
A stakeholders interface programme on Improved technologies of tuber crops for sustainable income was organized on 26 July 2024 at ADH office, Ambasamudram, Tirunelveli. Mr. Elangovan, Deputy Director of Horticulture, Tirunelveli was the Chief Guest and inaugurated the interface. In his inaugural address he spoke about the technological interventions by ICAR-CTCRI for the development of major tuber crops viz., Chinese potato, elephant foot yam, taro and cassava grown in Tirunelveli and Tenkasi districts. He highlighted that demonstrations of improved varieties viz., Sree Dhara in Chinese potato, Sree Padma and Gajendra in elephant foot yam, Sree Jaya, Sree Vijaya, Sree Pavithra and Sree Reksha in cassava had doubled the farmers income and also paved way for area expansion under improved varieties. Development and Distribution of micronutrient formulations 'Micronol' for tuber crops, Chinese potato grader and critical inputs for farmers in Tirunelveli and Tenkasi districts are notable cotributions of ICAR-CTCRI, he said. Dr. G. Byju, Director, ICAR-CTCRI presided over the function. Director spoke about the contributions of ICAR-CTCRI for tuber crops development through seed villages and demonstrations on improved varieties, technologies and machinery in Tamil Nadu. Micronol developed for taro is being on farm validated in twelve taro fields in Tirunelveli and Tenkasi districts. Director said that Chinese potato harvester, cassava stem cutter, peeler for tuber crops are developed which will be demonstrated for farmers shortly. Dr. R. Muthuraj, Principal Scientist, Dr. D. Jaganathan, Senior Scientist, Shri. D. T. Rejin, Senior Technician from ICAR-CTCRI, Dr. Sukumar, Head and Mr. Elavarasan, SMS, KVK, Tirunelveli, Smt. Pandiyammal, ADH, Ambasamudram, Mr. Ibrahim, Development Officer, Linga Chemicals, Madurai and 30 progressive farmers from Tenkasi and Tirunelveli participated in the interface. Prospects and Challenges in tuber crops were discussed for formulating future action plans