Sujatha T P
Ph.D in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology
Division of Crop Improvement
Molecular Biology and Biotechnology
Head Quarters

    Functional Genomics, Gene editing, Genetic engineering, Epigenetics, Cell
    and Developmental Biology, Bioinformatics, Comparative genomics and Crop disease

    Number of institute projects completed : 8
    Institute projects
    As PI
    ICAR-IIAB, Ranchi
    • IXX14646. Decoding the molecular mechanisms of molybdenum and boron
    metabolism in Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L) under acidic soil conditions.
    ICAR-IIOR, Hyderabad
    • DOR 103-11: IXX09329. Elucidating the molecular mechanisms governing sex
    expression in castor: 2012-2018
    As Co-PI
    ICAR-IIAB, Ranchi
    • Introgression of genes/QTLs for drought tolerance and efficient phosphorus uptake in
    rice using MAS
    • Identification and mapping of novel genes/QTLs for Phosphorus uptake and use
    efficiency in Rice
    • Development and evaluation of the efficacy of novel nanoparticles for enhancing yield
    in rice and Indian major carp.
    ICAR-IIOR, Hyderabad
    • DOR 103-6: Genetic enhancement through biotechnological approaches in castor:
    Host-pathogen interactions in Botrytis grey rot of castor: Completed 2012-2015
    • DOR103-2: Diversification of pistillate base and development of varieties and hybrids
    in castor 2011-12.
    • Flagship project on Castor gray mold 2012-2016.
    Number of Institute projects being handled : 6
    As PI
    ICAR-CTCRI, Thiruvananthapuram
    • Molecular characterisation of nutrient homeostasis in tubers for biofortification in
    cassava: on going from April 2023 under Mega Project 2: Genetic improvement of tuber
    crops through conventional breeding and molecular approaches.
    As co-PI
    ICAR-CTCRI, Thiruvananthapuram
    • Yams germplasm: under Mega Project 1: Conservation and utilization of germplasm of
    tuber crops for sustaining production
    • Breeding to evolve trait-specific varieties in cassava, yams and arrowroot for
    productivity, earliness, quality and resistance to biotic stresses under Mega Project 2:
    Genetic improvement of tuber crops through conventional breeding and molecular
    • Inducing genetic variability, characterization, grouping and developing breeding lines
    with large tuber size and short duration in Chinese potato under Mega Project 2: Genetic
    improvement of tuber crops through conventional breeding and molecular approaches.
    • Genetic improvement of cassava through gene editing for modified starch under Mega
    Project 2: Genetic improvement of tuber crops through conventional breeding and
    molecular approaches.
    • Generation and application of statistical and bioinformatics tools for tuber crops
    research and development under Mega Project 8: Developing methodologies and tools
    for assessment and transfer of tuber crops technologies.

    .Number of externally funded projects completed : 2
    External projects
    ICAR-IIOR, Hyderabad
    As co-PI
    • NFBSFARA funded project: Deciphering molecular mechanism of induction of biotic
    stress tolerance by Trichoderma sp in castor (Ricinus communis L): 2012-2015.
    • ICAR Extra Mural fund Project on "Transcriptome and Proteome analysis for
    identification of candidate genes responsible for pistillate nature in castor" 2016-2017.

    Number of externally funded projects being handled : 1

    As Co-PI
    • Genetic improvement of cassava through gene editing for modified starch under Mega
    Project 2: Genetic improvement of tuber crops through conventional breeding and
    molecular approaches.

    Number of Research papers : 14
    Research papers
    • Parvathy, S.T., Prabakaran, A.J and Jayakrishna, T. (2021). Probing the Floral
    Developmental Stages, Bisexuality and Sex Reversions in Castor (Ricinus communis
    L.) Scientific Reports. 11, 4246. doi:10.1038/s41598-021-81781-9. NAAS rating:
    • Sujatha. T. Parvathy., Raoof M.A., Jagadesh, P. and Jayakrishna, T. (2018). In vitro
    sporulation, cultural characterisation, identification and phylogeny of gray mold fungus
    (Botryotinia ricini (Godfrey) Whetzel.) of Castor. Applied Biological Research. 20 (2):
    105-117. NAAS rating: 5.07
    • Sujatha. T. Parvathy and Srinivasan, R. (2016). Functional analysis of a cryptic
    promoter from Arabidopsis thaliana reveals bidirectionality. Plant Biotechnology
    Reports, 10: 241-255. NAAS rating: 7.19
    • Sujatha. T. Parvathy, Raoof M.A., Jagadesh, P. and Douglas, B. (2016). A
    simple method for screening gray mold of castor (Ricinus communis L) under artificial
    conditions. Applied Biological Research, 18 (2): 131-138. doi: 10.5958/0974-
    4517.2016.00021.5 NAAS rating: 4.35
    • Sujatha, T.P, Sivanandan, C., Bhat S.R. and Srinivasan. R. (2009). In silico and
    deletion analysis of upstream promoter fragment of S-adenosyl homocysteine
    hydrolase (SAHH1) of Arabidopsis leads to the identification of a fragment capable of
    driving gene expression in developing seeds and anthers. Journal of Plant
    Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 18 (1): 13-20. NAAS rating: 7.09
    • Sivanandan, C. Sujatha T.P., Anand Mohan Prasad, Resminath, R., Dhiraj R. Thakare,
    Bhat, S.R. and Srinivasan (2005). T-DNA tagging and characterization of a cryptic
    root-specific promoter in Arabidopsis. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 1731 (3): 202-
    208. NAAS rating: 12.33
    • Dipnarayan Saha, Anand M. Prasad, Thankeswaran P.Sujatha, Vajinder Kumar,
    Pradeep K. Jain, Sripad R. Bhat and Ramamurthy Srinivasan (2006). In silico analysis
    of the Lateral Organ Junction (loj) gene and promoter of Arabidopsis thaliana. In Silico
    Biology 7: 0002.
    • Sujatha Thankeswaran Parvathy, Varatharajalu Udayasuriyan, and Vijaipal
    Bhadana (Parvathy, S.T., Udayasuriyan, V. and Bhadana, V.P) (2021). Codon usage
    bias. Molecular Biology Reports. NAAS
    rating 8.3
    • Thankeswaran Parvathy Sujatha, Kumar Sudhir and Sarkar Biplab (2021). Plant
    Viruses: Versatile tools of Nanomedicine. Research Journal of Biotechnology, 16 (4):
    245-249. NAAS rating: 4.00
    • Sujatha Thankeswaran Parvathy (2020). Engineering plants as platforms for
    production of vaccines. American Journal of Plant Sciences, 11(5): 707-735. NAAS
    rating: 3.91
    • Sujatha Thankeswaran Parvathy, Sudhir Kumar, Rishikesh Kumar and Vijaipal
    Bhadana. (2020). Food Safety: Countering the menace of food adulteration. Journal of
    Bioinnovation, 9(3):300-305.
    • Sujatha Thankeswaran Parvathy, Binay Kumar Singh, Vijai Pal Bhadana and Tilak
    Raj Sharma. (2019). CRISPR-Cas9: Editing the Entangled Patent Dispute. Acta
    Scientific Agriculture, 3 (5) : 63
    • Sujatha, T.P. (2018) Versatile roles of ubiquitous Calcium-dependent protein kinases
    (CDPKs) in plants. Journal of Oilseeds Research. 35 (1): 1-11. NAAS rating: 5.02
    • Sujatha. T.P. (2012). Genetic engineering of safflower for molecular farming, Journal
    of Oilseeds Research, 29:186-189.

     Number of Books/Book chapters : 4
    • Sujatha, T.P, Sudhir Kumar, Avinash Pandey, Arun Kumar, Adesh Kumar and Gyan
    Prakash Mishra. (2018). Model short and essay type questions and answers in
    Biotechnology. pp 119, 1st edition. Weser Books Publications, Germany. ISBN: 978-
    Book Chapters
    • Sarkar, B., Chowdhury, A.R., Sujatha, T.P., Bhadana, V.P., Sharma, T.R. and
    Pattanayak, A. (2022). Selenium Nanoparticles for Agricultural Crops In: Singh, P.,
    Anam., Srivastava, T.K and Verma R.R. (eds), Nanoparticles Applications in
    Agriculture, Imprint Scientific Publishers, New Delhi. pp180
    • Parvathy, S.T. (2024). Genome Editing: A Safe Alternative to Genetic Engineering of
    Crops. In: Tiwari, S., Koul, B. (eds) Genetic Engineering of Crop Plants for Food and
    Health Security. Springer, Singapore.
    • Parvathy, S.T., Sheela, M.N. (2024). Genetic Modification of Tropical Root and Tuber
    Crops: Prospects and Perspectives. In: Tiwari, S., Koul, B. (eds) Genetic Engineering
    of Crop Plants for Food and Health Security. Springer, Singapore.
    12. Number of Technical Bulletins (Add list): 9

    • Sujatha T.P., MD. Imran Ahmad, B.K Singh, Rishikesh Kumar, Madan Kumar, Sudhir
    Kumar, Avinash Pandey, V.P. Bhadana, R. Srinivasan and T.R.Sharma. (2018).
    Genome Editing using CRISPR-Cas9: Another bandwagon or an essential tool for
    genetic improvement? ICAR-IIAB Newsletter, July-December 2018 Issue.
    • Sujatha. T.P. (2017). Bisexuality in castor flowers alters with temperature. IIOR
    Newsletter, 23 (3&4) July-September issue.
    • Sujatha, T. Parvathy, M.A. Raoof and R.D Prasad (2013). In vitro sporulation of grey
    rot pathogen of castor and development of a screening method for Botrytis grey rot
    under artificial epiphytotic conditions. DOR Newsletter, 19 (1):8
    Policy Brief
    • Sujatha, T.P., Senthilkumar, K.M., Krishna Radhika, N and Sangeetha, B. G. (2023).
    Strategies and Policies for Biotechnology Research in Tropical Root and Tuber Crops,
    Policy Brief, ICAR-CTCRI, 8 p
    Technical Bulletin
    • Avinash Pandey, Sudhir Kumar, Rishikesh Kumar, Sujatha, T.P, Madan Kumar,
    Binay. K. Singh and V.P. Bhadana. (2018). “Technical bulletin on Rice cultivation in
    Jharkhand. ICAR-Indian Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology, Garhkhatanga,
    Ranchi – 834 010, Jharkhand, India.
    Training manual
    • Sujatha. T.P. (2012). Functional genomics for Candidate gene discovery, In Training
    manual of ICAR sponsored Winter School (December 1-21, 2012) on "Molecular
    Breeding Approaches for genetic enhancement in oilseed crops, pp. 16-23.
    Popular/Technical Article
    • Sujatha.T. Parvathy (2015).The Golden Mathematics of Life. Science Reporter
    (NISCAIR), 52 (1): 20-25.
    • Sujatha.T.Parvathy (2015).Science in the Kitchen. Science Reporter (NISCAIR),
    52(3): 20-24.
    • Parvathy S.T and S.S. Amma (2024). Tropical Root and Tuber Crops Treasures
    from the Soil. Science Reporter (NISCAIR), 61(06): 48-51.

    • Received Best Oral Presentation award for presenting research paper: Bisexuality
    precedes unisexuality and alters with temperature in castor (Ricinus communis L)
    flowers” 2nd International conference on Food and Agriculture 2018, March 29-31,
    Dhanbad, Jharkhand (Authors: Sujatha Thankeswaran Parvathy, Amala Joseph
    Prabhakaran and Adala Vishnuvardhan Reddy)
    • Received Young Scientist Award for contribution to field of Agricultural
    Biotechnology in 2nd National Conference on Doubling Farmers Income for

    Sustainable and Harmonious Agriculture DISHA 2018, 11-12 August 2018, ICAR-
    IINRG, Ranchi. Participated and presented paper on “Differentially Expressed Genes

    involved in sex determination in Castor”.
    • Assistant editor, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Springer,
    • Qualified as NABL assessor from 2023.
    • Fellow of Indian Society of Oilseeds Research (ISOR), January 2023
    • Secured I rank in M.Sc Biotechnology, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University (
    TNAU) at university level. Awarded M.S. Swaminathan Prize for Best student in
    • Awarded Ammani Ammal endowment prize for M.Sc academic performance.
    • Secured II rank in B.Sc (Agriculture), Kerala Agricultural University at University
    • Qualified the ARS-NET examination in Agricultural Biotechnology of 2010 with all
    India ranking of 2 and joined the Agricultural Research Service (ICAR) as Scientist
    (Agricultural Biotechnology) in 2011.
    • Qualified the CSIR-UGC-NET-JRF of 2001 and 2003 and awarded Junior Research
    Fellowship (2004 to 2006) and Senior Research Fellowship from (2006 to 2008) by
    CSIR, India.
    • Qualified the all India Ph.D entrance examination (Molecular Biology and
    Biotechnology) conducted by ICAR for admission to IARI with a ranking of 3 in 2003
    and IARI studentship
    • Qualified the all India M.Sc Biotechnology entrance examination conducted by JNU
    (Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi) with a ranking of 3 and awarded the JNU
    merit scholarship for M.Sc ( Biotechnology).
    • Qualified the GATE examination, 2001
    • Qualified the all India ICAR M.Sc entrance examination (Plant Sciences) with JRF and
    a ranking of 38. Obtained admission to M.Sc microbiology at G.B Pant University of
    Agriculture and Technology, Pant Nagar, UP.
    • Awarded the Kerala Agricultural University merit scholarship for all the 4 years.
    Other Achievements
    • Selected for National Merit Scholarship based on Pre-Degree marks (Ist position in
    Group II at college level).
    • Awarded A.S. Menon Gold Medal for securing top marks in ICSE exam at school level.

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