Principal Scientist
Ph.D. ( Genetics and Plant Breeding
Division of Crop Improvement
Crop Improvement (wide hybridization)
Head Quarters
Total publications
Number of Research papers : 29

     wide hybridization

    Number of Institute projects being handled : 1

     Research papers

    1. Bharathi LK, MedhiBharathi LK, Medhi RP, Venkatesh A, Damodaran V 2004. Effect of different planting densities on growth and yield of Chinese potato (Solenostemon rotundifolius). J Root Crops 30(2) :157-158 
    2. Bharathi LK, Medhi RP, Venkatesh A, Damodaran V 2005. Evaluation of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatus Lam.) varieties for Andaman conditions. J Root Crops 31(2) :144-145 
    3. Bharathi LK, Naik G, Dora DK 2005. Genetic divergence in spine gourd (Momordica dioica Roxb.).  Veg Sci 32(2) :179-181
    4. Bharathi LK, Medhi RP, Venkatesh A, Damodaran V 2005. Performance of yams in Bay island. Orissa J Hort 33(2) :7-10
    5. Bharathi LK, Naik G, Dora DK 2006. Studies on genetic variability in spine gourd (Momordica dioica)Indian J Hort 63(1): 96-97 
    6. Bharathi LK, Naik G, Dora DK 2006. Correlation and path analysis in spine gourd (Momordica dioica Roxb.). Orissa J Hort 33(2) :105-108
    7. Bharathi LK, Naik G, Vishal Nath. 2008. Selection indices for parthenocarpic clones of ivy gourd (Coccinia grandis). Indian J Agric Sci 78(10) :905-908 
    8. Singh HS, Bharathi LK,  Sahoo B, Naik G 2008. New record of vine borer (Apomycyna saltator) and its differential damage to pointed gourd (Trichosanthes dioica) varieties/accessions in Orissa. Indian J Agric Sci 78(9) :813-814 
    9. Bharathi LK, Vinod, Munshi AD, Behera TK, Shanti C, Kattukunnel JJ, Das AB, Vishalnath 2010. Cytomorphological evidence for segmental allopolyploid origin of Teasle gourd (Momordica subangulata subsp. renigera). Euphytica 176(1) :79-85 
    10. Bharathi LK, Munshi AD, Vinod, Shanti C, Behera TK, Das AB, Joseph JK, Vishalnath 2011. Cyto-taxonomical analysis of Momordica L. (Cucurbitaceae) species of Indian occurrence. J Genet 90 (1): 21-30 
    11. Bharathi LK, Vinod, Das AB, Ghosh N, Behera TK, Naik G, Vishalnath 2011. Cytomorphological and molecular characterization of interspecific F1 hybrid of Momordica dioica Roxb. × Momordica subangulata subsp. renigera. African J Agric Res 6(13): 2982-2990 
    12. Bharathi LK, Munshi AD, Behera TK, Joseph JK, Vishalnath, Bisht IS 2010. Genetic resources of spine gourd (Momordica dioica Roxb. Ex Willd.): An underexplored nutritious vegetable from tribal regions of eastern India., Plant Genet Resour 8(3) :225-228 
    13. Sivakumar PS, Panda SH, Ray RC, Naskar SK, Bharathi LK 2010.  Consumer acceptance of lactic acid fermented sweet potato pickle. J sensory studies 25706-719 
    14. Bharathi LK, Parida SK, Munshi AD, Behera TK, Raman KV, Mohapatra T 2012. Molecular diversity and phenetic relationship of Momordica spp. of Indian occurrence. Genet Resour Crop Evol 59(5): 937-948 
    15. Bharathi LK, Munshi AD, Behera TK, Vinod, Joseph JK, Bhat KV, Das AB, Sidhu AS 2012. Production and preliminary characterization of novel inter-specific hybrids derived from Momordica species. Curr Sci 103(2): 178-186 
    16. Bharathi LK, Rengasamy S, Singh S, Prabhu KV, Sharma A, Singh A, Behera TK, Sivakumar PS 2011. Estimation of capsaicin and capsaicinoid contents of high pungent chilli accessions of Andaman & Nicobar Islands and North-East India. Indian J Hort 68(4): 551-555 
    17. Bharathi LK, Vishalnath 2011. Phenotypic diversity analysis in pointed gourd (Trichosanthes dioica Roxb.). Cucurbit Genet Coop Rep 33-34: 62-64
    18. Swaroop K, Suryanarayana MA, Bharathi LK 2001. Bio diversity and performance of solanaceous vegetable crops in Andaman and Nicobar IslandsJ. Andaman Sci Assoc 17(1&2): 112-115 
    19. Bharathi LK, Behera TK, Singh R, Singh A (2013) Carotenoid contents in sweet gourd (Momordica cochinchinensis Spreng.) accessions of India. Indian J. Hortic. 70(2): 165-169 
    20. Bharathi LK, Singh HS, Shivashankar S, Ganeshamurthy AN, Sureshkumar P (2014) Assay of Nutritional Composition and Antioxidant Activity of Three Dioecious Momordica Species of South East Asia. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., India, Sect. B Biol. Sci.84 (1): 31-36 DOI 10.1007/s40011-013-0205-7 
    21. Bharathi LK, Munshi, AD, Behera TK, Joseph John, K, Bhat KV, Sidhu AS (2013) Morphological relationship among the Momordica species of Indian occurrence. Indian J Genet 73(3): 278-286 
    22. Bharathi LK, Singh HS, John, JK (2014). A novel synthetic species of Momordica (M. X suboica Bharathi) with potential as a new vegetable crop. Genet Resour Crop Evol 61: 875-878 DOI 10.1007/s10722-014-0092-7
    23. Bharathi LK, Singh HS, Shivashankar S, Ganeshamurthy AN (2014) Characterization of a fertile backcross progeny derived from inter-specific hybrid of Momordica dioica and M. subangulata subsp. renigera and its implications on improvement of dioecious Momordica spp. Sci Hortic 172: 143-148 
    24. Singh S, Singh DR, Bharathi LK, Dam Roy S (2014) Antioxidant rich fruit fractions from Momordica Spp. and their commercial potential in functional food industry. J Chem Biol Phy Sci 4(4): 3456 - 3463
    25. John KJ, Roy YC, Krishnaraj MV, Nair RA, Deepu M, Latha M, Bhat KV, Bharathi LK (2017) A new subspecies of Momordica cochinchinensis (Cucurbitaceae) from Andaman Islands, IndiaGenet Resour Crop Evol doi:10.1007/s10722-017-0512-6 
    26. Misra RC, Pani DR, Bharathi LK, Ahlawat SP (2017) Abelmoschus angulosus var. mahendragiriensis (Malvaceae): a new taxonomic variety of wild okra from Eastern Ghats of India. Genet Resour Crop Evol 
    27. Suveditha S, Bharathi LK, Krishna Reddy M (2017) First report of Cucurbit aphid-borne yellows virus infecting bitter gourd (Momordica charantia) and teasel gourd (Momordica subangulata subsp. renigera) in India. New Disease Reports, 36: 7.
    28. KJ John, K Pradheep, MA Nizar, VA Nissar, MV Krishnaraj, M Latha,  A Suma, LK Bharathi, R Asokan Nair, KV Bhat (2018) Taxonomy, Diversity and Distribution of the Genus Cucumis L. in India Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources, 78-88
    29. K Joseph John, MV Krishnaraj, K Pradheep, LK Bharathi, A Suma,  M Latha, SR Yadav, KV Bhat (2018) On the taxonomic status, occurrence and distribution of Cucumis hystrix Chakrav. and Cucumis muriculatus Chakrav.(Cucurbitaceae) in India. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 65 (6), 1687-1698

    11. Number of Books/Book chapters (Add list):  15 (Please see Annexure-6)

    1. Bharathi LK and Joseph John K (2013) Momordica genus in Asia - An Overview. p. 147.  Springer Publishers, ISBN 978-81-322-1031-3
    2. Bharathi LK, Srinivas P, Pitchaimuthu M, Singh HS (2014) Souvenir & Book of Abstracts. National Seminar-cum-Workshop on Strategies for Improvement, Enhancing, Productivity and Utilization of Cucurbits held during 8-10th August, 2014, Central Horticultural Experiment Station (ICAR-IIHR), Bhubaneswar, Odisha, 212pp.
    3. Bharathi LK 2006. Ivy gourd. In: Underutilized and underexploited Horticultural Crops Vol.1, (ed. K.V.Peter), New India Publishing Agency, New Delhi. pp. 275-282
    4. Bharathi LK 2006. Melothria. In Underutilized and underexploited Horticultural Crops Vol.1, (ed. K.V.Peter), New India Publishing Agency, New Delhi. pp. 283-287
    5. Bharathi LK, Naik G, Singh HS, Dora DK 2006. Spine gourd. In Underutilized and underexploited Horticultural Crops Vol.1, (ed. K.V.Peter), New India Publishing Agency, New Delhi. pp. 275-282
    6. Medhi RP, Bharathi LK, Venkatesh A, Damodaran V, Damodaran,T, Singh DR 2006. Evaluation of cassava varieties under island ecosystem. In Root and Tuber Crops in Nutrition, Food Security and Sustainable Environment (Eds. Naskar, S.K., M. Nedunchezhiyan, K. Rajasekhara Rao, P.S. Siva Kumar, R.C.Ray, R.S.Misra and A.Mukherjee), Regional center of CTCRI, Bhubaneswar. pp. 193-195
    7. Medhi RP, Damodaran V, Bharathi LK, Damodaran T, Venkatesh,A, Singh DR 2006. Nutrition studies on intercropping of elephant foot yam in coconut garden. In Root and Tuber Crops in Nutrition, Food Security and Sustainable Environment (Eds. Naskar, S.K., M. Nedunchezhiyan, K.Rajasekhara Rao, P.S. Siva Kumar, R.C.Ray, R.S.Misra and A.Mukherjee), Regional center of CTCRI, Bhubaneswar.  pp. 181-183
    8. Joseph JK, Bharathi LK 2008. Sweet Gourd (Momordica cochinchinensis (Lour) Spreng). In Underutilized and underexploited Horticultural Crops Vol. 4, (ed. K.V. Peter), New India Publishing Agency, New Delhi. pp. 185-191
    9. Behera TK, Behera S, Bharathi LK, Joseph JK, Philipp W Simon, Staub JE 2010. Bitter gourd: Botany, Horticulture, Breeding. In Horticultural Reviews Vol. 37 (ed. Jules Janick, Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 101-141
    10. Behera TK, Joseph JK, Bharathi LK, Karuppaiyan R 2011. MomordicaIn: Wild Crop Relatives: Genomic and Breeding Resources (ed. Kole, C.), Springer, Netherlands. ISBN 978-3-642-20449-4, pp. 217-246
    11. Bharathi LK, Behera TK, Sureja AK, Joseph JK, Wehner TC (2013) Snake Gourd and Pointed Gourd: Botany and Horticulture. In: Horticultural Reviews, Volume 41 Janick, Jules (ed.) ISBN 978-1-118-70737-1 - John Wiley & Sons
    12. Singh S, Bharathi LK (2016) Cultivation and bioprospecting of perennial cucurbits. Pp. 95-112. In: Handbook of cucurbits: Growth, cultural practices, and physiology (ed.  Mohammad Pessarakli), CRC press. ISBN: 978-1-4822-3458-9, pp-95-112
    13. Dhillon NPS, Supannika S, Singh SP, Masud MAT, Prashant Kumar, Bharathi LK, Halit Yetişir, Rukui Huang, Doan Xuan Canh, James D. Mc Creight (2016) Genetic resources of minor cucurbits. Pp. 1-18 In  Plant Genetics and Genomics: Crops and Models. ISSN 2363-9601. DOI 10.1007/7397_2016_24
    14. Singh S, Bharathi LK (2016) Cultivation and bioprospecting of perennial cucurbits. Pp. 95-112. In: Handbook of cucurbits: Growth, cultural practices, and physiology (ed.  Mohammad Pessarakli), CRC press. ISBN: 978-1-4822-3458-9
    15. Singh HS, Srinivas P and Bharathi LK (2016) Current status and strategy of improving horticultural productivity in Eastern India. In: Agricultural Technology Application: For Enhancing Productivity (eds.) Singh A.K., De H.K. and Mondal S.K. Narendra publishing House, Delhi-06, ISBN : 9789384337841. pp 119-146

    12. Number of Technical Bulletins (Add list): 6 (Please see Annexure-7)

    1. Srinivas P, Bharathi LK, Mandal S, Singh HS 2012. Pushti Nirapatta o aay vriddhi payin gharabadi (Odia). (Extension bulletin). NAIP-CHES, Bhubaneswar.
    2. Srinivas P, Bharathi LK, Mandal S, Singh HS 2012. Vaigyanik paddhati re potal chas(Odia). (Extension folder). NAIP-CHES, Bhubaneswar.
    3. Bharathi LK, Singh HS, Srinivas P, Mandal S 2013. Scientific production technology for teasel gourd. NAIP-CHES Bulletin no. CHES/EF-1
    4. Bharathi LK, Singh HS, Srinivas P, Mandal S 2013. Scientific production technology for ivy gourd in Odisha. NAIP-CHES Bulletin no. CHES/EF-2
    5. Bharathi LK, Singh HS, Srinivas P, Mandal S 2013. Scientific production technology for pointed gourd in Odisha. NAIP-CHES Bulletin no. CHES/EF-2
    6. Singh HS, Kundan Kishore, Bharathi LK, Mandal S, Srinivas P, Samant D, Sangeetha G (2014) Technologies of CHES (IIHR)-A Glimpse
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