Training on Hitech banana and cassava technologies for farmers

ICAR-National Research Centre for Banana(NRCB), Tiruchirapalli; ICAR-Central Tuber Crops Research Institute (CTCRI), Thiruvananthapuram and Department of Forests, Namakkal, Government of Tamil Nadu jointly organized a training programme on Hitech banana and cassava technologies for holistic development of tribal farmers in Namakkal district on 04 February 2025 at ICAR-NRCB, Thayanur, Trichy.
Training Programme on Improved Cassava Varieties & Technologies

ICAR-Central Tuber Crops Research Institute (CTCRI), Thiruvananthapuram in collaboration with ICAR-National Research Centre for Banana (NRCB), Tiruchirapalli; AICRP TC TCRS, Yethapur, Salem; Tribal Welfare department, Govt. of Tamil Nadu; Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Tiruhirapalli and Department of Horticulture, Government of Tamil Nadu, organized a training programme on Improved varieties and technologies of cassava for enhancing productivity and farm income on 03 February 2025 at Thonur village, Pachamalai hills, Tiruchirapalli district of Tamil Nadu under Tribal Sub Plan (TSP).
MoU Signed between ICAR-CTCRI and Saintgits College

A Memorandum of Understanding was signed between ICAR-CTCRI and the Saintgits College of Engineering (Autonomous) (SCE), Kottayam on 30th January 2025. This MoU aims to establish broad collaboration between ICAR-CTCRI and SCE in research, design, and development of innovative products/projects, conducting education programs; intellectual property generation and commercialization of products developed on the basis of equality and reciprocity and promote relations and mutual understanding between both the organizations.
Empowering Farmers with Quality Tuber Planting Materials

Training on quality planting material production of tuber crops and distribution of inputs- Farmers training and distribution of production equipment was held at K.V.M.S. Hall, Kalanjoor, Parakkodu block, Pathanamthitta under the leadership of I.C.A.R.-Central Tuber Research Institute on 27.1.2025. The program is being implemented for farmers selected as part of the Scheduled Caste sub-program of CTCRI. The program was inaugurated by Kalanjoor Panchayat President Smt. T.V. Pushpavalli. Dr. K. Sunil Kumar, Principal Scientist at CTCRI and leader of the program, presided over the program. Parakkodu Block Panchayat Vice President Smt. Maniyamma, Kalanjoor Panchayat Vice President Smt. Mini Abraham, members Shri. S.P. Sajan, Mrs. Bindu, Mr. Shaji Alexander and Mrs. Asha Saji spoke. Assistant Director of Agriculture Mr. Roni Varghese participated.

CTCRI Vision 2050 provides an oppurtunity to evaluate the relevance of tropical tuber crops in food security by introspecting the accomplishment and visualizing the challenges this sector may face in future. It also critically examines possible scenario of operating environment.
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