Deciphered pathogens associated with postharvest rot in elephant foot yam
Two biotypes of cassava whitefly (Bemisia tabaci), Asia II5 and Asia I were reported in cassava
Endosymbiotic bacteria, Arsenophonus found in Asia II5 is an ‘indirect helper’ for virus spread by
protecting viral coat protein from degradation in insect system with their GroEL chaperones
Developed following diagnostic tools for major viruses and fungal pathogens infecting tropical tuber crops in India
Developed rapid screening techniques for locating resistance against taro leaf blight and collar rot
Developed CTCRI formulation for growth
promotion and pathogen suppression
Water (10 l), Cow urine (2 l), neem cake (1kg), 21
numbers of leaves of each, neem, bel, custard
apple, peepal, eucalyptus and castor were taken
in an earthen pot, mixed thoroughly and the Developed CTCRI formulation for growth
promotion and pathogen suppression
Water (10 l), Cow urine (2 l), neem cake (1kg), 21
numbers of leaves of each, neem, bel, custard
apple, peepal, eucalyptus and castor were taken
in an earthen pot, mixed thoroughly and the
Studied epidemiology of taro leaf blight and disease progression
Integrated disease management techniques for cassava tuber rot, CMD, greater yam anthracnose,
collar rot and post harvest rot of elephant foot yam and taro leaf blight were developed. Adhoc recommendations for cassava stem and root rot and stem and leaf rot of EFY were developed
Organic management of collar rot and postharvest rot in elephant foot yam
Pheromone technology based IPM for sweet potato weevil (SPW)
IPM developed for whitefly, mealy bug, scales, mites, spiralling whitefly, sweet potato weevil and
storage pests
Organic management practices for the management of greater yam anthracnose, collar rot and post
harvest rot of elephant foot yam and taro leaf blight were developed.
Developed three biopesticides from cassava crop residues- Nanma, Shreya & Menma from cassava which is effective against pseudo stem weevil in banana & sucking pests in vegetables
Cassava tuber based medium for the multiplication of Trichoderma and vegetable waste based liquid formulation for an endophyte, Bacillus subtilis were developed for managing TLB, collar rot and
greater yam anthracnose
Identified new strains of entomopathogenic nematodes, Heterorhabditis sp. and Steinernema sp. for
pest management in tuber crops
Proved the compatibility of Trichoderma asperellum with fungicides, insecticides, weedicides and fertilizers
Protocols developed for production of virus free cassava, sweet potato, greater yam and elephant foot yam
Wild species of tuberous Ipomoea mauritiana - against sweet potato weevil
Cultivar, Sree Bhadra was identified as a resistant trap crop for managing nematodes
Muktakeshi and germplasm accessions (C-618, C-717, E-10, C-388, C-370,C-690, C-679, C-84, C-203 and U-8) – against leaf blight
Elephant foot yam
Germplasm accessions (3No- Am-1, Am-128 & AmW-22) against collar rot
Sree Karthika & Sree Keerthi – against anthracnose
Developed genetic transformation protocols for cassava and elephant foot yam
Transgenic cassava (cv.H165) having RNAi construct for resistance against Sri Lankan cassava mosaic virus
Role of micro RNAs in cassava mosaic disease development and recovery
Full genome sequences were made for Indian cassava mosaic virus (2), Sri Lankan cassava mosaic virus (4), sweet potato leaf curl virus (6) and dasheen mosaic virus (1)
Infectious clones of ICMV, SLCMV and SPLCV were developed
Recombinant clones of coat protein gene of SLCMV, SPFMV and DsMV were developed in bacterial expression system for antibody production
Transcriptomic analysis was done with Cassava mosaic virus and Dasheen mosaic virus infected samples and elucidated the gene expression during infection
Sago as gelling agent in tissue culture
medium in lieu of agar-agar
Barcodes were developed for the pests,cassava and sweet potato whitefly, spiralling whitefly infesting cassava and arrowroot, sweet potato leaf miner
Nineteen bioactive molecules were isolated and identified from the endosymbiotic bacteria associated with nematodes
Novel isomers of cyclo (pro-leu), cyclo (pro-tyr) and stilbene derivatives were identified to have antibacterial and antifungal activities
The structure of these compounds were elucidated as diketopiperazine derivatives which have good
cytotoxic activity
Demonstrated utilization of bio-agents for pathogen suppression (TLB, Collar rot and anthracnose)
and growth promotion