
On 5 October 2024, under the leadership of Central Tuber Crop Research Institute, Ollur Block Panchayat, Department of Agriculture, Ollur Krishi Samriddhi FPC and Ollur Scheduled Castes Cooperative Society organized the 2024-25 tuber crop development program and distribution of products at Thrissur Ollukkara Block Panchayat Hall. Hon. Adv. K. Rajan, Government of Kerala Minister of Revenue and Housing Department attended as the chief guest and inaugurated the project.He emphasized the importance of protecting the native tuber crops and keeping them in their respective areas. Medicinal tuber crops need special protection and utilization. The leaves of edible tuber species should be promoted as a source of nutrition. Initiatives should be taken up more and more by farmer associations as value addition will help the farmer to get more income. Organized as part of the ICAR-CTCRI Scheduled Castes sub-programme, the program is mainly aimed at improving the livelihood of the Scheduled Castes in the region. In presence of 100s of farmers, Ollukkara Block Panchayat President Mr. K. Ravi welcome the gathering. Dr. K. Sunil Kumar,Principal Scientist, ICAR-CTCRI and Chief Coordinator of Scheduled Caste Sub-Programme detailed about the program. Mrs. Sreevidya Rajesh, President of Nadathara Gram Panchayat; Mr. PS Vinayan, Thrissur District Panchayat Member; Mr. PS Babu, Vikasana Standing Committee Chairperson; Dr. P.B. Pushpalatha, Former Agricultural University Registrar & Prof. and Head (Retd.), Banana Research Centre, Kannara; Mr. Kanishkan K. Wilson, Ollur Krishi Samriddhi Farmer Producer Company; Mrs. Sindhu Bhaskaran, Deputy Director of Agriculture (E&T); Dr. Sandhya T.S. BLAKC Nodal Officer, Kerala Agricultural University and Mrs. Ramya VM, Ollukara Assistant Director of Agricultureparticipated in this program and extended their felicitations. Kisan Samriddhi Awardee Dr. Pushpalatha was honoured at the function. During the programme, various agricultural inputs like chemical fertilizers, bio-pesticides, bio-fertilizers and planting materials were distributed to the selected beneficiaries. Improved tuber crop technologies, value addition, entrepreneurship potential of ICAR-CTCRI and exhibitions by farmers, SHGs etc. were organized in the program for the benefit of various stakeholders. CTCRI scientists Dr. M.S. Sajeev, Dr. E.R. Harish and Dr. S.N. Rahna were participated in the scientist- farmers' interaction. Dr. M.S. Sajeev delivered vote of thanks.