar. 2023. Biofortified tuber crop varieties for health and wellness (Tamil). Krishi Jagran, 11(07): 22-25.
- Susan John K, Shirly Raichal Anil, G.Suja, D.Remya, T.Sruthi.2020.Boron apariapthadha kizhangu vilakalil.(Boron deficiency in tuber crops) Keralakarshakan (Malayalam)65(7): 29-31
- Susan John K., Shirly Raichal Anil, G. Suja, D. Remya and T. Sruthi.2020. Nutrient Disorder Due to Boron In Tropical Tuber Crops: Symptoms And Corrective Measures. Keralakarshakan e-journal 7:21-25
- Jyothi AN, Susan John K ,Sheela MN, Shirly Raichal Anil 2022.Ushnameghala kizhanguvilakalude poshakamoolyangale patti ariyendathellam Keralakarshakan 67:6
- Asha Devi, A., Sheela,M.N., Mohan,C., Shirly Raichal Anil and Asha , K.I2013Varietal wealth for enhancing tuber production. Indian Horticulture 58, 12-14
- Asha Devi, A., Sheela,M.N., Mohan,C., Shirly Raichal Anil and Asha , K.I. 2013Bhakshya Surakshakke Kizhangu vila inangal. Krishy Anganam 18 (2), 11-14
- Shirly Raichal Anil, Sheela,M.N, Asha Devi, A., Mohan, C., Krishna Radhika,N. and Asha,K.I. 2013Exploring genetic wealth of tubers for prosperity Indian Horticulture 58, 3-6
- MS Palaniswami, SR Anil2006 Tuber Crops Technologies for different regions of India Kisan World 33 (11), 47-48
- R Venkattakumar, S Bhuvaneswari, SR Anil, PS Bhat2004Training rural women on cashew apple The Cashew 18 (2), 27-34
- SR Samuel, AU Sobhakumari, V.P, Gadewar1994Agroforestry potential in Northern Kerala Kurukshetra 43 (3), 24-28
- MS Palaniswami, SR Anil2006Tuber Crops Production Technologies Phal Phool 28 (6), 29-31
- PS Bhat, SR Anil2000Cashew Apple Preparations Extension Booklet, 4
- Asha K.I.,Shirly Raichal Anil, Asha Devi A. , P.Murugesan . Management of Genetic Resources of Tuber Crops. In: Training Manual on FTF- ITT on Integrated Technology for Production, Processing and Value Addition in Tuber Crops. pp 8-17
- Sheela M.N., Shirly Raichal Anil, Visalakshi Chandra C., Koundinya A.V.V. Improved Varieties of Cassava and Sweet potato. In: Training Manual on FTF- ITT on Integrated Technology for Production, Processing and Value Addition in Tuber Crops. pp 18-29