Name | Sree Athulya |
Year of Release | 2014 |
Maturity | 10 months |
Yield | 35-40 t ha-1 |
Potential yield | 70 t ha-1 |
Species | Cassava |
Suitable growing region
Irrigated Plains of Tamil Nadu such as Salem, Namakkal and Dharmapuri districts, Kerala
Triploid from the cross OP-4 (2x) x Sree Visakham (4x)
Key traits
- Tall, erect top branching with greyish brown stout stem
- Emerging leaves purple, leaves thick, broad palmately lobed (7-9 lobes) with acuminate tip
- Long purple coloured petiole (26-35cm) with green tinge
- Shy flowering
- Long cylindrical tubers with brown skin, cream rind and white flesh
- Tuber neck absent
- Extractable starch high (30.2%)
- Cooking quality fair
- Ideal for cassava based industries
- Field tolerant to Cercospora leaf spot, spider mite and scale insect
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