
ICAR-CTCRI organized a national brainstorming workshop on “Tuber crops mechanization: status, challenges, and strategic vision for food security and sustainability” on 21 February 2025 with the specific objectives to assess the current status of mechanization in tuber crops, discuss the challenges stakeholders face in adopting these technologies, and create a strategic vision for promoting mechanization. Additionally, this workshop aimed to identify research priorities and areas for innovation to address the mechanization needs of tuber crops, ultimately promoting food security, sustainability, and improved farmers' livelihoods. The workshop was inaugurated by Prof. V. Palanimuthu, Director, NIFTEM-T, Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu in presence of Dr. R.K Vishwakarma, Project Coordinator, AICRP on Post Harvest Engineering and Technology, CIPHET, Ludhiana, Punjab, Er. Babu V, State Agrl. Engineer, Govt. of Kerala, Dr. Jayan P. R, Dean (Agrl. Engg.) , Kerala Agrl. University, Dr. Makeshkumar, Director in charge, During the Inaugural address Dr. V. Palanimuthu, Director, NIFTEM-T, Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu urged the need for mission mode projects on mechanization needed for small and marginal tuber crops land holdings. Promotion of custom hiring of machineries by departmental agencies are the only solutions for the wide spread availability of machineries which help in reducing production and processing costs.Dr. Sajeev M.S, Principal Scientist welcomed the gatherings and Dr. Krishnakumar T, Scientist, propsed vote of thanks.

ICAR-CTCRI organized a national brainstorming workshop on “Tuber crops mechanization: status, challenges, and strategic vision for food security and sustainability” on 21 February 2025 with the specific objectives to assess the current status of mechanization in tuber crops, discuss the challenges stakeholders face in adopting these technologies, and create a strategic vision for promoting mechanization. Additionally, this workshop aimed to identify research priorities and areas for innovation to address the mechanization needs of tuber crops, ultimately promoting food security, sustainability, and improved farmers' livelihoods. The workshop was inaugurated by Prof. V. Palanimuthu, Director, NIFTEM-T, Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu in presence of Dr. R.K Vishwakarma, Project Coordinator, AICRP on Post Harvest Engineering and Technology, CIPHET, Ludhiana, Punjab, Er. Babu V, State Agrl. Engineer, Govt. of Kerala, Dr. Jayan P. R, Dean (Agrl. Engg.) , Kerala Agrl. University, Dr. Makeshkumar, Director in charge, During the Inaugural address Dr. V. Palanimuthu, Director, NIFTEM-T, Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu urged the need for mission mode projects on mechanization needed for small and marginal tuber crops land holdings. Promotion of custom hiring of machineries by departmental agencies are the only solutions for the wide spread availability of machineries which help in reducing production and processing costs.Dr. Sajeev M.S, Principal Scientist welcomed the gatherings and Dr. Krishnakumar T, Scientist, propsed vote of thanks.