Professional Information
Area of specialization Crop Improvement (wide hybridization)
Area of interest wide hybridization
Number of institute projects completed Nil
Number of Institute projects being handled 1
Technologies developed Arka Neelachal Kunki, A dual purpose variety (salad and cooked vegetable).
  Arka Neelachal Sabuja: Plant starts flowering from 35-40 days after planting and give marketable yield upto 10 months.
  Arka Neelachal Kirti: Plant starts flowering from55-60 days after planting
Arka Neelachal Gourav: Fruits are attractive, uniform lush green, round oval shaped with soft seeded. Tolerant to Downey Mildew and Anthracnose.
Arka Neelachal Shyama: Plants are spreading. Early variety (65-70 DAS). Fruits are round light green coloured masked with light pink colour medium sized (10.45 x 3.5 cm) weighing around 40-45 g.
Arka Neelachal Prabha: Mid season variety and fruits mature in 65-75 days. The plant has upright growth habit with heavy fruiting potential.
Arka Neelachal Shanti: High propagation efficiency. Short dormany (3 months). High natural fruit set (71%).
Number of Research papers/Publications/Books etc
Number of Research Papers 29
Number of Books 15
Number of Technical bulletin 6