Professional Information
Area of specialization Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry
Area of interest

a. Soil test based plant nutrient management
b. Secondary and micronutrient management of tropical tuber crops (Soil and foliar)
c. Diagnosis and correction of nutritional disorders
d. Screening nutrient efficient genotypes for low input management
e. Nutrient efficient microbial isolates as substitutes to chemical fertilizers
f. Cassava starch factory solid waste management for nutrient recycling
g. Development of customized fertilizer formulations for tuber crops under intercropping in coconut
h. Cassava mosaic disease management through nutrient management
i. Rationalization of fertilizer recommendations of tuber crops based on soil and plant requirement
k. Long term fertilizer cum manurial experiments
l. Low input management strategy in tropical tuber crops
m. Nano fertilizers in tropical tuber crops

Number of institute projects completed 8
Number of Institute projects being handled 3
Number of externally funded projects completed 6
Number of externally funded projects being handled Nil
Number of students guided for a) Ph.D: 5 b) M.Phil: Nil c) M. Sc: 18
Number of students being guided for a) Ph.D: 2 b) M.Phil: Nil c) M.Sc: 1
Information on guide ship Ph.D (Order: No. Ac. E1.A2/48014/2009 dated 4 March 2009 of the Registrar, University of Kerala) on Environmental Science
Technologies developed

1. Soil test based fertilizer cum manurial recommendation for tropical tuber crops
a. Recommendation for farm yard manureĀ  (FYM) based on soil organic carbon
b. Soil test based recommendation for Mg, Zn and B

2. Integrated nutrient management practices for tannia (Xanthosoma sagittifolium L. Schott)
3. Green manuring in situ with cowpea as the best organic manure source for cassava
4. Avoiding the use of P in high P soils
5. Nutritional disorders due to deficiency of K, Ca, Mg, and B in cassava and its correction
6.Low input management strategy in cassava
7.Nutrient use efficient genotypes in cassava
8.Nutrient recycling in cassava through cassava starch factory solid waste (thippi) composting
9.Customized fertilizer mixtures for elephant foot yam (EFY) intercropped in coconut gardens
10.NUE bio fertilizers in reducing chemical fertilizers in EFY
Number of Research Papers 85
Number of Books/Book chapters 16
Number of Books edited 4
Number of Technical Bulletins 11