Principal Scientist
Ph. D. Horticulture (Vegetable Science)
Division of Crop Improvement
Horticulture (Vegetable Science)
Phone Number
Head Quarters

    Understanding biotic and abiotic stress tolerance mechanisms in horticultural crops using molecular biology and biotechnological tools

    Number of institute projects completed:

    Sl. No.

    Title of the projects





    Understanding avoidance and tolerance mechanism of taro against biotic stresses” (Project Code: IXX09880)


    December 2012

    December 2015


    Standardization of Production and Processing Technologies of Minor Tuber Crops in Manipur” (Project Code: IXX10691)


    July 2013

    July 2016


    Integrated approach for sustainable management of tree bean (Parkia roxburhii G. Don) decline” (Project Code: IXX14238)


    November 2017

    November 2020


    Characterization and Development of Robust Diagnostics for On-site Decision Making and Management of Emerging Viral Diseases” (Project Code: IXX13421)


    December 2016

    December 2020


    Technological intervention through adoption of integrated farming system for livelihood improvement of the farmers in Manipur (Project Code: IXX08975)


    April 2012

    March 2016


    Development of inbred lines and high-yielding F1 hybrids of chilli and brinjal suitable for Eastern coastal region market segment having combined resistance to bacterial wilt and root-knot nematodes [HORTIIHRCIL2013 (180) 18]


    September 2020




    Number of Institute projects being handled:

    Sl. No.

    Title of the projects





    Development of DNA barcode standards and RNA secondary structure predictions in sweet potato





    Genetic improvement for drought tolerance in sweet potato and high yielding, disease tolerant nutritionally rich lines in taro





    Breeding for earliness, quality traits and salinity tolerance in sweet potato





    Genetic improvement of edible aroids for resistance to biotic stress and quality parameters





    Number of externally funded projects completed:

    Sl. No.

    Title of the projects





    Nutraceutical Properties of Underutilized Fruits and Vegetables in NEH Region of India under DBT Twinning Programme (59.04 lakhs; sanction order enclosed) (Project Code: OXX03153) 


    December 2014




    In vitro mass-multiplication and conservation of some endangered Citrus species of NEH Region of India under DBT Twinning Programme (122.12 lakhs; sanction order enclosed) (Project Code: OXX03892)


    January 2017




    Gene expression profiling of taro (Colocasia esculenta L. Schott) and role of transcriptional activators of epicuticular wax in host resistance against Phytophthora leaf blight disease under DBT Twinning Programme (68.78 lakhs; sanction order enclosed) (Project Code: OXX04389)


    September 2018

    March 2022


    Molecular Diagnostics, Transcriptomics and Cisgenic Approaches to Combat Citrus Greening (Huanglongbing) Disease of Citrus under DBT Twinning Programme (163.40 lakhs; sanction order enclosed) (Project Code: OXX03902)


    January 2017




    Micro/in vitro propagation of underutilized vegetable crops and supply for the state of Odisha under MIDH, Govt. of Odisha (66.5 lakhs; office order enclosed)





    Other externally funded projects completed (research projects of National Priority)

    Sl. No.

    Title of the projects





    ‘Popularization of tuber crops through training, demonstration and entrepreneurship development in Manipur’ under special funds for tuber crops (19 lakhs; 3 years)


    December 2012

    December 2015


    Mentored the DST WOS A project ‘Understanding molecular mechanisms of resistance in tomato against bacterial wilt under DST WOS A Programme (23.60 lakhs; 3 years)







    Mentored the DST WOS A project ‘Genetic Enhancement of Taro [Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott] Genotypes Indigenous to NE India for Phytophthora Leaf Blight Resistance’ (16.50 lakhs; 3 years)







    Mentored the DST WOS B project ‘In vitro regeneration and in situ conservation of Shirui lily (Lilium macklineae), the rare endangered and heritage flower of Manipur’ (3.25 lakhs; 1 year)







    Mentored the DST Research Training Fellowship for Developing Countries Scientists (DST-RTF-DCS) on the project ‘Compositional and structural analyses of epicuticular wax derived from edible aroids’; Mr. Facundo Pieneazek, CONICET, Argentina






    Number of externally funded projects being handled:


    Mentored the CV Raman International Fellowship for African researchers (CVRIF) on the project ‘DNA barcoding and retrotransposon-based insertion polymorphism (RBIP) markers enabled identification of sweet potato varieties’; Mr. Tomiwa B.S., CRIN, Nigeria.







    Mentored the CV Raman International Fellowship for African researchers (CVRIF) on the project ‘Phytochemical profiling and DNA barcoding of tropical tuber crop wild relatives’; Dr. Lile N.M.C., Univ. of Yaounde, Cameroon.







    Mentored the CV Raman International Fellowship for African researchers (CVRIF) on the project ‘Structural and functional characterization of edible aroids pseudo stems for harnessing the potential of natural fibres’; Mr. Fowowe A.O., Univ. of Ibadan, Nigeria.







    Number of Research papers :
    List of Publication (Best Forty)
    1. Bhupenchandra I, Chongtham SK, Devi AG, Dutta P, Lamalakshmi E, Mohanty S, Choudhary AK, Das A, Sarika K, Kumar S, Yumnam S, Sagolsem D, Anand YR, Bhutia DD, Victoria M, Vinodh S, Tania C, Sharma AD, Deb L, Sahoo MR*, Seth CS, Swapnil P, Meena M*. 2024. Harnessing weedy rice as functional food and source of novel traits for crop improvement. Plant, Cell & Environ, 2024; 1-24. (NAAS IF: 13.36)
    2. Bhupenchandra I, Basumatari A, Dutta S, Das A, Choudhary AK, Lal R, Sharma DA, Sen A, Prabhabati Y, Sahoo MR*. 2023. Repercussions of fertilization with boron and enriched organic manure on soil chemical characteristics, boron and phosphorus fractions, and French bean productivity in an acidic Inceptisol of eastern Himalaya. Scientia Hort. 324: 112589. (NAAS IF: 10.30)
    3. Mohanty S, Mishra BK, Dasgupta M, Acharya GC, Singh S, Naresh P, Bhue S, Dixit A,Sarkar A, Sahoo MR*. 2023. Deciphering phenotyping, DNA barcoding, and RNA secondary structure predictions in eggplant wild relatives provide insights for their future breeding strategies. Sci Rep. 13, 13829. (NAAS IF: 10.60)
    4. Wahengbam ED, Devi CP, Sharma SK, Roy SS, Maibam A, Dasgupta M, Luikham S,Chongtham T, Ningombam A, Bhupenchandra I, Singh LK, Devi YP, Thokchom S,Khaba CI, Singh NB, Rajashekar Y, Das S, Mohanty S and Sahoo MR*(2023) Reactiveoxygen species turnover, phenolics metabolism, and some key gene expressions modulate postharvest physiological deterioration in cassava tubers. Front. Microbiol. 14:1148464. (NAAS IF: 11.20)
    5. Bhoi TK, Samal I, Mahanta DK, Komal J, Jinger D, Sahoo MR, Acharya GC, Nayak P,Sunani SK, Saini V, Raghuraman M, Singh S. 2023. Understanding How Silicon Fertilization Impacts Chemical Ecology and Multitrophic Interactions Among Plants, Insects and Beneficial Arthropods. Silicon 15, 2529–2549. (NAAS IF: 9.40)
    6. Singh S, Raghuraman,M, Keerthi MC, Das A, Kar SK, Das B, Devi HL, Sunani SK,Sahoo MR, Casini R. et al. 2023. Occurrence, Distribution, Damage Potential, and Farmers‟ Perception on Fall Armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith): Evidence from the Eastern Himalayan Region. Sustainability 15, 5681. (NAAS IF: 9.90)
    7. Amom T, Tikenndra L, Potshangbam AM, Bidyananda N, Devi RS, Dey A, Sahoo MR,Vendrame WA, Jamir I, Nongdam P. 2023. Conservation strategies for
    endemic Dendrocalamus manipureanus: A study on genetic diversity and population structure based on molecular and phytochemical markers. South Afr. J. Bot. 152: 106-123. (NAAS IF: 9.10)
    8. Paramanik K, Sahu GS, Acharya GC, Tripathy P, Das M, Sahoo MR, Koundinya AVV, Mohapatra PP, Veera UR. 2023. DUS Characterization and Evaluation of Untapped French Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Genotypes. Int. J. Environ. Climate Change, 13(1): 225-243. (NAAS IF: 5.16)

    9. Bhupenchandra I, Basumatary A, Choudhary AK, Kumar A, Sarkar D, Chongtham SK,Singh AH, Devi EL, Bora SS, Devi SM, Sahoo MR, Gudade BA, Kumar A, Devi SH, Gogoi B, Harish MN, Gupta G, Olivia LC, Devi YP, Sarika K, Thapa S, and Rajawat MVS. Elucidating the impact of boron fertilization on soil physico-chemical and biological entities under cauliflower-cowpea-okra cropping system in an Eastern Himalayan acidic Inceptisol, 2022. Frontiers in Microbiology, 13: 996220. (NAAS IF: 11.64)
    10. Devi MP, Dasgupta m, Mohanty S, Sharma SK, Hedge V, Roy SS, Rennya PR, Kumar KB, Patel HK and Sahoo MR*. 2022. DNA Barcoding and ITS2 Secondary Structure Predictions in Taro (Colocasia esculenta L. Schott) from the North Eastern Hill Region ofIndia. Genes, 13(12): 2294, (NAAS IF: 10.10)
    11. Bhupenchandra I, Chongtham SK, Devi EL, Ramesh R, Choudhary AK, Salam MD, Sahoo MR, Bhutia TL, Soibam HD, Thounaojam AS, Behera C, Harish MN, Kumar A, Dasgupta M, Devi YP, Singh D, Bhagowati S, Devi CP, Singh HR, and Khaba CI. 2022. Role of biostimulants in mitigating the effects of climate change on crop performance.Frontiers in Plant Science, 13:967665. (NAASIF: 11.75)
    12. Acharya GC, Mohanty S, Dasgupta M, Sahu S, Singh S, Ayyagari KVV, Kumari M,
    Naresh P, Sahoo MR*. 2022. Molecular phylogeny, DNA barcoding, and ITS2
    secondary structure predictions in the medicinally important Eryngium genotypes of east
    coast region of India. Genes, 13(9):1678, (NAAS
    IF: 10.10)
    13. Pieniazek F, Dasgupta M, Messina V and Devi MP, Devi YI, Mohanty S, Singh S, Sahoo
    BB, Nongdam P, Acharya GC, Sahoo MR*. 2022. Differential occurrence of cuticular
    wax and its role in leaf physiological mechanisms of three edible aroids of northeast
    India. Agriculture 12:724. (NAAS IF: 9.6)
    14. Sahoo MR, Kuna A, Devi MP, Mandarapu S and Dasgupta M. 2022. Fortification of
    ready-to-eat extruded snacks with tree bean powder: nutritional, antioxidant, essential
    amino acids, and sensory properties. J Food Science and Technology, 59(6):2351-2360. (NAAS IF: 9.10)
    15. Singh S, Sahoo MR, Acharya GC, Jinger D and Nayak P. 2022. Silicon: a potent nutrient
    in plant defense mechanisms against arthropods. Silicon, 14, 6493–6505. (NAAS IF: 9.4)
    16. Acharya GC, Naresh P, Kumari M, Roy TK, Shivashankara KS, Sahoo MR*. 2022.
    Phytochemical profiling of spiny coriander (Eryngium foetidum L.) – A potential
    perennial spicing-culinary herb of eastern India. Acta Chromatographica, 34 (2): 197–
    202 (NAAS IF: 7.9)
    17. Singh S, Samant D, Sahoo MR, Kishore K, Jinger D, Acharya GC. 2022. Invasion and
    escalation of Aleurodius rugioperculatus: An alarming pest in east coast region of India.
    Indian J. Agril. Sc. 92(8): 1029-1032. (NAAS IF: 6.4)
    18. Tikendra L, Dey A, Jamir I, Sahoo MR and Nongdam P. 2022. Cytokinin influence on in
    vitro shoot induction and genetic stability assessment of Dendrocalamus
    latiflorus Munro: a commercially important bamboo in Manipur, North-East India.
    Vegetos, (NAAS IF: 5.68)

    19. Devi TR, Kole PC and Sahoo MR*. 2022. Influence of basal vitamins, growth regulators,
    and explants on in vitro organogenesis from synthetic seeds of Citrus jambhiri Lush.
    Journal of Applied Horticulture, 24(2): 140-144. (NAAS IF: 5.43)
    20. Devi TR, Dasgupta M, Sahoo MR*

    , Kole PC and Prakash N. 2021. High efficient de
    novo root-to-shoot organogenesis in Citrus jambhiri Lush.: Gene expression, genetic
    stability and virus indexing. PLoS ONE 16(2): e0246971. (NAAS IF: 9.7)
    21. Tikendra L, Potshangbam AM, Dey A, Devi TR, Sahoo MR, Nongdam P. 2021. RAPD,
    ISSR, and SCoT markers based genetic stability assessment of micropropagated
    Dendrobium fimbriatum Lindl. var. oculatum Hk. f.- an important endangered orchid.
    Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants, 27(2):341–357, (NAAS IF: 9.5)
    22. Singh S, Das B, Das A, Majumdar S, Devi HL, Godara RS, Sahoo AK and Sahoo MR.
    2021. Indigenous plant protection practices of Tripura, India. Journal of Ethnobiology
    and Ethnomedicine. 17:50. (NAAS IF: 9.6)
    23. Sahoo MR*

    , Devi TR, Dasgupta M, Nongdam P and Prakash N. 2020. Reactive oxygen
    species scavenging mechanisms associated with polyethylene glycol mediated osmotic
    stress tolerance in Chinese potato. Scientific Reports, 10:5404. (NAAS IF: 10.6)
    24. Devi YI, Sahoo MR*

    , Mandal J, Dasgupta M, and Prakash N. 2020. Correlations between
    antioxidative enzyme activities and resistance to Phytophthora leaf blight in taro. Journal
    of Crop Improvement, (IF: 1.3, NAAS
    IF: 7.3)
    25. Kuna A, Sahoo MR, Mandarapu S, Devi MP, Dasgupta M, and Mulinti S. 2020.
    Nutrient, antioxidant and anti-nutrient composition of value added products made with
    underutilized forest produce bay leaf (Cinnamomum tamala). Agric Eng Int., 22(2): 226-
    234. (IF: 0.64; NAAS IF: 6.64)
    26. Wickramasinghe PCK, Murray AF, Sahoo MR, Dien M, Luckett CR, Dia VP, Munafo
    JP. 2019. The effect of processing on Garcinia xanthochymus fruit beverage. J. Food
    Measurement and. Characterization, 14: 55-68.
    00267-5 (NAAS IF: 9.4)
    27. Sahoo MR*

    , Devi MP, Dasgupta M, Prakash N and Ngachan SV. 2018. An efficient
    protocol for in vitro regeneration and conservation of Shirui lily (Lilium mackliniae
    Sealy): a lab-to-land approach to save the rare endangered Asiatic lily species. In vitro
    Cellular & Developmental Biology – Plant, 54(6): 701-710. (NAAS IF: 8.6)
    28. Sahoo MR
    , Dasgupta M, Kole PC and Mukherjee A. 2018. Photosynthetic,
    physiological and biochemical events associated with polyethylene glycol-mediated
    osmotic stress tolerance in taro (Colocasia esculenta L. Schott). Photosynthetica, 56 (4):
    1069-1080. (NAAS IF: 8.7)
    29. Devi MP, Sahoo MR*

    , Kuna A, Sowmya M, Dasgupta M, Deb P and Prakash N. 2018.
    Hydrogen peroxide pre-treatment enhances antioxidant properties and free radical
    scavenging activities of tree bean (Parkia roxburghii G. Don) seeds and pods during

    storage. Nutrition and Food Science, (IF:
    0.31; NAAS IF: 6.31)
    30. Sahoo BB, Kole PC, Sahoo MR. 2015. Screening and selection of Colocasia for leaf
    blight, drought and salinity. Int J. Bioresources Stress Manage. 6 (1): 7-14. (NAAS IF:
    31. Surchandra T, Roy SS, Singh NR, Sahoo MR, and Prakash N. 2012. Partial purification
    and biochemical characterization of acid phosphatase from germinated mung bean (Vigna
    radiata) seeds. African Journal of Biotechnology. (NAAS IF: 6.6)
    32. Sahoo MR
    , Dasgupta M, Kole PC and Mukherjee A. 2010. Biochemical changes in leaf
    tissues of taro [Colocasia esculenta L. (Schott)] infected with Phytophthora colocasiae.
    Journal of Phytopathology, 158:154-159.
    0434.2009.01599.x (NAAS IF: 7.5)
    33. Sahoo MR
    , Kole PC, Dasgupta M and Mukherjee A. 2009. Changes in phenolics,
    polyphenol oxidase and its isoenzyme patterns in relation to resistance in taro against
    Phytophthora colocasiae. Journal of Phytopathology, 157:145-153. (NAAS IF: 7.5)
    34. Dasgupta M, Sahoo MR, Kole PC and Mukherjee A. 2008. Evaluation of orange- fleshed
    sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) genotypes for salt tolerance through shoot apex culture
    under in vitro NaCl mediated salinity stress conditions. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ
    Culture, 94:161-170. (NAAS IF: 9.0)
    35. Sahoo MR, Dasgupta M, Kole PC, Bhatt J and Mukherjee A 2007. Antioxidative
    enzymes and isozymes analysis of taro genotypes and their implications in Phytophthora
    blight disease resistance. Mycopathologia 163 (4): 241-248. (NAAS IF: 11.5)
    36. Sahoo MR*

    , Dasgupta M, Mukherjee A, Sahoo AK and Kole PC. 2005. In vitro
    screening and characterization of taro for Phytophthora leaf blight disease. Journal of
    Mycopathological Research, 43(1): 87-90. (NAAS IF: 5.11)
    37. Sahoo MR*

    , Dasgupta M and Mukherjee A 2006. Effect of in vitro and in vivo induction
    of polyethylene glycol mediated osmotic stress on hybrid taro (Colocasia esculenta (L.)
    Schott). Annals of Tropical Research 28 (2): 1-12. (NAAS IF: Nil)
    38. Devi MP, Sahoo MR, Dasgupta M, Prakash N and Ngachan SV. 2015. Standardization of
    in vitro regeneration protocol for conservation of Shirui Lily (Liliumn mackliniae) - An
    endangered heritage flower under changing climatic conditions. Proc. Environ Sc. 29:
    288. (NAAS IF: Nil)
    39. Kuna A, Sahoo MR, Sowmya M, Devi MP, Sreedhar M, Tholemfhuang. 2018. Nutrient
    and antioxidant properties of value added king chilli (Capsicum chinense) products. Int. J.
    Curr. Microbiol. App. Sci. 7(6), 1-5.
    40. Sahoo MR*

    , Mukherjee A, Dasgupta M, Sahu AK and Kole PC, 2007. Correlation
    studies in taro (Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott) for leaf blight disease tolerance. Journal
    of Root Crops, 33 (1): 12-15. (NAAS IF: 4.3)

    11. Number of Books/Book chapters (Add list):
    1. A. Kuna, M. R. Sahoo, M. Sreedhar, Ch. Tania, M. Dasgupta, M. Sowmya and M. P.

    Devi. 2017. Value addition to underutilized crops from NEH Region of India. 01/MFPI-
    QCL-DBT/ENG/2017/100. 102 p.

    2. Sharma PK, Ansari MA, Roy SS, Punitha P, Baishya LK, Sahoo MR, Kumar D, Singh
    IM, Prakash N and Ngachan SV. 2013. Diseases of Citrus and Their Management.
    Technology Bulletin No. RCM (TB)-08, 20 Pages, ICAR Research Complex for NEH
    Region, Manipur Centre, Lamphelpat, Imphal, Manipur.
    3. Roy SS, Prakash N, Sahoo MR, Devi A. Rajlakshmi and Juliana Soibam. 2013. Papaya.
    Technology Bulletin No. RCM (TB)-06, 44 Pages, ICAR Research Complex for NEH
    Region, Manipur Centre, Lamphelpat, Imphal Manipur.

    4. Roy SS, Nath A, Sahoo MR, Sharma PK, Singh IM and Prakash N. 2012. Kiwifruit-
    The Hairy Berry. Technology Bulletin No. RCM (TB)-04, 45 Pages, ICAR Research

    Complex for NEH Region, Manipur Centre, Imphal, Manipur.
    5. Roy SS, Sahoo MR, Sharma PK and Prakash N. 2012. Pineapple. Technology Bulletin
    No. RCM (TB)-05, 36 Pages, ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Manipur
    Centre, Lamphelpat, Imphal, Manipur.
    6. Roy SS, Sharma PK, Patel RK, Sahoo MR, Kumar D, Punitha P and Prakash N. 2012.
    Production Manual of Passion Fruit for North Eastern Hill Region. Technology Bulletin
    No. RCM (TB)-03, 44 Pages, ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Manipur
    Centre, Lamphelpat, Imphal, Manipur.
    7. Sahoo M R, Roy S S, Sharma S K, Dasgupta M, Devi M P, Prakash N. 2015. Wet lab
    training manual on Advances in Plant Tissue Culture and Mechanisms of Stress
    Tolerance in Higher Plants. Training Manual No. RCM(TM)-06, 95 pages. ICAR
    Research Complex for NEH Region, Manipur Centre, Lamphelpat, Imphal-795004.
    8. L. K. Baishya, Kr. R. Singh, M. R. Sahoo, N. Prakash and D. J. Rajkhowa. 2015.
    Climate Change: Approaches and Strategies for Mitigation and Sustainable
    Agriculture”, Training manual no. RCM TM-07, p 132. ICAR Research Complex for
    NEH Region, Manipur Centre, Lamphelpat, Imphal, Manipur, India.
    9. Roy S S, Prakash N, Punitha P, Sahoo M R, Devi Y. Indrani and Kh. Ranjeeta. 2013. A
    Comprehensive Manual on Production & Post Harvest Management of Turmeric and
    Ginger. Training Manual No. RCM (TM)-02. 63 pages. ICAR Research Complex for
    NEH Region, Manipur Centre, Lamphelpat, Imphal - 795004.
    10. Sharma P K, Ansari M A, Roy S S, Punitha P, Baishya L K, Sahoo M R, Kumar D,
    Singh I M, Prakash N and Ngachan S V. 2013. Training Manual on Pleurotus
    Mushroom Cultivation. Training Manual No. RCM (TM)-03. 32 Pages, ICAR Research
    Complex for NEH Region, Manipur Centre, Lamphelpat, Imphal - 795004.
    11. Bhupenchandra I, Sen A, Devi YP, Soranganba N, Chongtham SK, Ningombam A,
    Sarika K, Kumar S, Sahoo MR, Devi EL, Gangarani A, Devi CP, Sharma AD. (eds).
    2023. Contemporary climate smart agricultural technologies knowledge for sustainable
    agriculture. Parmar Publication, Dhanbad, India (ISBN: ISBN : 981-81-896021-5-3),
    186 p.

    12. Kishore, K., Acharya, G. C., Sahoo, M. R., Samant, D., and Srinivas P. (Eds.) 2022.
    Souvenir cum Abstract Book. National Seminar on Fruit Production in Eastern Tropical
    Region of India: Challenges and opportunities. Central Horticultural Experiment Station
    (ICAR-IIHR), Bhubaneswar, 275 p.
    13. N. Prakash, M. R. Sahoo, Sudhir Kumar, Ch. Tania, Huirem Bharati, L. K. Baishya, T.
    B. Singh, Ch. Sonia, K. R. Singh, M. Dasgupta, S. K. Sharma, M. A. Ansari, S. S. Roy
    (Eds). 2016. Book of abstract of National Seminar on “Integrating Agri-Horticultural
    and Allied Research for Food and Nutritional Security in the Era of Global Climate
    Disruption, p. 168. 4-6 March, Imphal, Manipur, India.
    Book Chapters
    1. Tikendra L, Rahaman H, Dey A, Sahoo MR, Nongdam P. (2023). Applicability of
    Molecular Markers in Ascertaining Genetic Diversity and Relationship Between Five
    Edible Bamboos of North-East India. In: Kumar, N. (eds) Molecular Marker Techniques.
    Springer, Singapore. (Springer Book
    2. Tikendra L, Dey A, Sahoo MR, Nongdam P. Genetic stability in micropropagated
    orchids: Assessment by molecular marker and flow cytometry. In: (eds) Genome size and
    genetic homogeneity of regenerated plants: Methods and Applications. (Bentham Science Book Chapter)
    3. Roy SS, Tamreihao K, Sharma SK, Kuna A, Singh HN, Kumar S, Ansari MA, Sahoo

    MR. 2023. Tree Bean - Production Technology of under-exploited vegetable crop-
    compressed. In. Production Technology of Underexploited Vegetable Crops, Kalyani

    Publisher, Nadia, W.B., India. pp. 341-354.
    4. Sahoo MR, Naresh P, Kumari M, Acharya GC. 2022. Omics in leafy vegetables:
    Genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics, and multiomics approaches In:
    Rout GR and Peter KV (Eds), Omics in Horticultural Crops, Elsevier, The Netherlands,
    pp. 281-302.
    5. Acharya GC, Sahoo MR, Singh SP. 2021. Horticulture based entrepreneurship through
    technology interventions for high value vegetable crops. In. Das L, Phand S, Tanuja S,
    Kumar N (Eds) Promoting Women Agripreneurship through Crop-Livestock-Fisheries
    Technologies, e publication published by ICAR-CIWA, Bhubaneswar and MANAGE,
    Hyderabad, India. pp. 20-28.
    6. Sahoo MR, Roy SS, Prakash N and Ngachan SV. 2015. Horticulture based farming
    system for sustainability and higher profitability. In: A comprehensive manual on
    Integrated farming system: An approach towards livelihood security and natural
    resource conservation. Publication No. RCM (TM)-08, (Eds. Prakash N, Roy SS, Ansari
    MA and Sharma SK), Imphal, Manipur, pp 46-54.
    7. Roy SS, Sharma SK, Ansari MA, Sahoo MR, and Prakash N. An overview of hi-tech
    nursery. In: A comprehensive manual on Integrated farming system: An approach
    towards livelihood security and natural resource conservation. Publication No. RCM
    (TM)-08, (Eds. Prakash N, Roy SS, Ansari MA and Sharma SK), Imphal, Manipur, pp
    8. Roy SS, Prakash N, Sharma PK, Sahoo B, Sahoo MR and Singh IM. 2013. Climate
    Change and Indian Agriculture: Needs and Focus. In: Ecoplanning Biodiversity and
    Climate Change, (Ed. Gupta A) Pointer Publishers, Jaipur, pp 1-19.
    9. Sahoo MR, Nayak AP and Nayak MP 2012. Relay cropping in vegetables-a model
    venture in integrated farming system of north eastern coastal plain zone of Odisha. In:
    Integrated Farming System for livelihood security (Eds. Khanda CM, Sahoo MR, Swain
    SK, Jena MK and Nayak AP), RRTTS-KVK Bhadrak, Odisha, pp 26-29.

    10. Nayak US, Jena MK, Nayak AP and Sahoo MR 2012. Farming system: Concept,
    approach and future perspective. In: Integrated Farming System for livelihood security
    (Eds. Khanda CM, Sahoo MR, Swain SK, Jena MK and Nayak AP), RRTTS-KVK
    Bhadrak, Odisha, pp 9-11.
    11. Sahoo MR, Nayak AP, Nayak US, Jena MK, Pradhan L and Mandal PK 2012. Krishi
    Vigyan Kendra, Bhadrak at the service of the farming community of the district. In:
    Integrated Farming System for livelihood security (Eds. Khanda CM, Sahoo MR, Swain
    SK, Jena MK and Nayak AP), RRTTS-KVK Bhadrak, Odisha, pp 9-11.
    12. Sahoo MR and Nayak AP 2011. Horticultural integration in pond based farming system.
    In: Rural Aquaculture (Eds. Nayak AP and Sahoo MR), KVK Bhadrak, Odisha, pp 59-
    13. Sahoo MR, Dasgupta M, Mukherjee A and Kole PC 2005. In vitro and in vivo screening
    of taro [Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott] for Phytophthora leaf blight disease. In:
    Advances in Fungal Diversity and Host-Pathogen Interaction (Eds. Rodrigues BF, Gour
    HN, Bhat DJ and Kamat N), Published by Goa University, Goa. pp. 144-152.
    14. Sahoo MR, Sahu S, Mukherjee A, Naskar SK and Misra RS 2002. In vitro screening of
    taro genetic resources for tolerance to biotic and abiotic stresses. In: Plant Resources
    Utilization (Eds. Sahoo S, Ramesh DB, Panda PK and Misra VN), Allied Publishers,
    New Delhi, pp. 217-223.

     Number of Technical Bulletins:
    1. Value addition to King Chilli (Capsicum chinense).
    2. Kachai Lemon (Citrus jambhiri): Underutilization to value addition.
    3. Tree Bean (Parkia roxburghii): Underutilization to value addition.
    4. Value addition to Prunus (Prunus nepalensis); Tasty fruits to healthy products.
    5. Bay Leaf (Cinnamomum tamala): Underutilization to value addition.
    6. Introducing Kokum (Garcinia indica) for value addition.

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