Designation | Principal Scientist |
Qualification | Ph.D (Agri. Extension |
Division | Section of Extension & Social Sciences |
Specialisation | Technology transfer, Livelihood analysis, Women empowerment |
Intercom | 104 |
Location | Head Quarters |
Total publications | No of papers published: 81 |
Areas of Interest
Socio economic studies/ Gender studies.
Research Projects
Institute Projects completed: 17
Projects being handled : 1
Externally funded project completed : 3
Consultancy project completed : 1
Institute Projects:
Extension of seaweed culture practices to marine fishermen
Transfer of edible oyster and pearl culture technologies along Tamil Nadu Coast
Modeling and evaluation of extension strategies for the development of fishing community
Integration of small scale mariculture with small scale fisheries along the Peninsular India
A study on diffusion and adoption of selected mari culture practices
Empowerment of coastal communities through fisheries extension
Women in fisheries –An analysis of the gender disparities and strategies for development
Behavioral pattern of fisher folk on changes in the technological regime and regulatory
Evaluation of transfer of technology programmes in marine fisheries
Indigenous knowledge system and community based resource management in marine
Alternate livelihood options for fisher folk through crab fattening
Appraisal of Marine Fisheries of Andhra Pradesh
Impact of technological changes on marine fishermen
Development management advisories for sustaining marine fisheries of Andhra Pradesh
A diagnostic study on dimensions, causes and ameliorate strategies of poverty and
marginalization among the marine fisher folk of India.
An appraisal of the present extension delivery system in fisheries
Performance appraisal of NGOs in fisheries sector
External funded projects
Agricultural Technology Information Centre (ATIC)
TAR-Institute Village Linkage Programme ( IVLP)
International project completed :
Sustainable management of coastal fish stocks in Asia funded by Asian Development Bank
in collaboration with World Fish Centre