The general administration of the Institute is vested with the Director, with support from the research divisions (Headquarters & Regional Centre), AICRPTC, Research Coordination & Management (RCM) Unit, Administration and Accounts, Farm and Library. The Research Advisory Committee (RAC) and Institute Management Committee (IMC) assist in identifying priorities and needs of the Institute. The Staff Research Council (SRC) in which all the Scientists are members is the supreme body to finalize the research programmes of the Institute and also to evaluate the performance of research projects. The various research activities of ICAR-CTCRI are carried out by five Divisions viz.
Development of agro techniques for tuber crops is the main objective of this division. Agro techniques for the new varieties released by ICAR-CTCRI are developed by them and this should be followed while raising these varieties to realize their projected potentials. Studies going on in this division are mainly on long term fertilizer trials, site specific nutrient management, organic farming, physiology of tuber crops, soil conservation etc. Soil testing is also done in this division on payment basis. Agrotechniques and soil fertility management practices to maximize production of all the major tropical tuber crops were developed. Agronomic requirements for obtaining higher production, such as ideal planting time, optimum size of planting material, plant population, irrigation requirement, scheduling of irrigation and intercultural operations as well as proper storage techniques were standardised in cassava, sweet potato, yams and aroids. For the better establishment and thereby shortening the crop duration a nursery technique, with healthy stems planted closely at 5 cm so as to accommodate 400 setts per m2, was developed for cassava in nontraditional areas. A simple farmer oriented technology aimed at rapid multiplication of cassava using 2 node cuttings, yams using 30g minisetts, elephant foot yam using 100g corm pieces or cormels and taro using 10 g cormels were developed and large quantities of planting materials are being produced and distributed to farmers. more
The main mission of the division of Crop Improvement is the development of new varieties of tropical tuber crops which cater to the diverse needs of different clientele groups. A total of 5000 germplasm collected from different parts of India and abroad which represents the rich diversity of all the tropical tuber crops is being maintained both as field gene bank as well as in vitro active gene bank. About 40 varieties of the different tuber crops have been released by this division. These new varieties have some important attributes like high yield, high starch content, tolerance /resistance to different pests and diseases, good culinary properties, adaptability to different soil conditions etc. Different advanced biotechnological tools are also being used in this division for developing improved varieties of tuber crops. more
Development of plant protection technologies for tuber crops is the mandate of this division. Research on various diseases and pests affecting tuber crops is the major activity. The areas affected by different pests and diseases are visited by the experts of the division and the methods to solve the problems are recommended and demonstrated for the benefit of the farmers. Biotechnological approaches for managing important viral diseases like cassava mosaic disease is one of the major research works going on here. The division had developed biopesticides from cassava leaves and it is being sold to farmers at a very nominal rate. more
Development of processing technologies to add value to tuber crops and machinery for cost effective processing are the major activities of the Division. Technologies were standardized for making value added snack foods from tuber crops and commercialized to small scale entrepreneurs .Innovative technologies like bioethanol from Cassava, high fructose syrup from cassava starch, cold water miscible starch , solid adhesive for bonding applications, superabsorbence polymers,functional pasta products with low glycaemic index,leaf protein concentrate for fish feed, minimally processed cassava and elephant foot yam have been developed. Processing machinery like chipping machines, raspers, starch extraction units and feed granulators are in constant demand from clients. more
Technology assessment, transfer of tuber crops technologies and generation of socio-economic and impact information on tuber crops are done by this section. Various means and modes of technology transfer are 1.On farm trials, 2.front Line demonstrations, Field days, Farmers Seminar, Extension Literature etc. Visitor service is another important work of this section. Development and maintenance of the website of the institute, online agro advisory, cyber extension, bioinformatics, development of statistical applications for tuber crops research, market studies and other economic applications, studies on consumer preferences etc. are some of the other activities going on in the section. more
The Regional Centre of the Institute at Bhubaneswar is concentrating on research on sweet potato and aroids catering to the needs of the Eastern and North Eastern Regions of the country. It also functions as a Phytosanitary Centre for screening of germplasm received from abroad. At present 13 Institutional and 9 externally aided projects dealing with the vital issues related to improvement, production, protection and utilization of tropical tuber crops and also to fulfill the socio-economic commitments of the farming community are in operation at the Regional Centre. more