Institute projects completed
1 Mineralization and immobilization of nutrients in tropical tuber crops growing soils
2 Long term effect of manures and fertilizers in an acid ultisol growing cassava (phase II)
3 Rapid appraisal of the nutrient status of cassava growing soils of Kerala
4 Long term fertilizer cum manorial experiment in cassava (Phase III)
5 Mineral nutrition of Aroids
6 Screening potassium efficient genotypes for edible and industrial uses
7 Screening N efficiency potential of K use efficient genotypes
8 Screening nutrient use efficient genotypes for low input management
9 Screening nutrient use efficient genotypes for low input management
Institute projects being handled
1 Long term effect of advanced integrated nutrient management (INM) practices on the sustainability of cassava (Phase III)
2 Diagnosis and correction of emerging soil-plant nutritional disorders in tropical tuber crops
3 Standardization of nano urea and nano DAP for cassava
Externally Funded projects completed
1 Integrated nutrient management strategy for Tannia (Xanthosoma sagittifolium L. Schott) with special emphasis on diagnosis of nutritional disorders (Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment, GoK)
2 Demonstration and Popularization of Integrated Nutrient Management (INM) Practices Involving Secondary and Micronutrients in Cassava (State Horticulture Mission, GoK)
3 Soil based plant nutrient management plan for agro-ecosystems of Kerala (Kerala State Planning Board)
4 Application of microorganisms in agriculture and allied sectors: PGPR annd Biocontrol (National Bureau of Agriculturally Important Microorganisms (ICAR-NBAIR)
5 Enhancing the economic viability of coconut based cropping systems for land use planning in Kerala State ( Department of Agriculture, Government of Kerala)
6 Response of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) to polysulphates under Ultisols ( Laterites) and Entisols (Sandy Plains) of Kerala (Potash Research Institute of India)
Externally Funded projects being handled- NIL