
24th Annual Group Meeting (AGM) of All India Coordinated Research Project on Tuber Crops (AICRPTC) is organized at Navsari Agricultural University (NAU), Gujarat during 25-27 July 2024. Dr. Z.P. Patel, Vice Chancellor, NAU inaugurated the programme. Dr. Sudhakar Pandey, Asst. Director General, Hort. Science, ICAR, New Delhi was Guest of Honour. Dr. T.R. Ahlawat, Director of Research; Dr. R.M. Naik, Dean, ASPEE College of Horticulture; Dr. James George, Former Director i/c, ICAR-CTCRI & Project Coordinator, AICRPTC and Dr. Archana Mukherjee, Former Director, ICAR-CTCRI & Project Coordinator i/c graced the inaugural ceremony. Dr. G. Byju, Director, CTCRI & Project Coordinator, AICRPTC briefed a summary of activities. The AICRPTC started in 1968, one of 60 such AICRPs in India and headquartered at ICAR-CTCRI, has been conceptualized for validation of tuber crops technologies for different agro climatic zones of India through multilocation trials and currently it has 21 centres across 18 states / Union Territories spanning 11 out of 15 agroclimatic zones. The AGM discusses 30 different programmes including tuber crops biodiversity conservation, variety development, crop management technologies and special programmes for scheduled castes, scheduled tribes as well as tribals. Two days detailed deliberations discuss the progress of work by all 21 centres in India as well as prepare a plan of action of work for next year, 2024-25. The AICRPTC centre at Dr.SKLTHU, Hyderabad, Telangana bagged the best centre award during 2023-24 based on its overall performance. It is noteworthy that 6 centres have published Catalogues of Genetic Resources of Tuber Crops germplasm including which 29 different publications were released during the inaugural ceremony.