
ICAR-Central Tuber Crops Research Institute, Kudumbashree and FACT jointly organized a four-day agricultural drone training program for women farmers. Kudumbashree Director Bindu K.S inaugurated the training program organized at CTCRI. In her opening remarks, Smt. Bindu highlighted the unique opportunity this program creates for learning cutting-edge agricultural technologies and enhancing employment opportunities. Dr. G. Byju, Director, ICAR-CTCRI emphasized how drone training can scientifically and technologically empower farmers to increase their yields. He also shed light on the 'Agrifood System', various tuber crops, and integrated farming methods aimed at boosting the livelihood sector. FACT Zonal Manager Shri. B. Sivachandran shared invaluable insights from his experiences with agricultural drone training. Dr. Sheela Immanuel, Principal Scientist,ICAR- CTCRI, expressed pride in the progress women have made in agriculture, transitioning from traditional methods to advanced drone farming. Highlight of the event: The release of a user guide in Malayalam about drone training, handed over by Dr. G. Byju to Smt. Bindu K.S. , Director , State Kudumbashree Mission . Dr. Shanavas, Program Officer, State Kudumbashree Mission spoke about the operational modes in Kudumbashree and extended greetings for a successful program. Dr. V.S. Santhosh Mithra, Principal Scientist, ICAR-CTCRI wrapped up with a vote of thanks.