Krishna Radhika
Senior Scientist
Ph.D. (Molecular Biology and Biotechnology)
Division of Crop Improvement
Genome Editing, Plant Tissue Culture, Plant Molecular Biology, Bioprospecting
Head Quarters
Total publications
Number of Research papers : 16

    Genome Editing, Plant Tissue Culture, Plant Molecular Biology, Bioprospecting

     Number of institute projects completed : 

    Sr. No.

    Project Title




    Development of core ESTs and cloning of genes from Piper nigrum and P. colubrinum

    (As CoPI) 


    (November 2010-October 2011)


    Development of transgenics for resistance to Phytophthora and Drought in black


    (As) (


    April 2011-October2012)


    Bioactive principles from tuber crops

    (As CoPI) 


    (April2012-March 2013)


    In vitro conservation of tuber crops germplasm and callus cultures for somaclonal

    variation CI/G/BR/224

    (As CoPI) (


    October 2011-March 2013)


    Biotechnological approaches for improvement of tropical tuber crops

    (As CoPI) (April 2013-March2015)

    1. Genetic modification of cassava for quality improvement

    (As PI) 

    2.Standardization of regeneration/microprotocol for Xanthosoma (As Co PI)


    (April 2013-March2015)


    Collection, conservation, characterization and evaluation of germplasm of tropical

    root and tuber crops(As CoPI) (April 2013-March2015)

    1. Field Gene Bank of Genetic Resources of Tropical Root and Tuber Crops

    (As CoPI) (April 2013-March2015)

    2. In vitro conservation of tuber crops germplasm

    (As CoPI) 

    Co PI

    (April 2013-March2015)


    Studies on impact of climate change and devising mitigation and adaptation strategies for sustaining productivity of tuber crops


    Co PI



    Genetic Improvement of tuber crops through conventional breeding and molecular approaches

    Co PI



    Conservation and utilization of germplasm of tuber crops for sustaining production 

    Co PI



    Gene editing Indian cassava varieties to produce high value waxy starch 



    4. Number of Institute projects being handled : 6

    Sr. No.

    Project Title




    Flagship Project : Genetic improvement of cassava through gene editing for modified starch (Budget: Rs. 400 Lakh)



    2023- 2026


    Breeding to evolve trait specific varieties in cassava, yams and arrowroot for productivity, earliness, quality and resistance to biotic stresses




    Genome analysis, identification and functional characterization of early bulking genes in cassava, abiotic stress and tuberization responsive genes in sweet potato




    Conservation and utilization of germplasm of tuber crops for

    sustaining production

    In vitro conservation of tuber crops germplasm IP-I 

     Bio-prospecting of tuber crops:

    Co-PI (Expt leader )



    Phenomics approaches for physiological trait-based breeding for drought and PPD

    tolerance in cassava



    5. Number of externally funded projects completed (Add list): : Nil

    6. Number of externally funded projects being handled (Add list): 2

    Sr. No.

    Project Title




    Establishment of varietal gene bank and development of standards of DUS testing in cassava (Manihot esculenta) and sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas)


    Co PI



    Microtuber production and gene prospecting for photoresponsive tuberization in Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam 

    (Budget: Rs. 30.36 Lakh) 



    2022- 2025

    1. Journal Papers

    K. Divya, Makeshkumar Thangaraj and N. Krishna Radhika 2024 CRISPR/Cas9: an advanced platform for root and tuber crops improvement Frontiers in Genome editing



    K.I. Asha, S.A. Aswani, N. Krishna Radhika, B.S. Prakash Krishnan.(2023).Genetic

    variability and diversity analysis of Chinese potato (Solenostemon

    rotundifolius (Poir.) J. K. Morton) germplasm using morphological and molecular

    markers, South African Journal of Botany, Volume 155, 2023, Pages 171- 177, b.2023.02.014


    Shirly Raichal Anil, M.N. Sheela, , C. Visalakshi Chandra, N. Krishna Radhika, & K.I Asha. (2023). Status of biofortification in tropical root and tuber crops. Current Science.

    124. 169-175. https:// doi: 10.18520/cs/v124/i2/169-175


    Krishna Radhika N, Asha, K.I., Wills P. J. and A V.V. (2018). Inhibition of Angiogenesis and Metastasis by Cheilanthes farinosa (Forsk.) Kaulf water extract.” International Journal of Applied Research in Natural Products Vol. 11, 1-10. ISSN Print: 1940- 6223.


    Krishna Radhika, N., Sheela, M.N. Asha Devi, A., Sreekumar, J. Makesh Kumar, T., Chakrabarty S.K. (2014). Genetic modification for designer starch from cassava. Journal of Tropical Agriculture 52 (1), 1-6 (NAAS 4.85)


    Asha, K.I., Aswani, S.A., Krishna Radhika, N., Prakash Krishnan, B.S. (2023) Genetic variability and diversity analysis of Chinese potato (Solenostemon rotundifolius (poir.) J. K. Morton) germplasm using morphological and molecular markers, S. Afr. J. Bot. 155. 171-177.

     (NAAS 9.11)


    Shirly Raichal Anil, Sheela, M. N. Visalakshi Chandra, C. Krishna Radhika N. and Asha K. I., (2023) Status of biofortification in tropical root and tuber crops. Curr. Sci.124 (2).169-175. (NAAS 7.17)


    Suresh V, Sojan J, Krishna Radhika N, Asha VV (2014) Anti-HBV activity of the different extracts from Phyllanthus rheedei Wight in cell culture based assay systems. J. ethnopharmacol. 156, 309–315. (NAAS 11.20)


    Shirly Raichal Anil,  Babitha Babu, Krishna Radhika, N.,  Asha Devi, A., Prakash Krishnan, B.S., & Sreekumar J. (2022). Identification of duplicates in the germplasm of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.) using morphological and molecular markers. J.Root Crops 46 (2) 3-13.


    K.I. Asha, Ann Maria Varghese, Krishna Radhika, N., Koundinya A. V. V. and Prakash Krishnan, B. S. 2019. Molecular Profiling of Selected Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) Germplasm Using ISSR and SSR Markers. J. Root Crops45 (2), 24-32 (ISSN 0378-2409, ISSN 2454-9053 (online)


    Senthilkumar K. Muthusamy, Amina, A. T., Vivek Hegde, Krishna Radhika, N., Koundinya A. V. V., Visalakashi Chandra C.and Sheela, M. N. 2019. Comprehensive Analysis of MeGRAS Family Genes in Cassava and their Genome Collinearity Relationship with Arabidopsis and Populus 2.895 219-227 Page 32 Genome. J. Root Crops45 (2), 3-11(ISSN 0378-2409, ISSN 2454-9053 (online)


    Sabarinath, V. B., Shirly Raichal Anil, Krishna Radhika, N., Prakash Krishnan, B. S., Deo Sankar and SreekumarJ.2018. Assessment of Variability in Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.) Germplasm Using Morphological and ISSR Markers J. Root Crops44 (2), 23-31 (ISSN 0378-2409, ISSN 2454-9053 (online)


    Bimal Thomas, Asha, K. I., and Krishna Radhika, N.(2018) .Evaluation of Intra and Inter-specific Variability among Species of Curcuma using Microsatellite Markers mal Thomas et al. J. Root Crops, 2018, 44 (1),12-18(ISSN 0378-2409, ISSN 2454-9053 (online)


    KI Asha, MN Sheela, V Hegde, A Mukherjee, NK Radhika, SR Anil, Survey and Collection of Tuber Crops from Joida, Uttara Kannada-An Unexplored Biodiversity Hotspot. J.Root Crops 43 (2), 102-106.


    Athira Jyothy, M.N. Sheela, N. Krishna Radhika, Irfa Anwar, Vijayaraghava Kumar and P.V. Abhilash. 2017. Morphological Characterization of Greater Yam (Dioscorea alata L.) Landraces in Kerala J.Root Crops 43(1), pp. 3-10 (ISSN 0378-2409, ISSN 2454- 9053 (online)


    K.I. Asha, N Krishna Radhika, B Vineetha, A Asha Devi, MN Sheela and J Sreekumar. Diversity Analysis of Arrowroot (Maranta arundinacea L.) Germplasm Using ISSR Markers. J. Root Crops41 (1) 2015,17-24.


    M.S. Sheeba, K.H. MuneebHamza, N. Krishna Radhika and V.V Asha (2014). Molecular diversities among Cardiospermum halicacabum Linn. populations in Kerala assessed using RAPD markers Annals of Phytomedicine 3(2), 1-6

    11. Number of Books/Book chapters(Add list):  

    Sl. No.



    Krishna Radhika N., Asha K.I., Prakash Krishnan B.S. 2022.  In vitro propagation and conservation of tropical tuber crops In: Sustainable Exploitation of genetic resources of underutilized tuber crops, Murugesan, P, Visalakshi Chandra C, A.V.V. Koundinya and Vikramaditya Pandey (Editors), 2022.ICAR-Central Tuber Crops Research Institute, Sreekariyam, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India, ISBN: 978-81-957479-0-0, pp 91-93.


    Krishna Radhika N. 2018Transgenics for Cassava Starch Modifications In: India- Africa Forum Summitiii Short Term Training Programme 2018 Training Manual on Genetic Improvement of Tropical Tuber Crops through Conventional and Biotechnological Approach. ICAR-CTCRI, 207-217.


    Krishna Radhika N and M.N. Sheela Induction of Somatic Embryogenesis in Cassava In: IAFS-STP 2018 Training Manual” on “Genetic Improvement of Tropical Tuber Crops through Conventional and Biotechnological Approach. ICAR-CTCRI, 169-171.


    Krishna Radhika N. 2011. Proteins as Bioreactors, In: 1.Plants as surrogate protein factories(author) in Training manual – Techniques in Biochemistry, Biotechnology and Bio informatics Eds. Rashid Parvez & Utpala Parthasarthy, 161-169.


    12. Number of Technical Bulletins(Add list):  1

    1. Archana Mukherjee, Sheela MN, Asha KI, Asha Devi, Shirly Raichal Anil, Krishna Radhika N and Senthilkumar KM 2019. Tuber Crops Varieties released by ICAR-Central Tuber Crops Research Institute Technical Bulletin No. 77, ICAR – Central Tuber Crops Research Institute, Sreekariyam, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala.
    2. Technical Bullettin no. 82 .Asha K. I., Koundinya A. V. V. ,Sheela M. N. Asha Devi A., Krishna Radhika N. 2021. Catalogue of Cassava Genetic Resources Revised (Part1)

    3. Popular articles

    Sl. No.



    Krishna Radhika N., Sheela M.N., Asha K.I., Shirly Raichal Anil, Asha Devi A., Senthilkumar K.M., Sangeetha B.G. (2023). Jaivasasthra sankethika vidya kizhanguvarga inangaludae vikasanathinu. In Kerala Karshakan,68 (02), 57-60. (Malayalam)


    ‘Kizhanguvilakalude ilakalum avayudae bhakshyamulyavum’ Kerala

    Karshakan, January 2021page22-25.Shirly Raichal Anil, sheela M.N.,

    Asha Devi A., Jyothy A.N., Krishna Radhika N


    Senthilkumar KM, Sheela MN, Asha Devi, Mohan C, Asha KI, Krishna Radhika N., Visalakshi C, Hegde V and Koundinya AVV. 2018.

    The cassava genome implications for plant breeding. ICAR-CTCRI

    Newsletter vol. 35(3-4): 12- 14.


    Senthilkumar KM, Sheela MN, Asha Devi, Mohan C, Asha KI, Krishna

    Radhika, N., Visalakshi C., Hegde V and Koundinya AVV. 2018. Padhap prajnanmein cassava genome ki bhoomika. ICAR-CTCRI Newsletter vol. 35(3-4): 2-4.


    Shirly Raichal Anil, M.N. Sheela,A. Asha Devi, C. Mohan, N. Krishna Radhika and K.I.Asha Exploring genetic wealth of tubers for prosperity-popular article in Indian horticulture, bimonthly publication, May-June 2013

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    Scientific Staffs
    PhD (Biotechnology)