Designation | Scientist |
Division | Division of Crop Improvement |
Specialisation | Plant Breeding and Genetics |
Intercom | 414 |
Location | Head Quarters |
Total publications | 21 |
Areas of Interest
Research Projects
Number of Institute projects handled
# | Details |
1 | Mega project I : Conservation and utilization of germplasm of tuber crops for sustaining production. Project : Yam Germplasm |
2 | Mega project II: Genetic improvement of tuber crops through conventional breeding and molecular approaches. Project 1: Breeding to evolve trait-specific varieties in cassava, yams, and arrowroot for productivity, earliness, quality, and resistance to biotic stresses. |
3 | Project 2: Genetic analysis and QTL mapping for determining the genetic basis of PPD tolerance and enhanced shelf life in cassava. |
4 | (1000761003.1) Standardization of tissue culture protocol for oil palm (Co-PI) |
5 | (1000761001.4) Multi-location evaluation of African germplasm (Co-PI) |
6 | (1000761001.5) Long term conservation in oil palm germplasm (Co-PI) |
7 | (1000761002.6) Seed studies in oil palm (Co-PI) |
8 | (1000761002.2) Breeding for dwarfness in oil palm (Co-PI) |
9 | (1000761002.1) Breeding for high yield in oil palm (Co-PI) |
10 | (1000761001.3) Cataloguing of oil palm germplasm (Co-PI) |
11 | (1000769001.1) Training of extension, research workers, and farmers involved in oil palm production (Co-PI) |
12 | (1000761002.5) Studies in oil palm pollen (Co-PI) |
13 | (1000761001.5) Gametophytic selection for screening oil palm germplasm against abiotic stress (Sub-Project Leader) |
14 | (1000761001.2) Collection and evaluation of oil palm germplasm (Co-PI) |
15 | (1.1.1) Breeding sugarcane varieties for the tropical region (Co-PI) |
16 | (1.3.1(c)) Collection, maintenance, evaluation, and cataloguing of sugarcane germplasm at Coimbatore (Co-PI) |
4. Number of externally funded projects being handled:
1 | Utilisation of Thodupuzha germplasm for augmenting productivity of oil palm. (Externally funded activity) (Co-PI) |
2 | Establishment of varietal gene bank and development of standards of DUS testing for varietal gene bank in yam bean and greater yam. |
3 | AICRP - TC on Purple yam (greater yam) and Lesser yam. |
4 | Enriching the oil palm germplasm in India to identify high oil yielding, disease resistant oil palm for commercial cultivation. External funded project by National Mission on Edible Oil-Oil Palm, DA&FWC, GOI. (Co-PI) |
5 | Generation of parental material, support for establishing new seed gardens, strengthening existing seed gardens, and research on increasing the germination percentage of planting material. External funded project by National Mission on Edible Oil-Oil Palm, DA&FWC, GOI. (Co-PI) |
6 | Early generation selection indices for high oil yield, disease and pest resistance. External funded project by National Mission on Edible Oil-Oil Palm, DA&FWC, GOI. (Co-PI) |
7 | Development of clonal seed garden through mass multiplication of high yielding elite oil palms using tissue culture. External funded project by National Mission on Edible Oil-Oil Palm, DA&FWC, GOI. (Co-PI) |
Research Publications
# | Details |
1 | Singh S., Karadagi A. V., Doggalli G., Rahana S.N., Manoj B.P, Singh R., Mubeen and Singh B.V. 2024. Metabolomics and Metabolic Engineering for Crop Improvement: Current Trends and Future Prospects. Plant Cell Biotechnology and Molecular Biology, 25(1-2), 77–99. |
2 | Murugesan P., Ashish Narayan H., Rahana S.N., Jaisankar I., Pradeep K., Augustin Jerard and Jyothi A.N. 2024. Characterisation of yam bean (Pachyrizhuserosus) land race (IC No.635945) from Havelock (A&N) Island and RM-1 variety. Journal of Root Crops. |
3 | G Somasundaram, G Ravichandran, P Anitha, H P Bhagya, B Kalyana Babu, and S N Rahana. 2023. A Pilot Study on Kernel Germination to Enhance Planting Material production in Oil Palm. Journal of Oilseeds Research. 40 (Special issue). https://doi.org/10.56739/0mp3j458 |
4 | Rahana S.N. and Beena Thomas. 2021. Exploitation of heterosis for drought tolerance in snake bean. Pharma Innovation. 10(11):1658-1662. |
5 | Bhagya, H.P., Mathur, R.K., Ravichandran, G., Ramajayam, D., Kalyana Babu, B., Anitha, P., Murugesan, P., Sunil Kumar, K., Somasundaram, G. and Rahana, S.N. 2021. Identification and selection of elite oil palm [Elaeis guineensis Jacq.] genotypes for utilisation in a breeding program. Journal of Plantation Crops. 49(3): 162-167. |
6 | Chippy, A.K., Thomas, B., Rahana, S.N. and Unni, A.M. 2021. Determination of fruit quality parameters of ten tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) genotypes and their hybrids. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry. 10(1):1621-1624. |
7 | Rahana, S.N. and Thomas, B. 2020. Screening yard long bean genotypes for drought tolerant traits under field and polyhouse condition. Plant Archives. 20:346-348. |
8 | Aditya Pratap Singh, Sampath V., Kiran, Ranju Kumari and Rahana S.N. 2023. Plant Tissue Culture: Basic and Applied. ISBN: 978-93-58996-62-3. Elite Publishing House, New Delhi. 193 p. |
9 | Sunilkumar K., Murugesan P. and Rahana S.N. 2016. Harvesting Oil Palm at right time fetches more returns. Indian Horticulture. Vol 61: pp 6-9. |
10 | SunilKumar.k., Murugesan.P., Rahana.S.N., Naveen Kumar.P. and Ramajayam,D. 2015. Genetic Diversity and relationship of oil palm germplasm as revealed by microsatellite (SSR) markers. In the proceedings of 6th World Congress on Biotechnology, Oct 5, 2015 at New Delhi, pg :214. |
11 | Rahana S.N., LekhaRani C. and Vidya C. 2007. Molecular characterization of 40 selected Dendrobium hybrids using RAPD analysis. In the proceedings of 19th Kerala Science Congress 29-31 January 2007, Kannur, pp.450-451. |
12 | Aditya Pratap Singh, Sampath V., Kiran, Ranju Kumari and Rahana S.N. 2023. Plant Tissue Culture: Basic and Applied. ISBN: 978-93-58996-62-3. Elite Publishing House, New Delhi. 193 p. |
13 | Sunilkumar K., Rahana S.N., Sabu, A.S. and Aswathy, G.M. 2018. A ready reckoners “Ennapanna Krishi” – (Malayalam) (Oil Palm Cultivation-English), Indian Institute of Oil Palm Research, Pedavegi, pp 57. |
14 | Rahana S.N. 2024. Ennapanakrishiyudesadyathathakal. (in Malayalam) (Scope of oil palm cultivation). Yojana (Malayalam). 52(12): 31-34. |
15 | Rahana S.N. 2024. Golden Palm: Potential of oil palm farming. Kerala Karshakan e-journal. 11(10): 4-9. |
16 | Rahana S.N. 2024. Why palm oil beneficial for various purposes? (In Malayalam). (E-publication). Krishijagran.com. Link. |
17 | Rahana S.N. 2024. Ennapanayilninulla moolyavardithaulpanangal (in Malayalam) (Value added products from oil palm). Kerala Karshakan 69(6): 59-61. |
18 | Rahana S.N. 2024. Sasya ennayudevattathasrothasu (in Malayalam) (A perennial source of vegetable oil). Krishijagran Malayalam. 8(4):40-43. |
19 | Rahana S.N. 2023. “EnnapannakrishikkuPinthunna, Subsidy” (in Malayalam) (Support for oil palm cultivation). Karshakasree (leading Malayalam Farm magazine). 29 (10): 26. |
20 | Rahana S.N. 2007. “NattuvalarthanMunthiriyum” (in Malayalam) (To grow grapes). Karshakasree (leading Malayalam Farm magazine). 12(6): 24-26 (February 2007). |
21 | Rahana S.N. 2005. “VTL-6, Manusree, Sulabha-pudiyavithinagal” (in Malayalam) (VTL-6, Manusree, Sulabha- New varieties). Karshakasree (leading Malayalam Farm magazine). 10(12): 67 (August 2005). |
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M.Sc.,Ph.D., ARS