C. Mohan
Principal Scientist
M. Sc (Ag.)-Plant Breeding & Genetics Ph.D. (Biotechnology)
Division of Crop Improvement
Plant Breeding, Biotechnology - Molecular Markers
Head Quarters
Total publications
Number of Research papers : 32 , Number of Books/Book chapters : 09. Number of Technical Bulletins : 02

    Crop breeding, genetics, molecular
    markers, molecular biology, cloning

    Institute Project (1999-2024)
    Institute project - As Principal Investigator (Completed) 1999-2020
    1. True cassava seed programme for to develop homozygous superior progenies
    2. Collection, conservation, cataloguing and evaluation of sweet potato germplasm
    3. Isolation and characterization of stress responsive genes in cassava
    4. Marker Aided Selection for CMD resistance using Association Mapping
    5. Varietal improvement in cassava for cassava mosaic disease resistance, yield and
    6. Breeding early maturing, weevil resistant, high starch, high carotene orange-fleshed
    sweet potato (OFSP) lines for consumption and industrial application
    7. Collection, conservation, cataloguing and evaluation of minor tuber crops germplasm
    8. Identification of marker linked to high starch in cassava, dwarfing gene in white yam
    and pyramiding of genes for cassava mosaic disease (CMD) resistance

    Institute project - As Principal Investigator (On Going) 2020-2025
    1. Map based cloning of CMD resistant gene(s) & identification of markers associated
    with drought tolerance and high starch content in cassava
    2. Phenomics approaches for physiological trait-based breeding for drought and PPD
    tolerance in cassava

    External Projects:
    Principal Investigator Year/Fund
    1. Isolation of differentially expressing genes in CMD resistance parent
    (MNga1) by suppression subtractive Hybridization (SSH) using cDNA
    library (PI) (DBT project)

    23.86 Lakhs

    Co-Principal Investigator/Associate
    2. Evaluation of orange-fleshed sweet potato and mapping of genetic loci
    associated with β-carotene (DRDO, LSRB project)

    10.00 Lakhs

    3. International Network for Edible Aroids (INEA): Adapting Clonally
    Propagated Crops to Climatic and Commercial Change. (European Union


    Number of research papers with NAAS Score/ no score

    Articles with NAAS Rating

    1. Mohan, C. G. Kandasamy and N. Senthil. 1999. Exploitation of heterosis and
    selection of superior combiners in pearl millet. Annals Agriculture Research,
    20(1): 91-93. 188/A190 – 4.78

    2. Mohan, C. G. Kandasamy and N. Senthil. 2002. Studies on combining ability in
    pearl millet (Pennisetumglaucum (L.) Leeke). Madras Agriculture Journal, 89: 672-
    674. 2262/M002 4.52

    3. Mohan, C., P. Shanmugasundaram, , and N. Senthil. 2013. Simple Sequence Repeat
    (SSR) markers for identification of true hybrid progenies in cassava. Bangladesh
    Journal of Botany, 42 (1): 155-159. (368/B021)-6.31

    4. Vidya, P., Aswathy G.H. Nair, C. Mohan, J. Sreekumar and Ambu Vijayan (2020).
    Construction of SSR Based Genetic Linkage Map and Identification of QTLs
    Conferring CMD Resistance in Cassava. International Journal of Bio-resource and
    Stress Management, 11(4), 387-397. (1410/I187).5.11

    5. Vidya, P., Aswathy G.H. Nair, C. Mohan, Ambu Vijayan and J. Sreekumar (2019).
    Studying the Disease Resistance and Morphological Variations in Cassava.
    International Journal of Bio-resource and Stress Management, 10(4):436-444..5.11

    6. Amritha, M.S., Dhanya, O.G., Nair, A.G., Vidya, P., Muthusamy, S.K. and Mohan, C.,
    2024. Genetic diversity studies between Ipomoea wild species and cultivated
    sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.) using SSR markers. South African
    Journal of Botany. (Accepted) (NAAS:910).9.10


    6. Ramamoorthy, K. C. Mohan, N. Natarajan and A. Lakshmanan. 1997. Seed
    biofortification with Azospirillum for improvement of seedling vigour in Rice
    (Oryza sativa). Advance Plant Science, 12 (1): 315-316. – 71/A068; 2.802.80

    7. Rajendran, P. G., C. Mohan and J. Sreekumar. 2005. Standardisation of true cassava
    seed (TCS) programme with special emphasis on more homogeneous, CMD
    resistant progenies. Euphytica, 142: 13-22. 932/E116 7.90

    8 Angel, G. R., T. Makeshkumar, C. Mohan, B. Vimala and B. Nambisan. 2008. Genetic
    Diversity Analysis of Starchy Curcuma Species Using RAPD Markers. J. Plant
    Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 17(2), 173-176.7.18

    9 Raghu, D., N. Senthil., M. Raveendran, K. Nageswari, G. Karthikeyan, L. Pugalenthi,
    G. J. Janavi, R. Jana Jeevan and C. Mohan. 2012. Molecular Studies on the
    Transmission of Indian Cassava Mosaic Virus (ICMV) and Sri Lankan Cassava
    Mosaic Virus (SLCMV) in Cassava by Bemisiatabaci and Cloning of ICMV and
    SLCMV Replicase Gene from Cassava. Molecular Biotechnology, 53: 150-158.

    10 Shekhar, S., Agrawal, L., Mishra, D., Buragohain, A.K., Unnikrishnan, M., Mohan, C.,
    Chakraborty, S. and Chakraborty, N., 2016. Ectopic expression of amaranth seed
    storage albumin modulates photo-assimilate transport and nutrient acquisition in
    sweet potato. Scientific Reports, 6, p.25384. 2804/S02710.38

    11. Koundinya A V V, Ajeesh B R, Hegde V, Sheela M N, Mohan C and Asha K.I. 2021.
    Genetic parameters, stability and selection of cassava genotypes between rainy
    and water stress conditions using AMMI, WAAS, BLUP and MTSI. Scientia
    Horticulturae, 281: 109949. (2800/S023)9.46

    12. Vivek Hegde, Makesh Kumar T, Sheela MN, Koundinya AVV, Senthilkumar KM and
    Mohan C. 2021. Cassava (Manihot esculenta) Synthetic Seed Production for
    Germplasm Exchange. Indian J. Plant Genet. Resour., 34(3): 404–410. 1309/I087

    13. Koundinya, A.V.V., Muthusamy, S.K., Ajeesh, B.R., Mohan, C., Sreekumar, J., Pulapet,S., Markkandan, K. and Sheela, M.N., 2024. Elucidation of novel drought-responsive genes from tuber transcriptome of cassava under water deficit stress. South African Journal of Botany. (Accepted) (NAAS:910) 9.10

    Articles without NAAS Rating
    14. Mohan C., Rajendran, P. G and S. G. Nair. 2001. Transient male fertility in cassava Ambakadan –
    A male sterile line. Journal of Root Crops, 27: 50-51.
    15. Rajendran, P. G., C. Mohan and J. Sreekumar. 2004. Breeding true cassava seed progeny for
    mosaic disease (CMD) resistance. Gene Conserve, 11: 154-186.
    16. Mohan, C., P. Shanmugasundaram, M. Maheswaran, N. Senthil, Raghu. D and Unnikrishnan, M.
    2013. Mapping new genetic markers associated with CMD resistance in cassava (Manihot
    esculentaCrantz) us simple sequence repeat markers. Journal of Agricultural Science, 5 (5): 57-
    17. Hariprakash B., M. Unnikrishnan and C. Mohan. 2010. In vitro propagation and regeneration
    studies in Curculigoorchioids Garten., a medicinal and endangered plant species. J. Root Crops,
    36(2): 149-154.
    18. Unnikrishnan, M., B. Hariprakash and C. Mohan. 2010. Micorpropagation and in vitro
    conservation of Tacca pinnatifida. Forst. J. Root Crops, 36(2): 155-160
    19. Unnikrishnan, M., B. Hariprakash and C. Mohan. 2010. In vitro plantlet regeneration and
    microrhizoe induction in three species of Kaempferia. J. Root Crops, 36(2): 161-171
    20. Raghu, D., N. Senthil., M. Raveendran, K. Nageswari, G. Karthikeyan, L. Pugalenthi, G. J. Janavi,
    R. Jana Jeevan and C. Mohan. 2011. Starch content and cassava mosaic disease genetic
    diversity with relation to yield in South Indian cassava germplasm. Journal of Crop Science and
    Biotechnology, 14:179-189.
    21. Vidya P., Aswathy G.H. Nair, C. Mohan (2021). Identification of Quantitative Trait Loci (QTLs)
    Conferring Dry Matter Content and Starch Content in Cassava (Manihot
    esculenta Crantz), American Journal of BioScience. 9(1),1-9.
    22. P. Vidya, Aswathy G. H. Nair, J. Sreekumar, M. N. Sheela and C. Mohan (2015). Identification of
    Disease Resistance Genes in Cassava using NBS Transcriptome Profiling. Journal of Root Crops,
    41(1): 12-16.
    23. P. Vidya, Aswathy G. H. Nair, J. Sreekumar, M. N. Sheela and C. Mohan (2015). Influence of
    Different Pre-treatments on Enhancing Seed Germination in Cassava. Journal of Root Crops,
    41(2): 28-35.
    24. Aswathy G. H. Nair, P. Vidya, J. Sreekumar and C. Mohan (2017). Effect of Seed Pre-sowing
    Treatment on Germination of Sweet potato. International Journal of Applied and Pure Science
    and Agriculture, 3(9): 69-75.
    25. Aswathy G. H. Nair, P. Vidya, J. Sreekumar and C. Mohan (2017). Genetic diversity studies in
    cultivated sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam) revealed by simple sequence repeat
    markers. International Journal of Advanced Biotechnology Research, 7(1):33-48.
    26. Aswathy G. H. Nair, P. Vidya, V. Ambu, J. Sreekumar and C. Mohan (2017). Evaluation of orange
    fleshled sweet potato genotypes for storage root yield and dry matter content. International J.l
    of Applied and Pure Science and Agri. Pp:82-85.
    27. Aswathy G. H. Nair, P. Vidya and C. Mohan (2016). Analysis of genetic variability in sweet
    potato accessions using Start Codon Targeted (SCoT) polymorphism. International Journal of
    Biotechnology and Biochemistry, 12(2):111-121.
    28. Aswathy G. H. Nair, P. Vidya, J. Sreekumar, M. N. Sheela and C. Mohan (2015). Evaluation of dry
    matter, starch content and β-carotene in F1 progenies of a cross between white fleshed and
    orange fleshed sweet potato. Journal of Root Crops, 41(2): 17-22
    29. Duraisamy, R., Arumugam, C., Natesan, S., Muthurajan, R., Gandhi, K., Lakshmanan, P., Janavi,
    G.J., Karuppusamy, N. and Chokkappan, M., 2017. Host-Pathogen Interaction of Cassava
    (Manihot esculentaCrantz) and Cassava Mosaic Viruses (ICMV and SLCMV). Int. J. Curr.
    Microbiol. App. Sci, 6(7), pp.1305-1317.
    30. Duraisamy, R., Natesan, S., Muthurajan, R.,Gandhi, K., Lakshmanan, P., Janaky, J.G.,
    Karuppusamy, N. and Mohan, C. 2019. Proteomic analysis of Cassava Mosaic Virus (CMV)
    responsive proteins in cassava leaf. Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. App. Sci., 8(4): 2988-3005.
    31. Aswathy G. H. Nair, P. Vidya, J. Sreekumar and C. Mohan. 2021. Construction of a Genetic
    Linkage Map based on SSR Markers and Identification of QTLs Related to β-carotene, Dry
    Matter and Starch Content in Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas ). Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. App. Sci.,
    10(1): 62-85
    32. Sreekumar,J., M.N. Sheela, C. Mohan, and Ambu Vijayan. (2024). SNP marker development in
    cassava for cassava mosaic disease resistance using bioinformatics tools. Journal of Root Crops, 48(1&2), 57–63.https://journal.isrc.in/index.php/jrc/article/view/631


    Books: 01
    Murugesan, P., Senthilkumar, K.M., Krishna Radhika, N., Visalakshi Chandra, C. and Mohan, C.
    2023. Sustainable Utilization of Genetic Resources of Neglected and Underutilized Tuber Crops
    for Climate Resilience and Nutritional Security, ICAR-CTCRI, Kerala, India. ISBN:
    9788195747900, 230p.
    Book chapters: 08

    1. Mohan, C. Tropical Tuber Crops. (ed.) H.P. Singh, V.A. Parthasarathy and K. Nirmal Babu.
    2011. Advances in Horticulture Biotechnology, - Molecular Markers and Marker Assisted
    Selection - Vegetables, Ornamentals and Tuber Crops (Volume IV), pp 187-230, Westville
    Publishing House, New Delhi.
    2. Mohan, C and M. Unnikrishnan. Tropical Tuber Crops. (ed.) H.P. Singh, V.A. Parthasarathy and
    K. Nirmal Babu. 2011. Advances in Horticulture Biotechnology, - Transgenics - Vegetables,
    Ornamentals and Tuber Crops (Volume V), pp 444-494, Westville Publishing House, New
    3. Mohan, C and Aswathy G. H. Nair. 2012. Characterization of genes and promoters,
    Transformation and Transgenic Development in Sweet potato. Book Chapter published by
    Global Science Book. Fruits, Vegetable and Cereal Science and Biotechnology, 6: 43-56.
    4. Mohan, C., Aswathy G. H. Nair and Samiran K. Naskar. 2012. Molecular Mapping and genetic
    diversity studies in Sweet potato. Book Chapter published by Global Science Book. Fruits,
    Vegetable and Cereal Science and Biotechnology, 6: 57-64.
    5. C. Mohan, P. Vidya and Aswathy G. H. Nair (2017). Tropical Roots and Tubers: Production,
    Processing and Technology, First Edition. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. pp. 135-179.
    6. Vidya P., Aswathy G.H. Nair, Mohan C. and Sreekumar J (2019). Chapter1. Plant Breeding:An
    Introduction to Plant Biology (Vol-1). AkiNik Publications, New Delhi. Pp. 3-37
    7. Training Manual on ‘Potential Tropical Tuber Crops: Production Technologies, Value Added
    and Functional Foods’ was organized by ICAR-Research Complex for NEH Region, Mizoram
    Centre, Kolasib. 21.02.2020
    8. Senthilkumar, K.M., Hegde, V. and Mohan, C. 2023. Linkage and association mapping
    approaches for improvement of tuber crops. In: Sustainable Exploitation of Genetic
    Resources of Underutilized Tuber Crops. Murugesan, P., Senthilkumar, K.M., Krishna Radhika,
    N., Visalakshi Chandra, C. and Mohan, C. (Eds.). ICAR-CTCRI, Kerala, India, (ISBN:
    9788195747900), pp. 220-230.

    Technical Bulletin / Training Manual.
    1. Mohan C., I. Shakuntala, Vivek Hegde, K. M. Senthilkumar, T. Krishnakumar, V.B.S.
    Chauhan and VishambharDayal. 2022. Training Manual on “Potential tropical Tuber Crops
    - Production Technologies, value added & functional foods”. For ICAR-CTCRI NEH
    Program (Mizoram)
    2. Mohan, C., Muthuraj R, P. S. Sivakumar and Lalhmingsanga. 2024. Tuber Crops Manual:
    Tropical Tuber Crops - Production Technologies, Value Added and Functional Foods. For
    ICAR-CTCRI NEH Program (Mizoram)

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    Scientific Staffs
    M. Sc (Ag.)-Plant Breeding & Genetics Ph.D. (Biotechnology)