Institute projects completed/being handled
1 Dissemination of technology and ict applications in oil palm sector
2 Collection, conservation, cataloguing and evaluation of oil palm germplasm
3 Breeding for high yield in oil palm
4 Breeding for dwarfness in oil palm
5 Strengthening of seed gardens for indigenous seed production
6 Biotechnological studies in oil palm
7 Investigations on rapid multiplication of yams and aroids
8 Developing innovative techniques for seed production in tropical tuber crops and quality planting material production in cassava, sweet potato and chinese potato
9 Improvement of tomato to develop suitable variety for manipur
10 Improvement of brinjal to develop suitable varieties for manipur including agrotechniques
11 Development and transfer of tuber crops technology for the neh region
12 Development of suitable agrotechniques for pineapple in rainfed foothills of manipur
13 Development of grading system for oil palm ffb and estimation of factory level
14 Multidisciplinary approaches for transfer of technology and area expansion in relation to oil palm development in india
Details of external funded Research Projects handled/being handled.
1 Popularization of climate resilient improved varieties of tuber crops for food, nutrition and doubling income with emphasis on wellness of tribal and marginal farmers in Kerala
2 Development of quality standards for planting material in oil palm nursery (PI)
3 Optimization of pollen viability and storage techniques in oil palm (PI)
4 Strengthening of oil palm genetic resources in India (Co PI)
5 National network on integrated development of Jatropha (Co PI)
6 The technology mission for horticulture development in the north eastern region including Sikkim’: MM-1(Co PI)
7 Consultancy project on oil palm hybrid seed production at seed garden at Taraka (PI)
8 Consultancy project on oil palm hybrid seed production (Co PI)