Principal Scientist
Division of Crop Production
Soil Science-Soil physics, soil water conservation
Head Quarters
Total publications
Number of Research papers: 17 , Number of Books/Book chapters: 13

    Carbon sequestration, Soil water and nutrient use efficiency, Soil quality,
    Hill agriculture

     Number of institute projects completed: 08
     Number of Institute projects being handled: 02
     Number of externally funded projects completed: 05

    Completed Institute Research Projects (8) (PI-4; Co-PI-4)
    Integrated soil and water conservation strategies for hill cassava production systems(PI) (Duration 2012-13)
    Integrating soil quality and conservation measures for sloping lands in hill cassava production systems (PI)
    (Duration 2007-2012)
    Fly ash for improving soil health in dryland Alfisols (PI) (Duration- 2001-05)
    Improving soil water and nutrient use efficiency in dryland Alfisols using zeolites amendments
    (PI upto October 2006) (Duration- 2005-06)
    Spectral characteristic of rainfed kharif sorghum
    (Co-PI) (Duration 2001-05)
    Development of field kit for estimating labile carbon to assess the soil quality under different land use (Co-PI)
    (Duration- 2004-07)

    Low till farming strategies and integrated plant nutrient supply for rainfed semi-arid tropics (Co-PI) (Duration-
    1999- 2008)

    Integrating the multi nutrient extracts into existing soil test interpretation (Co-PI) (Duration- 2003-05)
    Completed Externally Funded Research Projects (NATP) (5) (PI-2; CCPI-1; Co-CCPI- 2)
    Assessment of soil carbon sequestration potential of hill cassava production system: Relationship among soil
    properties and glomalin (PI) (Duration- 2010-13)
    Evaluating Fly Ash Zeolites for Soil water and Nutrient Use Efficiency of sweet potato (Ipomoea
    batatas L.) (PI) (Duration- 2010-13)
    Identifying systems for carbon sequestration and increased productivity in Semi Arid Tropical Environments of
    India (CCPI)
    (Duration- 2000-04)
    Prioritization, planning and development of a micro-watershed in drought prone area using remote sensing
    and GIS (Co-CCPI) (Duration- 2000-04)

    Assessment and improvement of soil quality and resilience for rainfed production system (Co-CCPI) (Duration-

    Institute Research Projects being handled (2) (PI-1; Co-PI-1)
    Integrated soil and water conservation strategies for hill cassava production systems(PI) (Duration 2013-15)
    Long term effect of manures and fertilizers in an acid ultisol growing cassava (Co-PI) (Duration 2013-14)


    BOOKS (8)

    M.S.Palaniswami, James George, V.Ramesh and S.S.Veena. 2010. All India Coordinated
    Research Project on Tuber Crops. Annual Report 2009-10, 135 pages.
    M.S. Palaniswami and V. Ramesh. 2009. All India Coordinated Research Project on Tuber
    Crops, Annual Report 2008-2009, 176 Pages.

    V. Ramesh, SP Wani, TJ Rego, KL Sharma, T Bhattacharyya, KL Sahrawat, KV Padmaja, D
    Gangadhar Rao, B Venkateswarlu, M Vanaja, MC Manna, K Srinivas and V Maruthi. 2007.

    Chemical Characterization of Selected Benchmark Spots for C Sequestration in the Semi-
    Arid Tropics, India. Global Theme on Agroecosystems Report no. 32. pp 1-98.

    T. Bhattacharyya, P.Chandran, S.K.Ray, C. Mandal, D.K.Pal, M.V. Venugopalan,
    S.L.Durge, P.Srivastava, P.N.Dubey, G.K. Kamble, R.P. Sharma, S.P. Wani, T.J. Rego,
    V.Ramesh and M.C. Manna. 2006. Morphological properties of Red and Black soils of
    selected Benchmark Spots in Semi-Arid Tropics of India. Global Theme on Agroecosystems
    Report no. 21. pp 1-94.

    T. Bhattacharyya, P.Chandran, S.K.Ray, C. Mandal, D.K.Pal, M.V. Venugopalan,
    S.L.Durge, P.Srivastava, P.N.Dubey, G.K. Kamble, R.P. Sharma, S.P. Wani, T.J. Rego,
    V.Ramesh and M.C. Manna. 2006. Estimation of Carbon Stocks in Red and Black Soils of

    Selected Benchmark Spots in Semi-Arid Tropics of India. Global Theme on Agroecosystems
    Report no. 28. pp 1-80.

    MC Manna, SP Wani, TJ Rego, KL Sahrawat, Tapas Bhattacharya, V
    Ramesh, KK Bandyopadhyay, TR Rupa, Piara Singh, P Pathak and KV
    Padmaja. 2008. Influence of different land use management on soil biological
    properties and other C fractions under semi-arid Benchmark soils of
    India. Global Theme on Agroecosystems Report No. 41. 60p.

    KL Sharma, K Srinivas, UK Mandal, YS Ramakrishna, KPR Vittal, B Venkateswarlu, V
    Ramesh and J Kusuma Grace. 2004. Strategies and approaches to improve and assess soil
    quality. NATP report. Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Hyderabad, India. P.

    PK Mishra, BRM Rao, M Osman, SS Thamappa, SK Subramoniam and V Ramesh. 2004.
    Prioritization, Planning and Development of a micro-watershed in Drought Prone Area Using
    Remote Sensing & GIS, CRIDA, Hyderabad. India. P.63


    V.Ramesh. 2012. Sustainable management of tuber crops with reference to hill cassava
    production systems. In Course Document. Model Training Course on Sustainable
    Management Strategies of Tuber Crops Based Cropping System. Chapter 11.Pp.128-132.

    V.Ramesh. 2008. Soils of Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka: their characteristics, nutrient
    requirement of various crops. In Efficient Use of Soil, Plant and Water Testing Laboratory.
    17-22, March, 2008. Central Tuber Crops Research Institute, Trivandrum, India. P. 101-109

    V.Ramesh. 2008. Soil Conservation in Tuber Crops and Cropping Systems. In, Integrated
    Production and Processing Management for Tropical Tuber Crops. Model Training Program.
    16-22, October, 2008. Central Tuber Crops Research Institute, Trivandrum, India. P. 81-85

    V.Ravi, James George and V.Ramesh. 2008. Storage of planting materials of tropical tuber
    crops. In, M.Nedunchezhiyan (ed.)Advance techniques in quality planting material
    production and commercial cultivation of tropical tuber crops. Central Tuber Crops Research
    Institute, Trivandrum, India. P. 81-85

    SS Balloli and V Ramesh. 2005. Soil and crop management strategies to mitigate
    agricultural drought impacts. In: K.D. Sharma and K.S. Ramasastri (eds). Drought
    Management . Allied Publishers Pvt. Ltd. p: 216-227









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