Visalakshi Chandra
Senior Scientist
Ph.D. (Genetics and Plant Breeding)
Division of Crop Improvement
Genetics and Plant Breeding
Head Quarters
Total publications
Number of Research papers : 14,Number of Books/Book chapters: 19,Number of Technical Bulletins : 14

    Molecular Breeding

    Number of institute projects completed:
    1. Developing sweet potato hybrid clones suitable for processing. (As PI, 2018-2020).
    2. Collection, conservation, characterization and cataloguing of yams germplasm. (As
    Co-PI, 2015-2020).
    3. Genetic improvement of yams (As Co-PI, 2015-2020).
    4. Cryopreservation and in-vitro conservation of pollen in important cassava and Yams.
    (As Co-PI, 2015-2021).
    5. Genetic improvement of edible aroids. (As Co-PI, 2016-2020).
    6. Genetic analysis of drought tolerance in cassava. (As Co-PI, 2016- 2022).
    7. Developing breeder seed standards and precocity of genetic vigour for sweet potato
    and yam bean. (As Co-PI, 2016-2020).
    8. Production of disease free planting materials in tropical tuber crops. (As Co-PI, 2016-
    9. Studies on postharvest physiological deterioration of cassava to enhance shelf life of
    storage roots. (As Co-PI, 2016-2020).
    10. Generation and application of statistical and bioinformatics tool for tuber crops
    research and development (As Co-PI, 2022-Till date).
    11. Quality changes associated with post harvest storage/ processing and development of
    value added functional products from cassava and sweet potato (As Co-PI, 2021-till

    Number of Institute projects being handled :
    1. Genetic analysis and QTL mapping for Postharvest Physiological
    Deterioration (PPD) tolerance and enhanced shelf life in Cassava. (As PI)
    2. Breeding and evaluation for development of high yielding nutritionally
    enriched photo-insensitive multipurpose sweet potato varieties for different
    agroecological regions. (As Co-PI)
    3. Phenomics approaches for physiological trait-based breeding for drought and
    postharvest physiological deterioration tolerance in cassava. (As Co-PI).
    4. Breeding to evolve trait specific varieties for productivity, quality and
    resistance to biotic stresses (As Co-PI).
    5. Harnessing the genetic potential of wild Ipomoea spp. Through wide
    hybridization for improvement of sweet potato(As Co-PI).
    Inducing genetic variability,characterization, grouping anddeveloping
    breeding lines with large tuber size and short duration in Chinese potato(As

     Number of externally funded projects completed:

    1. Indo-Swiss Cassava Network Project (As Co-PI, 2016-19)
     Number of externally funded projects being handled (Add list):
    1. Establishment of varietal gene bank and development of DUS testing for varietal gene
    bank in sweet potato and cassava (PPV&FRA) (As PI)
    2. ICAR-CIP Collaborative work plan activity on crop improvement and varietal
    selection of sweet potato. (As Co-PI)
    3. ICAR-Bioversity International & CIAT Alliance Collaborative Project No. 5.1:
    Germplasm exchange, improvement and testing advanced seed technology in
    cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz). (As Co-PI)

    Number of Research papers (Add list): 14
    1. Visalakshi Chandra ., M. N. Sheela., V. Ravi, Bishal Gurung., Senthil alias Sankar
    and J. Sreekumar. 2024. Genetic Parameters and Prediction of Genotypic Values for
    Postharvest Physiological Deterioration Tolerance and Root Traits in Cassava using
    REML/BLUP. Biochemical genetics.
    2. Pradeepika C., Mariya Shoji., J. Sreekumar., T. Krishnakumar., M.S.Sajeev.,
    C.Visalakshi Chandra C., K. Hanume Gowda and Kalidas Pati. 2023. Probiotic and
    Anthocyanin Rich Purple Sweet Potato Frozen Yogurt. Journal of Root crops. 49 (2),
    3. Visalakshi C, Shirly Raichal Anil, M.N.Sheela, Pradeepika Chintha, Shanavas S.,
    E.R.Harish, A.N.Jyothi, Senthil alias Sankar and Sreekumar J.2023. Genetic and
    multivariate analysis of processing and yield traits in sweet potato for varied end uses.
    Current Science, 125 (10), 1093-1098.
    4. Visalakshi C, M.N.Sheela, V.Ravi, J.Sreekumar and Senthil Alias Sankar.2023.
    Varetal screening for identification of postharvest physiological deterioration
    tolerance in storage roots of cassava. International journal of vegetable sciences, 29:5,
    5. Shirly Raichal Anil., Asha K.I., Visalakshi Chandra C., Krishna Radhika, N.2023.
    Status of biofortification in tropical root and tuber crops. Current Science,124(2):169-
    6. Visalakshi Chandra, C., Shirly Raichal Anil., Sheela, M.N., Vivek Hegde, A.N.
    Jyothi, Sreekumar, J.2021. Genetic variation for important processing traits and
    identification of potential parents for developing hybrid clones suitable for processing
    in sweet potato (Ipomoea batatus L Lam). South African Journal of Botany.
    (141):255- 264.
    7. Vivek Hegde, Koundinya, A. V. V., Sheela, M.N., Visalakshi Chandra C and Archana
    Mukherjee. 2019. Storage of cassava pollen for conservation of nuclear genetic
    diversity and overcoming hybridization barriers. Indian Journal of Horticulture. 76
    (1), 104-111.
    8. Visalakshi Chandra, C and Indra Deo.2018.Stability Analysis for Grain Yield and
    Yield Attributing traits in Basmati rice varieties. Int. J. Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci .
    7(11): 1792-1803.
    9. Visalakshi Chandra, C and Indra Deo.2018. Molecular Diversity Analysis of
    Kalanamak rice genotypes using microsatellite markers. Int. J. Pure App. Biosci. 6
    (6): 1070-1078.
    10. Visalakshi Chandra, C., Swathy A.S., M.N.Sheela., Prakash Krishnan, B.S. and Vivek
    Hegde.2018.Comparative Assessment and Optimisation of Different DNA Extraction
    Methods in Lesser Yam (Dioscorea esculenta). Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 7(7):
    11. Koundinya, A.V.V., Vivek Hegde, Sheela, M.N and Visalakshi Chandra
    C.2018.Evaluation of cassava varieties for tolerance to water deficit stress conditions.
    Journal of Root Crops. 44(1): 70-75.
    12. Hegde, V., Makeshkumar, T., Sheela, M.N., Visalakshi chandra C., Koundinya,
    A.V.V.2017.Production of synthetic seed in cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz).
    Journal of Root Crops. 42(2):5-9.
    13. Visalakshichandra C, Indra Deo., Deepankar pandey and Darshan, S. 2016.Molecular
    characterisation for blast resistant genes in rice genotypes using microsatellite
    markers. The Ecoscan.Vol.IX:937-943.
    14. Visalakshichandra, C., Usha Pant., Ram Bhajan and Singh, A.K.2013.Studies on
    genetic diversity among Alternaria blight Tolerant Indian mustard genotypes using
    SSR markers. The Bioscan. 8(4): 1431-1435.

    Number of Books/Book chapters: 19
    1. P. Murugesan, K. M. Senthilkumar, N. Krishna Radhika, C. Visalakshi Chandra and
    C. Mohan, 2023. Sustainable utilization of genetic resources of neglected and
    underutilized tuber crops for climate resilience and nutritional security, ICAR-Central
    Tuber Crops Research Institute, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India. ISBN No. 978-
    81-957479-1-7, 244p
    2. Murugesan, P., Visalakshi Chandra, C., Koundinya, A.V.V. and Pandey, V. 2022.
    Sustainable exploitation of genetic resources of underutilized tuber crops, ICAR-
    Central Tuber Crops Research Institute, Sreekariyam, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala,
    ISBN: 978-81-957479-0-0, 190 p.
    3. Sanket J More., Namrata A. Giri., Suresh Kumar, J., Visalakshi chandra, C., and
    Sirisha, T.2021. Recent advances in root and tuber crops. Brillion Publishing. New
    Delhi. Pages. 406. ISBN: 978-93-90757-44-2.
    4. Dinakaran Elango., Wanyan Wang., Neethu Francis., Debamalya Chatterjee., Ann
    Murithi., Visalakshi Chandra.,Theivasigamani Parthasarathi., Einstein Mariya David.,
    Vanitha Jayaraman., Kamaleeswari Govindarajan., Bonti Gogoi., Somashekhar
    Punnuri., Mahendar Thudi., Mahalingam Govindaraj., Ashok Kumar Are., Yinping
    Jiao and Surinder Chopra. 2024. New Breeding Trends in Sorghum. In: Habyarimana
    et al. (eds.), Omics and Biotechnological Approaches for Product Profle-Driven
    Sorghum Improvement, Springer, pp. 377-394.
    4347-6_15 .
    5. Pradeepika, C., Kalita, D.J., Visalakshi Chandra, C., Senthil and Sankar, Hanume
    Gowda, K. (2024). Yams and Aroid Crop Waste: Bio Valorization into Bioproducts
    and Platform Chemicals. In: Ray, R.C. (eds) Roots, Tubers, and Bulb Crop Wastes:
    Management by Biorefinery Approaches. Springer, Singapore. .
    6. KalidasPati., Visalakshi Chandra and Senthil Kumar, K.M. (2024).
    Breedingstrategies for development of Bio-fortified tuber crop varieties. In: Singh, B.,
    Singh,A. K., Tomar, B.S,.Ranjan, J.K. and Dutt, Som. (eds.) Sustainable
    ProductionTechnologies for Horticultural Crops., NipaGenx electronic resources and
    solution PVT. Ltd. New Delhi, India, pp-249-260.
    7. M.N. Sheela., K.I.Asha., C.Mohan., A.Asha Devi., Shirly Raichal Anil., C.Visalakshi
    Chandra C and Manas Ranjan Sahoo. 2023. Breeding strategies for the improvement
    of tropical tuber crops under changing climatic conditions. In Souvenir. National
    Conference on tropical tuber crops for sustainability, tradition, agri-food systems and
    resilience. Indian society for root crops and ICAR-CTCRI, 28-29 November, 2023,
    ICAR-CTCRI, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India, pp.22-27.
    8. Visalakshi Chandra, C., Murugesan, P., Pradeepika Chintha, Senthil alias Sankar.
    2022. Genetic improvement of Chinese potato. In: Sustainable Exploitation of Genetic
    Resources of Underutilized Tuber Crops. Murugesan,P., Visalakshi Chandra C.,
    Koundinya, A.V.V. and Pandey, V. (Eds.). ICAR- Central Tuber Crops Research
    Institute, Sreekariyam, Thiruvananthapuram,Kerala, India, (ISBN: 978-81-957479-0-
    0), pp. 62-71.
    9. Visalakshi Chandra, C., Sheela, M.N., Suresh Kumar, J., Namrata A. Giri. and Senthil
    Alias Sankar. 2022. Cassava. In: Production Technology of Underexploited Vegetable
    Crops. Dubey Rakesh, K. and Jagdish Singh (Eds.). Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi,
    552 p. ISBN: 9789355403414.
    10. Suresh Kumar, J., Visalakshi Chandra, C. and Senthil Alias Sankar. 2022. Agathi. In:
    Production Technology of Underexploited Vegetable Crops. Dubey Rakesh K.,
    Jagdish Singh (Eds.). Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi, 552p. ISBN: 9789355403414.
    11. Veena, S.S, Visalakshi Chandra C, Jeeva ML, Makesh kumar T. 2021.Post harvest
    diseases of tropical tuber crops and their management. In: Postharvest handling and
    diseases of horticultural produce edited by Dinesh Singh, Ram Roshan Sharma, V.
    Devappa, and Deeba Kamil Taylor & Francis Grouppp.398-415.
    12. Visalakshi Chandra C, M.N. Sheela, Shirly Raichal Anil, Senthil alias Sankar.2021.
    Targeted breeding for processing traits in sweet potato for varied end uses In Recent
    advances in root and tuber crops edited by Sanket J More, Visalakshi C, Suresh
    Kumar J, Namrata A.Giri, Sirisha T and Prakash P.Brillion Publishing. New
    13. Visalakshi Chandra C, M.N. Sheela, Senthil alias Sankar.2021. Postharvest
    Physiological Deterioration: Insights and Breeding potential In Recent advances in
    root and tuber crops edited by Sanket J More, Visalakshi C,Suresh Kumar J, Namrata
    A.Giri, Sirisha T and Prakash P . Brillion Publishing.New Delhi.pp.39-50.
    14. Murugesan,P. and Visalakshi Chandra C. 2020. “Tuber crops germplasm and farmers
    variety protection -relevance to North Eastern states of India” In Technical manual on
    “Genetic resources, agro-techniques, value addition and utilisation in tuber crops:
    Current prospects for North Eastern States in India. pp. 5-9.
    15. Visalakshi Chandra C., M. N. Sheela., Shirly Raichal Anil., Asha Devi., Sunitha, S
    and Sureshkumar, J.2020. “High Yielding Varieties of Tuber crops suitable for north
    eastern region” In Technical manual on “Genetic resources, agro-techniques, value
    addition and utilisation in tuber crops: Current prospects for North Eastern States in
    India”. pp. 27-36.
    16. Sheela M.N., Shirly Raichal Anil, Asha Devi, A. and Visalakshi Chandra, C.2020.
    “Breeding Strategies for enhancing Yield and Quality Traits in Tropical Tuber Crops”
    In Proceedings of the International Webinar on Harnessing the Potential of Tropical
    Tuber Crops Under Changing Climate (HPTTC 2020), 27 October 2020, ICAR-
    CTCRI,Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India.pp. 28-37.
    17. Sheela M.N, Shirly Raichal Anil, Visalakshichandra C and Koundinya A.V.V.
    2019.Improved varieties of cassava and sweet potato in Training manual on Integrated
    Technology for Production, Processing and Value Addition in Tuber Crops in Feed
    The Future India Triangular Training (FTF ITT) program (16-30sept.2019):18-29.
    18. Saravanan Raju and Visalakshi chandra C.2019. Postharvest Physiological
    Deterioration of Cassava: Current Understanding, Management and Future
    Perspectives in Training manual on Integrated Technology for Production, Processing
    and Value Addition in Tuber Crops in Feed The Future India Triangular Training
    (FTF ITT) program (16-30sept.2019):284-294.
    19. Visalakshichandra C.2018.Breeding for Postharvest Physiological Deterioration
    tolerance in Cassava. In “IAFS-STP 2018 Training Manual on Genetic Improvement
    of Tropical Tuber Crops through Conventional and Biotechnological Approach.
    ICAR-CTCRI, 71-79.


    Number of Technical Bulletins (Add list): 14
    1. Visalakshi Chandra C., Saravanan Raju, Pradeepika Chintha, Senthil alias Sankar
    M.2023. Technical folder on Postharvest Physiological deterioration in cassava
    2. Pradeepika C., T.Krishnakumar, M.S.Sajeev., S.Shanavas., Visalakshi Chandra C.,
    Sangeetha B.G. 2023. Vacuum fried chips from bio-fortified sweet potatoes.
    3. Visalakshi Chandra C., Saravanan Raju, Senthil alias Sankar M.2023. Technical
    folder on Mravalli kizhangin aruvadai pinsaar udaliyal seerazhivu (Tamil).
    4. Visalakshi Chandra C., Asha Devi, A, Senthil alias Sankar M.2023. Cassava main
    katayi k baad ki physiological giravat (Hindi).
    5. Visalakshi Chandra C.,Krishna Radhika N and Sangeetha B.G.2023.Vilavedupinu
    sheshamulla maracheeniyude physiological apachayam (Malayalam).
    6. Shirly Raichal Anil., Sheela M.N., Asha K.I., Asha Devi A., Krishna Radhika N.,
    Visalakshi Chandra C and Senthilkumar K.M. 2022. Biofortified Tuber Crops
    Varieties (English)
    7. Murugesan, P, Visalakshi Chandra C, A.V.V. Koundinya and Vikramaditya, Pandey
    (Editors), 2022. Sustainable Exploitation of genetic resources of underutilized tuber
    crops (ICAR Short Course 02-11 February, 2022). ICAR-Central Tuber Crops
    Research Institute, Sreekariyam, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India, pages 200.
    8. M.N. Sheela, Makesh Kumar T, Krishna Radhika N, Suresh Kumar J, Sunitha S, Asha
    K.I, Asha Devi A, Visalakshi Chandra C, Shirly Raichal Anil, Abilash P.V.2020.
    Technical folder on new cassava mosaic disease resistant cassava varieties –AICRP
    9. Sanket J. More, P. Murugesan, K. Laxminarayana, Namrata Giri, Visalakshi
    Chandra, Suresh Kumar J, Sasankan V .R. 2020. The Rainbow Diet Through Tuber
    Crops. Extension Folder No: 08/2020.
    10. P . Murugesan, K. Laxminarayana, Visalakshi Chandra C., Namrata A. Giri., Suresh
    Kumar J., Sanket J. More and P. Sethuraman Sivakumar . 2020. Genetic Resources,
    Agro-techniques, Value Addition and Utilisation in Tropical Tuber Crops: Current
    prospects for North Eastern States in India. Technical Bulletin No. 80. ICAR- Central
    Tuber Crops Research Institute, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, 63 p.
    11. Namrata Ankush Giri, Sanket J. More, P . Murugesan, K. Laxminarayana, Visalakshi
    chandra C.,Suresh Kumar J., P . Sethuraman Sivakumar , Mandira Chakrabarty. 2020.
    Tuber Crops based Traditonal Food Recipes of Tripura. Technical Bulletin No. 79.
    ICAR-Central Tuber Crops Research Institute, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, pp. 1 –
    12. M.N.Sheela, Visalakshi Chandra C, Senthilkumar KM, Jaganathan D.2019. Technical
    folder on new cassava mosaic disease resistant varieties of cassava (Tamil). Folder
    No: 02/2019.
    13. M.N.Sheela, Visalakshi Chandra C, Senthilkumar KM, Jaganathan D.2019. Technical
    folder on high yielding triploid cassava varieties suitable for starch Industries (Tamil).
    Folder No: 03/2019.
    14. Genetic Improvement of Tropical Tuber Crops through Conventional and
    Biotechnological Approach” India- Africa Forum Summit Iii Short Term Training
    Programme 2018. Eds.. M. N. Sheela, Shirly Raichal Anil, Krishna Radhika N.
    Senthilkumar K. M. and Visalakshi Chandra.

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    Scientific Staffs
    Ph.D. (Genetics and Plant Breeding)