Asha Devi
Principal Scientist
Division of Crop Improvement
Head Quarters

    Plant genetics, biotechnology, breeding, genetic resource management
    and in vitro studies

    Number of institute projects completed : Ten  ,Number of Institute projects being handled : Three
    Number of externally funded projects completed : Nil
    Number of externally funded projects being handled : Nil

    As Principal Investigator
    Project 1 Induction of haploids in onion
    Project 2 Micropropagation studies in onion
    Project 3 DNA profiling of onion lines using molecular marker
    Project 4 Collection, conservation, cataloguing and evaluation of aroids germplasm
    As Co-Principal Investigator
    Project 1 Collection, characterisation and evaluation of garlic germplasm
    Project 2 Breeding garlic varieties for high yield and resistance to biotic and abiotic
    Project 3 Micropropagation studies in garlic (Allium sativum L.)
    Project 4 Molecular diversity analysis in garlic (Allium sativum L.) germplasm
    Project 5 Mutation studies in garlic (Allium sativum L.)
    Project 1 Collection, conservation, characterization and evaluation of germplasm of
    tropical root and tuber crops - Activity 1: Field Gene Bank of Genetic
    Resources of Tropical Root and Tuber Crops; Activity 2: In vitro conservation of
    tuber crops germplasm

    Project 2 Varietal improvement in tropical tuber crops - Activity 1: Varietal improvement
    of cassava for CMD resistance, earliness, high starch and keeping quality;
    Activity 3: Genetic improvement of yams and edible aroids (As activity

    Project 3 Biotechnological approaches for improvement of tropical tuber crops -
    Activity 5: Modifying genes in starch metabolism – a means to enhance starch
    content and develop waxy cassava

    Asha Devi A. 2012. Genetic diversity analysis in taro using molecular markers – An
    overview. J. Root Crops, 38 (1): 15-25.
    Khar A, Asha Devi A, Mahajan V and Lawande KE. 2007. Stability analysis in elite lines of
    onion. Indian J. of Horticulture. 64 (4) : 415-419.
    Asha Devi A, Khar A and Lawande KE. 2007. Genotypic response of short day garlic
    varieties for shoot multiplication. J. Spices and Aromatic crops. 16 (1) : 15-21.
    Khar A, Asha Devi A., Mahajan V, Lawande KE. 2006. Genetic divergence analysis in elite
    lines of garlic (Allium sativum L.). J. Maharashtra Agr. Univ. 31 (1) : 52-55.
    Khar A, Asha Devi A., Mahajan V, Lawande KE. 2006. Genetic diversity analysis in elite
    lines of late kharif (rangda) onion. J. Maharashtra Agr. Univ. 31 (1) : 49-52.
    Khar A, Asha Devi A and Lawande KE. 2005. Current Status of Biotechnological
    Approaches in Onion (Allium cepa L.) - A Review. The Botanica, Delhi University. 55: 7-16.

    Khar A, Mahajan V, Asha Devi A and Lawande KE. 2005. Genetical studies in elite lines of
    garlic (Allium sativum L.). J. Maharashtra Agr. Univ. 30 (3) : 277-280.
    Khar A, Asha Devi A and Lawande K E. 2005. Callus culture and regeneration from root tip
    of garlic (Allium sativum L.). J. Spices and Aromatic Crops. Vol. 14 (1) : 51-55.
    Khar A, Asha Devi A, Mahajan V and Lawande K E. 2005. Genotype x environment
    interactions and stability analysis in elite lines of garlic (Allium sativum L.). J. Spices and
    Aromatic Crops. Vol. 14(1) : 21-27.
    Khar A, Asha Devi A, Mahajan V and Lawande KE. 2004. Performance studies of some
    promising garlic accessions under Rajgurunagar conditions. J. Maharashtra Agr. Univ. 29 (2)
    : 214-216.
    Khar A, Lawande KE and Asha Devi A. 2003. Biotechnological approaches in garlic (Allium
    sativum L.) - Past, present and future. The Botanica, Delhi University. 53 : 155-168.
    Asha Devi A, Khar A and Lawande KE. Onion. In: Advances in Horticultural
    Biotechnology. Molecular Markers and Marker Aided Selection – Vegetables, Ornamentals
    and Tuber Crops. Ed. HP Singh. Vol. 4.
    Khar A, Asha Devi A and Lawande KE. Garlic. In: Advances in Horticultural
    Biotechnology. Molecular Markers and Marker Aided Selection – Vegetables, Ornamentals
    and Tuber Crops. Ed. HP Singh. Vol. 4.
    Asha Devi A, Khar A and Lawande KE. Onion. In: Advances in Horticultural
    Biotechnology. Molecular Markers and Marker Aided Selection – Vegetables, Ornamentals
    and Tuber Crops. Ed. HP Singh. Vol. 2.
    Khar A, Asha Devi A and Lawande KE. Garlic. In: Advances in Horticultural
    Biotechnology. Molecular Markers and Marker Aided Selection – Vegetables, Ornamentals
    and Tuber Crops. Ed. HP Singh. Vol. 2.

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